cmake -B build
cmake --buld build
cp build/btuart $HOME/.local/bin
usage: btuart -w {btsnoop} -r {rx} -t {tx} -b {baudrate} -5 -4 -h
-w {file} write the dump data to the {file}
-r {dev} monitor the serial port receiving data
-t {uart} monitor the serial port that sends data
-b {baudate} serial buad rate
-4 when the captured data is not H4 protocol
use H4 protocol to save the data
-5 use h5 protocol
-h display the message
(BT UART RX) ---------------> (FT232 or other uart device 1 RX)
(BT UART TX) ---------------> (FT232 or other uart device 2 RX)