Big Wigs is a boss encounter add-on. It consists of many individual encounter scripts, or boss modules, mini add-ons that are designed to trigger alert messages, timer bars, sounds, and so forth, for one specific raid encounter. This version has been specifically tweaked for Kronos by Masil.
In-game screenshot will be added after the next raid
- Close any instance of WoW
- Download BigWigs Zip file
- Extract the zip file wherever you want
- Copy all the folders that are inside the folder "BigWigs" to Wow_Folder\Interface\AddOns. Your addon folder should look like this :
├── WoW_Folder
├── Interface
├── Addons
├── BigWigs
├── BigWigs_AQ20
├── BigWigs_AQ40
├── BigWigs_BWL
├── BigWigs_CommonAuras
├── BigWigs_CThunAssist
├── BigWigs_MC
├── BigWigs_Naxxramas
├── BigWigs_Onyxia
├── BigWigs_Other
├── BigWigs_ZG
- [Optional] If you had any previous installation from BigWigs before, make sure to delete (or backup) the old configuration files :
├── WoW_Folder
├── WTF
├── Account
| ├── Account_name
| ├── Kronos
| ├── Character_name
| ├── SavedVariables
| ├── BigWigs.lua
├── Account
├── Account_name
├── SavedVariables
├── BigWigs.lua
├── BigWigs_CommonAuras.lua
├── BigWigs_*.lua (any other BigWigs file)
- This is what you should have on character selection screen :
For everyone :
BigWigs Button > Plugins > Bars > Show Anchor
That will display a frame you can move to choose where to display the BigWigs Bars. I personally recommend to choose an area near from your character. -
For hunters :
BigWigs Button > Extras > Tranq > Bars (click to enable)
/bw List of useful commands
HappyMonster who shared the addon Masil for the tweaks