This is our own version of the blue alliance for the idaho reigional. if you request for some of the team members to ask, we will submit any appropriate data.
You can navigate the webiste easily if you have a brain. I was told specififcally to "let them figure it out on their own." Hopefully you can navigate using the many comment(s) that we left in the code.
idk what u need to install probably vscode, yalls are on your owns.
lol good luck
A step by step series of examples that tell you to not ask me to make a readme
1 dont approach me
its simple
if you do, dont ask me to make a readme
just change whatever you want lol. i dont really care.
probably just mess around in the code
- php
- landons tears
- also his sleep schedule
just go to the add data and input the password that you set for it
- devin
- landon
- aiden (me)
we dont got a liscense lol
- give
- us
- credit
- if
- you
- use
- this
- also the blue alliance