- Pythontutor
- replit
- [Chrome Dev] :
Concepts :
- The dom
- [Object]
- [datascience]
Great References :
- javascript.info
- [w3school](https://w3schools.com
Formations :
- [Elewa]
- Actiris/dorifor
Libraries :
- Functional programming
- lodash :
- official website
- [Elewa Practice]
- lodash :
- Testing
- ?
- Exercice : building our own testing lirary
- Is 13 : really good study. Single purpose library
- Functional programming
General Strategy
Description : where snippets/piece of code are studied and built
Description : where other kind of practise go"
- Finding html objects
- base URI
- viewport
- fps : That means that if you want your page to have good response (lots of fps), then the JS has to be relatively inexpensive