Releases: LuisOlivaresJ/Dosepy
- Lateral scanner response correction.
- Uncertainty analysis.
- Automatic quality control test between scanned images.
- Improved algorithm for automatic film detection.
Improvements for development
- New LUT class in the calibration module, used to manipulate data for film calibration. The class is an adoption of the LUT class from OMG Dosimetry package
- Tiff2Dose module uses the DoseConverter interface to handle conversion to dose using different channels or fit functions.
- Dosepy uses MIT license on the belief that open source is better science.
- In Dosepy GUI, changed settings by the user were not updated in the application.
- In the image module, TiffImage.get_labeled_objects() was replaced with TiffImage.set_labeled_films_and_filters() method.
- In the image module, load_images was replaced with load_multiples function. The to_dose() and dose_in_central_rois() methods were deleted.
- In the calibration module, the Calibration class was deleted to use the LUT class instead.
The app now allows to store configuration settings for film calibration (with a .toml file).
New functionalities for the GUI, like buttons for dose image manipulation.
New method for resolution management, called reduce_resolution_as(). The user can now reduce the resolution of some image to match the resolution of a reference one (useful for gamma analysis).
README update to be more user-friendly for Python developers.
Improvements for developing
New name and new functionalities for file. Now it is called and it is used to build, install and test the package.
Better management of dependencies using pyproject.toml file.
First steps with Test-Driven Development.
- The equate() function from tools.files_to_image module is now called equate_array_size().
There is no function called equate_images() in Dosepy.image module, as it was stated in readthedocs documentation.To solve this, a new method called reduce_resolution_as() is created as a method of ArrayImage class.
_equate_height() function from tools.files_to_image module did not worked properly. It is now fixed.
Dosepy.old.gui_components.Bloque_Imagenes used a float for the axes.set_xdata() method instead of a sequence.
New Features
- New graphical user interface (GUI), using Model-View-Controller architecture.
- The number of films, their size and dose imparted to each of them can be defined by the user.
- Once a tif file is loaded, films are automatically detected.
- Average multiple scans of the same film to increase signal-to-noise ratio.
- The gamma2D method from ArrayImage class is adapted from the previous Dosepy.dose module.
- The load function (an extension from pylinac), supports DICOM files used for dose distributions (RD.dcm from Eclipse treatment planning system).
- PyPI README and gamma2D method are translated to English.
Breaking Change
- The new GUI focuses just on film dosimetry. Gamma index analysis requires a Python script.
My first release