Final Year Project Management System for SC2002 Assignment
├── Database # Data in text file format
├── doc # JavaDoc documentation in HTML
├── out # Compiled .class and .jar files
├── src # Java source files in .java
├── ...
├── src # Java source files in .java
│ ├── fypms # Package named fypms
│ ├── META-INF
└── ...
- In your command line, change directory to the root folder
cd ...\SC2002-Group-2-FYPMS
- Run the jar file
java -jar ./out/artifacts/SC2002_Group_2_FYPMS_jar/SC2002-Group-2-FYPMS.jar
- Login as users. Default password is
- @lyroxide
- @codesket
- @Rheanne8
- @thehamcar
- @lim-jun-yu