Gen 3
- FRLG Unown Tool
- Ruby/Sapphire ID Search
- XD/Colo ID Search
- Shiny Locked 16 Bit Event Generator/Searcher - Help from Real.96
- Wishmaker Generator/Searcher
- Wishmaker Jirachi Checksum Generator
- Possible Channel Spreads Generator
- Jirachi Advancer - Originally from Admiral-Fish
- Ageto Celebi Generator - Help from Real.96
- 0 Difference Ageto Celebi Generator
- AGuAcaTE - Originally from Jellal and amab
- Ageto 0 Difference RTC Searcher
- Pokémon Box RTC Searcher - Help from Real.96
- Pokémon Rumble RTC Searcher
- Menu Advance Channel RTC Searcher
- PID to IV Wild Searcher (For Spinda)
Gen 4
- Manaphy Reroll Generator/Searcher
- Basic Bug Catching Contest/Safari Zone Searcher
- Bug Catching Contest/Safari Zone Reroll Generator
- DPPT Unown Generator/Searcher
- Basic Lottery Number Prediction for HGSS and DPPT
- Basic Non Reroll PokeWalker PID/IV Generator/Searcher
Gen 3
- Stationary
- Wild
- Egg
- IDs
- Gales/Colo/Channel
Gen 4
- Stationary
- Wild
- Egg
- IDs
Gen 5
- Events
- Dream Radar
- Egg
- IDs
- Install the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable
- Download the win build(64bit or 32bit) zip folder from the releases page
- Extract PokéFinder from the zip folder
- Download the macos zip folder from the releases page
- Extract PokéFinder from the zip folder
- Download the linux zip folder from the releases page
- Extract PokéFinder from the zip folder
- Install the dependencies
- Download and install Qt
- Build tools for Visual Studio
- Build
- git submodule update
- mkdir build
- cd build
- cmake -G"NMake Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE ../
- cmake --build .
- Bundle
- mk PokeFinder-windows
- move release\PokeFinder.exe PokeFinder-windows\PokeFinder.exe
- windeployqt --release --no-translations --no-angle --no-plugins --no-opengl-sw PokeFinder.exe
- xcopy /I "QTPath"\plugins\platforms\qwindows.dll PokeFinder-windows\platforms\
- xcopy /I "QTPath"\plugins\styles\qwindowsvistastyle.dll PokeFinder-windows\styles\
- Install the dependencies
- brew update
- brew install qt5
- brew link --force qt5
- Build
- git submodule update
- mkdir build
- cd build
- PATH="$(brew --prefix qt5)/bin:$PATH" cmake -G"Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE ../
- cmake --build .
- Bundle
- macdeployqt -dmg -verbose=2
- Install the dependencies
- sudo apt-get update -qq
- sudo apt-get install -y build-essential qtbase5-dev qt5-qmake qt5-default qttools5-dev-tools qttools5-dev
- Build
- git submodule update
- mkdir build
- cd build
- cmake -G"Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE ../ -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/home/appveyor/Qt/5.14.2/gcc_64
- Replace Qt path as necessary
- cmake --build .
- Bill Young, Mike Suleski, and Andrew Ringer for RNG Reporter
- chiizu for PPRNG
- wwwwwwzx for 3DSRNG Tool
- Pokémon researchers(OmegaDonut, Bond697, Kaphotics, Zari, amab, etc)
- Sans for initial GUI design