What's Changed
- Fixes infinite loading bug when looking at historical squad on that matchday by @Lukasdotcom in #301
- Creates a custom login page and adds tos by @Lukasdotcom in #304
- Gives World Cup 2022 the correct player pictures by @Lukasdotcom in #309
- Allows transfers on a matchday by @Lukasdotcom in #310
- Makes the user colors more varied for profile pictures by @Lukasdotcom in #311
Dependency Changes
- Update dependency csv-stringify to v6.2.2 by @renovate in #303
- Update dependency @mui/material to v5.10.15 by @renovate in #302
- Update dependency cypress to v11.2.0 by @renovate in #305
- Update dependency prettier to v2.8.0 by @renovate in #306
- Update nextjs monorepo to v13.0.5 by @renovate in #307
- Update dependency @mui/material to v5.10.16 by @renovate in #308
Full Changelog: 1.10.1...1.10.2