A simple game of hangman.
Hangman involves one player pre-determining a word, and the other player having to guess the letters in the word. First challenge is going to be setting up a literal dictionary to choose from.
- Wrote a script to construct a dictionary to play from by reading the unique words from a text file
- Built the implementation. I have a dictionary constructed from all the unique words in the first 1000 lines of Mary Shelly's Frankenstein. Current Features:
- Random selection of a word from the dictionary
- Display of blank spaces and correct guesses
- Win and lose states
- Limited number of incorrect guesses until loss
- Clean up the code. Put things into seperate methods to reduce the amount of logic in the main loop
- Scoring system? More unique letters -> Higher difficulty
- Score counts down. A perfect play would mean that there were no incorrect guesses.
- Leaderboard?
- Interpretation of inputs: make sure that case doesn't break things, refuse non-alphabetical inputs