Weather app created to study the basics of Angular.
I tried to do with Angular what I do with React. These technologies technically do the same thing but work differently. Somethings are easy to do with React, but not so easy with Angular and vice-versa. I think learning Angular can help me to create better React apps.
- Angular CLI (create project, component, module, service...).
- Angular folder/file structure and some patterns.
- Angular basic concepts (state, props, lifecycle, routing, dependency injection, content projection and much more).
I like how Angular prepares your project to grow from the first commit. The opinionated structure is a constraint, but it can prevent future problems and keep the project always organized. Pipes, services and lifecycle are the parts I liked the most. The interpolation of variables in the template and the passing props were the parts I didn't really like.
Luan Eduardo da Costa | Follow me on Linkedin