diff --git a/data/memorialsFromDecrees/i18n/nl.json b/data/memorialsFromDecrees/i18n/nl.json index 0967ef42..e4dd0e9b 100644 --- a/data/memorialsFromDecrees/i18n/nl.json +++ b/data/memorialsFromDecrees/i18n/nl.json @@ -1 +1,14 @@ -{} +{ + "StMartha": "HH. Marta, Maria en Lazarus", + "StJohnXXIII": "H. Johannes XXIII, paus", + "LadyLoreto": "H. Maagd Maria van Loreto", + "StPaulVI": "H. Paulus VI, paus", + "StFaustinaKowalska": "H. Faustina Kowalska", + "StGregoryNarek": "H. Gregorius van Narek, abt en kerkleraar", + "StHildegardBingen": "H. Hildegard van Bingen, maagd en kerklerares", + "StThereseChildJesus": "H. Teresia van het Kind Jezus (Teresia van Lisieux), maagd en kerklerares", + "StIrenaeus": "H. Ireneüs, bisschop, martelaar en kerkleraar", + "MaryMotherChurch": "H. Maagd Maria, Moeder van de Kerk", + "StJohnPaulII": "H. Johannes Paulus II, paus", + "StJohnAvila": "H. Johannes van Avila, priester en kerkleraar" +} diff --git a/data/propriumdesanctis_1970/i18n/nl.json b/data/propriumdesanctis_1970/i18n/nl.json index 0967ef42..54e2e235 100644 --- a/data/propriumdesanctis_1970/i18n/nl.json +++ b/data/propriumdesanctis_1970/i18n/nl.json @@ -1 +1,189 @@ -{} +{ + "StsBasilGreg": "HH. Basilius de Grote en Gregorius van Nazianze, bisschoppen en kerkleraren", + "StRayPenyafort": "H. Raimundus van Penyafort, priester", + "StHilaryPoitiers": "H. Hilarius, bisschop en kerkleraar", + "StAnthonyEgypt": "H. Antonius, abt", + "StFabianPope": "H. Fabianus, paus en martelaar", + "StSebastian": "H. Sebastianus, martelaar", + "StJustinMartyr": "H. Justinus, martelaar", + "StLawrenceDeacon": "H. Laurentius, diaken en martelaar", + "StGregoryGreat": "H. Gregorius de Grote, paus en kerkleraar", + "StsCorneliusCyprian": "HH. Cornelius, paus, en Cyprianus, bisschop, martelaren", + "StRobertBellarmine": "H. Robertus Bellarminus, bisschop en kerkleraar", + "StMatthewEvangelist": "H. Matteüs, apostel en evangelist", + "StsCosmasDamian": "HH. Cosmas en Damianus, martelaren", + "StsArchangels": "H. Michaël, Gabriël en Rafaël, aartsengelen", + "StJerome": "H. Hieronymus, priester en kerkleraar", + "StAgnes": "H. Agnes, maagd en martelares", + "StVincentDeacon": "H. Vincentius, diaken en martelaar", + "StFrancisDeSales": "H. Franciscus van Sales, bisschop en kerkleraar", + "ConversionStPaul": "Bekering van de heilige apostel Paulus", + "StsTimothyTitus": "HH. Timoteüs en Titus, bisschoppen", + "StAngelaMerici": "H. Angela Merici, maagd", + "StThomasAquinas": "H. Thomas van Aquino, priester en kerkleraar", + "StJohnBosco": "H. Johannes (Don) Bosco, priester", + "StBlase": "H. Blasius, bisschop en martelaar", + "Presentation": "Opdracht van de Heer", + "StAnsgar": "H. Ansgarius, bisschop", + "StAgatha": "H. Agatha, maagd en martelares", + "StsPaulMiki": "HH. Paulus Miki en gezellen, martelaren", + "StJeromeEmiliani": "H. Hieronymus Emiliani", + "StScholastica": "H. Scholastica, maagd", + "LadyLourdes": "Onze Lieve Vrouw van Lourdes", + "StsCyrilMethodius": "HH. Cyrillus, monnik, en Methodius, bisschop", + "SevenHolyFounders": "Zeven HH. Stichters van de Servietenorde", + "StPeterDamian": "H. Petrus Damiani, bisschop en kerkleraar", + "StPolycarp": "H. Polycarpus, bisschop en martelaar", + "StCasimir": "H. Casimir", + "StsPerpetuaFelicity": "HH. Perpetua en Felicitas, martelaressen", + "StPatrick": "H. Patricius, bisschop", + "ChairStPeter": "Cathedra van de heilige apostel Petrus (Sint Petrus’ Stoel)", + "StJohnGod": "H. Johannes de Deo, religieus", + "StFrancesRome": "H. Francisca Romana, religieuze", + "StCyrilJerusalem": "H. Cyrillus van Jeruzalem, bisschop en kerkleraar", + "StTuribius": "H. Turibius de Mogrovejo, bisschop", + "StJoseph": "H. Jozef, bruidegom van de H. Maagd Maria", + "Annunciation": "Aankondiging van de Heer", + "StFrancisPaola": "H. Franciscus van Paola, kluizenaar", + "StIsidore": "H. Isidorus, bisschop en kerkleraar", + "StVincentFerrer": "H. Vincentius Ferrer, priester", + "StJohnBaptistDeLaSalle": "H. Johannes Baptista de la Salle, priester", + "StStanislaus": "H. Stanislaus, bisschop en martelaar", + "StMartinPope": "H. Martinus I, paus en martelaar", + "StAnselm": "H. Anselmus, bisschop en kerkleraar", + "StGeorge": "H. Georgius (Sint Joris), martelaar", + "StMarkEvangelist": "H. Marcus, evangelist", + "StCatherineSiena": "H. Catharina van Siena, maagd en kerklerares", + "StPiusV": "H. Pius V, paus", + "StJosephWorker": "H. Jozef, de arbeider", + "StAthanasius": "H. Athanasius, bisschop en kerkleraar", + "StsPhilipJames": "HH. Filippus en Jakobus, apostelen", + "StPancras": "H. Pancratius, martelaar", + "StMatthiasAp": "H. Mattias, apostel", + "StJohnIPope": "H. Johannes I, paus en martelaar", + "StBernardineSiena": "H. Bernardinus van Siena, priester", + "StBedeVenerable": "H. Beda, de Eerbiedwaardige, priester en kerkleraar", + "StGregoryVII": "H. Gregorius VII, paus", + "StMaryMagdalenePazzi": "H. Maria Magdalena de’ Pazzi, maagd", + "StPhilipNeri": "H. Filippus Neri, priester", + "StAugustineCanterbury": "H. Augustinus van Canterbury, bisschop", + "Visitation": "Maria Visitatie", + "StsMarcellinusPeter": "HH. Marcellinus en Petrus, martelaren", + "StsCharlesLwanga": "HH. Carolus Lwanga en gezellen, martelaren", + "StBoniface": "H. Bonifatius, bisschop en martelaar", + "StNorbert": "H. Norbertus, bisschop", + "StEphrem": "H. Efrem, diaken en kerkleraar", + "StBarnabasAp": "H. Barnabas, apostel", + "StAnthonyPadua": "H. Antonius van Padua, priester en kerkleraar", + "StRomuald": "H. Romualdus, abt", + "StPaulinusNola": "H. Paulinus van Nola, bisschop", + "StAloysiusGonzaga": "H. Aloïsius Gonzaga, religieus", + "NativityJohnBaptist": "Geboorte van de H. Johannes de Doper", + "StCyrilAlexandria": "H. Cyrillus van Alexandrië, bisschop en kerkleraar", + "StIrenaeus": "H. Ireneüs, bisschop en martelaar", + "StsPeterPaulAp": "HH. Petrus en Paulus, apostelen", + "FirstMartyrsRome": "HH. Eerste Martelaren van de Kerk van Rome", + "StThomasAp": "H. Thomas, apostel", + "StElizabethPortugal": "H. Elisabeth van Portugal", + "StsJohnFisherThomasMore": "HH. Johannes Fisher, bisschop, en Thomas More, martelaren", + "StAnthonyZaccaria": "H. Antonius Maria Zaccaria, priester", + "StMariaGoretti": "H. Maria Goretti, maagd en martelares", + "StBenedict": "H. Benedictus, abt", + "StHenry": "H. Henricus", + "StCamillusDeLellis": "H. Camillus de Lellis, priester", + "StBonaventure": "H. Bonaventura, bisschop en kerkleraar", + "LadyMountCarmel": "H. Maagd Maria van de Berg Karmel", + "StLawrenceBrindisi": "H. Laurentius van Brindisi, priester en kerkleraar", + "StMaryMagdalene": "H. Maria Magdalena", + "StBridget": "H. Birgitta, religieuze", + "StJamesAp": "H. Jakobus, apostel", + "StsJoachimAnne": "HH. Joachim en Anna, ouders van de H. Maagd Maria", + "StMartha": "H. Marta", + "StPeterChrysologus": "H. Petrus Chrysologus, bisschop en kerkleraar", + "StIgnatiusLoyola": "H. Ignatius van Loyola, priester", + "StAlphonsusMariaDeLiguori": "H. Alfonsus Maria de’ Liguori, bisschop en kerkleraar", + "StEusebius": "H. Eusebius van Vercelli, bisschop", + "StJeanVianney": "H. Johannes Maria Vianney (Pastoor van Ars), priester", + "DedicationStMaryMajor": "Kerkwijding van de Basiliek van de H. Maria de Meerdere", + "Transfiguration": "Gedaanteverandering van de Heer", + "StSixtusIIPope": "HH. Sixtus II, paus, en gezellen, martelaren", + "StCajetan": "H. Cajetanus, priester", + "StDominic": "H. Dominicus, priester", + "StClare": "H. Clara, maagd", + "StJaneFrancesDeChantal": "H. Johanna Francisca de Chantal, religieuze", + "StsPontianHippolytus": "HH. Pontianus, paus, en Hippolytus, priester, martelaren", + "Assumption": "Maria Tenhemelopneming", + "StStephenHungary": "H. Stefanus van Hongarije", + "StJohnEudes": "H. Johannes Eudes, priester", + "StBernardClairvaux": "H. Bernardus, abt en kerkleraar", + "StPiusX": "H. Pius X, paus", + "QueenshipMary": "H. Maagd Maria, Koningin", + "StRoseLima": "H. Rosa van Lima, maagd", + "StBartholomewAp": "H. Bartolomeüs, apostel", + "StLouis": "H. Lodewijk", + "StJosephCalasanz": "H. Jozef de Calasanz, priester", + "StMonica": "H. Monica", + "StAugustineHippo": "H. Augustinus, bisschop en kerkleraar", + "BeheadingJohnBaptist": "Marteldood van de heilige Johannes de Doper", + "NativityVirginMary": "Geboorte van de H. Maagd Maria", + "StJohnChrysostom": "H. Johannes Chrysostomus, bisschop en kerkleraar", + "ExaltationCross": "Kruisverheffing", + "LadySorrows": "Onze Lieve Vrouw van Smarten", + "StJanuarius": "H. Januarius, bisschop en martelaar", + "StVincentDePaul": "H. Vincentius de Paul, priester", + "StWenceslaus": "H. Wenceslaus, martelaar", + "StThereseChildJesus": "H. Teresia van het Kind Jezus (Teresia van Lisieux), maagd", + "StFrancisAssisi": "H. Franciscus van Assisi", + "LadyRosary": "H. Maagd Maria van de Rozenkrans", + "StDenis": "HH. Dionysius, bisschop, en gezellen, martelaren", + "StJohnLeonardi": "H. Johannes Leonardi, priester", + "StTeresaJesus": "H. Teresia van Jezus, maagd", + "StHedwig": "H. Hedwig, religieuze", + "StLukeEvangelist": "H. Lucas, evangelist", + "StPaulCross": "H. Paulus van het Kruis, priester", + "StJohnCapistrano": "H. Johannes van Capestrano, priester", + "StAnthonyMaryClaret": "H. Antonius Maria Claret, bisschop", + "StSimonStJudeAp": "HH. Simon en Judas, apostelen", + "AllSouls": "Gedachtenis van alle overleden gelovigen", + "StMartinPorres": "H. Martinus de Porres, religieus", + "StCharlesBorromeo": "H. Carolus Borromeüs, bisschop", + "StLeoGreat": "H. Leo de Grote, paus en kerkleraar", + "StMartinTours": "H. Martinus van Tours, bisschop", + "StJosaphat": "H. Josafat, bisschop en martelaar", + "StMargaretScotland": "H. Margarita van Schotland", + "StGertrudeGreat": "H. Gertrudis, maagd", + "StElizabethHungary": "H. Elisabeth van Hongarije", + "StClementIPope": "H. Clemens I, paus en martelaar", + "StColumban": "H. Columbanus, abt", + "StAndrewAp": "H. Andreas, apostel", + "StFrancisXavier": "H. Franciscus Xaverius, priester", + "StJohnDamascene": "H. Johannes van Damascus, priester en kerkleraar", + "StNicholas": "H. Nicolaas, bisschop", + "ImmaculateConception": "Onbevlekte Ontvangenis van de heilige Maagd Maria", + "StLucySyracuse": "H. Lucia, maagd en martelares", + "StJohnCross": "H. Johannes van het Kruis, priester en kerkleraar", + "StJohnKanty": "H. Johannes van Kenty, priester", + "StStephenProtomartyr": "H. Stefanus, eerste martelaar", + "StJohnEvangelist": "H. Johannes, apostel en evangelist", + "HolyInnocents": "HH. Onnozele Kinderen, martelaren", + "StThomasBecket": "H. Thomas Becket, bisschop en martelaar", + "GuardianAngels": "HH. Engelbewaarders", + "StSylvesterIPope": "H. Silvester I, paus", + "StBruno": "H. Brono, priester", + "StCallistusIPope": "H. Callistus I, paus en martelaar", + "StMargaretAlacoque": "H. Margareta-Maria Alacoque, maagd", + "StIgnatiusAntioch": "H. Ignatius van Antiochië, bisschop en martelaar", + "StsJeanBrebeuf": "HH. Johannes de Brébeuf en Isaac Jogues, priesters, en gezellen, martelaren", + "AllSaints": "Allerheiligen", + "DedicationLateran": "Kerkwijding van de Lateraanse Basiliek", + "StAlbertGreat": "H. Albertus de Grote, bisschop en kerkleraar", + "DedicationStsPeterPaul": "Kerkwijding van de Basilieken van de HH. Petrus en Paulus, apostelen", + "PresentationMary": "Opdracht van de H. Maagd Maria", + "StCecilia": "H. Cecilia, maagd en martelares", + "StAmbrose": "H. Ambrosius, bisschop en kerkleraar", + "StDamasusIPope": "H. Damasus I, paus", + "StPeterCanisius": "H. Petrus Canisius, priester en kerkleraar", + "StFidelisSigmaringen": "H. Fidelis van Sigmaringen, priester en martelaar", + "StPeterChanel": "H. petrus Chanel, priester en martelaar", + "StsNereusAchilleus": "HH. Nereus en Achilles, martelaren" +} diff --git a/data/propriumdesanctis_2002/i18n/nl.json b/data/propriumdesanctis_2002/i18n/nl.json index aaa0fbf0..705e47de 100644 --- a/data/propriumdesanctis_2002/i18n/nl.json +++ b/data/propriumdesanctis_2002/i18n/nl.json @@ -1,21 +1,21 @@ { - "NameJesus": "", - "StJosephineBakhita": "", - "StAdalbert": "", - "StLouisGrignionMontfort": "", - "LadyFatima": "", - "StChristopherMagallanes": "", - "StRitaCascia": "", - "StAugustineZhaoRong": "", - "StApollinaris": "", - "StSharbelMakhluf": "", - "StPeterJulianEymard": "", - "StEdithStein": "", - "StMaximilianKolbe": "", - "StPeterClaver": "", - "HolyNameMary": "", - "StAndrewKimTaegon": "", - "StsLawrenceRuiz": "", - "StAndrewDungLac": "", - "StCatherineAlexandria": "" + "NameJesus": "De heilige Naam Jezus", + "StJosephineBakhita": "H. Josephina Bakhita, maagd", + "StAdalbert": "H. Adalbert, bisschop en martelaar", + "StLouisGrignionMontfort": "H. Lodewijk Maria Grignion de Montfort, priester", + "LadyFatima": "H. Maagd Maria van Fatima", + "StChristopherMagallanes": "H. Christophorus Magallaen, priester, en gezellen, martelaren", + "StRitaCascia": "H. Rita van Cascia, religieuze", + "StAugustineZhaoRong": "HH. Augustinus Zhao Rong, priester, en gezellen, martelaren", + "StApollinaris": "H. Apollinaris, bisschop en martelaar", + "StSharbelMakhluf": "H. Charbel Makhluf, priester", + "StPeterJulianEymard": "H. Petrus Julianus Eymard, priester", + "StEdithStein": "H. Teresia Benedicta van het Kruis (Edith Stein), maagd en martelares", + "StMaximilianKolbe": "H. Maximiliaan Maria Kolbe, priester en martelaar", + "StPeterClaver": "H. Petrus Claver, priester", + "HolyNameMary": "De heilige naam van Maria", + "StAndrewKimTaegon": "HH. Andreas Kim Taegon, priester, en Paulus Chong Hasang en gezellen, martelaren", + "StsLawrenceRuiz": "HH. Laurentius Ruiz en gezellen, martelaren", + "StAndrewDungLac": "HH. Andreas Dung Lac, priester, en gezellen, martelaren van Vietnam", + "StCatherineAlexandria": "H. Catharina van Alexandrië, maagd en martelares" } diff --git a/data/propriumdesanctis_2008/i18n/nl.json b/data/propriumdesanctis_2008/i18n/nl.json index 0967ef42..ebefd123 100644 --- a/data/propriumdesanctis_2008/i18n/nl.json +++ b/data/propriumdesanctis_2008/i18n/nl.json @@ -1 +1,5 @@ -{} +{ + "StPioPietrelcina": "H. Pius van Pietrelcina, priester", + "LadyGuadalupe": "H. Maagd Maria van Guadalupe", + "JuanDiego": "H. Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin" +} diff --git a/data/propriumdetempore/nl.json b/data/propriumdetempore/nl.json index 1cfdfaed..1ed1124f 100644 --- a/data/propriumdetempore/nl.json +++ b/data/propriumdetempore/nl.json @@ -50,29 +50,29 @@ "OrdSunday8": "Achtste zondag door het jaar", "OrdSunday9": "Negende zondag door het jaar", "OrdSunday10": "Tiende zondag door het jaar", - "OrdSunday11": "", - "OrdSunday12": "", - "OrdSunday13": "", - "OrdSunday14": "", - "OrdSunday15": "", - "OrdSunday16": "", - "OrdSunday17": "", - "OrdSunday18": "", - "OrdSunday19": "", - "OrdSunday20": "", - "OrdSunday21": "", - "OrdSunday22": "", - "OrdSunday23": "", - "OrdSunday24": "", - "OrdSunday25": "", - "OrdSunday26": "", - "OrdSunday27": "", - "OrdSunday28": "", - "OrdSunday29": "", - "OrdSunday30": "", - "OrdSunday31": "", - "OrdSunday32": "", - "OrdSunday33": "", - "OrdSunday34": "", - "ImmaculateHeart": "" + "OrdSunday11": "Elfde zondag door het jaar", + "OrdSunday12": "Twaalfde zondag door het jaar", + "OrdSunday13": "Dertiende zondag door het jaar", + "OrdSunday14": "Veertiende zondag door het jaar", + "OrdSunday15": "Vijftiende zondag door het jaar", + "OrdSunday16": "Zestiende zondag door het jaar", + "OrdSunday17": "Zeventiende zondag door het jaar", + "OrdSunday18": "Achttiende zondag door het jaar", + "OrdSunday19": "Negentiende zondag door het jaar", + "OrdSunday20": "Twintigste zondag door het jaar", + "OrdSunday21": "Eenentwintigste zondag door het jaar", + "OrdSunday22": "Tweeëntwintigste zondag door het jaar", + "OrdSunday23": "Drieëntwintigste zondag door het jaar", + "OrdSunday24": "Vierentwintigste zondag door het jaar", + "OrdSunday25": "Vijfentwintigste zondag door het jaar", + "OrdSunday26": "Zesentwintigste zondag door het jaar", + "OrdSunday27": "Zevenentwintigste zondag door het jaar", + "OrdSunday28": "Achtentwintigste zondag door het jaar", + "OrdSunday29": "Negenentwintigste zondag door het jaar", + "OrdSunday30": "Dertigste zondag door het jaar", + "OrdSunday31": "Eenendertigste zondag door het jaar", + "OrdSunday32": "Tweeëndertigste zondag door het jaar", + "OrdSunday33": "Drieëndertigste zondag door het jaar", + "OrdSunday34": "Vierendertigste zondag door het jaar", + "ImmaculateHeart": "Onbevlekt Hart van de H. Maagd Maria" } diff --git a/i18n/de/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.po b/i18n/de/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.po index e3bb5b11..c21ea849 100644 --- a/i18n/de/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.po +++ b/i18n/de/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-09-21 12:27+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-12-04 13:55+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-06-06 06:40+0000\n" "Last-Translator: John R. D'Orazio \n" "Language-Team: German \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-12-04 13:55+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-09-21 13:05+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: John R. D'Orazio \n" "Language-Team: Spanish \n" "Language: es\n" @@ -40,56 +40,53 @@ msgstr "Los datos del sanctorale de %s no se encontraron." msgid "Translation data for the sanctorale from %s could not be found." msgstr "" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:360 includes/LitCalAPI.php:399 +#. translators: days before Epiphany when Epiphany falls on Jan 6 (not useful in Italian!) +#. translators: days after Epiphany when Epiphany falls on Jan 6 (not useful in Italian!) +#. translators: days before Epiphany when Epiphany is on a Sunday (not useful in Italian!) +#. translators: days after Epiphany when Epiphany is on a Sunday (not useful in Italian!) +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:373 includes/LitCalAPI.php:404 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:450 includes/LitCalAPI.php:479 #, php-format -msgid "%s day before Epiphany" -msgstr "%s día antes de la Epifanía" - -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:374 includes/LitCalAPI.php:412 -#, php-format -msgid "%s day after Epiphany" -msgstr "%s día después de la Epifanía" +msgid "%s - Christmas Weekday" +msgstr "" #. translators: 1: Festivity name, 2: Festivity date, 3: Requested calendar year, 4: Explicatory string for the transferral (ex. the Saturday preceding Palm Sunday), 5: actual date for the transferral, 6: Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship #. translators: 1: Festivity name, 2: Festivity date, 3: Requested calendar year, 4: Explicatory string for the transferral, 5: actual date for the transferral, 6: Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:565 includes/LitCalAPI.php:582 -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:609 -#, fuzzy, php-format -#| msgid "" -#| "The Solemnity '%s' falls on %s in the year %d, the celebration has been " -#| "transferred to %s (%s) as per the %s." +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:633 includes/LitCalAPI.php:650 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:677 +#, php-format msgid "" "The Solemnity '%1$s' falls on %2$s in the year %3$d, the celebration has " "been transferred to %4$s (%5$s) as per the %6$s." msgstr "" -"La Solemnidad '%s' coincide con %s en el año %d, por tanto, la " -"celebración ha sido trasladada a %s (%s) según el %s." +"La Solemnidad '%1$s' coincide con %2$s en el año %3$d, por " +"tanto, la celebración ha sido trasladada a %4$s (%5$s) según el %6$s." -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:569 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:637 msgid "the Saturday preceding Palm Sunday" msgstr "Sábado anterior al Domingo de Ramos" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:574 includes/LitCalAPI.php:591 -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:618 includes/LitCalAPI.php:648 -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:940 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1059 -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1115 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1347 -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1392 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1419 -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1529 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1542 -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1557 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1584 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:642 includes/LitCalAPI.php:659 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:686 includes/LitCalAPI.php:716 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1026 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1145 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1201 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1433 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1478 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1505 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1615 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1628 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1643 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1670 #: includes/FestivityCollection.php:365 msgid "Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship" msgstr "Decreto de la Congregación para el Culto Divino" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:586 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:654 msgid "the Monday following the Second Sunday of Easter" msgstr "" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:613 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:681 msgid "the following Monday" msgstr "" #. translators: 1: Festivity name, 2: Coinciding Festivity name, 3: Requested calendar year -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:625 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:693 #, php-format msgid "" "The Solemnity '%1$s' coincides with the Solemnity '%2$s' in the year %3$d. " @@ -97,7 +94,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" #. translators: 1: Festivity name, 2: Coinciding Festivity name, 3: Requested calendar year, 4: Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:644 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:712 #, php-format msgid "" "Seeing that the Solemnity '%1$s' coincides with the Solemnity '%2$s' in the " @@ -105,7 +102,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" #. translators: 1: Festivity name (Christmas), 2: Requested calendar year, 3: Festivity name (Holy Family), 4: New date for Holy Family -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:713 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:781 #, php-format msgid "" "'%1$s' falls on a Sunday in the year %2$d, therefore the Feast '%3$s' is " @@ -113,27 +110,30 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" #. translators: 1: Festivity name, 2: Superseding Festivity grade, 3: Superseding Festivity name, 4: Requested calendar year -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:748 includes/LitCalAPI.php:773 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:816 includes/LitCalAPI.php:841 #, php-format msgid "'%1$s' is superseded by the %2$s '%3$s' in the year %4$d." msgstr "" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:826 +#. translators: %s is an ordinal number (first, second...) +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:898 #, php-format msgid "of the %s Week of Advent" msgstr "" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:843 +#. translators: %s is an ordinal number (first, second...) +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:921 #, php-format msgid "%s Day of the Octave of Christmas" msgstr "" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:867 +#. translators: %s is an ordinal number (first, second...) +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:951 #, php-format msgid "of the %s Week of Lent" msgstr "" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:872 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:958 msgid "after Ash Wednesday" msgstr "" @@ -161,15 +161,15 @@ msgstr "" #. 5. Source of the information #. 6. Requested calendar year #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:892 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1226 -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1403 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1926 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:978 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1312 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1489 includes/LitCalAPI.php:2012 #, php-format msgid "" "The %1$s '%2$s' has been added on %3$s since the year %4$d (%5$s), " "applicable to the year %6$d." msgstr "" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:926 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1018 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1012 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1104 msgid "" "Vatican Press conference: Presentation of the Editio Typica Tertia of the " "Roman Missal" @@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ msgstr "" #. 2. Name of the festivity #. 3. Requested calendar year #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:972 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1058 #, php-format msgid "" "The %1$s '%2$s' either falls between 17 Dec. and 24 Dec., or during the " @@ -195,12 +195,12 @@ msgstr "" #. 4. Name of the festivity that is superseding #. 5. Requested calendar year #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:994 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1080 #, php-format msgid "The %1$s '%2$s' is superseded by the %3$s '%4$s' in the year %5$d." msgstr "" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1014 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1100 msgid "Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum" msgstr "" @@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ msgstr "" #. 8. Name of the festivity that is superseding #. 9. Requested calendar year #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1036 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1122 #, php-format msgid "" "The %1$s '%2$s', added in the %3$s of the Roman Missal since the year %4$d " @@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ msgstr "" #. 7. Name of the superseding festivity #. 8. Requested calendar year #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1072 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1158 #, php-format msgid "" "The %1$s '%2$s', added on %3$s since the year %4$d (%5$s), is however " @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ msgstr "" #. 3. Requested calendar year #. 4. Source of the information #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1111 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1197 #, php-format msgid "" "The Memorial '%1$s' coincides with another Memorial '%2$s' in the year %3$d. " @@ -254,17 +254,17 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" #. translators: e.g. 'Monday before Palm Sunday' -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1145 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1231 msgid "before" msgstr "" #. translators: e.g. 'Monday after Pentecost' -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1150 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1236 msgid "after" msgstr "" #. translators: 1. Name of the mobile festivity being created, 2. Name of the festivity that it is relative to -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1155 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1241 #, php-format msgid "" "Cannot create mobile festivity '%1$s': can only be relative to festivity " @@ -272,14 +272,14 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" #. translators: 1. Name of the mobile festivity being created, 2. Name of the festivity that it is relative to -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1170 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1256 #, php-format msgid "" "Cannot create mobile festivity '%1$s' relative to festivity with key '%2$s'" msgstr "" #. translators: Do not translate 'strtotime'! 1. Name of the mobile festivity being created 2. list of properties -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1178 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1264 #, php-format msgid "" "Cannot create mobile festivity '%1$s': when the 'strtotime' property is an " @@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" #. translators: Do not translate 'strtotime'! 1. Name of the mobile festivity being created -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1198 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1284 #, php-format msgid "" "Cannot create mobile festivity '%1$s': 'strtotime' property must be either " @@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" #. translators: Do not translate 'strtotime'! 1. Name of the mobile festivity being created -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1206 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1292 #, php-format msgid "Cannot create mobile festivity '%1$s' without a 'strtotime' property!" msgstr "" @@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ msgstr "" #. 5. Requested calendar year #. 6. Source of the information #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1261 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1347 #, php-format msgid "" "The name of the %1$s '%2$s' has been changed to %3$s since the year %4$d, " @@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ msgstr "" #. 5. Requested calendar year #. 6. Source of the information #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1283 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1369 #, php-format msgid "" "The %1$s '%2$s' has been raised to the rank of %3$s since the year %4$d, " @@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ msgstr "" #. 5. Requested calendar year #. 6. Source of the information #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1293 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1379 #, php-format msgid "" "The %1$s '%2$s' has been lowered to the rank of %3$s since the year %4$d, " @@ -351,14 +351,14 @@ msgstr "" #. 3. Requested calendar year #. 4. Source of the information #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1327 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1413 #, php-format msgid "" "'%1$s' has been declared a Doctor of the Church since the year %2$d, " "applicable to the year %3$d (%4$s)." msgstr "" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1335 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1421 msgid "and Doctor of the Church" msgstr "" @@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ msgstr "" #. 7. Name of superseding festivity #. 8. Requested calendar year #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1440 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1526 #, php-format msgid "" "The %1$s '%2$s', added on %3$s since the year %4$d (%5$s), is however " @@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ msgstr "" #. 7. Year from which the festivity has been added #. 8. Source of the information #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1468 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1554 #, php-format msgid "" "In the year %1$d, the %2$s '%3$s' has been suppressed by the %4$s '%5$s', " @@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" #. translators: 1: Festivity name, 2: Source of the information, 3: Requested calendar year -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1527 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1613 #, php-format msgid "" "The optional memorial '%1$s' has been transferred from Dec. 12 to Aug. 12 " @@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" #. translators: 1: Festivity name, 2: Source of the information, 3: Requested calendar year -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1540 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1626 #, php-format msgid "" "The optional memorial '%1$s', which would have been superseded this year by " @@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ msgid "" "Aug. 12 since the year 2002 (%2$s), applicable to the year %3$d." msgstr "" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1555 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1641 #, php-format msgid "" "The optional memorial '%1$s' has been transferred from Dec. 12 to Aug. 12 " @@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" #. translators: 1: Festivity name, 2: Source of the information -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1582 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1668 #, php-format msgid "" "The Feast '%1$s' would have been suppressed this year ( 2009 ) since it " @@ -431,26 +431,26 @@ msgid "" "the memorial." msgstr "" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1606 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1692 #, php-format msgid "of the %s Week of Easter" msgstr "" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1642 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1671 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1728 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1757 #, php-format msgid "of the %s Week of Ordinary Time" msgstr "" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1694 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1780 msgid "Saturday Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary" msgstr "" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1719 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1722 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1805 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1808 #, php-format msgid "Error retrieving and decoding Wider Region data from file %s." msgstr "" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1729 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1815 #, php-format msgid "Error retrieving and decoding National data from file %s." msgstr "" @@ -463,7 +463,7 @@ msgstr "" #. 5. Name of the superseding festivity #. 6. Requested calendar year #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1763 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1849 #, php-format msgid "" "The %1$s '%2$s', usually celebrated on %3$s, is suppressed by the %4$s " @@ -476,21 +476,21 @@ msgstr "" #. 3. Requested calendar year #. 4. Source of the information #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1828 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1914 #, php-format msgid "" "The Memorial '%1$s' coincides with another Memorial '%2$s' in the year %3$d. " "They are both reduced in rank to optional memorials." msgstr "" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1891 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1977 msgid "" "We should be creating a new festivity, however we do not seem to have the " "correct date information in order to proceed" msgstr "" #. translators: Name of the Roman Missal -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:2006 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:2092 #, php-format msgid "Found a sanctorale data file for %s" msgstr "" @@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ msgstr "" #. 6. Superseding festivity name #. 7. Requested calendar year #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:2036 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:2122 #, php-format msgid "" "The %1$s '%2$s' (%3$s), added to the national calendar in the %4$s, is " @@ -512,13 +512,13 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" #. translators: Name of the Roman Missal -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:2051 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:2137 #, php-format msgid "Could not find a sanctorale data file for %s" msgstr "" #. translators: 1. Festivity grade, 2. Festivity name, 3. New festivity name, 4: Requested calendar year, 5. Old date, 6. New date -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:2096 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:2182 #, php-format msgid "" "The %1$s '%2$s' is transferred from %5$s to %6$s as per the %7$s, to make " @@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" #. translators: 1. Festivity grade, 2. Festivity name, 3. Old date, 4. New date, 5. Source of the information, 6. New festivity name, 7. Superseding festivity grade, 8. Superseding festivity name, 9: Requested calendar year -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:2115 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:2201 #, php-format msgid "" "The %1$s '%2$s' would have been transferred from %3$s to %4$s as per the " @@ -780,7 +780,7 @@ msgstr "" #. translators: (singular feminine) glue between "From the Common" and the actual common. Latin: leave empty! #: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:169 includes/enums/LitCommon.php:181 msgctxt "(SING_FEMM)" -msgid "of" +msgid "of the" msgstr "" #. translators: (plural feminine) glue between "From the Common" and the actual common. Latin: leave empty! @@ -798,7 +798,7 @@ msgstr "" #. translators: (singular masculine) glue between "From the Common" and the actual common. Latin: leave empty! #: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:184 msgctxt "(SING_MASC)" -msgid "of" +msgid "of the" msgstr "" #: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:342 @@ -844,3 +844,9 @@ msgstr "SOLEMNIDAD" #: includes/enums/LitGrade.php:125 msgid "celebration with precedence over solemnities" msgstr "" + +#~ msgid "%s day before Epiphany" +#~ msgstr "%s día antes de la Epifanía" + +#~ msgid "%s day after Epiphany" +#~ msgstr "%s día después de la Epifanía" diff --git a/i18n/fr/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.po b/i18n/fr/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.po index f7eeb57d..07e0c3ec 100644 --- a/i18n/fr/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.po +++ b/i18n/fr/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-09-21 12:27+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-12-04 13:55+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-02-16 09:56+0000\n" "Last-Translator: John R. D'Orazio \n" "Language-Team: French , 2022. +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-12-04 13:55+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" +"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n" +"Language-Team: none\n" +"Language: hu\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" + +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:241 +#, php-format +msgid "" +"Only years from 1970 and after are supported. You tried requesting the year " +"%d." +msgstr "" + +#. translators: name of the Roman Missal +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:277 +#, php-format +msgid "Data for the sanctorale from %s could not be found." +msgstr "" + +#. translators: name of the Roman Missal +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:284 +#, php-format +msgid "Translation data for the sanctorale from %s could not be found." +msgstr "" + +#. translators: days before Epiphany when Epiphany falls on Jan 6 (not useful in Italian!) +#. translators: days after Epiphany when Epiphany falls on Jan 6 (not useful in Italian!) +#. translators: days before Epiphany when Epiphany is on a Sunday (not useful in Italian!) +#. translators: days after Epiphany when Epiphany is on a Sunday (not useful in Italian!) +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:373 includes/LitCalAPI.php:404 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:450 includes/LitCalAPI.php:479 +#, php-format +msgid "%s - Christmas Weekday" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: 1: Festivity name, 2: Festivity date, 3: Requested calendar year, 4: Explicatory string for the transferral (ex. the Saturday preceding Palm Sunday), 5: actual date for the transferral, 6: Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship +#. translators: 1: Festivity name, 2: Festivity date, 3: Requested calendar year, 4: Explicatory string for the transferral, 5: actual date for the transferral, 6: Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:633 includes/LitCalAPI.php:650 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:677 +#, php-format +msgid "" +"The Solemnity '%1$s' falls on %2$s in the year %3$d, the celebration has " +"been transferred to %4$s (%5$s) as per the %6$s." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:637 +msgid "the Saturday preceding Palm Sunday" +msgstr "" + +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:642 includes/LitCalAPI.php:659 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:686 includes/LitCalAPI.php:716 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1026 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1145 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1201 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1433 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1478 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1505 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1615 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1628 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1643 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1670 +#: includes/FestivityCollection.php:365 +msgid "Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship" +msgstr "" + +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:654 +msgid "the Monday following the Second Sunday of Easter" +msgstr "" + +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:681 +msgid "the following Monday" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: 1: Festivity name, 2: Coinciding Festivity name, 3: Requested calendar year +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:693 +#, php-format +msgid "" +"The Solemnity '%1$s' coincides with the Solemnity '%2$s' in the year %3$d. " +"We should ask the Congregation for Divine Worship what to do about this!" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: 1: Festivity name, 2: Coinciding Festivity name, 3: Requested calendar year, 4: Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:712 +#, php-format +msgid "" +"Seeing that the Solemnity '%1$s' coincides with the Solemnity '%2$s' in the " +"year %3$d, it has been anticipated by one day as per %4$s." +msgstr "" + +#. translators: 1: Festivity name (Christmas), 2: Requested calendar year, 3: Festivity name (Holy Family), 4: New date for Holy Family +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:781 +#, php-format +msgid "" +"'%1$s' falls on a Sunday in the year %2$d, therefore the Feast '%3$s' is " +"celebrated on %4$s rather than on the Sunday after Christmas." +msgstr "" + +#. translators: 1: Festivity name, 2: Superseding Festivity grade, 3: Superseding Festivity name, 4: Requested calendar year +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:816 includes/LitCalAPI.php:841 +#, php-format +msgid "'%1$s' is superseded by the %2$s '%3$s' in the year %4$d." +msgstr "" + +#. translators: %s is an ordinal number (first, second...) +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:898 +#, php-format +msgid "of the %s Week of Advent" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: %s is an ordinal number (first, second...) +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:921 +#, php-format +msgid "%s Day of the Octave of Christmas" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: %s is an ordinal number (first, second...) +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:951 +#, php-format +msgid "of the %s Week of Lent" +msgstr "" + +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:958 +msgid "after Ash Wednesday" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: +#. 1. Grade or rank of the festivity +#. 2. Name of the festivity +#. 3. Day of the festivity +#. 4. Year from which the festivity has been added +#. 5. Source of the information +#. 6. Requested calendar year +#. +#. translators: +#. 1. Grade or rank of the festivity being created +#. 2. Name of the festivity being created +#. 3. Indication of the mobile date for the festivity being created +#. 4. Year from which the festivity has been added +#. 5. Source of the information +#. 6. Requested calendar year +#. +#. translators: +#. 1. Grade or rank of the festivity +#. 2. Name of the festivity +#. 3. Day of the festivity +#. 4. Year from which the festivity has been added +#. 5. Source of the information +#. 6. Requested calendar year +#. +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:978 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1312 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1489 includes/LitCalAPI.php:2012 +#, php-format +msgid "" +"The %1$s '%2$s' has been added on %3$s since the year %4$d (%5$s), " +"applicable to the year %6$d." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1012 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1104 +msgid "" +"Vatican Press conference: Presentation of the Editio Typica Tertia of the " +"Roman Missal" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: +#. 1. Grade or rank of the festivity +#. 2. Name of the festivity +#. 3. Requested calendar year +#. +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1058 +#, php-format +msgid "" +"The %1$s '%2$s' either falls between 17 Dec. and 24 Dec., or during the " +"Octave of Christmas, or on the weekdays of the Lenten season in the year " +"%3$d, rank reduced to Commemoration." +msgstr "" + +#. translators: +#. 1. Grade or rank of the festivity that has been superseded +#. 2. Name of the festivity that has been superseded +#. 3. Grade or rank of the festivity that is superseding +#. 4. Name of the festivity that is superseding +#. 5. Requested calendar year +#. +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1080 +#, php-format +msgid "The %1$s '%2$s' is superseded by the %3$s '%4$s' in the year %5$d." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1100 +msgid "Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: +#. 1. Grade or rank of the festivity that has been superseded +#. 2. Name of the festivity that has been superseded +#. 3. Edition of the Roman Missal +#. 4. Year in which the Edition of the Roman Missal was published +#. 5. Any possible decrees or sources about the edition of the Roman Missal +#. 6. Date in which the superseded festivity is usually celebrated +#. 7. Grade or rank of the festivity that is superseding +#. 8. Name of the festivity that is superseding +#. 9. Requested calendar year +#. +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1122 +#, php-format +msgid "" +"The %1$s '%2$s', added in the %3$s of the Roman Missal since the year %4$d " +"(%5$s) and usually celebrated on %6$s, is suppressed by the %7$s '%8$s' in " +"the year %9$d." +msgstr "" + +#. translators: +#. 1. Grade or rank of the festivity +#. 2. Name of the festivity +#. 3. Day of the festivity +#. 4. Year from which the festivity has been added +#. 5. Source of the information +#. 6. Grade or rank of the superseding festivity +#. 7. Name of the superseding festivity +#. 8. Requested calendar year +#. +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1158 +#, php-format +msgid "" +"The %1$s '%2$s', added on %3$s since the year %4$d (%5$s), is however " +"superseded by a %6$s '%7$s' in the year %8$d." +msgstr "" + +#. translators: +#. 1. Name of the first coinciding Memorial +#. 2. Name of the second coinciding Memorial +#. 3. Requested calendar year +#. 4. Source of the information +#. +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1197 +#, php-format +msgid "" +"The Memorial '%1$s' coincides with another Memorial '%2$s' in the year %3$d. " +"They are both reduced in rank to optional memorials (%4$s)." +msgstr "" + +#. translators: e.g. 'Monday before Palm Sunday' +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1231 +msgid "before" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: e.g. 'Monday after Pentecost' +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1236 +msgid "after" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: 1. Name of the mobile festivity being created, 2. Name of the festivity that it is relative to +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1241 +#, php-format +msgid "" +"Cannot create mobile festivity '%1$s': can only be relative to festivity " +"with key '%2$s' using keywords %3$s" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: 1. Name of the mobile festivity being created, 2. Name of the festivity that it is relative to +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1256 +#, php-format +msgid "" +"Cannot create mobile festivity '%1$s' relative to festivity with key '%2$s'" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: Do not translate 'strtotime'! 1. Name of the mobile festivity being created 2. list of properties +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1264 +#, php-format +msgid "" +"Cannot create mobile festivity '%1$s': when the 'strtotime' property is an " +"object, it must have properties %2$s" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: Do not translate 'strtotime'! 1. Name of the mobile festivity being created +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1284 +#, php-format +msgid "" +"Cannot create mobile festivity '%1$s': 'strtotime' property must be either " +"an object or a string! Currently it has type '%2$s'" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: Do not translate 'strtotime'! 1. Name of the mobile festivity being created +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1292 +#, php-format +msgid "Cannot create mobile festivity '%1$s' without a 'strtotime' property!" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: +#. 1. Grade or rank of the festivity +#. 2. Name of the festivity +#. 3. New name of the festivity +#. 4. Year from which the grade has been changed +#. 5. Requested calendar year +#. 6. Source of the information +#. +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1347 +#, php-format +msgid "" +"The name of the %1$s '%2$s' has been changed to %3$s since the year %4$d, " +"applicable to the year %5$d (%6$s)." +msgstr "" + +#. translators: +#. 1. Grade or rank of the festivity +#. 2. Name of the festivity +#. 3. New grade of the festivity +#. 4. Year from which the grade has been changed +#. 5. Requested calendar year +#. 6. Source of the information +#. +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1369 +#, php-format +msgid "" +"The %1$s '%2$s' has been raised to the rank of %3$s since the year %4$d, " +"applicable to the year %5$d (%6$s)." +msgstr "" + +#. translators: +#. 1. Grade or rank of the festivity +#. 2. Name of the festivity +#. 3. New grade of the festivity +#. 4. Year from which the grade has been changed +#. 5. Requested calendar year +#. 6. Source of the information +#. +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1379 +#, php-format +msgid "" +"The %1$s '%2$s' has been lowered to the rank of %3$s since the year %4$d, " +"applicable to the year %5$d (%6$s)." +msgstr "" + +#. translators: +#. 1. Name of the festivity +#. 2. Year in which was declared Doctor +#. 3. Requested calendar year +#. 4. Source of the information +#. +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1413 +#, php-format +msgid "" +"'%1$s' has been declared a Doctor of the Church since the year %2$d, " +"applicable to the year %3$d (%4$s)." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1421 +msgid "and Doctor of the Church" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: +#. 1. Grade or rank of the festivity being created +#. 2. Name of the festivity being created +#. 3. Indication of the mobile date for the festivity being created +#. 4. Year from which the festivity has been added +#. 5. Source of the information +#. 6. Grade or rank of superseding festivity +#. 7. Name of superseding festivity +#. 8. Requested calendar year +#. +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1526 +#, php-format +msgid "" +"The %1$s '%2$s', added on %3$s since the year %4$d (%5$s), is however " +"superseded by the %6$s '%7$s' in the year %8$d." +msgstr "" + +#. translators: +#. 1. Requested calendar year +#. 2. Grade or rank of suppressed festivity +#. 3. Name of suppressed festivity +#. 4. Grade or rank of the festivity being created +#. 5. Name of the festivity being created +#. 6. Indication of the mobile date for the festivity being created +#. 7. Year from which the festivity has been added +#. 8. Source of the information +#. +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1554 +#, php-format +msgid "" +"In the year %1$d, the %2$s '%3$s' has been suppressed by the %4$s '%5$s', " +"added on %6$s since the year %7$d (%8$s)." +msgstr "" + +#. translators: 1: Festivity name, 2: Source of the information, 3: Requested calendar year +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1613 +#, php-format +msgid "" +"The optional memorial '%1$s' has been transferred from Dec. 12 to Aug. 12 " +"since the year 2002 (%2$s), applicable to the year %3$d." +msgstr "" + +#. translators: 1: Festivity name, 2: Source of the information, 3: Requested calendar year +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1626 +#, php-format +msgid "" +"The optional memorial '%1$s', which would have been superseded this year by " +"a Sunday or Solemnity were it on Dec. 12, has however been transferred to " +"Aug. 12 since the year 2002 (%2$s), applicable to the year %3$d." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1641 +#, php-format +msgid "" +"The optional memorial '%1$s' has been transferred from Dec. 12 to Aug. 12 " +"since the year 2002 (%2$s), applicable to the year %3$d. However, it is " +"superseded by a Sunday, a Solemnity, or a Feast '%4$s' in the year %3$d." +msgstr "" + +#. translators: 1: Festivity name, 2: Source of the information +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1668 +#, php-format +msgid "" +"The Feast '%1$s' would have been suppressed this year ( 2009 ) since it " +"falls on a Sunday, however being the Year of the Apostle Paul, as per the " +"%2$s it has been reinstated so that local churches can optionally celebrate " +"the memorial." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1692 +#, php-format +msgid "of the %s Week of Easter" +msgstr "" + +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1728 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1757 +#, php-format +msgid "of the %s Week of Ordinary Time" +msgstr "" + +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1780 +msgid "Saturday Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary" +msgstr "" + +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1805 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1808 +#, php-format +msgid "Error retrieving and decoding Wider Region data from file %s." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1815 +#, php-format +msgid "Error retrieving and decoding National data from file %s." +msgstr "" + +#. translators: +#. 1. Grade of the festivity +#. 2. Name of the festivity +#. 3. Date on which the festivity is usually celebrated +#. 4. Grade of the superseding festivity +#. 5. Name of the superseding festivity +#. 6. Requested calendar year +#. +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1849 +#, php-format +msgid "" +"The %1$s '%2$s', usually celebrated on %3$s, is suppressed by the %4$s " +"'%5$s' in the year %6$d." +msgstr "" + +#. translators: +#. 1. Name of the first coinciding Memorial +#. 2. Name of the second coinciding Memorial +#. 3. Requested calendar year +#. 4. Source of the information +#. +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1914 +#, php-format +msgid "" +"The Memorial '%1$s' coincides with another Memorial '%2$s' in the year %3$d. " +"They are both reduced in rank to optional memorials." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1977 +msgid "" +"We should be creating a new festivity, however we do not seem to have the " +"correct date information in order to proceed" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: Name of the Roman Missal +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:2092 +#, php-format +msgid "Found a sanctorale data file for %s" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: +#. 1. Festivity grade +#. 2. Festivity name +#. 3. Festivity date +#. 4. Edition of the Roman Missal +#. 5. Superseding festivity grade +#. 6. Superseding festivity name +#. 7. Requested calendar year +#. +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:2122 +#, php-format +msgid "" +"The %1$s '%2$s' (%3$s), added to the national calendar in the %4$s, is " +"superseded by the %5$s '%6$s' in the year %7$d" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: Name of the Roman Missal +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:2137 +#, php-format +msgid "Could not find a sanctorale data file for %s" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: 1. Festivity grade, 2. Festivity name, 3. New festivity name, 4: Requested calendar year, 5. Old date, 6. New date +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:2182 +#, php-format +msgid "" +"The %1$s '%2$s' is transferred from %5$s to %6$s as per the %7$s, to make " +"room for '%3$s': applicable to the year %4$d." +msgstr "" + +#. translators: 1. Festivity grade, 2. Festivity name, 3. Old date, 4. New date, 5. Source of the information, 6. New festivity name, 7. Superseding festivity grade, 8. Superseding festivity name, 9: Requested calendar year +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:2201 +#, php-format +msgid "" +"The %1$s '%2$s' would have been transferred from %3$s to %4$s as per the " +"%5$s, to make room for '%6$s', however it is suppressed by the %7$s '%8$s' " +"in the year %9$d." +msgstr "" + +#. translators: when there are multiple possible commons, this will be the glue "or from the common of..." +#: includes/LitMessages.php:143 includes/LitMessages.php:148 +#: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:346 +msgid "or" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: in reference to the cycle of liturgical years (A, B, C; I, II) +#: includes/FestivityCollection.php:44 +msgid "YEAR" +msgstr "" + +#: includes/FestivityCollection.php:45 +msgid "Vigil Mass" +msgstr "" + +#: includes/FestivityCollection.php:359 +#, php-format +msgid "" +"The Vigil Mass for the %1$s '%2$s' coincides with the %3$s '%4$s' in the " +"year %5$d. As per %6$s, the first has precedence, therefore the Vigil Mass " +"is confirmed as are I Vespers." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/FestivityCollection.php:373 +#, php-format +msgid "" +"The Vigil Mass for the %1$s '%2$s' coincides with the %3$s '%4$s' in the " +"year %5$d. Since the first Solemnity has precedence, it will have Vespers I " +"and a vigil Mass, whereas the last Solemnity will not have either Vespers II " +"or an evening Mass." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/FestivityCollection.php:383 +#, php-format +msgid "" +"The Vigil Mass for the %1$s '%2$s' coincides with the %3$s '%4$s' in the " +"year %5$d. This last Solemnity takes precedence, therefore it will maintain " +"Vespers II and an evening Mass, while the first Solemnity will not have a " +"Vigil Mass or Vespers I." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/FestivityCollection.php:443 +#, php-format +msgid "" +"The Vigil Mass for the %1$s '%2$s' coincides with the %3$s '%4$s' in the " +"year %5$d. We should ask the Congregation for Divine Worship what to do " +"about this!" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: context = liturgical color +#: includes/enums/LitColor.php:27 +msgid "green" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: context = liturgical color +#: includes/enums/LitColor.php:30 +msgid "purple" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: context = liturgical color +#: includes/enums/LitColor.php:33 +msgid "white" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: context = liturgical color +#: includes/enums/LitColor.php:36 +msgid "red" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: context = liturgical color +#: includes/enums/LitColor.php:39 +msgid "pink" +msgstr "" + +#: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:57 +msgid "Proper" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: context = from the Common of nn +#: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:59 +msgid "Dedication of a Church" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: context = from the Common of nn +#: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:61 +msgid "Blessed Virgin Mary" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: context = from the Common of nn +#: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:63 +msgid "Martyrs" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: context = from the Common of nn +#: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:65 +msgid "Pastors" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: context = from the Common of nn +#: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:67 +msgid "Doctors" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: context = from the Common of nn +#: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:69 +msgid "Virgins" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: context = from the Common of nn +#: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:71 +msgid "Holy Men and Women" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: context = from the Common of nn: nn +#: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:74 +msgid "For One Martyr" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: context = from the Common of nn: nn +#: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:76 +msgid "For Several Martyrs" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: context = from the Common of nn: nn +#: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:78 +msgid "For Missionary Martyrs" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: context = from the Common of nn: nn +#: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:80 +msgid "For One Missionary Martyr" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: context = from the Common of nn: nn +#: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:82 +msgid "For Several Missionary Martyrs" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: context = from the Common of nn: nn +#: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:84 +msgid "For a Virgin Martyr" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: context = from the Common of nn: nn +#: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:86 +msgid "For a Holy Woman Martyr" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: context = from the Common of nn: nn +#: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:88 +msgid "For a Pope" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: context = from the Common of nn: nn +#: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:90 +msgid "For a Bishop" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: context = from the Common of nn: nn +#: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:92 +msgid "For One Pastor" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: context = from the Common of nn: nn +#: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:94 +msgid "For Several Pastors" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: context = from the Common of nn: nn +#: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:96 +msgid "For Founders of a Church" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: context = from the Common of nn: nn +#: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:98 +msgid "For One Founder" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: context = from the Common of nn: nn +#: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:100 +msgid "For Several Founders" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: context = from the Common of nn: nn +#: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:102 +msgid "For Missionaries" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: context = from the Common of nn: nn +#: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:104 +msgid "For One Virgin" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: context = from the Common of nn: nn +#: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:106 +msgid "For Several Virgins" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: context = from the Common of nn: nn +#: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:108 +msgid "For Several Saints" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: context = from the Common of nn: nn +#: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:110 +msgid "For One Saint" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: context = from the Common of nn: nn +#: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:112 +msgid "For an Abbot" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: context = from the Common of nn: nn +#: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:114 +msgid "For a Monk" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: context = from the Common of nn: nn +#: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:116 +msgid "For a Nun" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: context = from the Common of nn: nn +#: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:118 +msgid "For Religious" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: context = from the Common of nn: nn +#: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:120 +msgid "For Those Who Practiced Works of Mercy" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: context = from the Common of nn: nn +#: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:122 +msgid "For Educators" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: context = from the Common of nn: nn +#: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:124 +msgid "For Holy Women" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: (singular feminine) glue between "From the Common" and the actual common. Latin: leave empty! +#: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:169 includes/enums/LitCommon.php:181 +msgctxt "(SING_FEMM)" +msgid "of the" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: (plural feminine) glue between "From the Common" and the actual common. Latin: leave empty! +#: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:172 +msgctxt "(PLUR_FEMM)" +msgid "of" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: (plural masculine) glue between "From the Common" and the actual common. Latin: leave empty! +#: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:178 +msgctxt "(PLUR_MASC)" +msgid "of" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: (singular masculine) glue between "From the Common" and the actual common. Latin: leave empty! +#: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:184 +msgctxt "(SING_MASC)" +msgid "of the" +msgstr "" + +#: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:342 +msgid "From the Common" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: liturgical rank. Keep lowercase +#: includes/enums/LitGrade.php:90 includes/enums/LitGrade.php:129 +msgid "weekday" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: liturgical rank. Keep Capitalized +#: includes/enums/LitGrade.php:95 +msgid "Commemoration" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: liturgical rank. Keep Capitalized +#: includes/enums/LitGrade.php:100 +msgid "Optional memorial" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: liturgical rank. Keep Capitalized +#: includes/enums/LitGrade.php:105 +msgid "Memorial" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: liturgical rank. Keep UPPERCASE +#: includes/enums/LitGrade.php:110 +msgid "FEAST" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: liturgical rank. Keep UPPERCASE +#: includes/enums/LitGrade.php:115 +msgid "FEAST OF THE LORD" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: liturgical rank. Keep UPPERCASE +#: includes/enums/LitGrade.php:120 +msgid "SOLEMNITY" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: liturgical rank. Keep lowercase +#: includes/enums/LitGrade.php:125 +msgid "celebration with precedence over solemnities" +msgstr "" diff --git a/i18n/it/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.mo b/i18n/it/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.mo index c8c076c5..9bc70a00 100644 Binary files a/i18n/it/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.mo and b/i18n/it/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.mo differ diff --git a/i18n/it/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.po b/i18n/it/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.po index 07dce2cc..5a4322d0 100644 --- a/i18n/it/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.po +++ b/i18n/it/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.po @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-09-21 12:27+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-06-06 08:59+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-12-04 13:55+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-10-11 16:28+0000\n" "Last-Translator: John R. D'Orazio \n" "Language-Team: Italian \n" @@ -40,20 +40,20 @@ msgstr "Non sono stati trovati dati per il santorale di: %s." msgid "Translation data for the sanctorale from %s could not be found." msgstr "Non sono stati trovati dati per la traduzione del santorale di: %s." -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:360 includes/LitCalAPI.php:399 +#. translators: days before Epiphany when Epiphany falls on Jan 6 (not useful in Italian!) +#. translators: days after Epiphany when Epiphany falls on Jan 6 (not useful in Italian!) +#. translators: days before Epiphany when Epiphany is on a Sunday (not useful in Italian!) +#. translators: days after Epiphany when Epiphany is on a Sunday (not useful in Italian!) +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:373 includes/LitCalAPI.php:404 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:450 includes/LitCalAPI.php:479 #, php-format -msgid "%s day before Epiphany" -msgstr "%s giorno prima dell'Epifania" - -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:374 includes/LitCalAPI.php:412 -#, php-format -msgid "%s day after Epiphany" -msgstr "%s giorno dopo l'Epifania" +msgid "%s - Christmas Weekday" +msgstr "" #. translators: 1: Festivity name, 2: Festivity date, 3: Requested calendar year, 4: Explicatory string for the transferral (ex. the Saturday preceding Palm Sunday), 5: actual date for the transferral, 6: Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship #. translators: 1: Festivity name, 2: Festivity date, 3: Requested calendar year, 4: Explicatory string for the transferral, 5: actual date for the transferral, 6: Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:565 includes/LitCalAPI.php:582 -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:609 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:633 includes/LitCalAPI.php:650 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:677 #, php-format msgid "" "The Solemnity '%1$s' falls on %2$s in the year %3$d, the celebration has " @@ -62,31 +62,31 @@ msgstr "" "La Solennità '%1$s' cade di %2$s nell'anno %3$d, pertanto la " "celebrazione è stata trasferita al %4$s (%5$s) in accordo con il %6$s." -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:569 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:637 msgid "the Saturday preceding Palm Sunday" msgstr "sabato che precede la Domenica delle Palme" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:574 includes/LitCalAPI.php:591 -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:618 includes/LitCalAPI.php:648 -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:940 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1059 -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1115 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1347 -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1392 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1419 -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1529 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1542 -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1557 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1584 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:642 includes/LitCalAPI.php:659 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:686 includes/LitCalAPI.php:716 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1026 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1145 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1201 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1433 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1478 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1505 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1615 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1628 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1643 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1670 #: includes/FestivityCollection.php:365 msgid "Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship" msgstr "Decreto della Congregazione per il Culto Divino" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:586 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:654 msgid "the Monday following the Second Sunday of Easter" msgstr "lunedì che segue la Seconda Domenica di Pasqua" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:613 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:681 msgid "the following Monday" msgstr "lunedì seguente" #. translators: 1: Festivity name, 2: Coinciding Festivity name, 3: Requested calendar year -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:625 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:693 #, php-format msgid "" "The Solemnity '%1$s' coincides with the Solemnity '%2$s' in the year %3$d. " @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ msgstr "" "riguardo!" #. translators: 1: Festivity name, 2: Coinciding Festivity name, 3: Requested calendar year, 4: Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:644 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:712 #, php-format msgid "" "Seeing that the Solemnity '%1$s' coincides with the Solemnity '%2$s' in the " @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ msgstr "" "nell'anno %3$d, la prima è stata anticipata di un giorno come da %4$s." #. translators: 1: Festivity name (Christmas), 2: Requested calendar year, 3: Festivity name (Holy Family), 4: New date for Holy Family -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:713 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:781 #, php-format msgid "" "'%1$s' falls on a Sunday in the year %2$d, therefore the Feast '%3$s' is " @@ -117,27 +117,30 @@ msgstr "" "'%3$s' viene celebrata il %4$s anziché la Domenica dopo Natale." #. translators: 1: Festivity name, 2: Superseding Festivity grade, 3: Superseding Festivity name, 4: Requested calendar year -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:748 includes/LitCalAPI.php:773 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:816 includes/LitCalAPI.php:841 #, php-format msgid "'%1$s' is superseded by the %2$s '%3$s' in the year %4$d." msgstr "'%1$s' è soppiantata dalla %2$s '%3$s' nell'anno %4$d." -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:826 +#. translators: %s is an ordinal number (first, second...) +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:898 #, php-format msgid "of the %s Week of Advent" msgstr "della %s Settimana dell'Avvento" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:843 +#. translators: %s is an ordinal number (first, second...) +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:921 #, php-format msgid "%s Day of the Octave of Christmas" msgstr "%s Giorno dell'Ottava di Natale" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:867 +#. translators: %s is an ordinal number (first, second...) +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:951 #, php-format msgid "of the %s Week of Lent" msgstr "della %s Settimana di Quaresima" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:872 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:958 msgid "after Ash Wednesday" msgstr "dopo il Mercoledì delle Ceneri" @@ -165,8 +168,8 @@ msgstr "dopo il Mercoledì delle Ceneri" #. 5. Source of the information #. 6. Requested calendar year #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:892 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1226 -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1403 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1926 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:978 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1312 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1489 includes/LitCalAPI.php:2012 #, php-format msgid "" "The %1$s '%2$s' has been added on %3$s since the year %4$d (%5$s), " @@ -175,7 +178,7 @@ msgstr "" "La %1$s '%2$s' è stata inserita il giorno %3$s a partire dall'anno %4$d " "(%5$s), applicabile pertanto all'anno %6$d." -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:926 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1018 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1012 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1104 msgid "" "Vatican Press conference: Presentation of the Editio Typica Tertia of the " "Roman Missal" @@ -188,7 +191,7 @@ msgstr "" #. 2. Name of the festivity #. 3. Requested calendar year #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:972 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1058 #, php-format msgid "" "The %1$s '%2$s' either falls between 17 Dec. and 24 Dec., or during the " @@ -206,12 +209,12 @@ msgstr "" #. 4. Name of the festivity that is superseding #. 5. Requested calendar year #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:994 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1080 #, php-format msgid "The %1$s '%2$s' is superseded by the %3$s '%4$s' in the year %5$d." msgstr "La %1$s '%2$s' è soppiantata dalla %3$s '%4$s' nell'anno %5$d." -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1014 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1100 msgid "Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum" msgstr "Costituzione Apostolica Missale Romanum" @@ -226,7 +229,7 @@ msgstr "Costituzione Apostolica Missale Romanum" #. 8. Name of the festivity that is superseding #. 9. Requested calendar year #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1036 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1122 #, php-format msgid "" "The %1$s '%2$s', added in the %3$s of the Roman Missal since the year %4$d " @@ -247,7 +250,7 @@ msgstr "" #. 7. Name of the superseding festivity #. 8. Requested calendar year #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1072 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1158 #, php-format msgid "" "The %1$s '%2$s', added on %3$s since the year %4$d (%5$s), is however " @@ -262,7 +265,7 @@ msgstr "" #. 3. Requested calendar year #. 4. Source of the information #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1111 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1197 #, php-format msgid "" "The Memorial '%1$s' coincides with another Memorial '%2$s' in the year %3$d. " @@ -272,51 +275,60 @@ msgstr "" "e due sono ridotte al grado di memorie facoltative (%4$s)." #. translators: e.g. 'Monday before Palm Sunday' -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1145 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1231 msgid "before" -msgstr "" +msgstr "prima di" #. translators: e.g. 'Monday after Pentecost' -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1150 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1236 msgid "after" -msgstr "" +msgstr "dopo" #. translators: 1. Name of the mobile festivity being created, 2. Name of the festivity that it is relative to -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1155 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1241 #, php-format msgid "" "Cannot create mobile festivity '%1$s': can only be relative to festivity " "with key '%2$s' using keywords %3$s" msgstr "" +"Impossibile creare la festività mobile '%1$s': può solo essere relativa alla " +"festività con chiave '%2$s' utilizzando le parole chiave %3$s" #. translators: 1. Name of the mobile festivity being created, 2. Name of the festivity that it is relative to -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1170 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1256 #, php-format msgid "" "Cannot create mobile festivity '%1$s' relative to festivity with key '%2$s'" msgstr "" +"Impossibile creare la festività mobile '%1$s' relativa alla festività con " +"chiave '%2$s'" #. translators: Do not translate 'strtotime'! 1. Name of the mobile festivity being created 2. list of properties -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1178 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1264 #, php-format msgid "" "Cannot create mobile festivity '%1$s': when the 'strtotime' property is an " "object, it must have properties %2$s" msgstr "" +"Impossibile creare la festività mobile '%1$s': quando la proprietà " +"'strtotime' è un oggetto, deve avere le proprietà %2$s" #. translators: Do not translate 'strtotime'! 1. Name of the mobile festivity being created -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1198 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1284 #, php-format msgid "" "Cannot create mobile festivity '%1$s': 'strtotime' property must be either " "an object or a string! Currently it has type '%2$s'" msgstr "" +"Impossibile creare la festività mobile '%1$s': la proprietà 'strtotime' deve " +"essere un oggetto oppure una stringa! Attualmente è di tipo '%2$s'" #. translators: Do not translate 'strtotime'! 1. Name of the mobile festivity being created -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1206 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1292 #, php-format msgid "Cannot create mobile festivity '%1$s' without a 'strtotime' property!" msgstr "" +"Impossibile creare la festività mobile '%1$s' senza la proprietà 'strtotime'!" #. translators: #. 1. Grade or rank of the festivity @@ -326,7 +338,7 @@ msgstr "" #. 5. Requested calendar year #. 6. Source of the information #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1261 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1347 #, php-format msgid "" "The name of the %1$s '%2$s' has been changed to %3$s since the year %4$d, " @@ -343,7 +355,7 @@ msgstr "" #. 5. Requested calendar year #. 6. Source of the information #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1283 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1369 #, php-format msgid "" "The %1$s '%2$s' has been raised to the rank of %3$s since the year %4$d, " @@ -360,7 +372,7 @@ msgstr "" #. 5. Requested calendar year #. 6. Source of the information #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1293 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1379 #, php-format msgid "" "The %1$s '%2$s' has been lowered to the rank of %3$s since the year %4$d, " @@ -375,7 +387,7 @@ msgstr "" #. 3. Requested calendar year #. 4. Source of the information #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1327 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1413 #, php-format msgid "" "'%1$s' has been declared a Doctor of the Church since the year %2$d, " @@ -384,7 +396,7 @@ msgstr "" "'%1$s' è stato dichiarato Dottore della Chiesa sin dal %2$d, applicabile " "pertanto all'anno %3$d (%4$s)." -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1335 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1421 msgid "and Doctor of the Church" msgstr "e Dottore della Chiesa" @@ -398,7 +410,7 @@ msgstr "e Dottore della Chiesa" #. 7. Name of superseding festivity #. 8. Requested calendar year #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1440 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1526 #, php-format msgid "" "The %1$s '%2$s', added on %3$s since the year %4$d (%5$s), is however " @@ -417,7 +429,7 @@ msgstr "" #. 7. Year from which the festivity has been added #. 8. Source of the information #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1468 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1554 #, php-format msgid "" "In the year %1$d, the %2$s '%3$s' has been suppressed by the %4$s '%5$s', " @@ -427,7 +439,7 @@ msgstr "" "il giorno %6$s sin dal %7$d (%8$s)." #. translators: 1: Festivity name, 2: Source of the information, 3: Requested calendar year -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1527 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1613 #, php-format msgid "" "The optional memorial '%1$s' has been transferred from Dec. 12 to Aug. 12 " @@ -437,7 +449,7 @@ msgstr "" "sin dal 2002 (%2$s), applicabile pertanto all'anno %3$d." #. translators: 1: Festivity name, 2: Source of the information, 3: Requested calendar year -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1540 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1626 #, php-format msgid "" "The optional memorial '%1$s', which would have been superseded this year by " @@ -449,7 +461,7 @@ msgstr "" "trasferita al 12 Agosto sin dal 2002 (%2$s), applicabile pertanto all'anno " "%3$d." -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1555 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1641 #, php-format msgid "" "The optional memorial '%1$s' has been transferred from Dec. 12 to Aug. 12 " @@ -461,7 +473,7 @@ msgstr "" "soppressa da una Domenica, una Solennità o una Festa '%4$s' nell'anno %3$d." #. translators: 1: Festivity name, 2: Source of the information -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1582 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1668 #, php-format msgid "" "The Feast '%1$s' would have been suppressed this year ( 2009 ) since it " @@ -474,28 +486,28 @@ msgstr "" "restituita secondo il %2$s in modo che le chiese locali abbiano facoltà di " "mantenere la memoria." -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1606 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1692 #, php-format msgid "of the %s Week of Easter" msgstr "della %s Settimana di Pasqua" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1642 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1671 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1728 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1757 #, php-format msgid "of the %s Week of Ordinary Time" msgstr "della %s Settimana del Tempo Ordinario" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1694 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1780 msgid "Saturday Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary" msgstr "Memoria di Santa Maria in sabato" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1719 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1722 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1805 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1808 #, php-format msgid "Error retrieving and decoding Wider Region data from file %s." msgstr "" "Errore nella lettura o nella decodifica dei dati per la Regione più ampia " "dal file %s." -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1729 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1815 #, php-format msgid "Error retrieving and decoding National data from file %s." msgstr "" @@ -509,7 +521,7 @@ msgstr "" #. 5. Name of the superseding festivity #. 6. Requested calendar year #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1763 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1849 #, php-format msgid "" "The %1$s '%2$s', usually celebrated on %3$s, is suppressed by the %4$s " @@ -524,7 +536,7 @@ msgstr "" #. 3. Requested calendar year #. 4. Source of the information #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1828 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1914 #, php-format msgid "" "The Memorial '%1$s' coincides with another Memorial '%2$s' in the year %3$d. " @@ -533,7 +545,7 @@ msgstr "" "La Memoria '%1$s' coincide con un'altra Memoria '%2$s' nell'anno %3$d. Tutte " "e due sono ridotte al grado di memorie facoltative." -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1891 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1977 msgid "" "We should be creating a new festivity, however we do not seem to have the " "correct date information in order to proceed" @@ -542,7 +554,7 @@ msgstr "" "corrette informazioni sulla data per poter procedere" #. translators: Name of the Roman Missal -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:2006 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:2092 #, php-format msgid "Found a sanctorale data file for %s" msgstr "Trovato un file con dati per il santorale di: %s" @@ -556,7 +568,7 @@ msgstr "Trovato un file con dati per il santorale di: %s" #. 6. Superseding festivity name #. 7. Requested calendar year #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:2036 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:2122 #, php-format msgid "" "The %1$s '%2$s' (%3$s), added to the national calendar in the %4$s, is " @@ -566,13 +578,13 @@ msgstr "" "superata dalla %5$s '%6$s' nell'anno %7$d" #. translators: Name of the Roman Missal -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:2051 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:2137 #, php-format msgid "Could not find a sanctorale data file for %s" msgstr "Non è stato trovato un file con i dati del santorale di: %s" #. translators: 1. Festivity grade, 2. Festivity name, 3. New festivity name, 4: Requested calendar year, 5. Old date, 6. New date -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:2096 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:2182 #, php-format msgid "" "The %1$s '%2$s' is transferred from %5$s to %6$s as per the %7$s, to make " @@ -582,7 +594,7 @@ msgstr "" "lasciare luogo a '%3$s': applicabile pertanto all'anno %4$d." #. translators: 1. Festivity grade, 2. Festivity name, 3. Old date, 4. New date, 5. Source of the information, 6. New festivity name, 7. Superseding festivity grade, 8. Superseding festivity name, 9: Requested calendar year -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:2115 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:2201 #, php-format msgid "" "The %1$s '%2$s' would have been transferred from %3$s to %4$s as per the " @@ -609,68 +621,52 @@ msgid "Vigil Mass" msgstr "Messa della vigilia" #: includes/FestivityCollection.php:359 -#, fuzzy, php-format -#| msgid "" -#| "The Vigil Mass for the %s '%s' coincides with the %s '%s' in the year %d. " -#| "As per %s, the first has precedence, therefore the Vigil Mass is " -#| "confirmed as are I Vespers." +#, php-format msgid "" "The Vigil Mass for the %1$s '%2$s' coincides with the %3$s '%4$s' in the " "year %5$d. As per %6$s, the first has precedence, therefore the Vigil Mass " "is confirmed as are I Vespers." msgstr "" -"La Messa nella Vigilia per la %s '%s' coincide con la %s '%s' nell'anno %d. " -"Secondo il %s, la prima ha la precedenza, pertanto la Messa nella Vigilia è " -"confermata come anche i Primi Vespri." +"La Messa nella Vigilia per la %1$s '%2$s' coincide con la %3$s '%4$s' " +"nell'anno %5$d. Secondo il %6$s, la prima ha la precedenza, pertanto la " +"Messa nella Vigilia è confermata come anche i Primi Vespri." #: includes/FestivityCollection.php:373 -#, fuzzy, php-format -#| msgid "" -#| "The Vigil Mass for the %s '%s' coincides with the %s '%s' in the year %d. " -#| "Since the first Solemnity has precedence, it will have Vespers I and a " -#| "vigil Mass, whereas the last Solemnity will not have either Vespers II or " -#| "an evening Mass." +#, php-format msgid "" "The Vigil Mass for the %1$s '%2$s' coincides with the %3$s '%4$s' in the " "year %5$d. Since the first Solemnity has precedence, it will have Vespers I " "and a vigil Mass, whereas the last Solemnity will not have either Vespers II " "or an evening Mass." msgstr "" -"La Messa nella Vigilia per la %s '%s' coincide con la %s '%s' nell'anno %d. " -"Visto che la prima Solennità ha la precedenza, avrà i Primi Vespri e una " -"Messa di Vigilia, mentre l'ultima Solennità non avrà né i Secondi Vespri né " -"una Messa serale." +"La Messa nella Vigilia per la %1$s '%2$s' coincide con la %3$s '%4$s' " +"nell'anno %5$d. Visto che la prima Solennità ha la precedenza, avrà i Primi " +"Vespri e una Messa di Vigilia, mentre l'ultima Solennità non avrà né i " +"Secondi Vespri né una Messa serale." #: includes/FestivityCollection.php:383 -#, fuzzy, php-format -#| msgid "" -#| "The Vigil Mass for the %s '%s' coincides with the %s '%s' in the year %d. " -#| "This last Solemnity takes precedence, therefore it will maintain Vespers " -#| "II and an evening Mass, while the first Solemnity will not have a Vigil " -#| "Mass or Vespers I." +#, php-format msgid "" "The Vigil Mass for the %1$s '%2$s' coincides with the %3$s '%4$s' in the " "year %5$d. This last Solemnity takes precedence, therefore it will maintain " "Vespers II and an evening Mass, while the first Solemnity will not have a " "Vigil Mass or Vespers I." msgstr "" -"La Messa nella Vigilia per la %s '%s' coincide con la %s '%s' nell'anno %d. " -"Quest'ultima Solennità ha la precedenza, pertanto manterrà i Secondi Vespri " -"e una Messa serale, mentre la prima Solennità non avrà né una Messa di " -"Vigilia né i Primi Vespri." +"La Messa nella Vigilia per la %1$s '%2$s' coincide con la %3$s '%4$s' " +"nell'anno %5$d. Quest'ultima Solennità ha la precedenza, pertanto manterrà i " +"Secondi Vespri e una Messa serale, mentre la prima Solennità non avrà né una " +"Messa di Vigilia né i Primi Vespri." #: includes/FestivityCollection.php:443 -#, fuzzy, php-format -#| msgid "" -#| "The Vigil Mass for the %s '%s' coincides with the %s '%s' in the year %d. " -#| "We should ask the Congregation for Divine Worship what to do about this!" +#, php-format msgid "" "The Vigil Mass for the %1$s '%2$s' coincides with the %3$s '%4$s' in the " "year %5$d. We should ask the Congregation for Divine Worship what to do " "about this!" msgstr "" -"La Messa nella Vigilia per la %s '%s' coincide con la %s'%s' nell'anno %d. " -"Dovremmo chiedere alla Congregazione del Culto Divino cosa fare a riguardo!" +"La Messa nella Vigilia per la %1$s '%2$s' coincide con la %3$s '%4$s' " +"nell'anno %5$d. Dovremmo chiedere alla Congregazione del Culto Divino cosa " +"fare a riguardo!" #. translators: context = liturgical color #: includes/enums/LitColor.php:27 @@ -869,7 +865,7 @@ msgstr "Per le sante" #. translators: (singular feminine) glue between "From the Common" and the actual common. Latin: leave empty! #: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:169 includes/enums/LitCommon.php:181 msgctxt "(SING_FEMM)" -msgid "of" +msgid "of the" msgstr "della" #. translators: (plural feminine) glue between "From the Common" and the actual common. Latin: leave empty! @@ -887,7 +883,7 @@ msgstr "dei" #. translators: (singular masculine) glue between "From the Common" and the actual common. Latin: leave empty! #: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:184 msgctxt "(SING_MASC)" -msgid "of" +msgid "of the" msgstr "del" #: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:342 @@ -934,6 +930,20 @@ msgstr "SOLENNITÀ" msgid "celebration with precedence over solemnities" msgstr "celebrazione con precedenza sulle solennità" +#~ msgctxt "(SING_FEMM)" +#~ msgid "of" +#~ msgstr "della" + +#~ msgctxt "(SING_MASC)" +#~ msgid "of" +#~ msgstr "del" + +#~ msgid "%s day before Epiphany" +#~ msgstr "%s giorno prima dell'Epifania" + +#~ msgid "%s day after Epiphany" +#~ msgstr "%s giorno dopo l'Epifania" + #~ msgid "the Monday after Pentecost" #~ msgstr "il lunedì dopo la Pentecoste" diff --git a/i18n/la/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.mo b/i18n/la/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.mo index 5c0345da..f3737e21 100644 Binary files a/i18n/la/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.mo and b/i18n/la/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.mo differ diff --git a/i18n/la/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.po b/i18n/la/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.po index 16d2c9d2..73f6b81e 100644 --- a/i18n/la/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.po +++ b/i18n/la/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.po @@ -2,13 +2,13 @@ # Copyright (C) 2021 THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # Ubuntu , 2021. -# +# John R. D'Orazio , 2022. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-09-21 12:27+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-03-03 16:15+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-12-04 13:55+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-09-24 16:17+0000\n" "Last-Translator: John R. D'Orazio \n" "Language-Team: Latin \n" @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" -"X-Generator: Weblate 4.10.1\n" +"X-Generator: Weblate 4.12.1\n" #: includes/LitCalAPI.php:241 #, php-format @@ -39,20 +39,20 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Translation data for the sanctorale from %s could not be found." msgstr "" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:360 includes/LitCalAPI.php:399 +#. translators: days before Epiphany when Epiphany falls on Jan 6 (not useful in Italian!) +#. translators: days after Epiphany when Epiphany falls on Jan 6 (not useful in Italian!) +#. translators: days before Epiphany when Epiphany is on a Sunday (not useful in Italian!) +#. translators: days after Epiphany when Epiphany is on a Sunday (not useful in Italian!) +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:373 includes/LitCalAPI.php:404 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:450 includes/LitCalAPI.php:479 #, php-format -msgid "%s day before Epiphany" -msgstr "Dies %s ante Epiphaniam" - -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:374 includes/LitCalAPI.php:412 -#, php-format -msgid "%s day after Epiphany" -msgstr "Dies %s post Epiphaniam" +msgid "%s - Christmas Weekday" +msgstr "" #. translators: 1: Festivity name, 2: Festivity date, 3: Requested calendar year, 4: Explicatory string for the transferral (ex. the Saturday preceding Palm Sunday), 5: actual date for the transferral, 6: Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship #. translators: 1: Festivity name, 2: Festivity date, 3: Requested calendar year, 4: Explicatory string for the transferral, 5: actual date for the transferral, 6: Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:565 includes/LitCalAPI.php:582 -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:609 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:633 includes/LitCalAPI.php:650 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:677 #, fuzzy, php-format #| msgid "" #| "The Solemnity '%s' falls on %s in the year %d, the celebration has been " @@ -64,31 +64,31 @@ msgstr "" "Coincidet enim Sollemnitas '%s' cum %s in anno %d, ergo " "traslata est celebratio ad %s (%s) secundum %s." -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:569 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:637 msgid "the Saturday preceding Palm Sunday" msgstr "sabbatum ante Dominicam in Palmis" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:574 includes/LitCalAPI.php:591 -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:618 includes/LitCalAPI.php:648 -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:940 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1059 -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1115 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1347 -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1392 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1419 -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1529 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1542 -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1557 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1584 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:642 includes/LitCalAPI.php:659 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:686 includes/LitCalAPI.php:716 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1026 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1145 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1201 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1433 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1478 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1505 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1615 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1628 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1643 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1670 #: includes/FestivityCollection.php:365 msgid "Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship" msgstr "Decretum Congregationis pro Cultu Divino" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:586 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:654 msgid "the Monday following the Second Sunday of Easter" msgstr "diem Lunæ post Dominicam Secundam Paschæ" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:613 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:681 msgid "the following Monday" msgstr "diem Lunæ proximum" #. translators: 1: Festivity name, 2: Coinciding Festivity name, 3: Requested calendar year -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:625 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:693 #, fuzzy, php-format #| msgid "" #| "The Solemnity '%s' coincides with the Solemnity '%s' in the year %d. We " @@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ msgstr "" "Oportet quaerere a Congregatione Cultu Divino quid facere!" #. translators: 1: Festivity name, 2: Coinciding Festivity name, 3: Requested calendar year, 4: Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:644 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:712 #, fuzzy, php-format #| msgid "" #| "Seeing that the Solemnity '%s' coincides with the Solemnity '%s' in the " @@ -114,41 +114,41 @@ msgstr "" "anno %d, anticipata est ab uno die secundum %s." #. translators: 1: Festivity name (Christmas), 2: Requested calendar year, 3: Festivity name (Holy Family), 4: New date for Holy Family -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:713 -#, fuzzy, php-format -#| msgid "" -#| "'%s' falls on a Sunday in the year %d, therefore the Feast '%s' is " -#| "celebrated on %s rather than on the Sunday after Christmas." +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:781 +#, php-format msgid "" "'%1$s' falls on a Sunday in the year %2$d, therefore the Feast '%3$s' is " "celebrated on %4$s rather than on the Sunday after Christmas." msgstr "" -"'%s' coincidet cum Dominica in anno %d, ergo Festum '%s' celebrentur " -"die %s quam Dominica post Nativitate." +"'%1$s' coincidet cum Dominica in anno %2$d, ergo Festum '%3$s' " +"celebrentur die %4$s quam Dominica post Nativitate." #. translators: 1: Festivity name, 2: Superseding Festivity grade, 3: Superseding Festivity name, 4: Requested calendar year -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:748 includes/LitCalAPI.php:773 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:816 includes/LitCalAPI.php:841 #, fuzzy, php-format #| msgid "'%s' is superseded by the %s '%s' in the year %d." msgid "'%1$s' is superseded by the %2$s '%3$s' in the year %4$d." msgstr "'%s' subplantata est ab %s '%s' in anno %d." -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:826 +#. translators: %s is an ordinal number (first, second...) +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:898 #, php-format msgid "of the %s Week of Advent" msgstr "Hebdomadæ %s Adventus" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:843 +#. translators: %s is an ordinal number (first, second...) +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:921 #, php-format msgid "%s Day of the Octave of Christmas" msgstr "Dies %s Octavæ Nativitatis" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:867 +#. translators: %s is an ordinal number (first, second...) +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:951 #, php-format msgid "of the %s Week of Lent" msgstr "Hebdomadæ %s Quadragesimæ" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:872 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:958 msgid "after Ash Wednesday" msgstr "post Feria IV Cinerum" @@ -176,8 +176,8 @@ msgstr "post Feria IV Cinerum" #. 5. Source of the information #. 6. Requested calendar year #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:892 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1226 -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1403 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1926 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:978 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1312 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1489 includes/LitCalAPI.php:2012 #, php-format msgid "" "The %1$s '%2$s' has been added on %3$s since the year %4$d (%5$s), " @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ msgstr "" "%1$s '%2$s' aggregata est igitur in die %3$s ab anno %4$d (%5$s), " "ergo viget in anno %6$d." -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:926 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1018 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1012 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1104 msgid "" "Vatican Press conference: Presentation of the Editio Typica Tertia of the " "Roman Missal" @@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ msgstr "" #. 2. Name of the festivity #. 3. Requested calendar year #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:972 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1058 #, php-format msgid "" "The %1$s '%2$s' either falls between 17 Dec. and 24 Dec., or during the " @@ -215,12 +215,12 @@ msgstr "" #. 4. Name of the festivity that is superseding #. 5. Requested calendar year #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:994 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1080 #, php-format msgid "The %1$s '%2$s' is superseded by the %3$s '%4$s' in the year %5$d." msgstr "%1$s '%2$s' subplantata est ab %3$s '%4$s' in anno %5$d." -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1014 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1100 msgid "Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum" msgstr "" @@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ msgstr "" #. 8. Name of the festivity that is superseding #. 9. Requested calendar year #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1036 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1122 #, php-format msgid "" "The %1$s '%2$s', added in the %3$s of the Roman Missal since the year %4$d " @@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ msgstr "" #. 7. Name of the superseding festivity #. 8. Requested calendar year #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1072 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1158 #, php-format msgid "" "The %1$s '%2$s', added on %3$s since the year %4$d (%5$s), is however " @@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ msgstr "" #. 3. Requested calendar year #. 4. Source of the information #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1111 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1197 #, php-format msgid "" "The Memorial '%1$s' coincides with another Memorial '%2$s' in the year %3$d. " @@ -280,17 +280,17 @@ msgstr "" "simul redunctur in gradu Memoriæ ad libitum (%4$s)." #. translators: e.g. 'Monday before Palm Sunday' -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1145 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1231 msgid "before" msgstr "" #. translators: e.g. 'Monday after Pentecost' -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1150 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1236 msgid "after" msgstr "" #. translators: 1. Name of the mobile festivity being created, 2. Name of the festivity that it is relative to -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1155 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1241 #, php-format msgid "" "Cannot create mobile festivity '%1$s': can only be relative to festivity " @@ -298,14 +298,14 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" #. translators: 1. Name of the mobile festivity being created, 2. Name of the festivity that it is relative to -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1170 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1256 #, php-format msgid "" "Cannot create mobile festivity '%1$s' relative to festivity with key '%2$s'" msgstr "" #. translators: Do not translate 'strtotime'! 1. Name of the mobile festivity being created 2. list of properties -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1178 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1264 #, php-format msgid "" "Cannot create mobile festivity '%1$s': when the 'strtotime' property is an " @@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" #. translators: Do not translate 'strtotime'! 1. Name of the mobile festivity being created -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1198 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1284 #, php-format msgid "" "Cannot create mobile festivity '%1$s': 'strtotime' property must be either " @@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" #. translators: Do not translate 'strtotime'! 1. Name of the mobile festivity being created -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1206 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1292 #, php-format msgid "Cannot create mobile festivity '%1$s' without a 'strtotime' property!" msgstr "" @@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ msgstr "" #. 5. Requested calendar year #. 6. Source of the information #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1261 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1347 #, php-format msgid "" "The name of the %1$s '%2$s' has been changed to %3$s since the year %4$d, " @@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ msgstr "" #. 5. Requested calendar year #. 6. Source of the information #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1283 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1369 #, php-format msgid "" "The %1$s '%2$s' has been raised to the rank of %3$s since the year %4$d, " @@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ msgstr "" #. 5. Requested calendar year #. 6. Source of the information #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1293 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1379 #, php-format msgid "" "The %1$s '%2$s' has been lowered to the rank of %3$s since the year %4$d, " @@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ msgstr "" #. 3. Requested calendar year #. 4. Source of the information #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1327 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1413 #, php-format msgid "" "'%1$s' has been declared a Doctor of the Church since the year %2$d, " @@ -392,11 +392,9 @@ msgstr "" "'%1$s' declarato/a est Doctor Ecclesiæ ab anno %2$d, ergo applicatur ad anno " "%3$d (%4$s)." -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1335 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Dedication of a Church" +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1421 msgid "and Doctor of the Church" -msgstr "Dedicationis ecclesiæ" +msgstr "et Ecclesiæ doctoris" #. translators: #. 1. Grade or rank of the festivity being created @@ -408,7 +406,7 @@ msgstr "Dedicationis ecclesiæ" #. 7. Name of superseding festivity #. 8. Requested calendar year #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1440 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1526 #, php-format msgid "" "The %1$s '%2$s', added on %3$s since the year %4$d (%5$s), is however " @@ -427,7 +425,7 @@ msgstr "" #. 7. Year from which the festivity has been added #. 8. Source of the information #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1468 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1554 #, php-format msgid "" "In the year %1$d, the %2$s '%3$s' has been suppressed by the %4$s '%5$s', " @@ -437,7 +435,7 @@ msgstr "" "%6$s ab anno %7$d (%8$s)." #. translators: 1: Festivity name, 2: Source of the information, 3: Requested calendar year -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1527 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1613 #, fuzzy, php-format #| msgid "" #| "The optional memorial '%s' has been transferred from Dec. 12 to Aug. 12 " @@ -450,22 +448,18 @@ msgstr "" "2002 (%s), ergo viget in anno %d." #. translators: 1: Festivity name, 2: Source of the information, 3: Requested calendar year -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1540 -#, fuzzy, php-format -#| msgid "" -#| "The optional memorial '%s', which would have been superseded this year by " -#| "a Sunday or Solemnity were it on Dec. 12, has however been transferred to " -#| "Aug. 12 since the year 2002 (%s), applicable to the year %d." +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1626 +#, php-format msgid "" "The optional memorial '%1$s', which would have been superseded this year by " "a Sunday or Solemnity were it on Dec. 12, has however been transferred to " "Aug. 12 since the year 2002 (%2$s), applicable to the year %3$d." msgstr "" -"Memoria ad libitum '%s' qua subplantata fuisset ab Dominica aut " +"Memoria ad libitum '%1$s' qua subplantata fuisset ab Dominica aut " "Sollemnitate si celebrata fuisset in die 12 Dec., nihilominus traslata est " -"ad 12 Aug. ab anno 2002 (%s), ergo viget in anno %d." +"ad 12 Aug. ab anno 2002 (%2$s), ergo viget in anno %3$d." -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1555 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1641 #, php-format msgid "" "The optional memorial '%1$s' has been transferred from Dec. 12 to Aug. 12 " @@ -477,43 +471,38 @@ msgstr "" "Dominica, aut Sollemnitate, aut Festu \\'%4$s\\' in anno %3$d." #. translators: 1: Festivity name, 2: Source of the information -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1582 -#, fuzzy, php-format -#| msgid "" -#| "The Feast '%s' would have been suppressed this year ( 2009 ) since it " -#| "falls on a Sunday, however being the Year of the Apostle Paul, as per the " -#| "%s it has been reinstated so that local churches can optionally celebrate " -#| "the memorial." +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1668 +#, php-format msgid "" "The Feast '%1$s' would have been suppressed this year ( 2009 ) since it " "falls on a Sunday, however being the Year of the Apostle Paul, as per the " "%2$s it has been reinstated so that local churches can optionally celebrate " "the memorial." msgstr "" -"Festum '%s' hoc anno ( 2009 ) supprimeretur quia congruit cum Dominica, " -"tamen quamvis sit Annus Pauli Apostoli, restituta est secundum %s ut " +"Festum '%1$s' hoc anno ( 2009 ) supprimeretur quia congruit cum Dominica, " +"tamen quamvis sit Annus Pauli Apostoli, restituta est secundum %2$s ut " "permittant ecclesias locales ad memoriam celebrandam." -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1606 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1692 #, php-format msgid "of the %s Week of Easter" msgstr "Hebdomadæ %s Temporis Paschali" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1642 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1671 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1728 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1757 #, php-format msgid "of the %s Week of Ordinary Time" msgstr "Hebdomadæ %s Temporis Ordinarii" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1694 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1780 msgid "Saturday Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary" msgstr "Memoria Sanctæ Mariæ in Sabbato" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1719 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1722 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1805 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1808 #, php-format msgid "Error retrieving and decoding Wider Region data from file %s." msgstr "" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1729 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1815 #, php-format msgid "Error retrieving and decoding National data from file %s." msgstr "" @@ -526,7 +515,7 @@ msgstr "" #. 5. Name of the superseding festivity #. 6. Requested calendar year #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1763 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1849 #, php-format msgid "" "The %1$s '%2$s', usually celebrated on %3$s, is suppressed by the %4$s " @@ -541,7 +530,7 @@ msgstr "" #. 3. Requested calendar year #. 4. Source of the information #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1828 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1914 #, php-format msgid "" "The Memorial '%1$s' coincides with another Memorial '%2$s' in the year %3$d. " @@ -550,14 +539,14 @@ msgstr "" "Memoria '%1$s' coincidet cum alia Memoria '%2$s' in anno %3$d. Ergo ambo " "simul redunctur in gradu Memoriæ ad libitum." -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1891 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1977 msgid "" "We should be creating a new festivity, however we do not seem to have the " "correct date information in order to proceed" msgstr "" #. translators: Name of the Roman Missal -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:2006 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:2092 #, php-format msgid "Found a sanctorale data file for %s" msgstr "" @@ -571,7 +560,7 @@ msgstr "" #. 6. Superseding festivity name #. 7. Requested calendar year #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:2036 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:2122 #, php-format msgid "" "The %1$s '%2$s' (%3$s), added to the national calendar in the %4$s, is " @@ -581,13 +570,13 @@ msgstr "" "ab %5$s '%6$s' in anno %7$d" #. translators: Name of the Roman Missal -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:2051 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:2137 #, php-format msgid "Could not find a sanctorale data file for %s" msgstr "" #. translators: 1. Festivity grade, 2. Festivity name, 3. New festivity name, 4: Requested calendar year, 5. Old date, 6. New date -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:2096 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:2182 #, fuzzy, php-format #| msgid "" #| "The %1$s '%2$s' has been added on %3$s since the year %4$d (%5$s), " @@ -600,7 +589,7 @@ msgstr "" "ergo viget in anno %6$d." #. translators: 1. Festivity grade, 2. Festivity name, 3. Old date, 4. New date, 5. Source of the information, 6. New festivity name, 7. Superseding festivity grade, 8. Superseding festivity name, 9: Requested calendar year -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:2115 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:2201 #, fuzzy, php-format #| msgid "" #| "The %1$s '%2$s', added in the %3$s of the Roman Missal since the year " @@ -889,7 +878,7 @@ msgstr "Pro sanctis mulieribus" #. translators: (singular feminine) glue between "From the Common" and the actual common. Latin: leave empty! #: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:169 includes/enums/LitCommon.php:181 msgctxt "(SING_FEMM)" -msgid "of" +msgid "of the" msgstr "" #. translators: (plural feminine) glue between "From the Common" and the actual common. Latin: leave empty! @@ -907,7 +896,7 @@ msgstr "" #. translators: (singular masculine) glue between "From the Common" and the actual common. Latin: leave empty! #: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:184 msgctxt "(SING_MASC)" -msgid "of" +msgid "of the" msgstr "" #: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:342 @@ -954,6 +943,12 @@ msgstr "SOLLEMNITAS" msgid "celebration with precedence over solemnities" msgstr "celebratio altioris ordinis quam sollemnitatis" +#~ msgid "%s day before Epiphany" +#~ msgstr "Dies %s ante Epiphaniam" + +#~ msgid "%s day after Epiphany" +#~ msgstr "Dies %s post Epiphaniam" + #~ msgid "the Monday after Pentecost" #~ msgstr "dies Lunae post Pentecostem" diff --git a/i18n/litcal.pot b/i18n/litcal.pot index dd13a064..a6b83597 100644 --- a/i18n/litcal.pot +++ b/i18n/litcal.pot @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-09-21 12:27+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-12-04 13:55+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" @@ -36,51 +36,51 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Translation data for the sanctorale from %s could not be found." msgstr "" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:360 includes/LitCalAPI.php:399 +#. translators: days before Epiphany when Epiphany falls on Jan 6 (not useful in Italian!) +#. translators: days after Epiphany when Epiphany falls on Jan 6 (not useful in Italian!) +#. translators: days before Epiphany when Epiphany is on a Sunday (not useful in Italian!) +#. translators: days after Epiphany when Epiphany is on a Sunday (not useful in Italian!) +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:373 includes/LitCalAPI.php:404 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:450 includes/LitCalAPI.php:479 #, php-format -msgid "%s day before Epiphany" -msgstr "" - -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:374 includes/LitCalAPI.php:412 -#, php-format -msgid "%s day after Epiphany" +msgid "%s - Christmas Weekday" msgstr "" #. translators: 1: Festivity name, 2: Festivity date, 3: Requested calendar year, 4: Explicatory string for the transferral (ex. the Saturday preceding Palm Sunday), 5: actual date for the transferral, 6: Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship #. translators: 1: Festivity name, 2: Festivity date, 3: Requested calendar year, 4: Explicatory string for the transferral, 5: actual date for the transferral, 6: Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:565 includes/LitCalAPI.php:582 -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:609 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:633 includes/LitCalAPI.php:650 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:677 #, php-format msgid "" "The Solemnity '%1$s' falls on %2$s in the year %3$d, the celebration has " "been transferred to %4$s (%5$s) as per the %6$s." msgstr "" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:569 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:637 msgid "the Saturday preceding Palm Sunday" msgstr "" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:574 includes/LitCalAPI.php:591 -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:618 includes/LitCalAPI.php:648 -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:940 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1059 -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1115 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1347 -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1392 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1419 -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1529 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1542 -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1557 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1584 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:642 includes/LitCalAPI.php:659 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:686 includes/LitCalAPI.php:716 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1026 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1145 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1201 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1433 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1478 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1505 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1615 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1628 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1643 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1670 #: includes/FestivityCollection.php:365 msgid "Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship" msgstr "" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:586 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:654 msgid "the Monday following the Second Sunday of Easter" msgstr "" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:613 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:681 msgid "the following Monday" msgstr "" #. translators: 1: Festivity name, 2: Coinciding Festivity name, 3: Requested calendar year -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:625 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:693 #, php-format msgid "" "The Solemnity '%1$s' coincides with the Solemnity '%2$s' in the year %3$d. " @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" #. translators: 1: Festivity name, 2: Coinciding Festivity name, 3: Requested calendar year, 4: Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:644 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:712 #, php-format msgid "" "Seeing that the Solemnity '%1$s' coincides with the Solemnity '%2$s' in the " @@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" #. translators: 1: Festivity name (Christmas), 2: Requested calendar year, 3: Festivity name (Holy Family), 4: New date for Holy Family -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:713 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:781 #, php-format msgid "" "'%1$s' falls on a Sunday in the year %2$d, therefore the Feast '%3$s' is " @@ -104,27 +104,30 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" #. translators: 1: Festivity name, 2: Superseding Festivity grade, 3: Superseding Festivity name, 4: Requested calendar year -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:748 includes/LitCalAPI.php:773 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:816 includes/LitCalAPI.php:841 #, php-format msgid "'%1$s' is superseded by the %2$s '%3$s' in the year %4$d." msgstr "" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:826 +#. translators: %s is an ordinal number (first, second...) +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:898 #, php-format msgid "of the %s Week of Advent" msgstr "" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:843 +#. translators: %s is an ordinal number (first, second...) +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:921 #, php-format msgid "%s Day of the Octave of Christmas" msgstr "" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:867 +#. translators: %s is an ordinal number (first, second...) +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:951 #, php-format msgid "of the %s Week of Lent" msgstr "" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:872 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:958 msgid "after Ash Wednesday" msgstr "" @@ -152,15 +155,15 @@ msgstr "" #. 5. Source of the information #. 6. Requested calendar year #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:892 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1226 -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1403 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1926 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:978 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1312 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1489 includes/LitCalAPI.php:2012 #, php-format msgid "" "The %1$s '%2$s' has been added on %3$s since the year %4$d (%5$s), " "applicable to the year %6$d." msgstr "" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:926 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1018 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1012 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1104 msgid "" "Vatican Press conference: Presentation of the Editio Typica Tertia of the " "Roman Missal" @@ -171,7 +174,7 @@ msgstr "" #. 2. Name of the festivity #. 3. Requested calendar year #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:972 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1058 #, php-format msgid "" "The %1$s '%2$s' either falls between 17 Dec. and 24 Dec., or during the " @@ -186,12 +189,12 @@ msgstr "" #. 4. Name of the festivity that is superseding #. 5. Requested calendar year #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:994 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1080 #, php-format msgid "The %1$s '%2$s' is superseded by the %3$s '%4$s' in the year %5$d." msgstr "" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1014 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1100 msgid "Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum" msgstr "" @@ -206,7 +209,7 @@ msgstr "" #. 8. Name of the festivity that is superseding #. 9. Requested calendar year #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1036 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1122 #, php-format msgid "" "The %1$s '%2$s', added in the %3$s of the Roman Missal since the year %4$d " @@ -224,7 +227,7 @@ msgstr "" #. 7. Name of the superseding festivity #. 8. Requested calendar year #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1072 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1158 #, php-format msgid "" "The %1$s '%2$s', added on %3$s since the year %4$d (%5$s), is however " @@ -237,7 +240,7 @@ msgstr "" #. 3. Requested calendar year #. 4. Source of the information #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1111 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1197 #, php-format msgid "" "The Memorial '%1$s' coincides with another Memorial '%2$s' in the year %3$d. " @@ -245,17 +248,17 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" #. translators: e.g. 'Monday before Palm Sunday' -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1145 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1231 msgid "before" msgstr "" #. translators: e.g. 'Monday after Pentecost' -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1150 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1236 msgid "after" msgstr "" #. translators: 1. Name of the mobile festivity being created, 2. Name of the festivity that it is relative to -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1155 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1241 #, php-format msgid "" "Cannot create mobile festivity '%1$s': can only be relative to festivity " @@ -263,14 +266,14 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" #. translators: 1. Name of the mobile festivity being created, 2. Name of the festivity that it is relative to -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1170 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1256 #, php-format msgid "" "Cannot create mobile festivity '%1$s' relative to festivity with key '%2$s'" msgstr "" #. translators: Do not translate 'strtotime'! 1. Name of the mobile festivity being created 2. list of properties -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1178 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1264 #, php-format msgid "" "Cannot create mobile festivity '%1$s': when the 'strtotime' property is an " @@ -278,7 +281,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" #. translators: Do not translate 'strtotime'! 1. Name of the mobile festivity being created -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1198 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1284 #, php-format msgid "" "Cannot create mobile festivity '%1$s': 'strtotime' property must be either " @@ -286,7 +289,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" #. translators: Do not translate 'strtotime'! 1. Name of the mobile festivity being created -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1206 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1292 #, php-format msgid "Cannot create mobile festivity '%1$s' without a 'strtotime' property!" msgstr "" @@ -299,7 +302,7 @@ msgstr "" #. 5. Requested calendar year #. 6. Source of the information #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1261 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1347 #, php-format msgid "" "The name of the %1$s '%2$s' has been changed to %3$s since the year %4$d, " @@ -314,7 +317,7 @@ msgstr "" #. 5. Requested calendar year #. 6. Source of the information #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1283 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1369 #, php-format msgid "" "The %1$s '%2$s' has been raised to the rank of %3$s since the year %4$d, " @@ -329,7 +332,7 @@ msgstr "" #. 5. Requested calendar year #. 6. Source of the information #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1293 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1379 #, php-format msgid "" "The %1$s '%2$s' has been lowered to the rank of %3$s since the year %4$d, " @@ -342,14 +345,14 @@ msgstr "" #. 3. Requested calendar year #. 4. Source of the information #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1327 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1413 #, php-format msgid "" "'%1$s' has been declared a Doctor of the Church since the year %2$d, " "applicable to the year %3$d (%4$s)." msgstr "" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1335 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1421 msgid "and Doctor of the Church" msgstr "" @@ -363,7 +366,7 @@ msgstr "" #. 7. Name of superseding festivity #. 8. Requested calendar year #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1440 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1526 #, php-format msgid "" "The %1$s '%2$s', added on %3$s since the year %4$d (%5$s), is however " @@ -380,7 +383,7 @@ msgstr "" #. 7. Year from which the festivity has been added #. 8. Source of the information #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1468 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1554 #, php-format msgid "" "In the year %1$d, the %2$s '%3$s' has been suppressed by the %4$s '%5$s', " @@ -388,7 +391,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" #. translators: 1: Festivity name, 2: Source of the information, 3: Requested calendar year -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1527 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1613 #, php-format msgid "" "The optional memorial '%1$s' has been transferred from Dec. 12 to Aug. 12 " @@ -396,7 +399,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" #. translators: 1: Festivity name, 2: Source of the information, 3: Requested calendar year -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1540 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1626 #, php-format msgid "" "The optional memorial '%1$s', which would have been superseded this year by " @@ -404,7 +407,7 @@ msgid "" "Aug. 12 since the year 2002 (%2$s), applicable to the year %3$d." msgstr "" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1555 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1641 #, php-format msgid "" "The optional memorial '%1$s' has been transferred from Dec. 12 to Aug. 12 " @@ -413,7 +416,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" #. translators: 1: Festivity name, 2: Source of the information -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1582 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1668 #, php-format msgid "" "The Feast '%1$s' would have been suppressed this year ( 2009 ) since it " @@ -422,26 +425,26 @@ msgid "" "the memorial." msgstr "" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1606 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1692 #, php-format msgid "of the %s Week of Easter" msgstr "" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1642 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1671 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1728 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1757 #, php-format msgid "of the %s Week of Ordinary Time" msgstr "" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1694 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1780 msgid "Saturday Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary" msgstr "" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1719 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1722 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1805 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1808 #, php-format msgid "Error retrieving and decoding Wider Region data from file %s." msgstr "" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1729 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1815 #, php-format msgid "Error retrieving and decoding National data from file %s." msgstr "" @@ -454,7 +457,7 @@ msgstr "" #. 5. Name of the superseding festivity #. 6. Requested calendar year #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1763 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1849 #, php-format msgid "" "The %1$s '%2$s', usually celebrated on %3$s, is suppressed by the %4$s " @@ -467,21 +470,21 @@ msgstr "" #. 3. Requested calendar year #. 4. Source of the information #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1828 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1914 #, php-format msgid "" "The Memorial '%1$s' coincides with another Memorial '%2$s' in the year %3$d. " "They are both reduced in rank to optional memorials." msgstr "" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1891 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1977 msgid "" "We should be creating a new festivity, however we do not seem to have the " "correct date information in order to proceed" msgstr "" #. translators: Name of the Roman Missal -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:2006 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:2092 #, php-format msgid "Found a sanctorale data file for %s" msgstr "" @@ -495,7 +498,7 @@ msgstr "" #. 6. Superseding festivity name #. 7. Requested calendar year #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:2036 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:2122 #, php-format msgid "" "The %1$s '%2$s' (%3$s), added to the national calendar in the %4$s, is " @@ -503,13 +506,13 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" #. translators: Name of the Roman Missal -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:2051 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:2137 #, php-format msgid "Could not find a sanctorale data file for %s" msgstr "" #. translators: 1. Festivity grade, 2. Festivity name, 3. New festivity name, 4: Requested calendar year, 5. Old date, 6. New date -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:2096 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:2182 #, php-format msgid "" "The %1$s '%2$s' is transferred from %5$s to %6$s as per the %7$s, to make " @@ -517,7 +520,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" #. translators: 1. Festivity grade, 2. Festivity name, 3. Old date, 4. New date, 5. Source of the information, 6. New festivity name, 7. Superseding festivity grade, 8. Superseding festivity name, 9: Requested calendar year -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:2115 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:2201 #, php-format msgid "" "The %1$s '%2$s' would have been transferred from %3$s to %4$s as per the " @@ -771,7 +774,7 @@ msgstr "" #. translators: (singular feminine) glue between "From the Common" and the actual common. Latin: leave empty! #: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:169 includes/enums/LitCommon.php:181 msgctxt "(SING_FEMM)" -msgid "of" +msgid "of the" msgstr "" #. translators: (plural feminine) glue between "From the Common" and the actual common. Latin: leave empty! @@ -789,7 +792,7 @@ msgstr "" #. translators: (singular masculine) glue between "From the Common" and the actual common. Latin: leave empty! #: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:184 msgctxt "(SING_MASC)" -msgid "of" +msgid "of the" msgstr "" #: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:342 diff --git a/i18n/nl/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.mo b/i18n/nl/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.mo index 778faf25..9e09c5ed 100644 Binary files a/i18n/nl/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.mo and b/i18n/nl/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.mo differ diff --git a/i18n/nl/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.po b/i18n/nl/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.po index 8b4a10bd..01e2560a 100644 --- a/i18n/nl/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.po +++ b/i18n/nl/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.po @@ -2,12 +2,13 @@ # Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # John R. D'Orazio , 2022. +# Steven van Roode , 2022. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-09-21 12:27+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-09-21 12:27+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-12-04 13:55+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-10-11 16:28+0000\n" "Last-Translator: John R. D'Orazio \n" "Language-Team: Dutch \n" @@ -24,110 +25,126 @@ msgid "" "Only years from 1970 and after are supported. You tried requesting the year " "%d." msgstr "" +"Alleen jaren na 1970 worden ondersteund. U probeert het jaar %d op te vragen." #. translators: name of the Roman Missal #: includes/LitCalAPI.php:277 #, php-format msgid "Data for the sanctorale from %s could not be found." msgstr "" +"Gegevens voor het eigen van de heiligen van %s kon niet worden gevonden." #. translators: name of the Roman Missal #: includes/LitCalAPI.php:284 #, php-format msgid "Translation data for the sanctorale from %s could not be found." msgstr "" +"Vertaalgegevens voor het eigen van de heiligen van %s kon niet worden " +"gevonden." -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:360 includes/LitCalAPI.php:399 +#. translators: days before Epiphany when Epiphany falls on Jan 6 (not useful in Italian!) +#. translators: days after Epiphany when Epiphany falls on Jan 6 (not useful in Italian!) +#. translators: days before Epiphany when Epiphany is on a Sunday (not useful in Italian!) +#. translators: days after Epiphany when Epiphany is on a Sunday (not useful in Italian!) +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:373 includes/LitCalAPI.php:404 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:450 includes/LitCalAPI.php:479 #, php-format -msgid "%s day before Epiphany" -msgstr "" - -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:374 includes/LitCalAPI.php:412 -#, php-format -msgid "%s day after Epiphany" +msgid "%s - Christmas Weekday" msgstr "" #. translators: 1: Festivity name, 2: Festivity date, 3: Requested calendar year, 4: Explicatory string for the transferral (ex. the Saturday preceding Palm Sunday), 5: actual date for the transferral, 6: Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship #. translators: 1: Festivity name, 2: Festivity date, 3: Requested calendar year, 4: Explicatory string for the transferral, 5: actual date for the transferral, 6: Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:565 includes/LitCalAPI.php:582 -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:609 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:633 includes/LitCalAPI.php:650 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:677 #, php-format msgid "" "The Solemnity '%1$s' falls on %2$s in the year %3$d, the celebration has " "been transferred to %4$s (%5$s) as per the %6$s." msgstr "" +"Het hoogfeest van '%1$s' valt op %2$s in het jaar %3$d, de viering is " +"verplaatst naar %4$s (%5$s) overeenkomstig %6$s." -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:569 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:637 msgid "the Saturday preceding Palm Sunday" -msgstr "" - -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:574 includes/LitCalAPI.php:591 -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:618 includes/LitCalAPI.php:648 -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:940 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1059 -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1115 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1347 -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1392 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1419 -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1529 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1542 -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1557 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1584 +msgstr "de zaterdag voorafgaand aan Palmzondag" + +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:642 includes/LitCalAPI.php:659 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:686 includes/LitCalAPI.php:716 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1026 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1145 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1201 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1433 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1478 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1505 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1615 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1628 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1643 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1670 #: includes/FestivityCollection.php:365 msgid "Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Decreet van de Congregatie voor de Goddelijke Eredienst" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:586 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:654 msgid "the Monday following the Second Sunday of Easter" -msgstr "" +msgstr "maandag na de tweede zondag van pasen" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:613 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:681 msgid "the following Monday" -msgstr "" +msgstr "de volgende maandag" #. translators: 1: Festivity name, 2: Coinciding Festivity name, 3: Requested calendar year -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:625 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:693 #, php-format msgid "" "The Solemnity '%1$s' coincides with the Solemnity '%2$s' in the year %3$d. " "We should ask the Congregation for Divine Worship what to do about this!" msgstr "" +"Het hoogfeest van '%1$s' valt samen met het hoogfeest van '%2$s' in het jaar " +"%3$d. We moeten de Congregatie voor de Goddelijke Eredienst vragen hoe te " +"handelen!" #. translators: 1: Festivity name, 2: Coinciding Festivity name, 3: Requested calendar year, 4: Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:644 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:712 #, php-format msgid "" "Seeing that the Solemnity '%1$s' coincides with the Solemnity '%2$s' in the " "year %3$d, it has been anticipated by one day as per %4$s." msgstr "" +"Omdat het hoogfeest van '%1$s' samenvalt met het hoogfeest van '%2$s' in het " +"jaar %3$d, wordt het een dag eerder gevierd overeenkomstig %4$s." #. translators: 1: Festivity name (Christmas), 2: Requested calendar year, 3: Festivity name (Holy Family), 4: New date for Holy Family -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:713 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:781 #, php-format msgid "" "'%1$s' falls on a Sunday in the year %2$d, therefore the Feast '%3$s' is " "celebrated on %4$s rather than on the Sunday after Christmas." msgstr "" +"'%1$s' valt op een zondag in het jaar %2$d, daarom wordt het feest van " +"'%3$s' gevierd op %4$s in plaats van op de zondag na Kerstmis." #. translators: 1: Festivity name, 2: Superseding Festivity grade, 3: Superseding Festivity name, 4: Requested calendar year -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:748 includes/LitCalAPI.php:773 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:816 includes/LitCalAPI.php:841 #, php-format msgid "'%1$s' is superseded by the %2$s '%3$s' in the year %4$d." -msgstr "" +msgstr "'%1$s' wordt vervangen door het %2$s van '%3$s' in het jaar %4$d." -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:826 +#. translators: %s is an ordinal number (first, second...) +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:898 #, php-format msgid "of the %s Week of Advent" -msgstr "" +msgstr "in de %s week van de advent" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:843 +#. translators: %s is an ordinal number (first, second...) +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:921 #, php-format msgid "%s Day of the Octave of Christmas" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s dag onder het octaaf van Kerstmis" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:867 +#. translators: %s is an ordinal number (first, second...) +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:951 #, php-format msgid "of the %s Week of Lent" -msgstr "" +msgstr "in de %s week van de veertigdagentijd" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:872 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:958 msgid "after Ash Wednesday" -msgstr "" +msgstr "na Aswoensdag" #. translators: #. 1. Grade or rank of the festivity @@ -153,32 +170,39 @@ msgstr "" #. 5. Source of the information #. 6. Requested calendar year #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:892 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1226 -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1403 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1926 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:978 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1312 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1489 includes/LitCalAPI.php:2012 #, php-format msgid "" "The %1$s '%2$s' has been added on %3$s since the year %4$d (%5$s), " "applicable to the year %6$d." msgstr "" +"De %1$s '%2$s' is toegevoegd op %3$s vanaf %4$d (%5$s), van toepassing in " +"het jaar %6$d." -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:926 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1018 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1012 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1104 msgid "" "Vatican Press conference: Presentation of the Editio Typica Tertia of the " "Roman Missal" msgstr "" +"Persconferentie van het Vaticaan: presentatie van de derde standaarduitgave " +"van het Romeins Missaal" #. translators: #. 1. Grade or rank of the festivity #. 2. Name of the festivity #. 3. Requested calendar year #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:972 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1058 #, php-format msgid "" "The %1$s '%2$s' either falls between 17 Dec. and 24 Dec., or during the " "Octave of Christmas, or on the weekdays of the Lenten season in the year " "%3$d, rank reduced to Commemoration." msgstr "" +"De %1$s '%2$s' valt tussen 17 en 24 december, of tijdens het Octaaf van " +"Kerstmis, of op de weekdagen van de veertigdagentijd in %3$d, de rang is " +"teruggebracht naar vrije gedachtenis." #. translators: #. 1. Grade or rank of the festivity that has been superseded @@ -187,14 +211,14 @@ msgstr "" #. 4. Name of the festivity that is superseding #. 5. Requested calendar year #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:994 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1080 #, php-format msgid "The %1$s '%2$s' is superseded by the %3$s '%4$s' in the year %5$d." -msgstr "" +msgstr "De %1$s '%2$s' heeft voorrang boven de %3$s '%4$s' in het jaar %5$d." -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1014 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1100 msgid "Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Apostolische Constitutie Missale Romanum" #. translators: #. 1. Grade or rank of the festivity that has been superseded @@ -207,13 +231,16 @@ msgstr "" #. 8. Name of the festivity that is superseding #. 9. Requested calendar year #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1036 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1122 #, php-format msgid "" "The %1$s '%2$s', added in the %3$s of the Roman Missal since the year %4$d " "(%5$s) and usually celebrated on %6$s, is suppressed by the %7$s '%8$s' in " "the year %9$d." msgstr "" +"De %1$s '%2$s', toegevoegd aan de %3$s aan het Romeins Missaal vanaf %4$d " +"(%5$s) en gewoonlijk gevierd op %6$s, wordt vervangen door de %7$s '%8$s' in " +"het jaar %9$d." #. translators: #. 1. Grade or rank of the festivity @@ -225,12 +252,14 @@ msgstr "" #. 7. Name of the superseding festivity #. 8. Requested calendar year #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1072 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1158 #, php-format msgid "" "The %1$s '%2$s', added on %3$s since the year %4$d (%5$s), is however " "superseded by a %6$s '%7$s' in the year %8$d." msgstr "" +"De %1$s '%2$s', toegevoegd op %3$s vanaf het jaar %4$d (%5$s), wordt echter " +"vervangen door een %6$s '%7$s' in het jaar %8$d." #. translators: #. 1. Name of the first coinciding Memorial @@ -238,59 +267,72 @@ msgstr "" #. 3. Requested calendar year #. 4. Source of the information #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1111 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1197 #, php-format msgid "" "The Memorial '%1$s' coincides with another Memorial '%2$s' in the year %3$d. " "They are both reduced in rank to optional memorials (%4$s)." msgstr "" +"De gedachtenis '%1$s' valt samen met een andere gedachtenis '%2$s' in het " +"jaar %3$d. Zij worden beide in rang teruggebracht tot vrije gedachtenis " +"(%4$s)." #. translators: e.g. 'Monday before Palm Sunday' -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1145 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1231 msgid "before" -msgstr "" +msgstr "voor" #. translators: e.g. 'Monday after Pentecost' -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1150 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1236 msgid "after" -msgstr "" +msgstr "na" #. translators: 1. Name of the mobile festivity being created, 2. Name of the festivity that it is relative to -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1155 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1241 #, php-format msgid "" "Cannot create mobile festivity '%1$s': can only be relative to festivity " "with key '%2$s' using keywords %3$s" msgstr "" +"Kan het verplaatsbare feest '%1$s' niet genereren: is alleen verbonden met " +"het feest met sleutel '%2$s' met sleutelwoorden %3$s" #. translators: 1. Name of the mobile festivity being created, 2. Name of the festivity that it is relative to -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1170 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1256 #, php-format msgid "" "Cannot create mobile festivity '%1$s' relative to festivity with key '%2$s'" msgstr "" +"Kan het verplaatsbare feest '%1$s' niet genereren dat verbonden is met het " +"feest met sleutel '%2$s'" #. translators: Do not translate 'strtotime'! 1. Name of the mobile festivity being created 2. list of properties -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1178 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1264 #, php-format msgid "" "Cannot create mobile festivity '%1$s': when the 'strtotime' property is an " "object, it must have properties %2$s" msgstr "" +"Kan het verplaatsbare feest '%1$s' niet genereren: indien de eigenschap " +"'strtotime' een object is, moet het de eigenschappen '%2$s' hebben" #. translators: Do not translate 'strtotime'! 1. Name of the mobile festivity being created -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1198 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1284 #, php-format msgid "" "Cannot create mobile festivity '%1$s': 'strtotime' property must be either " "an object or a string! Currently it has type '%2$s'" msgstr "" +"Kan het verplaatsbare feest '%1$s' niet genereren: de eigenschap 'strtotime' " +"moet ofwel een object of een string zijn! Nu heeft hij type '%2$s'" #. translators: Do not translate 'strtotime'! 1. Name of the mobile festivity being created -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1206 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1292 #, php-format msgid "Cannot create mobile festivity '%1$s' without a 'strtotime' property!" msgstr "" +"Kan het verplaatsbare feest '%1$s' niet genereren zonder de eigenschap " +"'strtotime'!" #. translators: #. 1. Grade or rank of the festivity @@ -300,12 +342,14 @@ msgstr "" #. 5. Requested calendar year #. 6. Source of the information #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1261 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1347 #, php-format msgid "" "The name of the %1$s '%2$s' has been changed to %3$s since the year %4$d, " "applicable to the year %5$d (%6$s)." msgstr "" +"De naam van de %1$s '%2$s' is veranderd in %3$s vanaf het jaar %4$d, van " +"toepassing in het jaar %5$d (%6$s)." #. translators: #. 1. Grade or rank of the festivity @@ -315,12 +359,14 @@ msgstr "" #. 5. Requested calendar year #. 6. Source of the information #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1283 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1369 #, php-format msgid "" "The %1$s '%2$s' has been raised to the rank of %3$s since the year %4$d, " "applicable to the year %5$d (%6$s)." msgstr "" +"De %1$s '%2$s' is verhoogd tot de rang van %3$s vanaf het jaar %4$d, van " +"toepassing in het jaar %5$d (%6$s)." #. translators: #. 1. Grade or rank of the festivity @@ -330,12 +376,14 @@ msgstr "" #. 5. Requested calendar year #. 6. Source of the information #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1293 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1379 #, php-format msgid "" "The %1$s '%2$s' has been lowered to the rank of %3$s since the year %4$d, " "applicable to the year %5$d (%6$s)." msgstr "" +"De %1$s '%2$s' is in rang verlaagd tot %3$s vanaf het jaar %4$d, van " +"toepassing in het jaar %5$d (%6$s)." #. translators: #. 1. Name of the festivity @@ -343,16 +391,18 @@ msgstr "" #. 3. Requested calendar year #. 4. Source of the information #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1327 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1413 #, php-format msgid "" "'%1$s' has been declared a Doctor of the Church since the year %2$d, " "applicable to the year %3$d (%4$s)." msgstr "" +"'%1$s' is tot Kerkleraar uitgeroepen vanaf het jaar %2$d, van toepassing in " +"het jaar %3$d (%4$s)." -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1335 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1421 msgid "and Doctor of the Church" -msgstr "" +msgstr "en kerkleraar" #. translators: #. 1. Grade or rank of the festivity being created @@ -364,12 +414,14 @@ msgstr "" #. 7. Name of superseding festivity #. 8. Requested calendar year #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1440 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1526 #, php-format msgid "" "The %1$s '%2$s', added on %3$s since the year %4$d (%5$s), is however " "superseded by the %6$s '%7$s' in the year %8$d." msgstr "" +"De %1$s '%2$s', toegevoegd op %3$s vanaf het jaar %4$d (%5$s), wordt " +"vervangen door het %6$s '%7$s' in het jaar %8$d." #. translators: #. 1. Requested calendar year @@ -381,40 +433,51 @@ msgstr "" #. 7. Year from which the festivity has been added #. 8. Source of the information #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1468 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1554 #, php-format msgid "" "In the year %1$d, the %2$s '%3$s' has been suppressed by the %4$s '%5$s', " "added on %6$s since the year %7$d (%8$s)." msgstr "" +"In het jaar %1$d, de %2$s '%3$s' is vervangen door de %4$s '%5$s', " +"toegevoegd op %6$s vanaf het jaar %7$d (%8$s)." #. translators: 1: Festivity name, 2: Source of the information, 3: Requested calendar year -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1527 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1613 #, php-format msgid "" "The optional memorial '%1$s' has been transferred from Dec. 12 to Aug. 12 " "since the year 2002 (%2$s), applicable to the year %3$d." msgstr "" +"De vrije gedachtenis '%1$s' is verplaatst van 12 december naar 12 augustus " +"vanaf het jaar 2002 (%2$s), van toepassing in het jaar %3$d." #. translators: 1: Festivity name, 2: Source of the information, 3: Requested calendar year -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1540 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1626 #, php-format msgid "" "The optional memorial '%1$s', which would have been superseded this year by " "a Sunday or Solemnity were it on Dec. 12, has however been transferred to " "Aug. 12 since the year 2002 (%2$s), applicable to the year %3$d." msgstr "" +"De vrije gedachtenis '%1$s', die dit jaar vervangen zou worden door een " +"zondag of hoogfeest als het op 12 december gevierd zou worden, is echter " +"vanaf het jaar 2002 verplaatst naar 12 augustus (%2$s), van toepassing in " +"het jaar %3$d." -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1555 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1641 #, php-format msgid "" "The optional memorial '%1$s' has been transferred from Dec. 12 to Aug. 12 " "since the year 2002 (%2$s), applicable to the year %3$d. However, it is " "superseded by a Sunday, a Solemnity, or a Feast '%4$s' in the year %3$d." msgstr "" +"De vrije gedachtenis '%1$s' is verplaatst van 12 december naar 12 augustus " +"vanaf het jaar 2002 (%2$s), van toepassing in het jaar %3$d. Echter, hij " +"wordt vervangen door een zondag, hoogfeest of feest '%4$s' in het jaar %3$d." #. translators: 1: Festivity name, 2: Source of the information -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1582 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1668 #, php-format msgid "" "The Feast '%1$s' would have been suppressed this year ( 2009 ) since it " @@ -422,30 +485,34 @@ msgid "" "%2$s it has been reinstated so that local churches can optionally celebrate " "the memorial." msgstr "" +"Het feest '%1$s' zou dit jaar (2009) komen te vervallen omdat het op een " +"zondag valt, maar vanwege het Paulusjaar is het, overeenkomstig %2$s " +"hersteld, zodat lokale kerken de gedachtenis naar keuze kunnen vieren." -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1606 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1692 #, php-format msgid "of the %s Week of Easter" -msgstr "" +msgstr "na de %s zondag van pasen" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1642 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1671 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1728 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1757 #, php-format msgid "of the %s Week of Ordinary Time" -msgstr "" +msgstr "in de %s week door het jaar" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1694 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1780 msgid "Saturday Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Maria op zaterdag" -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1719 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1722 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1805 includes/LitCalAPI.php:1808 #, php-format msgid "Error retrieving and decoding Wider Region data from file %s." msgstr "" +"Fout bij het ophalen en decoderen van Wider Region data uit bestand %s." -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1729 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1815 #, php-format msgid "Error retrieving and decoding National data from file %s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fout bij het ophalen en decoderen van National data uit bestand %s." #. translators: #. 1. Grade of the festivity @@ -455,12 +522,14 @@ msgstr "" #. 5. Name of the superseding festivity #. 6. Requested calendar year #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1763 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1849 #, php-format msgid "" "The %1$s '%2$s', usually celebrated on %3$s, is suppressed by the %4$s " "'%5$s' in the year %6$d." msgstr "" +"De %1$s '%2$s', gewoonlijk gevierd op %3$s, wordt vervangen door de %4$s " +"'%5$s' in het jaar %6$d." #. translators: #. 1. Name of the first coinciding Memorial @@ -468,24 +537,28 @@ msgstr "" #. 3. Requested calendar year #. 4. Source of the information #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1828 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1914 #, php-format msgid "" "The Memorial '%1$s' coincides with another Memorial '%2$s' in the year %3$d. " "They are both reduced in rank to optional memorials." msgstr "" +"De gedachtenis '%1$s' valt samen met een andere gedachtenis '%2$s' in het " +"jaar %3$d. Ze zijn beide teruggebracht naar de rang van vrije gedachtenis." -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1891 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:1977 msgid "" "We should be creating a new festivity, however we do not seem to have the " "correct date information in order to proceed" msgstr "" +"Er zou een nieuw feest moeten worden aangemaakt, maar de juiste gegevens om " +"verder te gaan lijken niet beschikbaar" #. translators: Name of the Roman Missal -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:2006 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:2092 #, php-format msgid "Found a sanctorale data file for %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Er is een sanctorale data bestand gevonden voor %s" #. translators: #. 1. Festivity grade @@ -496,50 +569,57 @@ msgstr "" #. 6. Superseding festivity name #. 7. Requested calendar year #. -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:2036 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:2122 #, php-format msgid "" "The %1$s '%2$s' (%3$s), added to the national calendar in the %4$s, is " "superseded by the %5$s '%6$s' in the year %7$d" msgstr "" +"De %1$s '%2$s' (%3$s), toegevoegd aan de nationale kalender in de %4$s, " +"wordt vervangen door de %5$s '%6$s' in het jaar %7$d" #. translators: Name of the Roman Missal -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:2051 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:2137 #, php-format msgid "Could not find a sanctorale data file for %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Een sanctorale data bestand voor %s is niet gevonden" #. translators: 1. Festivity grade, 2. Festivity name, 3. New festivity name, 4: Requested calendar year, 5. Old date, 6. New date -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:2096 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:2182 #, php-format msgid "" "The %1$s '%2$s' is transferred from %5$s to %6$s as per the %7$s, to make " "room for '%3$s': applicable to the year %4$d." msgstr "" +"De %1$s '%2$s' wordt verplaatst van %5$s naar %6$s overeenkomstig de %7$s, " +"om plaats te maken voor '%3$s': van toepassing in het jaar %4$d." #. translators: 1. Festivity grade, 2. Festivity name, 3. Old date, 4. New date, 5. Source of the information, 6. New festivity name, 7. Superseding festivity grade, 8. Superseding festivity name, 9: Requested calendar year -#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:2115 +#: includes/LitCalAPI.php:2201 #, php-format msgid "" "The %1$s '%2$s' would have been transferred from %3$s to %4$s as per the " "%5$s, to make room for '%6$s', however it is suppressed by the %7$s '%8$s' " "in the year %9$d." msgstr "" +"De %1$s '%2$s' zou verplaatst worden van %3$s naar %4$s overeenkomstig de " +"%5$s, om plaats te maken voor '%6$s', maar wordt vervangen door %7$s '%8$s' " +"in het jaar %9$d." #. translators: when there are multiple possible commons, this will be the glue "or from the common of..." #: includes/LitMessages.php:143 includes/LitMessages.php:148 #: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:346 msgid "or" -msgstr "" +msgstr "of" #. translators: in reference to the cycle of liturgical years (A, B, C; I, II) #: includes/FestivityCollection.php:44 msgid "YEAR" -msgstr "" +msgstr "JAAR" #: includes/FestivityCollection.php:45 msgid "Vigil Mass" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vigiliemis" #: includes/FestivityCollection.php:359 #, php-format @@ -548,6 +628,9 @@ msgid "" "year %5$d. As per %6$s, the first has precedence, therefore the Vigil Mass " "is confirmed as are I Vespers." msgstr "" +"De vigiliemis voor de %1$s '%2$s' valt samen met de %3$s '%4$s' in het jaar " +"%5$d. Overeenkomstig %6$s heeft de eerste voorrang, waardoor de vigiliemis " +"en het avondgebed op de vooravond zijn vastgesteld." #: includes/FestivityCollection.php:373 #, php-format @@ -557,6 +640,10 @@ msgid "" "and a vigil Mass, whereas the last Solemnity will not have either Vespers II " "or an evening Mass." msgstr "" +"De vigiliemis van de %1$s '%2$s' valt samen met de %3$s '%4$s' in het jaar " +"%5$d. Omdat het eerste hoogfeest voorrang heeft, heeft het een avondgebed op " +"de vooravond en een vigiliemis, terwijl het tweede hoogfeest geen avondgebed " +"of een avondmis heeft." #: includes/FestivityCollection.php:383 #, php-format @@ -566,6 +653,10 @@ msgid "" "Vespers II and an evening Mass, while the first Solemnity will not have a " "Vigil Mass or Vespers I." msgstr "" +"De vigiliemis voor de %1$s '%2$s' valt samen met de %3$s '%4$s' in het jaar " +"%5$d. Het tweede hoogfeest heeft voorrang, waardoor het een avondgebed op de " +"vooravond en een avondmis behoudt, terwijl het eerste hoogfeest geen " +"vigiliemis of avondgebed heeft." #: includes/FestivityCollection.php:443 #, php-format @@ -574,45 +665,47 @@ msgid "" "year %5$d. We should ask the Congregation for Divine Worship what to do " "about this!" msgstr "" +"De vigiliemis voor de %1$s '%2$s' valt samen met de %3$s '%4$s' in het jaar " +"%5$d. Het Dicasterie van de Goddelijke Eredienst moet aangeven wat te doen!" #. translators: context = liturgical color #: includes/enums/LitColor.php:27 msgid "green" -msgstr "" +msgstr "groen" #. translators: context = liturgical color #: includes/enums/LitColor.php:30 msgid "purple" -msgstr "" +msgstr "paars" #. translators: context = liturgical color #: includes/enums/LitColor.php:33 msgid "white" -msgstr "" +msgstr "wit" #. translators: context = liturgical color #: includes/enums/LitColor.php:36 msgid "red" -msgstr "" +msgstr "rood" #. translators: context = liturgical color #: includes/enums/LitColor.php:39 msgid "pink" -msgstr "" +msgstr "roze" #: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:57 msgid "Proper" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Eigen" #. translators: context = from the Common of nn #: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:59 msgid "Dedication of a Church" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kerkwijding" #. translators: context = from the Common of nn #: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:61 msgid "Blessed Virgin Mary" -msgstr "" +msgstr "H. Maagd Maria" #. translators: context = from the Common of nn #: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:63 @@ -622,37 +715,37 @@ msgstr "Martelaren" #. translators: context = from the Common of nn #: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:65 msgid "Pastors" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Herders" #. translators: context = from the Common of nn #: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:67 msgid "Doctors" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kerkleraren" #. translators: context = from the Common of nn #: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:69 msgid "Virgins" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Maagden" #. translators: context = from the Common of nn #: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:71 msgid "Holy Men and Women" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Heilige mannen en vrouwen" #. translators: context = from the Common of nn: nn #: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:74 msgid "For One Martyr" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Voor een martelaar" #. translators: context = from the Common of nn: nn #: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:76 msgid "For Several Martyrs" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Voor meer martelaren" #. translators: context = from the Common of nn: nn #: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:78 msgid "For Missionary Martyrs" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Voor missionarissen-martelaren" #. translators: context = from the Common of nn: nn #: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:80 @@ -667,7 +760,7 @@ msgstr "" #. translators: context = from the Common of nn: nn #: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:84 msgid "For a Virgin Martyr" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Voor een maagd-martelares" #. translators: context = from the Common of nn: nn #: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:86 @@ -697,7 +790,7 @@ msgstr "" #. translators: context = from the Common of nn: nn #: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:96 msgid "For Founders of a Church" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Voor stichters van een plaatselijke kerk" #. translators: context = from the Common of nn: nn #: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:98 @@ -712,7 +805,7 @@ msgstr "" #. translators: context = from the Common of nn: nn #: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:102 msgid "For Missionaries" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Voor missionarissen" #. translators: context = from the Common of nn: nn #: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:104 @@ -722,7 +815,7 @@ msgstr "" #. translators: context = from the Common of nn: nn #: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:106 msgid "For Several Virgins" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Voor meerdere maagden" #. translators: context = from the Common of nn: nn #: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:108 @@ -752,28 +845,28 @@ msgstr "" #. translators: context = from the Common of nn: nn #: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:118 msgid "For Religious" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Voor kloosterlingen" #. translators: context = from the Common of nn: nn #: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:120 msgid "For Those Who Practiced Works of Mercy" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Voor hen die werken van barmhartigheid hebben verricht" #. translators: context = from the Common of nn: nn #: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:122 msgid "For Educators" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Voor opvoeders" #. translators: context = from the Common of nn: nn #: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:124 msgid "For Holy Women" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Voor heilige vrouwen" #. translators: (singular feminine) glue between "From the Common" and the actual common. Latin: leave empty! #: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:169 includes/enums/LitCommon.php:181 msgctxt "(SING_FEMM)" -msgid "of" -msgstr "" +msgid "of the" +msgstr "voor" #. translators: (plural feminine) glue between "From the Common" and the actual common. Latin: leave empty! #: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:172 @@ -790,27 +883,27 @@ msgstr "voor" #. translators: (singular masculine) glue between "From the Common" and the actual common. Latin: leave empty! #: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:184 msgctxt "(SING_MASC)" -msgid "of" +msgid "of the" msgstr "voor" #: includes/enums/LitCommon.php:342 msgid "From the Common" -msgstr "Uit het Gemeenschappelijke" +msgstr "Gemeenschappelijke" #. translators: liturgical rank. Keep lowercase #: includes/enums/LitGrade.php:90 includes/enums/LitGrade.php:129 msgid "weekday" -msgstr "" +msgstr "weekdag" #. translators: liturgical rank. Keep Capitalized #: includes/enums/LitGrade.php:95 msgid "Commemoration" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vrije gedachtenis" #. translators: liturgical rank. Keep Capitalized #: includes/enums/LitGrade.php:100 msgid "Optional memorial" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vrije gedachtenis" #. translators: liturgical rank. Keep Capitalized #: includes/enums/LitGrade.php:105 @@ -835,4 +928,18 @@ msgstr "HOOGFEEST" #. translators: liturgical rank. Keep lowercase #: includes/enums/LitGrade.php:125 msgid "celebration with precedence over solemnities" -msgstr "" +msgstr "viering met voorrang op hoogfesten" + +#~ msgctxt "(SING_FEMM)" +#~ msgid "of" +#~ msgstr "voor" + +#~ msgctxt "(SING_MASC)" +#~ msgid "of" +#~ msgstr "voor" + +#~ msgid "%s day before Epiphany" +#~ msgstr "%s dag voor de Openbaring des Heren" + +#~ msgid "%s day after Epiphany" +#~ msgstr "%s dag na de Openbaring des Heren" diff --git a/i18n/pt/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.po b/i18n/pt/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.po index 966cf767..a3941443 100644 --- a/i18n/pt/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.po +++ b/i18n/pt/LC_MESSAGES/litcal.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-09-21 12:27+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-12-04 13:55+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-06-02 20:16+0000\n" "Last-Translator: John R. D'Orazio \n" "Language-Team: Portuguese LitGrade = new LitGrade( $this->LitSettings->Locale ); } - public static function DateIsSunday( DateTime $dt ) : bool { + public static function DateIsSunday( LitDateTime $dt ) : bool { return (int)$dt->format( 'N' ) === 7; } - public static function DateIsNotSunday( DateTime $dt ) : bool { + public static function DateIsNotSunday( LitDateTime $dt ) : bool { return (int)$dt->format( 'N' ) !== 7; } @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ public function getFestivity( string $key ) : ?Festivity { return null; } - public function getCalEventsFromDate( DateTime $date ) : array { + public function getCalEventsFromDate( LitDateTime $date ) : array { return array_filter( $this->festivities, function( $el ) use ( $date ) { return $el->date == $date; } ); } @@ -110,71 +110,71 @@ public function isSolemnityLordBVM( string $key ) : bool { return in_array( $key, $this->SolemnitiesLordBVM ); } - public function isSundayAdventLentEaster( DateTime $date ) : bool { + public function isSundayAdventLentEaster( LitDateTime $date ) : bool { return in_array( $date, $this->SundaysAdventLentEaster ); } - public function inSolemnities( DateTime $date ) : bool { + public function inSolemnities( LitDateTime $date ) : bool { return in_array( $date, $this->solemnities ); } - public function notInSolemnities( DateTime $date ) : bool { + public function notInSolemnities( LitDateTime $date ) : bool { return !$this->inSolemnities( $date ); } - public function inFeasts( DateTime $date ) : bool { + public function inFeasts( LitDateTime $date ) : bool { return in_array( $date, $this->feasts ); } - public function notInFeasts( DateTime $date ) : bool { + public function notInFeasts( LitDateTime $date ) : bool { return !$this->inFeasts( $date ); } - public function inSolemnitiesOrFeasts( DateTime $date ) : bool { + public function inSolemnitiesOrFeasts( LitDateTime $date ) : bool { return $this->inSolemnities( $date ) || $this->inFeasts( $date ); } - public function notInSolemnitiesOrFeasts( DateTime $date ) : bool { + public function notInSolemnitiesOrFeasts( LitDateTime $date ) : bool { return !$this->inSolemnitiesOrFeasts( $date ); } - public function inMemorials( DateTime $date ) : bool { + public function inMemorials( LitDateTime $date ) : bool { return in_array( $date, $this->memorials ); } - public function notInMemorials( DateTime $date ) : bool { + public function notInMemorials( LitDateTime $date ) : bool { return !$this->inMemorials( $date ); } - public function inFeastsOrMemorials( DateTime $date ) : bool { + public function inFeastsOrMemorials( LitDateTime $date ) : bool { return $this->inFeasts( $date ) || $this->inMemorials( $date ); } - public function notInFeastsOrMemorials( DateTime $date ) : bool { + public function notInFeastsOrMemorials( LitDateTime $date ) : bool { return !$this->inFeastsOrMemorials( $date ); } - public function inSolemnitiesFeastsOrMemorials( DateTime $date ) : bool { + public function inSolemnitiesFeastsOrMemorials( LitDateTime $date ) : bool { return $this->inSolemnities( $date ) || $this->inFeastsOrMemorials( $date ); } - public function notInSolemnitiesFeastsOrMemorials( DateTime $date ) : bool { + public function notInSolemnitiesFeastsOrMemorials( LitDateTime $date ) : bool { return !$this->inSolemnitiesFeastsOrMemorials( $date ); } - public function inWeekdaysAdventChristmasLent( DateTime $date ) : bool { + public function inWeekdaysAdventChristmasLent( LitDateTime $date ) : bool { return in_array( $date, $this->WeekdayAdventChristmasLent ); } - public function inWeekdaysEpiphany( DateTime $date ) : bool { + public function inWeekdaysEpiphany( LitDateTime $date ) : bool { return in_array( $date, $this->WeekdaysEpiphany ); } - public function inCalendar( DateTime $date ) : bool { + public function inCalendar( LitDateTime $date ) : bool { return count( array_filter( $this->festivities, function( $el ) use( $date ) { $el->date == $date; } ) ) > 0; } - public function solemnityFromDate( DateTime $date ) : ?Festivity { + public function solemnityFromDate( LitDateTime $date ) : ?Festivity { $key = array_search( $date, $this->solemnities ); if( $key && array_key_exists( $key, $this->festivities ) ) { return $this->festivities[ $key ]; @@ -182,15 +182,15 @@ public function solemnityFromDate( DateTime $date ) : ?Festivity { return null; } - public function solemnityKeyFromDate( DateTime $date ) : string|int|false { + public function solemnityKeyFromDate( LitDateTime $date ) : string|int|false { return array_search( $date, $this->solemnities ); } - public function weekdayEpiphanyKeyFromDate( DateTime $date ) : string|int|false { + public function weekdayEpiphanyKeyFromDate( LitDateTime $date ) : string|int|false { return array_search( $date, $this->WeekdaysEpiphany ); } - public function feastOrMemorialFromDate( DateTime $date ) : ?Festivity { + public function feastOrMemorialFromDate( LitDateTime $date ) : ?Festivity { $key = array_search( $date, $this->feasts ); if( $key && array_key_exists( $key, $this->festivities ) ) { return $this->festivities[ $key ]; @@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ public function feastOrMemorialFromDate( DateTime $date ) : ?Festivity { return null; } - public function feastOrMemorialKeyFromDate( DateTime $date ) : string|int|false { + public function feastOrMemorialKeyFromDate( LitDateTime $date ) : string|int|false { $key = array_search( $date, $this->feasts ); if( $key ){ return $key; @@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ public function feastOrMemorialKeyFromDate( DateTime $date ) : string|int|false return array_search( $date, $this->memorials ); } - public function moveFestivityDate( string $key, DateTime $newDate ) : void { + public function moveFestivityDate( string $key, LitDateTime $newDate ) : void { if( array_key_exists( $key, $this->festivities ) ) { $this->festivities[ $key ]->date = $newDate; } @@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ private function festivityCanHaveVigil( Festivity|stdClass $festivity, ?string $ } } - private function createVigilMass( string $key, Festivity $festivity, DateTime $VigilDate ) : void { + private function createVigilMass( string $key, Festivity $festivity, LitDateTime $VigilDate ) : void { $this->festivities[ $key . "_vigil" ] = new Festivity( $festivity->name . " " . $this->T[ "Vigil Mass" ], $VigilDate, @@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ public function getFeastsAndMemorials() : array { return array_merge( $this->feasts, $this->memorials ); } - public function determineSundaySolemnityOrFeast( DateTime $currentFeastDate ) : stdClass { + public function determineSundaySolemnityOrFeast( LitDateTime $currentFeastDate ) : stdClass { $coincidingFestivity = new stdClass(); $coincidingFestivity->grade = ''; if( self::DateIsSunday( $currentFeastDate ) && $this->solemnityFromDate( $currentFeastDate )->grade < LitGrade::SOLEMNITY ){ diff --git a/includes/LitCalAPI.php b/includes/LitCalAPI.php index a5a5ce23..8f001f63 100644 --- a/includes/LitCalAPI.php +++ b/includes/LitCalAPI.php @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ class LitCalAPI { - const API_VERSION = '3.4'; + const API_VERSION = '3.5'; public APICore $APICore; private string $CacheDuration = ""; @@ -347,7 +347,8 @@ private function calculateEpiphanyJan6() : void { $Epiphany = new Festivity( $this->PropriumDeTempore[ "Epiphany" ][ "NAME" ], LitDateTime::createFromFormat( '!j-n-Y', '6-1-' . $this->LitSettings->Year, new DateTimeZone( 'UTC' ) ), LitColor::WHITE, LitFeastType::FIXED, LitGrade::HIGHER_SOLEMNITY ); $this->Cal->addFestivity( "Epiphany", $Epiphany ); //If a Sunday occurs on a day from Jan. 2 through Jan. 5, it is called the "Second Sunday of Christmas" - //Weekdays from Jan. 2 through Jan. 5 are called "*day before Epiphany" + //Weekdays from Jan. 2 through Jan. 5 are called "*day before Epiphany" (in which calendar? England?) + //Actually in Latin they are "Feria II temporis Nativitatis", in English "Monday - Christmas Weekday", in Italian "Feria propria del 3 gennaio" ecc. $nth = 0; for ( $i = 2; $i <= 5; $i++ ) { $dateTime = LitDateTime::createFromFormat( '!j-n-Y', $i . '-1-' . $this->LitSettings->Year, new DateTimeZone( 'UTC' ) ); @@ -356,22 +357,54 @@ private function calculateEpiphanyJan6() : void { $this->Cal->addFestivity( "Christmas2", $Christmas2 ); } else { $nth++; - $nthStr = $this->LitSettings->Locale === LitLocale::LATIN ? LitMessages::LATIN_ORDINAL[ $nth ] : $this->formatter->format( $nth ); - $name = $this->LitSettings->Locale === LitLocale::LATIN ? sprintf( "Dies %s ante Epiphaniam", $nthStr ) : sprintf( _( "%s day before Epiphany" ), ucfirst( $nthStr ) ); + //$nthStr = $this->LitSettings->Locale === LitLocale::LATIN ? LitMessages::LATIN_ORDINAL[ $nth ] : $this->formatter->format( $nth ); + $dayOfTheWeek = $this->LitSettings->Locale === LitLocale::LATIN + ? LitMessages::LATIN_DAYOFTHEWEEK[ $dateTime->format( 'w' ) ] + : ( $this->LitSettings->Locale === LitLocale::ITALIAN + ? $this->dayAndMonth->format( $dateTime->format( 'U' ) ) + : ucfirst( $this->dayOfTheWeek->format( $dateTime->format( 'U' ) ) ) + ); + $name = $this->LitSettings->Locale === LitLocale::LATIN + ? sprintf( "%s temporis Nativitatis", $dayOfTheWeek ) + : ( $this->LitSettings->Locale === LitLocale::ITALIAN + ? sprintf( "Feria propria del %s", $dayOfTheWeek ) + : sprintf( + /**translators: days before Epiphany when Epiphany falls on Jan 6 (not useful in Italian!) */ + _( "%s - Christmas Weekday" ), + ucfirst( $dayOfTheWeek ) + ) + ); $festivity = new Festivity( $name, $dateTime, LitColor::WHITE, LitFeastType::MOBILE ); $this->Cal->addFestivity( "DayBeforeEpiphany" . $nth, $festivity ); } } - //Weekdays from Jan. 7 until the following Sunday are called "*day after Epiphany" + //Weekdays from Jan. 7 until the following Sunday are called "*day after Epiphany" (in which calendar? England?) + //Actually in Latin they are still "Feria II temporis Nativitatis", in English "Monday - Christmas Weekday", in Italian "Feria propria del 3 gennaio" ecc. $SundayAfterEpiphany = (int)LitDateTime::createFromFormat( '!j-n-Y', '6-1-' . $this->LitSettings->Year, new DateTimeZone( 'UTC' ) )->modify( 'next Sunday' )->format( 'j' ); if ( $SundayAfterEpiphany !== 7 ) { //this means January 7th, it does not refer to the day of the week which is obviously Sunday in this case $nth = 0; for ( $i = 7; $i < $SundayAfterEpiphany; $i++ ) { $nth++; - $nthStr = $this->LitSettings->Locale === LitLocale::LATIN ? LitMessages::LATIN_ORDINAL[ $nth ] : $this->formatter->format( $nth ); + //$nthStr = $this->LitSettings->Locale === LitLocale::LATIN ? LitMessages::LATIN_ORDINAL[ $nth ] : $this->formatter->format( $nth ); $dateTime = LitDateTime::createFromFormat( '!j-n-Y', $i . '-1-' . $this->LitSettings->Year, new DateTimeZone( 'UTC' ) ); - $name = $this->LitSettings->Locale === LitLocale::LATIN ? sprintf( "Dies %s post Epiphaniam", $nthStr ) : sprintf( _( "%s day after Epiphany" ), ucfirst( $nthStr ) ); + $dayOfTheWeek = $this->LitSettings->Locale === LitLocale::LATIN + ? LitMessages::LATIN_DAYOFTHEWEEK[ $dateTime->format( 'w' ) ] + : ( $this->LitSettings->Locale === LitLocale::ITALIAN + ? $this->dayAndMonth->format( $dateTime->format( 'U' ) ) + : ucfirst( $this->dayOfTheWeek->format( $dateTime->format( 'U' ) ) ) + ); + //$name = $this->LitSettings->Locale === LitLocale::LATIN ? sprintf( "Dies %s post Epiphaniam", $nthStr ) : sprintf( _( "%s day after Epiphany" ), ucfirst( $nthStr ) ); + $name = $this->LitSettings->Locale === LitLocale::LATIN + ? sprintf( "%s temporis Nativitatis", $dayOfTheWeek ) + : ( $this->LitSettings->Locale === LitLocale::ITALIAN + ? sprintf( "Feria propria del %s", $dayOfTheWeek ) + : sprintf( + /**translators: days after Epiphany when Epiphany falls on Jan 6 (not useful in Italian!) */ + _( "%s - Christmas Weekday" ), + ucfirst( $dayOfTheWeek ) + ) + ); $festivity = new Festivity( $name, $dateTime, LitColor::WHITE, LitFeastType::MOBILE ); $this->Cal->addFestivity( "DayAfterEpiphany" . $nth, $festivity ); } @@ -383,39 +416,74 @@ private function calculateEpiphanySunday() : void { $dateTime = LitDateTime::createFromFormat( '!j-n-Y', '2-1-' . $this->LitSettings->Year, new DateTimeZone( 'UTC' ) ); if ( self::DateIsSunday( $dateTime ) ) { $Epiphany = new Festivity( $this->PropriumDeTempore[ "Epiphany" ][ "NAME" ], $dateTime, LitColor::WHITE, LitFeastType::MOBILE, LitGrade::HIGHER_SOLEMNITY ); - $this->Cal->addFestivity( "Epiphany", $Epiphany ); + $this->Cal->addFestivity( "Epiphany", $Epiphany ); + $DayOfEpiphany = (int)$Epiphany->date->format( 'j' ); + $SundayAfterEpiphany = (int)LitDateTime::createFromFormat( '!j-n-Y', '2-1-' . $this->LitSettings->Year, new DateTimeZone( 'UTC' ) )->modify( 'next Sunday' )->format( 'j' ); } //otherwise find the Sunday following Jan 2nd else { $SundayOfEpiphany = $dateTime->modify( 'next Sunday' ); $Epiphany = new Festivity( $this->PropriumDeTempore[ "Epiphany" ][ "NAME" ], $SundayOfEpiphany, LitColor::WHITE, LitFeastType::MOBILE, LitGrade::HIGHER_SOLEMNITY ); $this->Cal->addFestivity( "Epiphany", $Epiphany ); - //Weekdays from Jan. 2 until the following Sunday are called "*day before Epiphany" + //Weekdays from Jan. 2 until the following Sunday are called "*day before Epiphany" (in which calendar? England?) + //Actually in Latin they are "Feria II temporis Nativitatis", in English "Monday - Christmas Weekday", in Italian "Feria propria del 3 gennaio" etc. $DayOfEpiphany = (int)$SundayOfEpiphany->format( 'j' ); + $SundayAfterEpiphany = (int)LitDateTime::createFromFormat( '!j-n-Y', '2-1-' . $this->LitSettings->Year, new DateTimeZone( 'UTC' ) )->modify( 'next Sunday' )->modify( 'next Sunday' )->format( 'j' ); $nth = 0; - for ( $i = 2; $i < $DayOfEpiphany; $i++ ) { + for ( $i = 2; $i < $DayOfEpiphany - 1; $i++ ) { $nth++; - $nthStr = $this->LitSettings->Locale === LitLocale::LATIN ? LitMessages::LATIN_ORDINAL[ $nth ] : $this->formatter->format( $nth ); - $name = $this->LitSettings->Locale === LitLocale::LATIN ? sprintf( "Dies %s ante Epiphaniam", $nthStr ) : sprintf( _( "%s day before Epiphany" ), ucfirst( $nthStr ) ); + //$nthStr = $this->LitSettings->Locale === LitLocale::LATIN ? LitMessages::LATIN_ORDINAL[ $nth ] : $this->formatter->format( $nth ); $dateTime = LitDateTime::createFromFormat( '!j-n-Y', $i . '-1-' . $this->LitSettings->Year, new DateTimeZone( 'UTC' ) ); + $dayOfTheWeek = $this->LitSettings->Locale === LitLocale::LATIN + ? LitMessages::LATIN_DAYOFTHEWEEK[ $dateTime->format( 'w' ) ] + : ( $this->LitSettings->Locale === LitLocale::ITALIAN + ? $this->dayAndMonth->format( $dateTime->format( 'U' ) ) + : ucfirst( $this->dayOfTheWeek->format( $dateTime->format( 'U' ) ) ) + ); + //$name = $this->LitSettings->Locale === LitLocale::LATIN ? sprintf( "Dies %s ante Epiphaniam", $nthStr ) : sprintf( _( "%s day before Epiphany" ), ucfirst( $nthStr ) ); + $name = $this->LitSettings->Locale === LitLocale::LATIN + ? sprintf( "%s temporis Nativitatis", $dayOfTheWeek ) + : ( $this->LitSettings->Locale === LitLocale::ITALIAN + ? sprintf( "Feria propria del %s", $dayOfTheWeek ) + : sprintf( + /**translators: days before Epiphany when Epiphany is on a Sunday (not useful in Italian!) */ + _( "%s - Christmas Weekday" ), + ucfirst( $dayOfTheWeek ) + ) + ); $festivity = new Festivity( $name, $dateTime, LitColor::WHITE, LitFeastType::MOBILE ); $this->Cal->addFestivity( "DayBeforeEpiphany" . $nth, $festivity ); } - //If Epiphany occurs on or before Jan. 6, then the days of the week following Epiphany are called "*day after Epiphany" and the Sunday following Epiphany is the Baptism of the Lord. - if ( $DayOfEpiphany < 7 ) { - $SundayAfterEpiphany = (int)LitDateTime::createFromFormat( '!j-n-Y', '2-1-' . $this->LitSettings->Year, new DateTimeZone( 'UTC' ) )->modify( 'next Sunday' )->modify( 'next Sunday' )->format( 'j' ); - $nth = 0; - for ( $i = $DayOfEpiphany + 1; $i < $SundayAfterEpiphany; $i++ ) { - $nth++; - $nthStr = $this->LitSettings->Locale === LitLocale::LATIN ? LitMessages::LATIN_ORDINAL[ $nth ] : $this->formatter->format( $nth ); - $name = $this->LitSettings->Locale === LitLocale::LATIN ? sprintf( "Dies %s post Epiphaniam", $nthStr ) : sprintf( _( "%s day after Epiphany" ), ucfirst( $nthStr ) ); - $dateTime = LitDateTime::createFromFormat( '!j-n-Y', $i . '-1-' . $this->LitSettings->Year, new DateTimeZone( 'UTC' ) ); - $festivity = new Festivity( $name, $dateTime, LitColor::WHITE, LitFeastType::MOBILE ); - $this->Cal->addFestivity( "DayAfterEpiphany" . $nth, $festivity ); - } - } } + //Weekday from the Sunday of Epiphany until Baptism of the Lord are called "*day after Epiphany" (in which calendar? England?) + //Actually in Latin they are still "Feria II temporis Nativitatis", in English "Monday - Christmas Weekday", in Italian "Feria propria del 3 gennaio" ecc. + $nth = 0; + for ( $i = $DayOfEpiphany + 1; $i < $SundayAfterEpiphany - 1; $i++ ) { + $nth++; + //$nthStr = $this->LitSettings->Locale === LitLocale::LATIN ? LitMessages::LATIN_ORDINAL[ $nth ] : $this->formatter->format( $nth ); + $dateTime = LitDateTime::createFromFormat( '!j-n-Y', $i . '-1-' . $this->LitSettings->Year, new DateTimeZone( 'UTC' ) ); + $dayOfTheWeek = $this->LitSettings->Locale === LitLocale::LATIN + ? LitMessages::LATIN_DAYOFTHEWEEK[ $dateTime->format( 'w' ) ] + : ( $this->LitSettings->Locale === LitLocale::ITALIAN + ? $this->dayAndMonth->format( $dateTime->format( 'U' ) ) + : ucfirst( $this->dayOfTheWeek->format( $dateTime->format( 'U' ) ) ) + ); + //$name = $this->LitSettings->Locale === LitLocale::LATIN ? sprintf( "Dies %s post Epiphaniam", $nthStr ) : sprintf( _( "%s day after Epiphany" ), ucfirst( $nthStr ) ); + $name = $this->LitSettings->Locale === LitLocale::LATIN + ? sprintf( "%s temporis Nativitatis", $dayOfTheWeek ) + : ( $this->LitSettings->Locale === LitLocale::ITALIAN + ? sprintf( "Feria propria del %s", $dayOfTheWeek ) + : sprintf( + /**translators: days after Epiphany when Epiphany is on a Sunday (not useful in Italian!) */ + _( "%s - Christmas Weekday" ), + ucfirst( $dayOfTheWeek ) + ) + ); + $festivity = new Festivity( $name, $dateTime, LitColor::WHITE, LitFeastType::MOBILE ); + $this->Cal->addFestivity( "DayAfterEpiphany" . $nth, $festivity ); + } + } private function calculateChristmasEpiphany() : void { @@ -823,7 +891,13 @@ private function calculateWeekdaysAdvent() : void { $dayOfTheWeek = $this->LitSettings->Locale === LitLocale::LATIN ? LitMessages::LATIN_DAYOFTHEWEEK[ $weekdayAdvent->format( 'w' ) ] : ucfirst( $this->dayOfTheWeek->format( $weekdayAdvent->format( 'U' ) ) ); $ordinal = ucfirst( LitMessages::getOrdinal( $currentAdvWeek, $this->LitSettings->Locale, $this->formatterFem, LitMessages::LATIN_ORDINAL_FEM_GEN ) ); - $nthStr = $this->LitSettings->Locale === LitLocale::LATIN ? sprintf( "Hebdomadæ %s Adventus", $ordinal ) : sprintf( _( "of the %s Week of Advent" ), $ordinal ); + $nthStr = $this->LitSettings->Locale === LitLocale::LATIN + ? sprintf( "Hebdomadæ %s Adventus", $ordinal ) + : sprintf( + /**translators: %s is an ordinal number (first, second...) */ + _( "of the %s Week of Advent" ), + $ordinal + ); $name = $dayOfTheWeek . " " . $nthStr; $festivity = new Festivity( $name, $weekdayAdvent, LitColor::PURPLE, LitFeastType::MOBILE ); $this->Cal->addFestivity( "AdventWeekday" . $weekdayAdventCnt, $festivity ); @@ -840,7 +914,13 @@ private function calculateWeekdaysChristmasOctave() : void { $weekdayChristmas = LitDateTime::createFromFormat( '!j-n-Y', '25-12-' . $this->LitSettings->Year, new DateTimeZone( 'UTC' ) )->add( new DateInterval( 'P' . $weekdayChristmasCnt . 'D' ) ); if ( $this->Cal->notInSolemnitiesFeastsOrMemorials( $weekdayChristmas ) && self::DateIsNotSunday( $weekdayChristmas ) ) { $ordinal = ucfirst( LitMessages::getOrdinal( ( $weekdayChristmasCnt + 1 ), $this->LitSettings->Locale, $this->formatter, LitMessages::LATIN_ORDINAL ) ); - $name = $this->LitSettings->Locale === LitLocale::LATIN ? sprintf( "Dies %s Octavæ Nativitatis", $ordinal ) : sprintf( _( "%s Day of the Octave of Christmas" ), $ordinal ); + $name = $this->LitSettings->Locale === LitLocale::LATIN + ? sprintf( "Dies %s Octavæ Nativitatis", $ordinal ) + : sprintf( + /**translators: %s is an ordinal number (first, second...) */ + _( "%s Day of the Octave of Christmas" ), + $ordinal + ); $festivity = new Festivity( $name, $weekdayChristmas, LitColor::WHITE, LitFeastType::MOBILE ); $this->Cal->addFestivity( "ChristmasWeekday" . $weekdayChristmasCnt, $festivity ); } @@ -864,7 +944,13 @@ private function calculateWeekdaysLent() : void { $currentLentWeek = ( ( $diff - $diff % 7 ) / 7 ) + 1; //week count between current day and First Sunday of Lent $ordinal = ucfirst( LitMessages::getOrdinal( $currentLentWeek, $this->LitSettings->Locale, $this->formatterFem, LitMessages::LATIN_ORDINAL_FEM_GEN ) ); $dayOfTheWeek = $this->LitSettings->Locale == LitLocale::LATIN ? LitMessages::LATIN_DAYOFTHEWEEK[ $weekdayLent->format( 'w' ) ] : ucfirst( $this->dayOfTheWeek->format( $weekdayLent->format( 'U' ) ) ); - $nthStr = $this->LitSettings->Locale === LitLocale::LATIN ? sprintf( "Hebdomadæ %s Quadragesimæ", $ordinal ) : sprintf( _( "of the %s Week of Lent" ), $ordinal ); + $nthStr = $this->LitSettings->Locale === LitLocale::LATIN + ? sprintf( "Hebdomadæ %s Quadragesimæ", $ordinal ) + : sprintf( + /**translators: %s is an ordinal number (first, second...) */ + _( "of the %s Week of Lent" ), + $ordinal + ); $name = $dayOfTheWeek . " ". $nthStr; $festivity = new Festivity( $name, $weekdayLent, LitColor::PURPLE, LitFeastType::MOBILE ); } else { diff --git a/includes/enums/LitCommon.php b/includes/enums/LitCommon.php index 316ff3b1..812a3516 100644 --- a/includes/enums/LitCommon.php +++ b/includes/enums/LitCommon.php @@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ private static function POSSESSIVE( string $value ) : string { switch( $value ) { case "Blessed Virgin Mary": /**translators: (singular feminine) glue between "From the Common" and the actual common. Latin: leave empty! */ - return pgettext( "(SING_FEMM)", "of" ); + return pgettext( "(SING_FEMM)", "of the" ); case "Virgins": /**translators: (plural feminine) glue between "From the Common" and the actual common. Latin: leave empty! */ return pgettext( "(PLUR_FEMM)", "of" ); @@ -178,10 +178,10 @@ private static function POSSESSIVE( string $value ) : string { return pgettext( "(PLUR_MASC)", "of" ); case "Dedication of a Church": /**translators: (singular feminine) glue between "From the Common" and the actual common. Latin: leave empty! */ - return pgettext( "(SING_FEMM)", "of" ); + return pgettext( "(SING_FEMM)", "of the" ); default: /**translators: (singular masculine) glue between "From the Common" and the actual common. Latin: leave empty! */ - return pgettext( "(SING_MASC)", "of" ); + return pgettext( "(SING_MASC)", "of the" ); } }