Serves recommended articles for news sites.
- 200: OK
site (required)
The site to pull recommendations for.
source_entity_id (required)
The article for which you want recommendations, specified by the id from your news site's data store.
model_type (optional)
The type of model for which you want recommendations. This should always be article
in production contexts.
If a model_id is provided, it overrides this input.
model_id (optional)
The specific model for which you want recommendations. This is useful in testing environments.
If a model_id is provided, it overrides the model_type.
exclude (optional)
A comma-separated list of article id's from your news site's data store to exclude from the results.
sort_by (optional)
The field to sort results by. This can be any top-level attribute of a recommendation.
order_by (optional)
Either asc for ascending or desc for descending. This value defaults to desc.
GET /recs?site=daily-scoop&source_entity_id=10&model_type=article&sort_by=score
"results": [
"id": 14208707,
"created_at": "2021-11-12T15:55:53.050616+00:00",
"updated_at": "2021-11-12T15:55:53.050649+00:00",
"source_entity_id": "10",
"model": {
"id": 1621,
"created_at": "2021-11-12T15:55:02.316918+00:00",
"updated_at": "2021-11-12T15:56:44.388045+00:00",
"type": "article",
"status": "current"
"recommended_article": {
"id": 62556,
"created_at": "2021-11-12T15:36:55.670721+00:00",
"updated_at": "2021-11-12T15:36:55.670743+00:00",
"external_id": "1",
"title": "Who is Montero?",
"path": "/article/who-is-montero",
"published_at": "2021-04-09T22:00:00+00:00"
"score": "0.861924"
status (optional)
The status of the model. This can be current
, pending
, stale
, or failed
type (optional)
The type of the model. This can be article
or popularity
sort_by (optional)
The field to sort results by. This can be any top-level attribute of a recommendation.
order_by (optional)
Either asc for ascending or desc for descending. This value defaults to desc.
GET /models?type=article&status=stale&sort_by=created_at
"results": [
"id": 1630,
"created_at": "2021-11-15T00:02:51.326462+00:00",
"updated_at": "2021-11-16T00:23:54.091209+00:00",
"type": "article",
"status": "stale"
├── cdk # infrastructure as code for this service
├── db # object-relational mappings to interact with the database
├── handlers # logic to handle api requests
├── lib # helpers to interact with lnl's aws resources
└── tests # unit tests
Environment parameters are defined in env.json
You can add a new secret parameter using AWS SSM.
- Set up a virtual environment (or let your IDE do it for you). We use Poetry to manage dependencies. It also helps with pinning dependency and python
- Run
pip install -r requirements.txt
versions. We also use pre-commit with hooks for isort, - Run
pip install pre-commit
black, and flake8 for consistent code style and readability. Note that this means code that doesn't meet the rules will fail to commit until it is fixed.
We also use mypy for static type checking. This can be run manually, and the CI runs it on PRs.
- Install Poetry.
- Run
poetry install --no-root
- Make sure the virtual environment is active, then
- Run
pre-commit install
- To test it out, run
pre-commit run --all-files
You're all set up! Your local environment should include all dependencies, including dev dependencies like black
This is done with Poetry via the poetry.lock
file. As for the containerized code, that still pulls dependencies from
. Any containerized dependency requirements need to be updated in pyproject.toml
then exported to
To manually run isort, black, and flake8 all in one go, simply run pre-commit run --all-files
To manually run mypy, simply run mypy
from the root directory of the project. It will use the default configuration
specified in the mypy.ini file.
To update dependencies in your local environment, make changes to the pyproject.toml
file then run poetry update
To update requirements.txt
for the container, run poetry export -o requirements.txt --without-hashes
- Build the container
kar build
- Run the api
kar run
- Build the container
kar build
- Run unit tests
kar test
For dev deployment, run:
kar deploy
Each pull request to main will trigger a new prod deployment when merged.
: The database and ECS clusters are created here.article-rec-db
: The relevant database migrations are defined and applied here.article-rec-training-job
: The job that runs on a regular interval, training the recommendation model and saving the predictions that are served by this API to the database.snowplow-analytics
: The analytics pipeline used to collect user clickstream data into s3 is defined in this repository.article-recommendations
: The PHP widget that makes requests to this API, displaying recommendations WordPress NewsPack sites.