Catminer 2 - New Adventures is a remake of a previous clicker game I made called Catminer
I made Catminer 2 using the Construct Game Engine, you should check them out
Catminer 2 has mobile and PC support, though on mobile the experimental save feature is not available
Catminer 2 DOES NOT SAVE AUTOMATICALLY! This means that you could lose your hard-earned progress if Catminer gets closed!
A fully-implemented savegame system is under development, but for now only PC users have acess to the experimental one
(Use Control+S and Control+L to save/load the game on PC)
You can view the planned/implemented features here
Catminer is a clicker game where you would click a cat to mine a rock
You would buy upgrades that would help increase the amount of catcoins you aquired until you reached enough to buy the ULTIMATE WONDER, which completed the game.
It was a pretty simple game, and Catminer 2 builds upon that simplicity to make it more interesting and fun.
Catminer 2 - New Adventures revamps the previous version of the game with new upgrades, new features, new currencies, and more
You can still click on the cat and buy upgrades, but now there are Rebirths
Rebirthing costs a certain amount of catcoins, gems, crystals, and diamonds, and it resets most things, but it gives you cat treats which can be spent on powerful multiplier upgrades
Rebirthing also unlocks new features and upgrades, including a laboratory, a pickaxe upgrade area, and upgrades that give you currency per second
There are currently six currencies you can aquire through gameplay:
The main currency of the game, catcoins are easily aquired and used to buy a multitude of things, such as the gem chance upgrade and cps (catcoins per second) upgrades
Catcoins are not aquired by a chance, you get a certain amount of them per click/second
Gems are the second most common, only requiring 2 rebirths to unlock their chance upgrade.
Gems can be spent on a more powerful pickaxe upgrade, or a crystal chance upgrade
Crystals are the next rarest currency, and their chance upgrade is unlocked at 4 rebirths
Crystals can be spent on an even more powerful pickaxe upgrade, a diamond chance upgrade, or a gems per second upgrade
Diamonds are most special and rarest currency, requiring 6 rebirths and some crystals to unlock their chance upgrade
Diamonds can only be acquired and their chance is only applied when you get a crystal, so make sure your crystal chance is pretty high!
Diamonds can be spent on the most powerful pickaxe upgrade or a crystals per second upgrade
Cat treats are a precious resource aquired upon rebirthing and can be spent on multiplier upgrades for catcoins, gems, crystals, or diamonds
The amount of cat treats you earn upon rebirthing can be increased using research!
Research is aquired by sacrificing some catcoins, gems, or crystals to commit research and gain research
Research can be spent on powerful, permanent upgrades such as increasing the cat treats you get on rebirth
The best research upgrade is the "Hold-to-Click" upgrade, because it allows you to hold down on the cat to mine!
Make sure to buy that upgrade as soon as possible, because it makes the rest of the game much, much easier!
I have many features planned for this game, and I have many I have already implemented
✅ - Feature is finished and implemented into the game with minimal bugs
❓ - Not sure if I will implement this feature
❌ - The feature is not yet implemented
〰️ - The feature is not fully implemented
☢️ - The feature is finished but has not been fully tested and may have bugs/not work
🛠️ - The feature is in development
Core Functionality - ✅
Upgrades - ✅
Rebirthing - ✅
Currency Per Second -
Pickaxe Tiers - ☢️
Currency Multipliers - ✅
Gems - ✅
Crystals - ✅
Diamonds - ✅
Laboratory - ✅
Research Upgrades - 〰️
Visual Improvements - 〰️
Shipping/ship flying minigame - 🛠️
More Resets (Like Rebirths) - ❌
Clickables - ❌
Offline progress - ❓
Savegame System - 🛠️
Any ideas are welcome!