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LmeSzinc edited this page Oct 27, 2021 · 31 revisions

Easy Install Method

Easy installer is only available for Windows. Mac and Linux need to follow the manual installation tutorial.

Download Installer

Get the latest easy installer on Github Releases, but do not download source code in zip.

Unzip installer. Alas requires about 1.5 GB for full installation.

Edit Installer Settings

Read the comments in config/deploy.yaml, and modify it according to yourself. This is considered as the use threshold of Alas.

For EN users, no need to modify, keep them as default.

Use Installer

Double click to open Alas.exe. It will do staffs from pulling repositories, install environments, to preparing ADB. Wait A few minutes, Alas Desktop App will be opened.

If you encountered any trouble, check your deploy settings and re-open.

install install_finish

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

My anti-virus software says Alas.exe is a virus

Add it to white list. Alas.exe is a bat file converted to exe file, might have false positives on some anti-virus software. If you are still worrying, replace Alas.exe with deploy/install/Alas.bat, which does the same thing.

I have problems during the installation


Just as the installer said, you need to check your settings in config/deploy.yaml and re-open Alas.exe. If you encountered network issues, just re-open to retry.

I got a white screen in Alas


Try CTRL+R to refresh.

If that doesn't help, open console with CTRL+SHIFT+I, then CTRL+R to refresh. Take screen shots of both Network and Console tabs, report to developers.

install_network install_console

Uninstall Alas

Everything in the installer are portable. Just delete them to uninstall. You can also copy an installed Alas to another computer, making use of this feature.

If files are occupied during the delete, open console.bat and try these commands.

adb kill-server
taskkill /f /im alas.exe
taskkill /f /im python.exe

Start Using Alas

Configure Emulator

Install an emulator, and have Azur Lane installed.

  1. Goto the settings of your emulator. Set resolution to 1280x720 and use Tablet Mode.

  2. If you are using BlueStacks or LDPlayer, enable ADB too.


Enter Alas

Double click Alas.exe to start Alas.

When Alas starts, it will update automatically, you don't need to do anything. In most situation, Alas is able to update itself by this way. But if there are big changes on Alas App, you will need to re-download and re-install.

  1. Choose your language.
  2. Select your first Alas instance.

Configure Alas

  1. Enter the Alas on sidebar.
  2. Configure your Serial, Package Name and Game Server, according to the help text.


Enable Tasks

  1. Choose the task you would like to run. You could have multiple tasks enabled. Alas will schedule them automatically.
  2. Enable the task.
  3. Edit the settings below.


Start Running

  1. Goto Overview.
  2. Tasks you enabled are shown in scheduler queue.
  3. Click Start, and Alas scheduler will start running.


Immigrate from Old Alas App

Before re-installation, find deploy settings config/deploy.yaml and user setting config/alas.json. If you have multiple Alas running, config/*.json are required, such as config/alas2.json.

Copy them to the config folder of new installer, and install as usual.

Immigrate from Manual Alas Installation

If you are developing or going to develop Alas, you've probably have cloned the repository of Alas, created a virtual environment, installed the dependencies, and deployed ADB. There's no need to install them again.

  1. Copy the deploy settings config/deploy.yaml to the config folder of the Alas you've cloned. Edit GitExecutable, PythonExecutable, AdbExecutable in it.
  2. Find toolkit/WebApp/alas.exe, create a shortcut for it. Right click the shortcut, click Properties, change Start at to the folder of your Alas clone.
  3. Double click shortcut to run.

Notice: Using the shortcut will bypass the Alas launcher, causing you to manually update Alas. This approach is for developers only.

Control Alas Remotely via Web


The essence of Alas App or the essence of Electron is Node.js server + Chromium browser. So you will need one of the following ways to start the web server of Alas.

  • Open Alas App Client
  • Open console.bat and run python

And you will be able to access Alas on{port} , port is 22267 by default.

If you have a static public IP, you can access Alas on http://{ip}:{port} from other devices. If don't you will need a reverse proxy to expose a local server behind a NAT, such as frp.

Notice: It's dangerous to expose Alas to the public network. Everyone is able to stop your Alas or edit your settings. What's worse, Alas can't defend injects and attacks.

Manual Installation Tutorial

Manual installation tutorial is for developers only, requiring basic programing knowledge. If you are not developing nor going to develop Alas, please use easy installer and ignore this part. Mac and Linux users need to install manually too.

Get Alas

  1. Use Git to clone, do not download from source.

    Suppose you are going to install in D:/AzurLaneAutoScript, then execute this in D:/.

git clone
2. Enter the directory.
cd AzurLaneAutoScript

Prepare Environment

Create a new virtual environment instead of an existing one on your computer, because Alas is using old Python and dependencies. Let's take Anaconda as an example to create a virtual environment. Of course, you could use others like venv.

  1. Create a virtual environment named alas (Any other name is OK). Python version must be 3.7.6. To avoid troubles, don't use 3.8 or higher.
conda create -n alas python==3.7.6 -y
  1. Activate the environment you have just created.
conda activate alas
  1. Install dependencies.
pip install -r D:\AzurLaneAutoScript\requirements.txt

If pip says it need to be updated, like this.

WARNING: You are using pip version 21.0.1; however, version 21.1.3 is available.

Execute this, or just ignore.

python -m pip install --upgrade pip

If you failed to install Python-Levenshtein because Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 is required, download its wheel file here and install.

pip install python_Levenshtein-0.12.0-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl

Prepare Emulator

  1. Install an emulator, and have Azur Lane installed.

    Goto the settings of your emulator. Set resolution to 1280x720 and use Tablet Mode.

    If you are using BlueStacks or LDPlayer, enable ADB too.

  2. Get ADB.

    Get the latest ADB here, set it in your environ variables.

  3. Replace the ADB of emulator

    Different version of ADB will kill each other when starting. Chinese emulators (NoxPlayer, LDPlayer, MemuPlayer, MuMuPlayer) use their own adb, instead of the one in system PATH, so when they start they kill the adb.exe Alas is using.

    Replace the ADB in your emulator with the latest one.

    Take NoxPlayer as an example. There are 2 ADB in nox install folder, adb.exe and nox_adb.exe. Make backups for these 2 files and delete them. Copy two adb.exe to your nox install folder, and rename them to adb.exe and nox_adb.exe.

    After that, run this command to test.

adb devices

​ If you see output like this, it means the replacement success.

List of devices attached device

​ If you have output like this, it means the replacement failed. There may be files that haven't been replaced.

adb server version (36) doesn't match this client (41); killing...
4. Install [uiautomator2](, an auto-testing library. Before installation, open your emulator.
python -m uiautomator2 init

​ After the installation, there will be an app called ATX on your emulator.

Run Alas

  1. Activate virtual environment and execute:

​ Then Alas is available on{port}. Port is default to 22267.

  1. Configure Alas, referring to "Start Using Alas" part.

Use Alas Desktop App

Desktop App cross-platform, can be build in Windows, Mac and Linux.

  1. Enter webapp directory, install the dependencies.
  1. Build Desktop App.
yarn run compile

​ Then, desktop app will be available in webapp/dist/{platform}.

  1. Start using it. Create a short cut, referring to "Immigrate from Manual Alas Installation" part.
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