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📘 Fortnite Digest



  • Button with text message common base class. Displays a button with a custom message string.

text_button_base<native><public> := class<abstract><epic_internal>(widget):


  • The text to display to the user. Used only during initialization of the widget and not modified by SetText.

DefaultText<localizes><native><public>:message = external {}


  • Subscribable event that fires when the button is clicked.

OnClick<public>():listenable(widget_message) = external {}


  • Sets the text displayed in the widget.



  • Gets the text currently in the widget.



  • Text button with big and loud styling applied.

button_loud<native><public> := class<final>(text_button_base):


  • Text button with normal styling applied.

button_regular<native><public> := class<final>(text_button_base):


  • Text button with quiet styling applied.

button_quiet<native><public> := class<final>(text_button_base):


  • Shows a set of HUD elements.


  • Hides a set of HUD elements.


  • Resets the visibility for a set of HUD elements.



  • A HUD controller that allows for showing and hiding of HUD elements.

fort_hud_controller<native><public> := interface<epic_internal>:

  • Shows a set of HUD elements.


  • Hides a set of HUD elements.


  • Resets the visibility for a set of HUD elements.


  • Get the fort_hud_controller for the current fort_playspace


HUD Identifiers:

creative_hud_identifier_all<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):

creative_hud_identifier_build_menu<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):

creative_hud_identifier_crafting_resources<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):

creative_hud_identifier_elimination_counter<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):

creative_hud_identifier_equipped_item<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):

creative_hud_identifier_experience_level<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):

creative_hud_identifier_experience_supercharged<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):

creative_hud_identifier_experience_ui<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):

creative_hud_identifier_health<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):

creative_hud_identifier_health_numbers<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):

creative_hud_identifier_hud_info<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):

creative_hud_identifier_interaction_prompts<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):

creative_hud_identifier_map_prompts<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):

creative_hud_identifier_mimimap<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):

creative_hud_identifier_minimap<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):

creative_hud_identifier_pickup_stream<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):

creative_hud_identifier_player_count<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):

creative_hud_identifier_player_inventory<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):

creative_hud_identifier_round_info<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):

creative_hud_identifier_round_timer<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):

creative_hud_identifier_shield_numbers<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):

creative_hud_identifier_shileds<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):

creative_hud_identifier_shields<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):

creative_hud_identifier_storm_notifications<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):

creative_hud_identifier_storm_timer<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):

creative_hud_identifier_team_info<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):

player_hud_identifier_all<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):

hud_identifier_world_resource_wood<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):

hud_identifier_world_resource_stone<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):

hud_identifier_world_resource_metal<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):

hud_identifier_world_resource_permanite<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):

hud_identifier_world_resource_gold_currency<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):

hud_identifier_world_resource_ingredient<public> := class<final>(hud_element_identifier):


  • Used to identify a HUD element.

hud_element_identifier<native><public> := class<abstract><epic_internal>:


  • Slider with a text value. Displays a slider, its progress bar and value.

slider_regular<native><public> := class<final>(widget):

  • The value to display to the user. Used only during initialization of the widget and not modified by SetValue

DefaultValue<native><public>:float = external {}

  • The minimum value that the slider can haver. Used only during initialization of the widget and not modified by SetMinValue

DefaultMinValue<native><public>:float = external {}

  • The maximum value that the slider can haver. Used only during initialization of the widget and not modified by SetMaxValue

DefaultMaxValue<native><public>:float = external {}

  • The amount to adjust the value by, when using a controller or keyboard. Used only during initialization of the widget and not modified by SetStepSize

DefaultStepSize<native><public>:float = external {}

  • Sets the value of the slider, will clamp the value to be within the sliders minimum and maximum value.


  • Gets the value of the slider.


  • Sets the minimum value of the slider, will enforce that the sliders maximum value is always larger than or equal to the minimum value.


  • Gets the minimum value of the slider.


  • Sets the maximum value of the slider, will enforce that the sliders maximum value is always larger than or equal to the minimum value.


  • Gets the maximum value of the slider.


  • Sets the amount to adjust the value by, when using a controller or keyboard.


  • Gets the amount to adjust the value by.


  • Subscribable event that fires when the value of the slider has changed.

OnValueChanged<public>():listenable(widget_message) = external {}


  • Text block widget. Displays text to the user.

text_block<native><public> := class<final>(text_base):

  • The direction the shadow is cast. Used only during initialization of the widget and not modified by SetShadowOffset

DefaultShadowOffset<native><public>:?vector2 = external {}

  • The color of the shadow. Used only during initialization of the widget and not modified by SetShadowColor

DefaultShadowColor<native><public>:color = external {}

  • Sets the direction the shadow is cast.


  • Gets the direction the shadow is cast.


  • Sets the color of the shadow.


  • Gets the color of the shadow.


  • Sets the opacity of the shadow.

SetShadowOpacity<native><public>(InOpacity:type {_X:float where 0.000000 <= _X, _X <= 1.000000}):void

  • Gets the opacity of the shadow.

GetShadowOpacity<native><public>():type {_X:float where 0.000000 <= _X, _X <= 1.000000}



  • Animation := module:
  • Module import path: /

CreativeAnimation<public> := module:

cubic_bezier_parameters<native><public> := struct<computes>:

  • X value of the P1 control point. 0.0 <= X0 <= 1.0 or an error will be generated when calling animation_controller.SetAnimation.

X0<native><public>:float = external {}

  • Y value of the P1 control point.

Y0<native><public>:float = external {}

  • X value of the P2 control point. 0.0 <= X1 <= 1.0 or an error will be generated when calling animation_controller.SetAnimation.

X1<native><public>:float = external {}

  • Y value of the P2 control point.

Y1<native><public>:float = external {}

Interpolation Types

  • Convenience interpolation modes. These built in modes are based on the CSS animation standard
  • Linear animations move at a constant speed.

Linear<public>:cubic_bezier_parameters = external {}

  • Ease animations start slowly, speed up, then end slowly. The speed of the animation is slightly slower at the end than the start.

Ease<public>:cubic_bezier_parameters = external {}

  • EaseIn animations start slow, then speed up towards the end.

EaseIn<public>:cubic_bezier_parameters = external {}

  • EaseOut animations start fast, then slow down towards the end.

EaseOut<public>:cubic_bezier_parameters = external {}

  • EaseInOut animations are similar to Ease but the start and end animation speed is symmetric.

EaseInOut<public>:cubic_bezier_parameters = external {}

  • Instead of specifying the actual keyframe positions, we specify the keyframe deltas. This allows us to treat the initial position of the prop as keyframe 0 and avoid the question of how to get the prop to its initial location. For a animation_mode.Loop animation, the net rotation and translation must both be zero. Each delta is interpreted as a world-space transformation to be concatenated onto the previous transform(s).

keyframe_delta<native><public> := struct:

  • Target position of the creative_prop. This is a world-space coordinate in cm, with the initial position of the creative_prop acting as coordinate (0,0).


  • Target rotation for the creative_prop. Rotations are relative to the starting rotation of the creative_prop


  • Target scale for the creative_prop. Scale is multiplicative to the starting Scale of the creative_prop

DeltaScale<native><public>:vector3 = external {}

  • Time in seconds the creative_prop should animate between its last frame and this frame.


  • Interpolation mode for this keyframe_delta
  • Default = InterpolationTypes.Linear

Interpolation<native><public>:cubic_bezier_parameters = external {}

  • Animation play modes.

animation_mode<native><public> := enum:

  • Stop after playing the animation once.


  • Reverse direction after reaching the final keyframe_delta, then play the animation in reverse.


  • Play the animation in a loop. This requires the animation ends exactly where it began.


  • animation_controller states.

animation_controller_state<native><public> := enum:

  • The target of the animation is not an animatable prop. This could be because:
  • It is not a creative_prop that can be animated.
  • It was disposed or otherwise destroyed.
  • It has the 'Register with Structural Grid' option set in UEFN.


  • No animation has been successfully set via animation_controller.SetAnimation, or that animation has been cleared by a failed call to animation_controller.SetAnimation


  • Animation has either never started, finished, or was explicitly stopped.


  • Animation is playing.


  • Animation is paused.


  • Results for animation_controller.AwaitNextKeyframe function.

await_next_keyframe_result<native><public> := enum:

  • The next keyframe has been reached successfully.


  • No animation is currently playing and this function call has returned immediately.


  • The animation was canceled either due to the object being destroyed, becoming invalid, or because it was moved via some other API.


  • Used to move and animate the position of creative_prop objects.
  • See creative_prop.GetAnimationController for information on acquiring an instance of an animation_controller for a given creative_prop.
  • See SetAnimation for details on authoring movement and animations.

animation_controller<native><public> := class<epic_internal>:

  • Suspends at the callsite until the next keyframe_delta is finished. This will also return if the animation is aborted or not playing. See await_next_keyframe_result if your code needs to take different paths based on why AwaitNextKeyframe returned.


  • Starts or resumes playback of the animation.

Play<public>():void = external {}

  • Pauses the animation if it is already playing.

Pause<public>():void = external {}

  • Stops playback and resets the animation to the first keyframe. Also resets the prop transform. Calling this method is valid while the animation is in the Playing or Paused states.

Stop<public>():void = external {}

  • Returns the current state of this animation_controller.


  • Succeeds if this animation_controllers target is still valid (i.e., the target has not been disposed of either via Dispose or through any external system.)


  • Sets the animation for the animation_controller. Animations are processed in the order provided in Keyframes.

SetAnimation<public>(Keyframes:[]keyframe_delta, ?Mode:animation_mode):void = external {}

  • Signaled each time a keyframe is reached. Callback(KeyframeIndex:int, InReverse:logic). Note that the KeyframeIndex in the callback is generally in [1, NumDeltaKeyframes] except that in a PingPong animation the final keyframe played in reverse is identified as index 0. This is because SetAnimation takes delta keyframes whereas this event notifies the listener that a specific keyframe has been reached.

KeyframeReachedEvent<native><public>:listenable(tuple(int, logic)) = external {}

  • Signaled when the entire animation is complete. This will only fire for OneShot animations.

MovementCompleteEvent<native><public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}

  • Signaled when the state has changed. Use GetState to get the new state.

StateChangedEvent<native><public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}

  • Returns an animation_controller used to animate Prop. Only a subset of creative_prop types can be animated, though this may change in the future. A few examples of props that cannot be animated yet are: Walls attached to buildings, treasure chests, and Llamas.

(Prop:creative_prop).GetAnimationController<public>()<transacts><decides>:animation_controller = external {}


creative_device<native><public> := class<concrete>(creative_object_interface):

  • Inherit from this to create a custom creative device. Inherited classes will appear in the UEFN content browser the next time Verse compiles. Instances of your derived creative_device can then be placed in the island by dragging them from the content browser into the scene.
  • Override to add custom logic when the game experience begins.

OnBegin<native_callable><public>()<suspends>:void = external {}

  • Override to add custom logic when the game experience ends. Any coroutines spawned inside OnEnd may never execute.

OnEnd<native_callable><public>():void = external {}

  • Returns the transform of the creative_device with units in cm.

GetTransform<override>()<transacts>:transform = external {}

  • Teleports the creative_device to the specified Position and Rotation.

TeleportTo<public>(Position:vector3, Rotation:rotation)<transacts><decides>:void = external {}

  • Teleports the creative_device to the specified location defined by Transform, also applies rotation and scale accordingly.

TeleportTo<public>(Transform:transform)<transacts><decides>:void = external {}

  • Moves the creative_device to the specified Position and Rotation over the specified time, in seconds. If an animation is currently playing on the creative_device it will be stopped and put into the AnimationNotSet state.

MoveTo<public>(Position:vector3, Rotation:rotation, OverTime:float)<suspends>:move_to_result = external {}

  • Moves the creative_device to the specified Transform over the specified time, in seconds. If an animation is currently playing on the creative_device it will be stopped and put into the AnimationNotSet state.

MoveTo<public>(Transform:transform, OverTime:float)<suspends>:move_to_result = external {}

  • Shows this device in the world.


  • Hides this device in the world.


  • Base class for creative_device.

creative_device_base<native><public> := class<abstract><epic_internal>(creative_object):

  • Internal asset for representing creative devices.

creative_device_asset<native><public> := class<computes><final><epic_internal>:

creative_object_interface<native><public> := interface<epic_internal>(positional):

  • Base class for creative devices and props.

creative_object<native><public> := class<epic_internal>(creative_object_interface):

  • Returns the transform of the creative_object with units in cm. You must check creative_object.IsValid before calling this if there is a possibility the object has been disposed or destroyed by gameplay.

GetTransform<override>()<transacts>:transform = external {}

  • Teleports the creative_object to the specified Position and Rotation.

TeleportTo<public>(Position:vector3, Rotation:rotation)<transacts><decides>:void = external {}

  • Teleports the creative_object to the specified location defined by Transform, also applies rotation and scale accordingly.

TeleportTo<public>(Transform:transform)<transacts><decides>:void = external {}

  • Moves the creative_object to the specified Position and Rotation over the specified time, in seconds. If an animation is currently playing on the creative_object it will be stopped and put into the AnimationNotSet state.

MoveTo<public>(Position:vector3, Rotation:rotation, OverTime:float)<suspends>:move_to_result = external {}

  • Moves the creative_object to the specified Transform over the specified time, in seconds. If an animation is currently playing on the creative_object it will be stopped and put into the AnimationNotSet state.

MoveTo<public>(Transform:transform, OverTime:float)<suspends>:move_to_result = external {}

  • Returns an array containing all creative objects which have been marked with the specified Tag.


  • Returns an array containing creative objects which have tag(s) matching the specified SearchCriteria.


  • Returns a queryable tag_view which can be used to query the tags on CreativeObject.


  • Returns the fort_playspace that CreativeObject belongs to.


  • A Fortnite prop that has been placed or spawned in the island.

creative_prop<native><public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_object, invalidatable):

  • Destroys the creative_prop and remove it from the island.


  • Succeeds if this object has not been disposed of either via Dispose() or through an external system.


  • Changes the Mesh used by this instance.


  • Changes the Material of the Mesh used by this instance. Optionally can specify which Mesh element index to apply the material to, otherwise defaults to the 0 (default) Mesh element

SetMaterial<native><public>(Material:material, ?Index:int = external {})<transacts>:void

  • Shows the creative_prop in the world and enable collisions.


  • Hides the creative_prop in the world and disable collisions.



  • Asset used to spawn creative_prop instances.

creative_prop_asset<native><public> := class<computes><concrete><final><epic_internal>:

  • A default asset to be used when creating an editor-specified creative_prop_asset variable.

DefaultCreativePropAsset<public>:creative_prop_asset = external {}


spawn_prop_result<native><public> := enum:

  • Results for SpawnProp.
  • The spawn point contains NaN or Inf.


  • The spawn point is outside the island's boundaries.


  • The asset is not a valid creative_prop.


  • More props have been spawned than are permitted by the island's rules (currently 100 per script device and 200 total per island).


  • Spawns a creative_prop at the specified Position and Rotation. Position and Rotation units are in cm.
  • Returns tuple:
  • 0: Instance of a creative_prop. False if no creative_prop could be created. See spawn_prop_result for failure cases.
  • 1: Success or failure results.

SpawnProp<native><public>(Asset:creative_prop_asset, Position:vector3, Rotation:rotation)<transacts>:tuple(?creative_prop, spawn_prop_result)

  • Spawns a creative_prop at the specified Transform. `Units are in cm.
  • Returns tuple:
  • 0: Instance of a creative_prop. False if no creative_prop could be created. See spawn_prop_result for failure cases.
  • 1: Success or failure results.

SpawnProp<native><public>(Asset:creative_prop_asset, Transform:transform)<transacts>:tuple(?creative_prop, spawn_prop_result)


device_ai_interaction_result<native><public> := struct<epic_internal>:

  • Payload of device_event_ai_interaction.
  • Optional agent that triggered the interaction


  • Optional agent targeted by Source.


  • Results for MoveTo.

move_to_result<public> := enum:

  • The destination has been reached.


  • The destination will not be reached. See debug log in UEFN for more info.



patchwork_device<public> := class<concrete>(creative_device_base):

  • Base class for all Patchwork devices.
  • Enables this device.

Enable<public>():void = external {}

  • Disables this device.

Disable<public>():void = external {}

  • Define shared settings for Patchwork devices.

music_manager_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(patchwork_device):

  • Apply a distortion effect to Patchwork audio inputs.

distortion_effect_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(patchwork_device):

  • Modify a setting on another Patchwork device in a regularly repeating pattern.

lfo_modulator_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(patchwork_device):

  • Turn Patchwork note inputs into audio using instrument samples.

instrument_player_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(patchwork_device):

  • Output Patchwork audio for players to hear.

speaker_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(patchwork_device):

  • Create drum note patterns for Patchwork devices.

drum_sequencer_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(patchwork_device):

  • Send events to devices based on Patchwork note inputs.

note_trigger_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(patchwork_device):

  • Apply an echo effect to Patchwork audio inputs.

echo_effect_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(patchwork_device):

  • Turn Patchwork note inputs into audio using drum samples.

drum_player_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(patchwork_device):

  • Modify a setting on another Patchwork device when triggered.

value_setter_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(patchwork_device):

  • Transpose Patchwork note inputs to follow a chord progression.

note_progressor_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(patchwork_device):

  • Turn Patchwork note inputs into audio using customizable sound synthesis.

omega_synthesizer_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(patchwork_device):

  • Modify a setting on another Patchwork device in steps over time.

step_modulator_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(patchwork_device):

  • Create melodic note patterns for Patchwork devices.

note_sequencer_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(patchwork_device):


player_spawner_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to spawn an agent on an island. Use multiple player_spawner_devices to spawn multiple agents.
  • Signaled when an agent is spawned from this device.
  • Sends the agent that spawned.

SpawnedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}

  • Enables this device.

Enable<public>():void = external {}

  • Disables this device.

Disable<public>():void = external {}


player_reference_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to relay agent statistics to other devices and agents. Can transmit statistics such as elimination count, eliminated count, or scores when certain conditions are met. Can also project a hologram of the agent and display text that can be altered in various positions and curvatures.
  • Signaled when this device is activated.
  • Sends the agent stored in the device.

ActivatedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}

  • Signaled when a stat tracked by this device is updated.
  • Sends the agent stored in the device.

TrackedStatChangedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}

  • Signaled when the agent tracked by this device is updated.
  • Sends the new agent stored in the device.

AgentUpdatedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}

  • Signaled when the agent tracked by this fails to be updated.
  • Sends the agent that attempted to be stored in this device.

AgentUpdateFailsEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}

  • Signaled when the agent tracked by this device is replaced.
  • Sends the new agent stored in the device.

AgentReplacedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}

  • Enables or Disables this device.

Enable<public>():void = external {} Disable<public>():void = external {}

  • Ends the round/game.

Activate<public>():void = external {}

  • Registers Agent as the agent being tracked by this device.

Register<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}

  • Clears the state of this device.

Clear<public>():void = external {}

  • Is true when Agent is the player being referenced by the device.

IsReferenced<public>(Agent:agent)<transacts><decides>:void = external {}

  • Returns the agent currently referenced by the device.

GetAgent<public>():?agent = external {}

  • Returns the stat value that this device is currently tracking

GetStatValue<public>():int = external {}


animated_mesh_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to select, spawn, and configure a skeletal mesh to play a specific animation.
  • Starts or resumes playback of the animation.

Play<public>():void = external {}

  • Pauses playback of the animation.

Pause<public>():void = external {}

  • Starts or resumes reverse playback of the animation.

PlayReverse<public>():void = external {}

  • Used to create a customizable turret that can search for nearby targets. automated_turret_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
  • Triggers when someone enters the activation radius while nobody else is there.
  • Sends the activating agent. If the activator is a non-agent then false is returned.

ActivatedEvent<public>:listenable(?agent) = external {}

  • Triggers when the turret is damaged.
  • Sends the triggering agent. If the activator is a non-agent then false is returned.

DamagedEvent<public>:listenable(?agent) = external {}

  • Triggers when the turret is destroyed.
  • Sends the triggering agent. If the activator is a non-agent then false is returned.

DestroyedEvent<public>:listenable(?agent) = external {}

  • Sends the agent that was found.

TargetFoundEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}

  • Triggers when the turret loses a target.
  • Sends the agent that was lost.

TargetLostEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}

  • Enables or disable.

Enable<public>():void = external {}

Disable<public>():void = external {}

  • Set the turret to the Default Team.
  • Only usable if Possible Targets is not set to Everyone

UseDefaultTeam<public>():void = external {}

  • Set the turret to the Wildlife & Creatures team.
  • Only usable if Possible Targets is not set to Everyone

UseTeamWildlifeAndCreatures<public>():void = external {}

  • Set the turret to the same team as the supplied Agent.
  • Only usable if Possible Targets is not set to Everyone

SetTeam<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}

  • Set the supplied Agent as the turret's target.
  • The target will only change if Agent is within the activation radius, has direct line-of-sight to the turret,
  • is on a targetable team as determined by Possible Targets, and is not Down But Not Out.

SetTarget<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}


cinematic_sequence_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to trigger level sequences that allow coordination of cinematic animation, transformation, and audio tracks.
  • Signaled when the sequence is stopped.

StoppedEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}

  • Plays the sequence. This will only work when the device is set to Everyone

Play<public>():void = external {}

  • Plays the sequence. An instigating 'Agent' is required when the device is set to anything except Everyone

Play<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}

  • Stops the sequence.

Stop<public>():void = external {}

  • Stops the sequence. An instigating 'Agent' is required when the device is set to anything except Everyone

Stop<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}

  • Go to the end and stop the sequence.

GoToEndAndStop<public>():void = external {}

  • Go to the end and stop the sequence. An instigating 'Agent' is required when the device is set to anything except Everyone

GoToEndAndStop<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}

  • Pauses the sequence.

Pause<public>():void = external {}

  • Pauses the sequence. An instigating 'Agent' is required when the device is set to anything except Everyone

Pause<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}

  • Toggles between Play and Stop.

TogglePause<public>():void = external {}

  • Toggles between Play and Stop. An instigating 'Agent' is required when the device is set to anything except Everyone

TogglePause<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}

  • Set the playback position (in frames) of the sequence.

SetPlaybackFrame<public>(PlaybackFrame:int):void = external {}

  • Returns the playback position (in frames) of the sequence.

GetPlaybackFrame<public>()<transacts>:int = external {}

  • Set the playback position (in time/seconds) of the sequence.

SetPlaybackTime<public>(PlaybackTime:float):void = external {}

  • Returns the playback position (in time/seconds) of the sequence.

GetPlaybackTime<public>()<transacts>:float = external {}

  • Set the playback rate of the sequence.

SetPlayRate<public>(PlayRate:float):void = external {}

  • Returns the playback rate of the sequence.

GetPlayRate<public>()<transacts>:float = external {}


gameplay_camera_fixed_angle_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(gameplay_camera_device):

  • Used to update the camera’s current viewpoint and rotation based on a fixed angle

gameplay_camera_fixed_point_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(gameplay_camera_device):

  • Used to update the camera’s current viewpoint and rotation based on a fixed point.

gameplay_camera_device<public> := class<abstract><epic_internal>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to update the camera’s current viewpoint and rotation based on current camera mode.
  • Enables or Disables this device.

Enable<public>():void = external {}

Disable<public>():void = external {}

  • Adds the camera to the Agent’s camera stack and pushes it to be the active camera.

AddTo<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}

  • Adds the camera to all Agents camera stacks and pushes it to be the active camera.

AddToAll<public>():void = external {}

  • Removes the camera from the Agent’s camera stack and pops from being the active camera replacing it with the next one in the stack.

RemoveFrom<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}

  • Removes the camera from all Agents camera stacks and pops from being the active camera replacing it with the next one in the stack.

RemoveFromAll<public>():void = external {}


gameplay_controls_third_person_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(gameplay_controls_device):

  • Used to adapt the controls to the camera perspective


gameplay_controls_device<public> := class<abstract><epic_internal>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to update the gameplay controls scheme based on current control mode.
  • Enables or disables this device.

Enable<public>():void = external {}

Disable<public>():void = external {}

  • Adds the gameplay control to the Player’s gameplay controls stack and pushes it to be the active control.

AddTo<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}

  • Adds the gameplay control to all Agents gameplay controls stack and pushes it to be the active control.

AddToAll<public>():void = external {}

  • Removes the gameplay control from the Agent’s gameplay controls stack and pops from being the active control replacing it with the next one in the stack.

RemoveFrom<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}

  • Removes the gameplay control from all Agents gameplay controls stack and pops from being the active control replacing it with the next one in the stack.

RemoveFromAll<public>():void = external {}


class_selector_ui_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to allow players to select their Class from a Class Selector UI
  • Signaled when an agent selects a class.
  • Sends the agent that selected a class.

ClassSelectedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}

  • Signaled when an agent closes the UI.
  • Sends the agent that closed the UI.

UIClosedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}

  • Signaled when the UI is opened.
  • Sends the agent that is responsible for opening the UI.

UIOpenedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}

  • Enables or disables this device.

Enable<public>():void = external {} Disable<public>():void = external {}

  • Show the Class Selector UI to Agent.

Show<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}


post_process_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to apply Post Process Effects to players through the creative device rather than a Post Process Volume.
  • Signaled when a blend in event has finished. Sends the agent that used this device.

BlendingInCompleteEvent<public>:listenable(?agent) = external {}

  • Signaled when a blend out event has finished. Sends the agent that used this device.

BlendingOutCompleteEvent<public>:listenable(?agent) = external {}

  • Enables this device only for the instigating Agent.

Enable<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}

  • Enables this device for all players.

Enable<public>():void = external {}

  • Disables this device only for the instigating Agent.

Disable<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}

  • Disables this device for all players.

Disable<public>():void = external {}

  • Starts blending in the post process effect to the set strength only for the instigating Agent.

BlendIn<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}

  • Starts blending in the post process effect to the set strength for all players.

BlendInForAll<public>():void = external {}

  • Starts blending out the post process effect to 0 strength only for the instigating Agent.

BlendOut<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}

  • Starts blending out the post process effect to 0 strength for all players.

BlendOutForAll<public>():void = external {}

  • Resets to the starting strength, ending any ongoing blending only for the instigating Agent.

Reset<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}

  • Resets to the starting strength, ending any ongoing blending for all players.

ResetForAll<public>():void = external {}


map_controller_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to control the behavior of the map & minimap.
  • Activation for a given agent can occur automatically via the device's Activate Automatically user option, by the agent entering and exiting the device's volume if using the Activate on Trigger user option, or via events from other devices or verse.
  • When more than one map controller is activated for a given agent, the one with the highest Map Priority user option applies.
  • Adds the map controller to the provided Agent's map controller stack.
  • If multiple map controllers are active for an agent, the one with the highest Map Priority is used.

Activate<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}

  • Adds the map controller to all agents in the experience.
  • If multiple map controllers are active for an agent, the one with the highest Map Priority is used.

Activate<public>():void = external {}

  • Removes the map controller from the provided Agent's map controller stack.

Deactivate<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}

  • Removes the map controller from all agents in the experience.
  • The next highest priority active map controller will be used, or if none exists, the default behavior will be restored.

Deactivate<public>():void = external {}

  • Enables the device.
  • Enabling the device will allow it to be activated, both by incoming events, and by trigger if using Activate on Trigger.

Enable<public>():void = external {}

  • Disables the device.
  • Disabling the device will deactivate it for all agents in the experience, turn off the trigger functionality, and prevent it from responding to events.

Disable<public>():void = external {}

  • Sets the Capture Box Size (in meters).
  • Capture Box Size refers to the length and width of the area used for both the map capture image as well as the activation trigger.
  • Value is clamped between 25.0 and 2500.0 meters.

SetCaptureBoxSize<public>(Size:float):void = external {}

  • Returns the Capture Box Size (in meters).

GetCaptureBoxSize<public>()<transacts>:float = external {}


accolades_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to set up islands so players will earn Battle Pass XP when they interact with your island. Accolades are achievements or accomplishments that players can complete to earn XP.

TestAwardEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}

  • Signaled when testing the accolade to make sure it is awarded as expected. Only signals within unpublished island environments.
  • Sends the agent receiving the achievement.
  • Enable or Disable

Enable<public>():void = external {} Disable<public>():void = external {}

  • Awards the XP to agent

Award<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}


analytics_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to track agent events used to generate analytics.
  • Enable or Disable

Enable<public>():void = external {} Disable<public>():void = external {}

  • Submits an event for Agent

Submit<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}


campfire_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to place a campfire in the world that an agent can use to heal themselves

AgentEntersEffectAreaEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {} AgentExitsEffectAreaEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}

  • Signaled when an agent enters or exits the area of effect for this device, Sends the entering or exiting agent as instigator

CampfirePulseEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}

  • Signaled when this device generates a pulse.

AgentPulsedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}

  • Signaled when an agent is affected by a pulse generated by this device, Sends the affected agent

LitEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {} ExtinguishedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}

  • Signaled when this device is lit or extinguished by an agent who is also the instigator

EnabledEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {} DisabledEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}

  • Signaled when this device is enabled or disabled

AddWood<public>():void = external {}

  • Adds wood to this device.

Light<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}

  • Lights this device.

Extinguish<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}

  • Extinguishes this device.


crowd_volume_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Spawns a crowd to cheer you on.
  • Enables this device.

Enable<public>():void = external {}

  • Disables this device.

Disable<public>():void = external {}


item_remover_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to cause agents to drop or lose items from their inventory. For example, if an agent is Down But Not Out, they could drop items from their inventory, and other agents could then pick up those items.
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Disable<public>():void = external {}
  • Remove items from Agents inventory. The items that are removed can be configured using Affected Items. Remove<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}


character_device<public> := class<concrete>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to configure a single interactive mannequin, that can visualize characters, clothing, and perform emotes.

InteractedWithEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}

  • Signaled when an agent interacts with this device, Sends the agent that interacted with this device.

Enable<public>():void = external {}

  • Enables this device.

Disable<public>():void = external {}

  • Disables this device.

Show<public>():void = external {} Hide<public>():void = external {}

  • Toggle visibility

PlayEmote<public>():void = external {}

  • Plays an emote on the character created by this device.


player_marker_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to mark an agent's position on the minimap and configure the information shown for marked agents.

FirstItemValueChangedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}

  • Signaled when the first item type monitored on marked agents has changed.
  • Sends the marked agent.

SecondItemValueChangedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}

  • Signaled when the second item type monitored on marked agents has changed.
  • Sends the marked agent.

FirstItemValueReachedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}

  • Signaled when a marked agent meets the quantity condition for the first monitored item type (e.g. Fewer Than, Equal To, More Than X).
  • Sends the marked agent.

SecondItemValueReachedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}

  • Signaled when a marked agent meets the quantity condition for the second monitored item type (e.g. Fewer Than, Equal To, More Than X).
  • Sends the marked agent.

Attach<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {} Detach<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}

  • Attaches a marker to Agent.
  • Detaches a marker from Agent.

DetachFromAll<public>():void = external {}

  • Detaches markers from all marked agents.


player_checkpoint_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to set an agent's spawn point when activated. This can also clear the agent's inventory.

FirstActivationEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}

  • Signaled when this device is first activated by any agent.
  • Sends the agent that activated this device.
  • Signaled each time a new agent activates this device.
  • Sends the agent that activated this device.

FirstActivationPerAgentEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}

  • Enables this device.

Enable<public>():void = external {}

  • Disables this device.

Disable<public>():void = external {}

  • Registers this checkpoint for Agent. This sets the respawn point and can clear Agent's inventory depending on this device's settings. Multiple agents can be registered to this device at one time.

Register<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}


real_time_clock_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to trigger in game events based on real world time.
  • Signaled when the optional second Duration time has been reached.

DurationElapsedEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}

  • Signaled when the target time is reached.

TimeReachedEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}

  • Signaled when this device is enabled after the target time has been reached.

EnablingAfterTimeReachedEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}

  • Signaled when this device is enabled before the target time has been reached.

EnablingBeforeTimeReachedEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}

  • Enables this device.

Enable<public>():void = external {}

  • Disables this device.

Disable<public>():void = external {}


prop_mover_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to move around a building or prop, and customize responses to various collision event types.

EnabledEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}

  • Signaled when this device is disabled.

DisabledEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}

  • Signaled when the prop movement begins.

BeganEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}

  • Signaled when the prop movement ends.

EndedEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}

  • Signaled when the prop reaches its destination.

FinishedEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}

  • Signaled when the prop changes its direction.

MovementModeChangedEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}

  • Signaled when the prop hits an agent.
  • Sends the agent hit by the prop.

AgentHitEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}

  • Signaled when the prop hits a creature, animal, or NPC.

AIHitEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}

  • Signaled when the prop hits another prop.

PropHitEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}

  • Enables this device.

Enable<public>():void = external {}

  • Disables this device.

Disable<public>():void = external {}

  • Moves the prop to its original position.

Reset<public>():void = external {}

  • Begins the prop moving.

Begin<public>():void = external {}

  • Ends the prop moving.

End<public>():void = external {}

  • Moves the prop forward based on this device's default configuration, ignoring the prop's previous movement.

Advance<public>():void = external {}

  • Reverses the prop's moving direction.

Reverse<public>():void = external {}

  • Sets the total distance (in meters) that the prop will move.

SetTargetDistance<public>(InDistance:float):void = external {}

  • Returns the total distance (in meters) that the prop will move.

GetTargetDistance<public>()<transacts>:float = external {}

  • Sets the speed (in meters per second) at which the prop will move to its destination. SetTargetSpeed<public>(Speed:float):void = external {}
  • Returns the speed (in meters per second) at which the prop mover will move the prop to its destination. GetTargetSpeed<public>()<transacts>:float = external {}


switch_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to allow agents to turn other linked devices on/off or other custom state changes.
  • Signaled when the switch is turned on by the specified agent.
  • Sends the agent that turned on the device. TurnedOnEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when the switch is turned off by the specified agent.
  • Sends the agent that turned off the device. TurnedOffEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled if the switch is on when the state is checked. IfOnWhenCheckedEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
  • Signaled if the switch is off when the state is checked. IfOffWhenCheckedEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
  • Signaled when the switch state is saved. StateSaveEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
  • Signaled when the switch state changes. StateChangesEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
  • Signaled when the switch state is loaded by the specified agent.
  • Sends the agent that loaded the state on the device. StateLoadEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when the persistent data is cleared by the specified agent.
  • Sends the agent that cleared persistent data on the device. ClearEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Disable<public>():void = external {}
  • Turns on this device with Agent acting as the instigator of the action. TurnOn<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Turns off the device with Agent acting as the instigator of the action. TurnOff<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Toggles between TurnOn and TurnOff with Agent acting as the instigator of the action. ToggleState<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Loads the device state with Agent acting as the instigator of the action. LoadState<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Saves the device state with Agent acting as the instigator of the action. SaveState<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Loads the device state for all players. LoadStateForAll<public>():void = external {}
  • Saves the device state for all players SaveStateForAll<public>():void = external {}
  • Checks the device state with Agent acting as the instigator of the action. CheckState<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Clears persistence data for Agent. ClearPersistenceData<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Clears persistence data for all agents. ClearAllPersistenceData<public>():void = external {}
  • Returns the current state of this switch: true (on) or false (off). Use this overload of GetCurrentState when this device has Store State Per Player set to Yes. GetCurrentState<public>(Agent:agent)<transacts><decides>:void = external {}
  • Returns the current state of this switch: true (on) or false (off). Use this overload of GetCurrentState when this device has Store State Per Player set to No. GetCurrentState<public>()<transacts><decides>:void = external {}
  • Query whether this device has a single global on/off state, or has a personalized on/off state for each individual agent. IsStatePerAgent<public>()<transacts><decides>:void = external {}
  • Sets the Interaction Time required to activate this device (in seconds). SetInteractionTime<public>(Time:float):void = external {}
  • Returns the Interaction Time required to activate this device (in seconds). GetInteractionTime<public>()<transacts>:float = external {}
  • Sets the Turn On Text to be displayed to a user when the switch is currently off, and offers an interaction to switch it on. Clamped to 150 characters. SetTurnOnInteractionText<public>(Text:message):void = external {}
  • Sets the Turn Off Text to be displayed to a user when the switch is currently on, and offers an interaction to switch it off. Clamped to 150 characters. SetTurnOffInteractionText<public>(Text:message):void = external {}
  • Sets the state of the switch to a specific value for a specific Agent.
  • Use when the device has Store State Per Player set to Yes. SetState<public>(Agent:agent, State:logic):void = external {}
  • Sets the state of the switch to a specific value.
  • Use when the device has Store State Per Player set to No. SetState<public>(State:logic):void = external {}
  • Updates the State Reset Time for the device, in seconds, clamped to the Min and Max defined in the device.
  • This will not apply to any state reset timers currently in effect.
  • Set to 0.0 to disable the State Reset Time. Set to less than 0.0 to reset to default. SetStateResetTime<public>(Time:float):void = external {}
  • Updates the State Reset Time for the device, in seconds,for a specific player (if Store State Per Player is Yes), clamped to the Min and Max defined in the device.
  • This will not apply to any state reset timers currently in effect.
  • Set to 0.0 to disable the State Reset Time. Set to less than 0.0 to reset to default. SetStateResetTime<public>(Agent:agent, Time:float):void = external {}
  • Returns the value of State Reset Time, in seconds, for the device. Returns -1.0 if State Reset Time is not used. GetStateResetTime<public>()<transacts>:float = external {}

*Returns the value of State Reset Time, in seconds, for the device, for a specific player. Returns -1.0 if State Reset Time is not used. GetStateResetTime<public>(Agent:agent)<transacts>:float = external {}

  • Returns the time, in seconds, before the switch will reset itself to default.
  • Returns -1.0 if Store State Per Player is Yes or if there is no active reset timer. GetCurrentResetTime<public>():float = external {}
  • Returns the time, in seconds, before the switch will reset itself to default for Agent.
  • Returns -1.0 if there is no active reset timer. GetCurrentResetTime<public>(Agent:agent):float = external {}


volume_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to track when agents enter and exit a volume.
  • Signaled when an agent enters the device volume. AgentEntersEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when an agent exits the device volume. AgentExitsEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}


crash_pad_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to place a crash pad that can bounce players and protect them from fall damage.
  • Signaled when an agent is launched by this device.
  • Sends the launched agent. LaunchedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Disable<public>():void = external {}


fishing_zone_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to add fishing mechanics to experiences, such as:
  • Signaled when an agent catches a fish.
  • Sends the agent that caught the fish. CaughtEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when all items have been caught and removed.
  • Sends the agent that caught the last fish. EmptyEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Disable<public>():void = external {}
  • Resets the number of available uses for this device back to Uses Allowed. Reset<public>():void = external {}
  • Returns all caught and removed items to the inventory. This only works when Pool Type is set to Device Inventory. Restock<public>():void = external {}


hud_controller_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to show or hide parts of the HUD for players or teams.
  • Use this with other devices such as the hud_message_device, map_indicator_device, and billboard_device to control the HUD
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Disable<public>():void = external {}
  • Sets the Affected Class option to Agent's class. UpdateAffectedClass<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Sets the Affected Team option to Agent's team. UpdateAffectedTeam<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Resets the Affected Class option to its starting value. ResetAffectedClass<public>():void = external {}
  • Resets the Affected Team option to its starting value. ResetAffectedTeam<public>():void = external {}

changing_booth_device := class(creative_device_base):

changing_booth_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Allows players to change their outfit in game


end_game_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to configure rules that can end the current round or game.
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Disable<public>():void = external {}
  • Ends the round/game. Uses Agent's team to determine if the round/game ends when Activating Team is enabled. Activate<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}


race_manager_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used with the race_checkpoint_device to create more advanced racing modes.
  • Signaled when the race begins.
  • Sends the agent that started the race. RaceBeganEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when an agent finishes the race.
  • Sends the agent that finished the race. RaceCompletedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when an agent completes their first lap.
  • Sends the agent that finished the lap. FirstLapCompletedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when an agent completes a lap.
  • Sends the agent that finished the lap. LapCompletedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Disable<public>():void = external {}
  • Begins the race. Begin<public>():void = external {}
  • Ends the race. End<public>():void = external {}


race_checkpoint_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used in tandem with race_manager_device to define the route players must traverse.
  • Signaled when this checkpoint becomes the next checkpoint that agents need to pass for the first time.
  • Sends the first agent who is now targeting this checkpoint. CheckpointBecomesCurrentForTheFirstTimeEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when this checkpoint becomes the current checkpoint for agent.
  • Sends the agent who is now targeting this checkpoint. CheckpointBecomesCurrentEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when an agent passes this checkpoint.
  • Sends the agent that passed this checkpoint. CheckpointCompletedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Disable<public>():void = external {}
  • Sets this checkpoint as the current checkpoint for Agent. This only functions if Agent has not already passed this checkpoint. SetAsCurrentCheckpoint<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}


item_shop_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Allows the item shop to be opened when activated
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Disable<public>():void = external {}


ai_patrol_path_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to create patrolling behavior for guards spawned with the guard_spawner_device.
  • Assign an AI to this patrol path. Assign<public>(Patroller:agent):void = external {}
  • Signaled when a guard reaches this device. NodeReachedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when a guard cannot reach the next ai_patrol_path_device. NextNodeUnreachableEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when a guard starts moving on the patrol path. PatrolPathStartedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when a guard stops moving on the patrol path. PatrolPathStoppedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Disable<public>():void = external {}
  • Commands patroller to follow the Next Patrol Path Group instead of the default Patrol Path Group. GoToNextPatrolGroup<public>(Patroller:agent):void = external {}


audio_mixer_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to manage sound buses via control bus mixes set on the Audio Mixer Device.
  • Activates the mix set on the audio mixer. ActivateMix<public>():void = external {}
  • Deactivates the mix set on the audio mixer. DeactivateMix<public>():void = external {}
  • Adds Agent as a target when using the CanBeHeardBy Registered Players or NonRegisteredPlayers options. Register<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Removes Agent as a target when using the CanBeHeardBy Registered Players or NonRegisteredPlayers options. Unregister<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Removes all previously registered agents when using the CanBeHeardBy Registered Players or NonRegisteredPlayers options. UnregisterAll<public>():void = external {}


audio_player_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to configure and play audio from the device location or from registered agents.
  • Enables this device. Allows this device to be triggered from other linked devices (i.e. triggers) and allow calls to Play to succeed. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. No longer allows this device to be triggered from other linked devices (i.e. triggers) and will stop any currently playing audio. Disable<public>():void = external {}
  • Starts playing audio from this device for Agent. This can only be used when the device is set to be Heard by Instigator. Play<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Starts playing audio from this device. Play<public>():void = external {}
  • Stops any audio playing from this device for Agent. This can only be used when the device is set to be Heard by Instigator. Stop<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Stops any audio playing from this device. Stop<public>():void = external {}
  • Adds Agent as a target to play audio from when activated. Register<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Removes Agent as a target to play audio from when activated. Unregister<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Removes all previously registered agents as valid targets to play audio from when activated. UnregisterAll<public>():void = external {}
  • Shows this device in the world. Show<public>()<transacts>:void = external {}
  • Hides this device from the world. Hide<public>()<transacts>:void = external {}


bouncer_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to create a bouncer that can launch players, vehicles, and more into the air with optional effects.
  • Signaled when the condition in the On Bounced Trigger option is met and someone or something is launched.
  • Sends the agent that bounced. If a vehicle bounced, sends the driver. If a projectile bounced, sends its instigator.
  • Sends false if something else bounced, including a vehicle with no driver BouncedEvent<public>:listenable(?agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when the heal effect starts for an agent. HealStartEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when the heal effect stops for an agent. HealStopEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Enables bouncing on this device, as well as any visual and audio effects. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables bouncing on this device, as well as any visual and audio effects. Disable<public>():void = external {}


<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to trigger a custom response to a Primary or Secondary signal, sent by a Signal Remote item.
  • Signaled when a player has triggered the Primary signal using a Signal Remote item. (Fire button)
  • Sends the agent that triggered the signal. PrimarySignalEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when a player has triggered the Secondary signal using a Signal Remote item. (ADS button)
  • Sends the agent that triggered the signal. SecondarySignalEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Disable<public>():void = external {}


creature_spawner_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to spawn one or more waves of creatures of customizable types at selected time intervals.
  • Signaled when a creature is spawned.
  • Sends the agent creature who was spawned. SpawnedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when a creature is eliminated.
  • Source is the agent that has eliminated the creature. If the creature was eliminated by a non-agent then Source is 'false'.
  • Target is the creature that was eliminated. EliminatedEvent<public>:listenable(device_ai_interaction_result) = external {}
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Disable<public>():void = external {}
  • Destroys this device. DestroySpawner<public>():void = external {}
  • Eliminates all creatures spawned by this device. EliminateCreatures<public>():void = external {}
  • Returns the spawn limit of the device. GetSpawnLimit<public>()<transacts>:int = external {}


creature_placer_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to spawn a creature at a specified location.
  • Signaled when a creature is spawned.
  • Sends the agent creature who was spawned. SpawnedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when the creature is eliminated.
  • Sends the agent that eliminated the creature.
  • Sends false if the creature was eliminated by something other than an agent e.g. a vehicle. EliminatedEvent<public>:listenable(?agent) = external {}
  • Spawns the creature. Spawn<public>():void = external {}
  • Despawns the creature. Despawn<public>():void = external {}


creature_manager_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to customize one creature type at a time. Place multiple creature_manager_devices for each type of creature on your island.
  • Sends the agent that eliminated the creature. MatchingCreatureTypeEliminatedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Disable<public>():void = external {}


elimination_feed_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to send custom messages to the elimination feed.
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Disable<public>():void = external {}
  • Activates this device. Agent is used as the instigator of the action. Activate<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Activates this device.
  • Requires Activated by Team / Class be set to All. Activate<public>():void = external {}


down_but_not_out_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • aka DNBO
  • Used to customize (or prevent) the 'down but not out' player state between 'healthy' and 'removed from game'.
  • Signaled when an agent is set to the down but not out player state.
  • Sends the agent that was downed. AgentDownedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when an agent in the down but not out player state is picked up.
  • Sends the agent that was picked up. AgentPickedUpEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when an agent in the down but not out player state is dropped.
  • Sends the agent that was dropped. AgentDroppedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when an agent in the down but not out player state is thrown.
  • Sends the agent that was thrown. AgentThrownEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when an agent in the down but not out player state is revived.
  • Sends the agent that was revived. AgentRevivedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when an agent is the aggressor of a shake down.
  • Sends the agent that is the aggressor. ShakeDownEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when an agent is the victim of a shake down.
  • Sends the agent that is the victim. ShakenDownEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Disable<public>():void = external {}
  • Sets the Agent to the down but not out player state. Down<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Sets the Agent to the healthy player state if they are in the down but not out player state. Revive<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}


firefly_spawner_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to spawn fireflies that can be collected by agents.
  • Signaled when a firefly is collected.
  • Sends the agent collected the firefly. OnFirefliesCollected<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Disable<public>():void = external {}
  • Spawns new fireflies. The previous fireflies will be destroyed before a new fireflies spawn. Respawn<public>():void = external {}
  • Resets respawn count. ResetRespawnCount<public>():void = external {}


input_trigger_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to listen for the player activating or releasing certain inputs.
  • The input is defined by the Input option.
  • Players can configure the key for the input in the Creative Input Actions section of the Keyboard Settings.
  • Enables this device.
  • An Input Trigger will listen for inputs from players that meet the device requirements. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device.
  • A disabled Input Trigger will not listen for inputs and will never show on the HUD. Disable<public>():void = external {}
  • Signaled when the tracked input is pressed by an agent.
  • Sends the agent that pressed the input. PressedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when the tracked input is released by an agent.
  • Sends the agent that released the input.
  • Sends the float duration that the input was held. ReleasedEvent<public>:listenable(tuple(agent, float)) = external {}
  • Adds Agent to the registered player list.
  • Registered Player Behavior determines whether registered players meet the device requirements. Register<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Removes Agent from the registered player list.
  • Registered Player Behavior determines whether registered players meet the device requirements. Unregister<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Clears the list of registered players.
  • Registered Player Behavior determines whether registered players meet the device requirements. UnregisterAll<public>():void = external {}
  • Succeeds if Agent is currently holding the input. IsHeld<public>(Agent:agent)<transacts><decides>:void = external {}


item_placer_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Allows pickup items to be placed in the world..
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Disable<public>():void = external {}


video_player_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to display curated videos onto in-game screens or player HUDs.
  • Signaled when this device becomes the controlling streaming device for the agent. StreamStartedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Disable<public>():void = external {}
  • Enables collision checks on this device. EnableCollision<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables collision checks on this device. DisableCollision<public>():void = external {}
  • Transitions to fullscreen for Agent. EnterFullScreen<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Transitions to fullscreen for Agent. ExitFullScreen<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Hides the picture-in-picture video from Agent. HidePIP<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Transitions the picture-in-picture video to the default size for Agent. MakePIPDefaultSize<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Transitions the picture-in-picture video to full screen for Agent. MakePIPFullScreen<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Turns off all streaming devices of this type on the island. EndForAll<public>():void = external {}
  • Restart the stream from the beginning. Restart<public>():void = external {}
  • Seeks to the Triggered Seek Time. Caution: The stream will pause while the video buffers when seeking. Seek<public>():void = external {}
  • Stops the currently playing stream and starts the custom stream with the audio only playing from this device. Stream Priority will not work until control is released. TakeControl<public>():void = external {}
  • If any streaming device has forced control of the stream, this will release it and play the highest priority stream in line. ReleaseControl<public>():void = external {}


dance_mannequin_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to project a hologram of a character performing dance emotes.
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Disable<public>():void = external {}
  • Activates the hologram using Default Preset options. ActivateDefaultPreset<public>():void = external {}
  • Activates the hologram using Preset 2 options. ActivatePreset2<public>():void = external {}
  • Activates the hologram using Preset 3 options. ActivatePreset3<public>():void = external {}
  • Activates the hologram using Agent's skin and emotes. ActivateSkinAndEmoteCapture<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Deactivates the hologram. DeactivateSkinAndEmoteCapture<public>():void = external {}


<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to manipulate the properties of one or more props in a specified area (e.g. Visibility/Destructibility).
  • Signaled when props affected by this device are damaged.
  • Sends the agent that damaged the prop. DamagedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when props affected by this device are destroyed.
  • Sends the agent that destroyed the prop. DestroyedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when prop resource nodes affected by this device are harvested.
  • Sends the agent that harvested resources from the prop. HarvestingEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when prop resource nodes affected by this device are completely depleted of energy.
  • Sends the agent that depleted the prop's energy. ResourceDepletionEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Disable<public>():void = external {}
  • Shows all props affected by this device. ShowProps<public>():void = external {}
  • Hides all props affected by this device. HideProps<public>():void = external {}
  • Empties the resources of all props affected by this device. ExhaustResources<public>():void = external {}
  • Restocks the resources of all props affected by this device. RestockResources<public>():void = external {}
  • Restores health of all props affected by this device. RestoreHealth<public>():void = external {}
  • Sets the Override Resource option to Yes. SetResourceOverridesActive<public>():void = external {}
  • Sets the Override Resource option to No. DisableResourceNodeOverrides<public>():void = external {}


customizable_light_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to create a light which can have its color and brightness manipulated in response to in-game events.
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Disable<public>():void = external {}
  • Resets the light to its initial state. Reset<public>():void = external {}
  • Turns on the light. TurnOn<public>():void = external {}
  • Turns off the light. TurnOff<public>():void = external {}
  • Toggles between TurnOn and TurnOff. Toggle<public>():void = external {}
  • Dims the light by Dimming Amount. DimLight<public>():void = external {}
  • Brightens the light by Dimming Amount. UndimLight<public>():void = external {}


player_counter_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to track and react to how many players are in a particular area, and optionally display that information in game.
  • Signaled when the player count matches Target Player Count. The frequency of evaluation against Target Player Count can be controlled through the device settings. CountSucceedsEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
  • Signaled when the player count does not match Target Player Count. The frequency of evaluation against Target Player Count can be controlled through the device settings. CountFailsEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
  • Signaled when a valid player enters the zone and is counted. The frequency of evaluation against the Target Player Count can be controlled through the device settings.
  • Sends the agent that is now being counted. CountedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when a player is no longer counted by this device, such as when they leave the zone, leave the game, or are assigned to a different team or class.
  • Sends the agent that is no longer being counted. RemovedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Disable<public>():void = external {}
  • Resets Target Player Count to the default value defined in the device settings. If Target Player Count was previously incremented or decremented, this reset immediately triggers a new comparison. Reset<public>():void = external {}
  • Increments Target Player Count by 1. Immediately triggers a new comparison. IncrementTargetCount<public>():void = external {}
  • Decrements Target Player Count by 1. Immediately triggers a new comparison. DecrementTargetCount<public>():void = external {}
  • Triggers an evaluation of the current count vs Target Player Count, signaling CountSucceedsEvent or CountFailsEvent based on the evaluation result. CompareToTarget<public>():void = external {}
  • Triggers CountedEvent for all agents currently being counted. TransmitForAllCounted<public>():void = external {}
  • Adds the player to the registered player list.
  • Track Registered Players determines how registered players are counted. Register<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Removes the player from the registered player list.
  • Track Registered Players determines how registered players are counted. Unregister<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Clears all players from the list of registered players.
  • Track Registered Players determines how registered players are counted. UnregisterAll<public>():void = external {}
  • Show this device in the world as an info panel showing Current + Required player counts. ShowInfoPanel<public>():void = external {}
  • Hide this device info panel from the world. HideInfoPanel<public>():void = external {}
  • Returns whether this device is represented in the world as an info panel showing Current + Required player counts. IsShowingInfoPanel<public>()<transacts><decides>:void = external {}
  • Sets the number of players required for this counter to succeed. Immediately triggers a new comparison. SetTargetCount<public>(Count:int):void = external {}
  • Returns the number of players required for this counter to succeed. GetTargetCount<public>()<transacts>:int = external {}
  • Returns the number of players currently counted by this device GetCount<public>()<transacts>:int = external {}
  • Is true if the device is currently succeeding in its comparison. IsPassingTest<public>()<transacts><decides>:void = external {}
  • Is true if Agent is currently counted by this device. IsCounted<public>(Agent:agent)<transacts><decides>:void = external {}


skydome_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Controls how the sky looks, as well as giving you options for changing the sky
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Disable<public>():void = external {}


sentry_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Generates an AI bot that spawns in a location and usually attacks players when they come in range.
  • Signaled when the sentry is alerted to an agent.
  • Sends the agent who alerted the sentry. AlertedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when the sentry exists the alert state.

ExitsAlertEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}

  • Signaled when the sentry enters the alert state.

EntersAlertCooldownEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}

  • Signaled when a sentry attacks an agent.
  • Sends the agent who is being attacked.

AttackingEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}

  • Signaled when a sentry is eliminated.
  • Sends the agent that eliminated the sentry. If the sentry was eliminated by a non-agent then false is returned.

EliminatedEvent<public>:listenable(?agent) = external {}

  • Signaled when the sentry eliminates a creature.

EliminatingACreatureEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}

  • Signaled when a sentry eliminates an agent.
  • Sends the agent who was eliminated by the sentry.

EliminatingAgentEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}

  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Disable<public>():void = external {}
  • Spawns the sentry. Spawn<public>():void = external {}
  • Destroys the current sentry. DestroySentry<public>():void = external {}
  • Sets the sentry to the same team Agent is on. JoinTeam<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Resets the sentry to the original team designated in the device options. ResetTeam<public>():void = external {}
  • Puts the sentry into the pacify state, preventing from entering the alert (attacking) state. Pacify<public>():void = external {}
  • Puts the sentry into the alert state. EnableAlert<public>():void = external {}
  • Sets the sentry to target Agent. The sentry will not target agents on the same team as the sentry. Target<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Resets the alert state. ResetAlertCooldown<public>():void = external {}


supply_drop_spawner_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to spawn and configure an aerial supply drop that can provide players with customized weapons/supplies.
  • Signaled when the balloon on the supply crate is popped.
  • Sends the ?agent that popped the balloon. If no agent popped the balloon returns false. BalloonPoppedEvent<public>:listenable(?agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when the supply crate is opened.
  • Sends the agent that opened the crate. OpenedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when the supply crate lands for the first time. LandingEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
  • Spawns a supply drop provided one hasn't already spawned. Owning Team is set to Agent's team. Spawn<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Spawns a supply drop provided one hasn't already spawned. Spawn<public>():void = external {}
  • Destroys the balloon and causes the supply crate to freefall. DestroyBalloon<public>():void = external {}
  • Opens the supply crate, ignoring the locked or unlocked state. Agent acts as the instigator of the open action. Open<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Locks the supply crate so agents cannot open it. Lock<public>():void = external {}
  • Unlocks the supply crate so agents can open it. Unlock<public>():void = external {}


vfx_creator_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to create and customize your own visual effects. This is more flexible than the vfx_spawner_device, which gives you a selection of pre-made visual effects to choose from but limits how much you can customize or change those effects.
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Disable<public>():void = external {}
  • Toggles between Enable and Disable. ToggleEnabled<public>():void = external {}
  • Starts playing the effect. Begin<public>():void = external {}
  • Starts the effect at Agent's location. This option is only valid if Stick to Player is enabled. Begin<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Starts the effect at every agent's location. This option is only valid if Stick to Player is enabled. BeginForAll<public>():void = external {}
  • Ends playing the effect. End<public>():void = external {}
  • Ends the effect at Agent's location. This option is only valid if Stick to Player is enabled. End<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Ends the effect at every agent's locations. This option is only valid if Stick to Player is enabled. EndForAll<public>():void = external {}
  • Toggles between Begin and End. Toggle<public>():void = external {}
  • Toggles between Begin and End. Toggle<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Toggles between BeginForAll and EndForAll. ToggleForAll<public>():void = external {}
  • Pauses the effect if the effect is running. If the effect is paused, unpauses the effect. Pausing an effect causes the effect to freeze in place. TogglePause<public>():void = external {}
  • Pauses the effect at Agent's locations if it is playing, or resumes the effect if it is paused.
  • When paused the effect freezes in place. TogglePause<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Pauses the effect at every agent's locations if it is playing, or resumes the effect if it is paused.
  • When paused the effect freezes in place. TogglePauseForAll<public>():void = external {}
  • Removes the effect from Agent and continues playing at the device location. This option is only valid if Stick to Player is enabled. Remove<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Removes the effect for every agent and continues playing at the device location. This option is only valid if Stick to Player is enabled. RemoveFromAll<public>():void = external {}
  • Spawns the effect at Agent's location. This option is only valid if Stick to Player is enabled. SpawnAt<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}


vfx_spawner_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to place visual effects around your island. You can use these effects to enhance the overall theme and experience of your game.
  • Signaled when the effect is enabled. EffectEnabledEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
  • Signaled when the effect is disabled. EffectDisabledEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Disable<public>():void = external {}
  • Restarts the VFX. Triggers the VFX if it's Burst VFX. Restart<public>():void = external {}


water_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to create and manipulate volumes of water where players can swim, fish, or drive boats.
  • Signaled when an agent enters the water.
  • Sends agent that entered the water. AgentEntersWaterEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when an agent exits the water.
  • Sends agent that exited the water. AgentExitsWaterEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signals when the volume is filled to the water level set in the Default Vertical Water Percentage option. VerticalFillingCompletedEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
  • Signals when the water volume is completely empty. VerticalEmptyingCompletedEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Disable<public>():void = external {}
  • Resets the water level in the volume to the value set in the Default Vertical Water Percentage option. Reset<public>():void = external {}
  • Starts vertically emptying the water in the volume. BeginVerticalEmptying<public>():void = external {}
  • Starts vertically filling the water in the volume. BeginVerticalFilling<public>():void = external {}
  • Stops filling or emptying the volume. StopVerticalMovement<public>():void = external {}
  • Resumes either filling or emptying the volume. ResumeVerticalMovement<public>():void = external {}


skydive_volume_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(effect_volume_device):

  • Used to create a zone where players are put into a skydive state.
  • Signaled when an agent enters the volume.
  • Sends the agent that entered the volume. AgentEntersEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when an agent exits the volume.
  • Sends the agent that exited the volume. AgentExitsEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when the zone changes from empty to occupied.
  • Sends the agent that entered the volume. ZoneOccupiedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when the zone changes from occupied to empty.
  • Sends the agent that last left the volume. ZoneEmptiedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Enables volume locking which prevents users from leaving the volume once they've entered. EnableVolumeLocking<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables volume locking which prevents users from leaving the volume once they've entered. DisableVolumeLocking<public>():void = external {}
  • Is true when Agent is in the volume. IsInVolume<public>(Agent:agent)<transacts><decides>:void = external {}


mutator_zone_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(effect_volume_device):

  • Used to specify a zone where custom gameplay effects can be applied (e.g. gravity, no build, no weapons).
  • Signaled when an agent in this zone begins emoting. This will not signal if the agent is on the Safe Team or if Affects Players is disabled.
  • Sends the agent that started emoting. AgentBeginsEmotingEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when an agent in this zone ends emoting. This will not signal if the agent is on the Safe Team or if Affects Players is disabled.
  • Sends the agent that stopped emoting. AgentEndsEmotingEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when an agent enters this zone.
  • Sends the agent entering this zone. AgentEntersEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when an agent exits this zone.
  • Sends the agent exiting this zone. AgentExitsEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Updates Selected Class to Agent's class. UpdateSelectedClass<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Updates Selected Team to Agent's team. UpdateSelectedTeam<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Is true when Agent is in the zone. IsInVolume<public>(Agent:agent)<transacts><decides>:void = external {}


fire_volume_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(effect_volume_device):

  • Used to specify an area which allows (or prevents) various objects, terrain, or buildings from being set on fire.
  • Extinguishes objects inside this device area. Extinguish<public>():void = external {}
  • Ignites objects inside this device area. Ignite<public>():void = external {}


effect_volume_device<public> := class<abstract><epic_internal>(creative_device_base):

  • Base class for types of volumes with special gameplay properties.
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Disable<public>():void = external {}


damage_volume_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(effect_volume_device):

  • Used to specify an area volume which can damage agents, vehicles, and creatures.
  • Signaled when an agent enters the volume.
  • Sends the agent entering the volume. AgentEntersEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when an agent exits the volume.
  • Sends the agent exiting the volume. AgentExitsEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}

UpdateSelectedClass<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}

UpdateSelectedTeam<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}

  • Sets the damage to be applied each tick within the volume. Damage is clamped between 1 and 500. SetDamage<public>(Damage:int):void = external {}
  • Returns the damage to be applied each tick within the volume. GetDamage<public>()<transacts>:int = external {}
  • Is true when Agent is in the zone. IsInVolume<public>(Agent:agent)<transacts><decides>:void = external {}


barrier_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Creates an impenetrable zone that can block agent movement and weapon fire.
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Disable<public>():void = external {}
  • Adds the specified agent to a list of additional agents that the Barrier should ignore. This list is in addition to the Ignore Team and Ignore Class options. Note: Has no effect on bullets. AddToIgnoreList<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Removes the specified agent from the ignore list. The agent will still be ignored if they are on an ignored team or of an ignored class. RemoveFromIgnoreList<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Removes all agents from the ignore list. Agents will still be ignored if they are on an ignored team or of an ignored class. RemoveAllFromIgnoreList<public>():void = external {}


visual_effect_powerup_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(powerup_device):

  • Used to trigger a visual effect (a glow or an outline) when agents pick it up. using {/}


vending_machine_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Holds and spawns items, with an optional cost for each item. Can hold up to three items, and agents can cycle between these by hitting the machine with their pickaxe.
  • Signaled when an item is spawned from this device.
  • Sends the agent that used this device. ItemSpawnedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Disable<public>():void = external {}
  • Cycles the screen to show the next item. CycleToNextItem<public>():void = external {}
  • Spawns an item. SpawnItem<public>():void = external {}


trigger_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(trigger_base_device):

  • Used to relay events to other linked devices.
  • Signaled when an agent triggers this device.
  • Sends the agent that used this device. Returns false if no agent triggered the action (ex: it was triggered through code). TriggeredEvent<public>:listenable(?agent) = external {}
  • Triggers this device with Agent being passed as the agent that triggered the action. Use an agent reference when this device is setup to require one for instance, you want to trigger the device only with a particular agent. Trigger<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Triggers this device, causing it to activate its TriggeredEvent event. Trigger<public>():void = external {}


trigger_base_device<public> := class<abstract><epic_internal>(creative_device_base):

  • Base class for various specialized trigger devices. See also: * trigger_device * perception_trigger_device * attribute_evaluator_device
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Disable<public>():void = external {}
  • Resets the number of times this device has been activated. This will set GetTriggerCountRemaining back to 0 Reset<public>():void = external {}
  • Sets max times device can be triggered
  • 0 can be used to indicate no limit on trigger count.
  • MaxCount is clamped between [0,20]. SetMaxTriggerCount<public>(MaxCount:int):void = external {}
  • Gets the maximum amount of times this device can trigger.
  • 0 indicates no limit on trigger count. GetMaxTriggerCount<public>()<transacts>:int = external {}
  • Returns the number of times that this device can still be triggered before hitting GetMaxTriggerCount.
  • Returns 0 if GetMaxTriggerCount is unlimited. GetTriggerCountRemaining<public>()<transacts>:int = external {}
  • Sets the time (in seconds) after triggering, before the device can be triggered again if MaxTrigger count allows. SetResetDelay<public>(Time:float):void = external {}
  • Gets the time (in seconds) before the device can be triggered again if MaxTrigger count allows. GetResetDelay<public>()<transacts>:float = external {}
  • Sets the time (in seconds) which must pass after triggering, before this device informs other external devices that it has been triggered. SetTransmitDelay<public>(Time:float):void = external {}
  • Gets the time (in seconds) which must pass after triggering, before this device informs other external devices that it has been triggered. GetTransmitDelay<public>()<transacts>:float = external {}


trick_tile_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • A trap device that destroys the tile it's placed on when activated.
  • Signaled when the tile this device is attached to is removed. This may occur later than TriggeredEvent if Activation Delay is set on the device.
  • Sends the agent that activated this device. ActivatedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when this device is triggered.
  • Sends the agent that triggered this device. TriggeredEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. While disabled this device will not react to incoming events. Disable<public>():void = external {}
  • Flips the device between Enabled and Disable. ToggleEnabled<public>():void = external {}
  • Restores the tile removed when this device was triggered. Reset<public>():void = external {}
  • Enables this device to trigger when an agent makes contact with the device. EnableAgentContactTrigger<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device from triggering when an agent makes contact with the device. DisableAgentContactTrigger<public>():void = external {}
  • Flips the device between EnableAgentContactTrigger and DisableAgentContactTrigger. ToggleAgentContactTrigger():void = external {}`
  • Triggers the device, removing the associated tile. Trigger<public>():void = external {}
  • Teleports the trick_tile_device to the specified Position and Rotation.
  • Only the trigger will teleport, the target buildings will not change. TeleportTo<override>(Position:vector3, Rotation:rotation)<transacts><decides>:void = external {}
  • Teleports the trick_tile_device to the specified location defined by Transform, also applies rotation and scale accordingly.
  • Only the trigger will teleport, the target buildings will not change. TeleportTo<override>(Transform:transform)<transacts><decides>:void = external {}
  • Moves the trick_tile_device to the specified Position and Rotation over the specified time, in seconds.
  • Only the trigger will move, the target buildings will not change. MoveTo<override>(Position:vector3, Rotation:rotation, OverTime:float)<suspends>:move_to_result = external {}
  • Moves the trick_tile_device to the specified Transform over the specified time, in seconds.
  • Only the trigger will move, the target buildings will not change. MoveTo<override>(Transform:transform, OverTime:float)<suspends>:move_to_result = external {}


tracker_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Allows creation and HUD tracking of custom objectives for agents to complete.
  • Resets the progress for Agent and any agents sharing progress. Reset<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Signaled when the tracked value reaches GetTarget for an agent.
  • Sends the agent that reached GetTarget for their tracked value. CompleteEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Assigns the device to Agent (and any agents sharing progress). Assign<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Assigns this device to all valid agents. AssignToAll<public>():void = external {}
  • Removes this device from Agent and any agents sharing progress. Remove<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Removes this device from all valid agents. RemoveFromAll<public>():void = external {}
  • The objective immediately completes. Complete<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Increases the tracked value by Amount to Change on Received Signal for Agent. Increment<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Decrease the tracked value by Amount to Change on Received Signal for Agent. Decrement<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Increases the target value for Agent by 1. IncreaseTargetValue<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Decreases the target value for Agent by 1. DecreaseTargetValue<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Saves tracked progress for Agent. Only valid if Use Persistence is set to Use. Save<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Loads tracked progress for Agent. Only valid if Use Persistence is set to Use. Load<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Loads tracked progress for all valid agents. Only valid if Use Persistence is set to Use. LoadForAll<public>():void = external {}
  • Clears tracked progress for Agent. Only valid if Use Persistence is set to Use. ClearPersistence<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Sets a description for the tracker_device, which is displayed if Show on HUD is enabled.
  • Text has a 64 character limit. SetDescriptionText<public>(Text:message):void = external {}
  • Sets the target value that must be achieved in order for CompleteEvent to trigger.
  • Clamped to 0 <= TargetValue <= 10000. SetTarget<public>(TargetValue:int):void = external {}
  • Returns the target value that must be achieved in order for CompleteEvent to trigger.
  • Clamped to 0 <= GetTarget <= 10000. GetTarget<public>()<transacts>:int = external {}
  • Sets the current tracked value for the device for all active players. SetValue<public>(Value:int):void = external {}
  • Sets the current tracked value for the device for the Team at the TeamIndex.
  • If Sharing is set to Individual, this will set the value for all team members.
  • If Sharing is set to All, this will set the value for all players. SetValue<public>(TeamIndex:int, Value:int):void = external {}
  • Sets the current tracked value for the device for a specific 'Agent'.
  • If Sharing is set to Team, this will set the value for their team.
  • If Sharing is set to All, this will set the value for everyone. SetValue<public>(Agent:agent, Value:int):void = external {}
  • Returns the current total tracked value for all players. GetValue<public>()<transacts>:int = external {}
  • Returns the current total tracked value for the team at TeamIndex. GetValue<public>(TeamIndex:int)<transacts>:int = external {}
  • Returns the current tracked value for Agent. GetValue<public>(Agent:agent)<transacts>:int = external {}
  • Set HUD title
  • Text has a 32 character limit. SetTitleText<public>(Text:message):void = external {}
  • Is true if Agent currently has the quest active. IsActive<public>(Agent:agent)<transacts><decides>:void = external {}
  • Is true if Agent has reached the TargetValue for the tracker. HasReachedTarget<public>(Agent:agent)<transacts><decides>:void = external {}


timer_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Provides a way to keep track of the time something has taken, either for scoreboard purposes, or to trigger actions. It can be configured in several ways, either acting as a countdown to an event that is triggered at the end, or as a stopwatch for an action that needs to be completed before a set time runs out.
  • Signaled when the timer completes or ends with success.
  • Sends the agent that activated the timer, if any. SuccessEvent<public>:listenable(?agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when the timer completes or ends with failure.
  • Sends the agent that activated the timer, if any. FailureEvent<public>:listenable(?agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when the timer enters Urgency Mode.
  • Sends the agent that activated the timer, if any. StartUrgencyModeEvent<public>:listenable(?agent) = external {}
  • Enables this device for Agent. Enable<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device for Agent. While disabled this device will not receive signals. Disable<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Disables this device. While disabled this device will not receive signals. Disable<public>():void = external {}
  • Resets the timer back to its base time and stops it for Agent. Reset<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Resets the timer back to its base time and stops it. Reset<public>():void = external {}
  • Resets the timer back to its base time and stops it for all agents. ResetForAll<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Resets the timer back to its base time and stops it for all agents. ResetForAll<public>():void = external {}
  • Starts the timer for Agent. Start<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Starts the timer. Start<public>():void = external {}
  • Pauses the timer for Agent. Pause<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Pauses the timer. Pause<public>():void = external {}
  • Resumes the timer for Agent. Resume<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Resumes the timer. Resume<public>():void = external {}
  • Completes the timer for Agent. Complete<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Completes the timer. Complete<public>():void = external {}
  • Starts the timer for all agents. `StartForAll(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Starts the timer for all agents. StartForAll<public>():void = external {}
  • Pauses the timer for all agents. PauseForAll<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Pauses the timer for all agents. PauseForAll<public>():void = external {}
  • Resumes the timer for all agents. ResumeForAll<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Resumes the timer for all agents. ResumeForAll<public>():void = external {}
  • Completes the timer for all agents. CompleteForAll<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Completes the timer for all agents. CompleteForAll<public>():void = external {}
  • Saves this device's data for Agent. Save<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Loads this device's saved data for Agent. Load<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Clears this device's saved data for Agent. ClearPersistenceData<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Clears this device's saved data for all agents. ClearPersistenceDataForAll<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Clears this device's saved data for all agents. ClearPersistenceDataForAll<public>():void = external {}
  • Sets the remaining time (in seconds) on the timer, if active, on Agent. SetActiveDuration<public>(Time:float, Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Sets the remaining time (in seconds) on the timer, if active. Use this function if the timer is set to use the same time for all agent's. SetActiveDuration<public>(Time:float):void = external {}
  • Returns the remaining time (in seconds) on the timer for Agent. GetActiveDuration<public>(Agent:agent)<transacts>:float = external {}
  • Returns the remaining time (in seconds) on the timer if it is set to be global. GetActiveDuration<public>()<transacts>:float = external {}
  • Sets the lap time indicator for Agent. SetLapTime<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Sets the lap time indicator for all agents. SetLapTimeForAll<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Sets the lap time indicator for all agents. SetLapTimeForAll<public>():void = external {}
  • Sets the maximum duration of the timer (in seconds). SetMaxDuration<public>(Time:float):void = external {}
  • Returns the maximum duration of the timer (in seconds). GetMaxDuration<public>()<transacts>:float = external {}
  • Succeeds if this device is tracking timer state for each individual agent independently. Fails if state is being tracked globally for all agent's. IsStatePerAgent<public>()<transacts><decides>:void = external {}


timed_objective_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Configures game modes where players can start or stop timers to advance gameplay objectives, such as Attack/Defend Bomb objectives.
  • Signaled when the objective begins.
  • Sends the agent that started the timer. BeganEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when the objective ends.
  • Sends the agent that stopped the timer. EndedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when the objective is paused.
  • Sends the agent that paused the timer. PausedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when the objective is resumed.
  • Sends the agent that resumed the timer. ResumedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when the objective is restarted.
  • Sends the agent that restarted the timer. RestartedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when the objective is completed.
  • Sends the agent that started the timer or completed the timer by calling Complete. CompletedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Enables the objective for Agent. Enable<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Disables the objective for Agent. Disable<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Makes this device visible. Show<public>():void = external {}
  • Makes this device invisible. Hide<public>():void = external {}
  • Starts the objective with Agent acting as the user the interacted this device. Begin<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Ends the objective with Agent acting as the user the interacted this device. End<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Pauses the objective with Agent acting as the user the interacted this device. Pause<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Resumes the objective with Agent acting as the user the interacted this device. Resume<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Restarts the objective with Agent acting as the user the interacted this device. Restart<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Completes the objective with Agent acting as the user the interacted this device. Complete<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}


teleporter_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Customizable rift that allows agents to move instantly between locations. You can use this to move players around your island, or create multi-island experiences with teleporters that take players from one island to another.
  • Signaled when an agent enters this device.
  • Sends the agent that entered this device. EnterEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when an agent emerges from this device.
  • Sends the agent that emerged from this device.
  • TeleportedEvent:listenable(agent) = external {}`
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Disable<public>():void = external {}
  • Teleport Agent to the target group using this device. Activate<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • When a link is activated, the current destination teleporter will be able to bring the agent back to this origin teleporter. Both origin and destination teleporters need to have this activated to work as expected. ActivateLinkToTarget<public>():void = external {}
  • Deactivates any currently active Link. The current destination teleporter will no longer be able to return the agent to this origin teleporter. DeactivateLinkToTarget<public>():void = external {}
  • Resets the currently selected destination teleporter, and selects an eligible destination. If the target is a Teleporter Group, this may be another randomly chosen teleporter_device from that group. ResetLinkToTarget<public>():void = external {}
  • Teleport Agent to this device. Teleport<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}


team_settings_and_inventory_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Provides team and inventory configurations that go beyond the choices the My Island settings provide.
  • Can also be used to customize individual devices and create variations in team setup.
  • Signaled when an enemy of Team is eliminated by a team member.
  • Sends the agent team member who eliminated the enemy. EnemyEliminatedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when a member of Team is eliminated.
  • Sends the agent that was eliminated. TeamMemberEliminatedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when a member of Team is spawned. Sends the agent that has spawned. TeamMemberSpawnedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when Team runs out of respawns. TeamOutOfRespawnsEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
  • Ends the round and Team wins the round. EndRound<public>():void = external {}
  • Is true if Agent is on Team. IsOnTeam<public>(Agent:agent)<transacts><decides>:void = external {}


  • Used to place the Infinity Blade on your island. When placed, the Infinity Blade becomes available to any player regardless of team affiliation. sword_in_the_stone_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):


storm_controller_device<public> := class<abstract><epic_internal>(creative_device_base):

  • Base class for various specialized storm devices. See also: * basic_storm_controller_device * advanced_storm_controller_device
  • Signaled when storm resizing ends. Use this with the On Finish Behavior option for better controls. PhaseEndedEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
  • Generates the storm. Generate Storm On Game Start must be set to No if you choose to use GenerateStorm. GenerateStorm<public>():void = external {}
  • Destroys the storm. DestroyStorm<public>():void = external {}
  • Teleports the storm_controller_device to the specified Position and Rotation.
  • Existing storms will not target the new location, but newly generated storms will. TeleportTo<override>(Position:vector3, Rotation:rotation)<transacts><decides>:void = external {}
  • Teleports the storm_controller_device to the specified location defined by Transform, also applies rotation and scale accordingly.
  • Existing storms will not target the new location, but newly generated storms will. TeleportTo<override>(Transform:transform)<transacts><decides>:void = external {}
  • Moves the storm_controller_device to the specified Position and Rotation over the specified time, in seconds.
  • Existing storms will not target the new location, but newly generated storms will. MoveTo<override>(Position:vector3, Rotation:rotation, OverTime:float)<suspends>:move_to_result = external {}
  • Moves the storm_controller_device to the specified Transform over the specified time, in seconds.
  • Existing storms will not target the new location, but newly generated storms will. MoveTo<override>(Transform:transform, OverTime:float)<suspends>:move_to_result = external {}


shooting_range_target_track_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • A set of customizable pop up targets that can be hit by players to trigger various events.
  • Signaled when target is hit in the bullseye area. BullseyeHitEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
  • Signaled when the target is hit by a player. HitEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
  • Signaled when the target is hit by a player. KnockdownEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
  • Signaled when the target moves up slightly, making it harder to hit. HopUpEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
  • Signaled when the target moves down slightly, making it harder to hit. HopDownEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
  • Signaled when the target moves from laying flat to standing upright. PopUpEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
  • Signaled when the target moves from standing upright to laying flat. PopDownEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Disable<public>():void = external {}
  • Resets the target to its initial settings. Reset<public>():void = external {}
  • Moves an active (standing upright) target attached to the track up slightly, in an effort to make it harder to hit HopUp<public>():void = external {}
  • Moves an active (standing upright) target attached to the track down slightly, in an effort to make it harder to hit HopDown<public>():void = external {}
  • Causes the target attached to the track to transition from lying flat (inactive) to standing upright (active) PopUp<public>():void = external {}
  • Causes the target attached to the track to transition from standing upright (active) to lying flat (inactive) PopDown<public>():void = external {}
  • Enables movement on the track. This does not start the target moving, it only enables movement. EnableTrackMovement<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables movement on the track. This prevents any movement from occurring, until track movement is enabled again. DisableTrackMovement<public>():void = external {}
  • Activates the movement track. ActivateTrack<public>():void = external {}
  • Deactivates the movement track. DeactivateTrack<public>():void = external {}
  • Starts the target moving toward the end of the track. MoveToEnd<public>():void = external {}
  • Starts the target moving toward the start of the track. MoveToStart<public>():void = external {}


shooting_range_target_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • A single customizable pop up target that can be hit by agents to trigger various events.
  • Signaled when the target is hit in the bullseye area. BullseyeHitEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
  • Signaled when the target is hit by an agent. HitEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
  • Signaled when the target takes enough damage to get knocked down. KnockdownEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
  • Signaled when the target moves up slightly, making it harder to hit. HopUpEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
  • Signaled when the target moves down slightly, making it harder to hit. HopDownEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
  • Signaled when the target moves from laying flat to standing upright. PopUpEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
  • Signaled when the target moves from standing upright to laying flat. PopDownEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Disable<public>():void = external {}
  • Resets the target to its initial settings. Reset<public>():void = external {}
  • Moves an active (standing upright) target up slightly, in an effort to make it harder to hit. HopUp<public>():void = external {}
  • Moves an active (standing upright) target down slightly, in an effort to make it harder to hit. HopDown<public>():void = external {}
  • Causes a target to transition from lying flat (inactive) to standing upright (active). PopUp<public>():void = external {}
  • Causes a target to transition from standing upright (active) to lying flat (inactive). PopDown<public>():void = external {}


score_manager_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to manipulate scores using in-experience triggers. If Activating Team is set to a specific team, then you should use the agent overloads of each function. The agent's team will be used to determine if that agent is allowed to affect the state of the device.
  • Signaled when the this device reaches its maximum number of triggers as defined by Times Can Trigger.
  • Sends the agent who last triggered the device. MaxTriggersEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when the this device awards points to an agent.
  • Sends the agent who received the points. ScoreOutputEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Disable<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Disable<public>():void = external {}
  • Resets this device to its original state. Reset<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Resets this device to its original state. Reset<public>():void = external {}
  • Grant points to Agent. Activate<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Grants points. Activate<public>():void = external {}
  • Increments the score quantity to be awarded by the next activation by 1. Increment<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Increments the score quantity to be awarded by the next activation by 1. Increment<public>():void = external {}
  • Decrements the score quantity to be awarded by the next activation by 1. Decrement<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Decrements the score quantity to be awarded by the next activation by 1. Decrement<public>():void = external {}
  • Sets the score to be awarded by the next activation to Value. SetScoreAward<public>(Value:int):void = external {}
  • Returns the score to be awarded by the next activation. GetScoreAward<public>()<transacts>:int = external {}
  • Sets the score to be awarded by the next activation to Agent's current score. SetToAgentScore<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Returns the current score for Agent. GetCurrentScore<public>(Agent:agent)<transacts>:int = external {}


round_settings_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to customize gameplay for any round-based game. It generally defines what happens to theagent's inventory and rewards in each round.
  • Signaled when a game round starts. RoundBeginEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Disable<public>():void = external {}
  • Enables the ability for players to Matchmake into the Island. Only applies to published games that have matchmaking turned on in the Island settings EnableMatchmaking<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables the ability for players to Matchmake into the Island. Only applies to published games that have matchmaking turned on in the Island settings DisableMatchmaking<public>():void = external {}
  • Toggles between EnableMatchmaking and DisableMatchmaking. ToggleMatchmaking<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables all end-round conditions. The round must be ended through calling EndRound or a creative event after this is called. DisableEndRoundConditions<public>():void = external {}

*Ends the round immediately with Agent's team set as the winner of the round. EndRound<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}


rng_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to generate random numbers between a minimum and maximum value. Events are signaled when numbers are generated.
  • Value Limit 1 is the minimum value for generation.
  • Value Limit 2 is the maximum value for generation.
  • Signaled when the generated number >= Winning Value. WinEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
  • Signaled when the generated number < Winning Value. LoseEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
  • Signaled when the generated number = maximum. RolledMaxEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
  • Signaled when the generated number = minimum. RolledMinEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Disable<public>():void = external {}
  • Randomly generate a number between Value Limit 1 and Value Limit 2.
  • If the number is >= Winning Value then WinEvent is fired.
  • If the number is < Winning Value then LoseEvent is fired.
  • If the number = minimum then RolledMinEvent is fired.
  • If the number = maximum then RolledMaxEvent is fired.
  • Agent is used as the Instigator of the roll event. Activate<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Randomly roll a number within the configured min + max value range.
  • If the number is >= Winning Value then WinEvent is fired.
  • If the number is < Winning Value then LoseEvent is fired.
  • If the number = minimum then RolledMinEvent is fired.
  • If the number = maximum then RolledMaxEvent is fired. Activate<public>():void = external {}
  • Cancels the active number generation. Cancel<public>():void = external {}


radio_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to play curated music from the device or one or more registered agents.
  • Starts playing audio from this device. Play<public>():void = external {}
  • Stops playing audio from this device. Stop<public>():void = external {}
  • Adds the specified agent as a target for the Radio to play audio from Register<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Removes the specified agent as a target for the Radio to play audio from if previously Registered Unregister<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Removes all previously registered agents as targets for the Radio to play audio from UnregisterAll<public>():void = external {}
  • Shows this device in the world. Show<public>()<transacts>:void = external {}
  • Hides this device from the world. Hide<public>()<transacts>:void = external {}


pulse_trigger_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • A device used to damage players who collide with it. Can also be used as a trigger to activate other devices.
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Disable<public>():void = external {}
  • Starts the damage sequence. Begin<public>():void = external {}
  • Stops the damage sequence. End<public>():void = external {}
  • Resumes the damage sequence from the last position where it was stopped. ResumeSequence<public>():void = external {}
  • Sets the damage to be applied to those hit by an active wave. Clamped between 0 <= GetDamage <= 100000.
  • Wave visuals will change to reflect whether the wave causes damage or not. SetDamage<public>(Damage:float):void = external {}
  • Returns the damage to be applied to those hit by an active wave. Clamped between 0 <= GetDamage <= 100000. GetDamage<public>()<transacts>:float = external {}
  • Sets the total number of waves this sequence will complete before ending its sequence. LoopCount = 0 indicates the sequence should continue indefinitely. SetLoopCount<public>(LoopCount:int):void = external {}
  • Returns the total number of waves this sequence will complete before ending its sequence.
  • 0 indicates the sequence will continue indefinitely. GetLoopCount<public>()<transacts>:int = external {}
  • Sets the speed (in meters per second) at which the waves generated by this sequencer will travel. SetWaveSpeed<public>(Speed:float):void = external {}
  • Returns the speed (in meters per second) at which the waves generated by this sequencer will travel. GetWaveSpeed<public>()<transacts>:float = external {}


prop_spawner_base_device<public> := class<abstract><epic_internal>(creative_device_base):

  • Base class for devices that spawn a prop object.
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Disable<public>():void = external {}
  • Spawns the prop associated with this device. SpawnObject<public>():void = external {}
  • Destroys all props spawned from this device. DestroyAllSpawnedObjects<public>():void = external {}


prop_o_matic_manager_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Allows customization of the Prop-o-Matic weapon functions and how the game reacts to players using it.
  • Signaled when an agent begins entering a disguise.
  • Sends the agent that began entering the disguise. BeginEnteringDisguiseEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when an agent finishes entering a disguise.
  • Sends the agent that finished entering the disguise. FinishEnteringDisguiseEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when an agent exits a disguise.
  • Sends the agent that exited the disguise. ExitingDisguiseEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Toggle Pinging props on/off. SetPingProps<public>(On:logic):void = external {}
  • Adjust the ping time. SetPingFrequency<public>(Time:float):void = external {}
  • Toggle showing the props remaining on the UI. SetShowPropsRemaining<public>(On:logic):void = external {}
  • Toggle showing the prop ping cooldown. SetShowPropPingCooldown<public>(On:logic):void = external {}
  • Manually ping all players that are currently hiding as props. PingPlayerProps<public>():void = external {}
  • Manually ping a specific player if they are currently a prop. PingPlayerProp<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Returns whether a player is currently hiding or not. IsPlayerProp<public>(Agent:agent)<transacts><decides>:void = external {}


powerup_device<public> := class<abstract><epic_internal>(creative_device_base):

  • Base class for various powerup devices offering common events like ItemPickedUpEvent.
  • Signaled when the powerup is picked up by an agent.
  • Sends the agent that picked up the powerup. ItemPickedUpEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Spawns the powerup into the experience so users can interact with it. Spawn<public>():void = external {}
  • Despawns this powerup from the experience. Despawn<public>():void = external {}
  • Updates the Duration for this powerup, clamped to the Min and Max defined in the device.
  • Will not apply to any currently applied effects. SetDuration<public>(Time:float):void = external {}
  • Returns the Duration that this powerup will be active for on any player it is applied to. GetDuration<public>()<transacts>:float = external {}
  • If the Agent has the effect applied to them, this will return the remaining time the effect has.
  • Returns -1.0 if the effect has an infinite duration.
  • Returns 0 if the Agent does not have the effect applied. GetRemainingTime<public>(Agent:agent)<transacts>:float = external {}
  • Returns the Agent has the powerup's effect (or another of the same type) applied to them. HasEffect<public>(Agent:agent)<transacts><decides>:void = external {}
  • Grants this powerup to Agent. Pickup<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Grants this powerup without an agent reference.
  • Requires Apply To set to All Players. Pickup<public>():void = external {}


pinball_flipper_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to move, damage, and give scores to players that interact with it. By default, it is activated by any player touching its front face, which rotates it counterclockwise and knocks those players away from it and slightly upward.
  • Signaled when this device is activated by an agent.
  • Sends the agent that activated this device. ActivatedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Disable<public>():void = external {}
  • Causes Agent to activate this device. Activate<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}


pinball_bumper_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • A triggered bumper that can knock players back, damage them, and award points.
  • Signaled when this device is activated by an agent.
  • Sends the agent that activated this device. ActivatedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Disable<public>():void = external {}
  • Activates this device. Activate<public>():void = external {}


perception_trigger_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(trigger_base_device):

  • Specialized trigger_base_device that will fire output events based on line of sight between agents and the device.
  • Signaled when an agent has direct line of sight to this device.
  • Sends the agent that has seen this device. AgentLooksAtDeviceEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when an agent has lost direct line of sight to this device.
  • Sends the agent that has lost sight of this device. AgentLooksAwayFromDeviceEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when this device has direct line of sight to an agent.
  • Sends the agent seen by this device. DeviceSeesAgentEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when this device loses direct line of sight to an agent.
  • Sends the agent this device has lost sight of. DeviceLosesSightOfAgentEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}


objective_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Provides a collection of destructible devices that you can select from to use as objectives in your game.
  • Signaled when this device has been destroyed by an agent.
  • Sends the agent that destroyed this device. DestroyedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Shows this device in the world. Show<public>():void = external {}
  • Hides this device from the world. Hide<public>():void = external {}
  • Activates an objective pulse at Agent's location pointing toward this device. ActivateObjectivePulse<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Deactivates the objective pulse at Agent's location. DeactivateObjectivePulse<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Destroys the objective item. This is done regardless of the visibility or health of the item. Destroy<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}


movement_modulator_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to temporarily modify the speed of agents and vehicles.
  • Signaled when this device is activated by an agent.
  • Sends the agent that activated this device. ActivationEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Disable<public>():void = external {}
  • Activates this device's movement effect on Agent. Activate<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}


matchmaking_portal_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to take players to different islands and to link experiences together.
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Disable<public>():void = external {}


map_indicator_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to create custom points of interest and markers on the minimap and overview map.
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Disable<public>():void = external {}
  • Activates an objective pulse at Agent's location pointing toward this device. ActivateObjectivePulse<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Deactivates the objective pulse at Agent's location. DeactivateObjectivePulse<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}


lock_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to customize the state and accessibility of doors. lock_device only works with assets that have a door attached.
  • Locks the door. Agent is the instigator of the action. Lock<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Unlocks the door. Agent is the instigator of the action. Unlock<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Toggles between Lock and Unlock. Agent is the instigator of the action. ToggleLocked<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Opens the door. Agent is the instigator of the action. Open<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Closes the door. Agent is the instigator of the action. Close<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Toggles between Open and Close. Agent is the instigator of the action. ToggleOpened<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}


item_spawner_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(base_item_spawner_device):

  • Used to configuration and spawn items that players can pick up and use.
  • Cycles device to next configured item. CycleToNextItem<public>():void = external {}
  • Spawns the current item. SpawnItem<public>():void = external {}
  • Sets device Respawn Item on Timer option (see SetTimeBetweenSpawns) SetEnableRespawnTimer<public>(Respawn:logic):void = external {}
  • Returns device Respawn Item on Timer option (see SetTimeBetweenSpawns) GetEnableRespawnTimer<public>()<transacts>:logic = external {}
  • Sets the Time Between Spawns (in seconds) after an item is collected before the next is spawned, if this device has Respawn Item on Timer enabled (see SetEnableRespawnTimer) SetTimeBetweenSpawns<public>(Time:float):void = external {}
  • Returns the Time Between Spawns (in seconds) after an item is collected before the next is spawned, if this device has Respawn Item on Timer enabled (see SetEnableRespawnTimer) GetTimeBetweenSpawns<public>()<transacts>:float = external {}


item_granter_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to grant items to agents. Items can either be dropped at the agent's location or added directly to their inventory.
  • Signaled when an item is granted to an agent.
  • Sends the agent that was granted the item. ItemGrantedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Disable<public>():void = external {}
  • Clears saved data for Agent, preventing them from receiving items while offline. This only works when Grant While Offline is set to Yes. ClearSaveData<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Cycles to the next item. If Grant on Cycle is set Agent will be granted the item. CycleToNextItem<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Cycles to the previous item. If Grant on Cycle is set Agent will be granted the item. CycleToPreviousItem<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Cycles to a random item. If Grant on Cycle is set Agent will be granted the item. CycleToRandomItem<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Grants an item to Agent. GrantItem<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Restocks this device back to its starting inventory count. RestockItems<public>():void = external {}
  • Sets the next item to be granted.
  • Index should be between 0 and the available item count - 1.
  • Calling SetNextItem with an invalid index will do nothing. SetNextItem<public>(Index:int):void = external {}


hud_message_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to show custom HUD messages to one or more agents.
  • Use this when the device is setup to target specific agents. Show<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Shows the currently set Message HUD message on screen. Will replace any previously active message. Show<public>():void = external {}
  • Hides the HUD message. Hide<public>():void = external {}
  • Displays a Custom message to a specific Agent that you define.Setting DisplayTime to 0.0 will display the HUD message persistently.If not defined, or less than 0.0 the message will show for the time set on the device. Show<public>(Agent:agent, Message:message, ?DisplayTime:float = external {}):void = external {}
  • Displays a Custom message that you define for all PlayersSetting DisplayTime to 0.0 will display the HUD message persistently.If not defined, or less than 0.0 the message will show for the time set on the device. Show<public>(Message:message, ?DisplayTime:float = external {}):void = external {}
  • Sets the time (in seconds) the HUD message will be displayed. 0.0 will display the HUD message persistently. SetDisplayTime<public>(Time:float):void = external {}
  • Returns the time (in seconds) for which the HUD message will be displayed. 0.0 means the message is displayed persistently. GetDisplayTime<public>()<transacts>:float = external {}
  • Sets the Message to be displayed when the HUD message is activated. Text is clamped to 150 characters. SetText<public>(Text:message):void = external {}


holoscreen_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to create a holographic screen that displays a clock or other curated images.


grind_powerup_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(powerup_device):

  • Used to let agents slide on any surface with accompanying visual and audio effects.


fuel_pump_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to provide fuel sources for vehicles. Can also be used to deal considerable damage to agents and the environment when destroyed.
  • Signaled when the fuel pump is emptied.
  • Sends the agent that emptied the fuel pump. EmptyEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Disable<public>():void = external {}
  • Resets fuel stock to Fuel Capacity value. Reset<public>():void = external {}
  • Grants fuel to Agent. Empty<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}


explosive_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Hazard which deals damage in a radius around it when destroyed or triggered.
  • Signaled when this device explodes.
  • Sends the agent that caused the explosion. ExplodedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Shows this device in the world. Show<public>():void = external {}
  • Hides this device from the world. Hide<public>():void = external {}
  • Resets this device. Reset<public>():void = external {}
  • Triggers this device to explode. Passes Agent as the instigator of the explosion. Explode<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}


experience_settings_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to customize high level properties of the game mode.


elimination_manager_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(base_item_spawner_device):

  • Used to spawn items when an agent or specified target is eliminated.
  • Signaled when a qualifying elimination occurs.
  • Sends the eliminated agent. EliminatedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when a qualifying elimination occurs.
  • Sends the eliminator agent. If the eliminator is a non-agent then false is returned. EliminationEvent<public>:listenable(?agent) = external {}


damage_amplifier_powerup_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(powerup_device):

  • Used to amplify an agent's damage temporarily. This applies to any weapon the agent is using at the time of the powerup.
  • Sets the Magnitude for this powerup, clamped to the Min and Max defined in the device.
  • Will not apply to any currently applied effects.
  • For the Damage Amplifier Powerup, this is the damage multiplier. SetMagnitude<public>(Magnitude:float):void = external {}
  • Returns the current Magnitude for the powerup.
  • For the Damage Amplifier Powerup, this is the damage multiplier. GetMagnitude<public>()<transacts>:float = external {}


conditional_button_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to create a specialized button which can only be activated when agents are carrying specific items.
  • Signaled when this device is activated.
  • Sends the agent that activated this device. ActivatedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when this device fails to activate because agent didn't have the required items.
  • Sends the agent that attempted to activate the device. NotEnoughItemsEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Disable<public>():void = external {}
  • Resets this device to its original settings. Reset<public>():void = external {}
  • Activates this device. Agent is used as the instigator of the action. Activate<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Toggles the conditional button state. Agent is used as the instigator of the action. Toggle<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Sets the text that appears when agents approach the device. Text is limited to 150 characters and will revert back to default if empty. SetInteractionText<public>(Text:message):void = external {}
  • Sets the time (in seconds) that an interaction with this device should take to complete. SetInteractionTime<public>(Time:float):void = external {}
  • Returns the time (in seconds) that an interaction with this device will take to complete. GetInteractionTime<public>()<transacts>:float = external {}
  • Sets the quantity of a specific key item type that needs to be collected in order to activate the switch.
  • KeyItemIndex ranges from 0 to number of key item types - 1. SetItemCountRequired<public>(KeyItemIndex:int, Count:int):void = external {}
  • Returns the total quantity of a specific key item type that needs to be collected in order to activate the switch. GetItemCountRequired<public>(KeyItemIndex:int)<transacts>:int = external {}
  • Returns the remaining quantity of a specific key item type that needs to be collected in order to activate the switch. GetRemainingItemCountRequired<public>(KeyItemIndex:int)<transacts>:int = external {}
  • Sets the score to be awarded for a key item. KeyItemIndex ranges from 0 to number of key item types - 1. SetItemScore<public>(KeyItemIndex:int, Score:int):void = external {}
  • Returns the score to be awarded for a key item. GetItemScore<public>(KeyItemIndex:int)<transacts>:int = external {}
  • Returns how many items an Agent has of the item stored at KeyItemIndex. GetItemCount<public>(Agent:agent, KeyItemIndex:int):int = external {}
  • Returns if the Agent has all of the items required to interact with this Device. HasAllItems<public>(Agent:agent)<transacts><decides>:void = external {}
  • Returns if the Agent is currently holding any of the items stored in the Device. IsHoldingItem<public>(Agent:agent)<transacts><decides>:void = external {}
  • Returns if the Agent is currently holding the item stored at KeyItemIndex. IsHoldingItem<public>(Agent:agent, KeyItemIndex:int)<transacts><decides>:void = external {}


color_changing_tiles_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to create a tile that changes colors when agents interact with it.
  • Signaled when this device changes color.
  • Sends the agent that interacted with this device. ActivatedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Disable<public>():void = external {}
  • Shows this device in the world. Show<public>():void = external {}
  • Hides this device from the world. Hide<public>():void = external {}
  • Resets this device to its initial settings. Reset<public>():void = external {}
  • Sets the color of the tile to Agent's team color. SetTeam<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}


collectible_object_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to place a collectible item into the world.
  • Signaled when the collectible item is collected.
  • Sends the agent that collected the item. CollectedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Makes the collectible visible. Show<public>():void = external {}
  • Makes the collectible invisible. Hide<public>():void = external {}
  • Immediately respawns the object for the instigating agent.
  • This will be affected by the option Consume If Collected By. Respawn<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Immediately respawns the object for all agents. RespawnForAll<public>():void = external {}


  • Used together with class_selector_device to create class based gameplay. Defines custom class attributes and inventory loadouts. class_designer_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):


class_and_team_selector_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used together with class_designer_device to control how/when created classes can be accessed by agents.
  • Signaled when an agent changes class.
  • Sends the agent whose class changed. ClassSwitchedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when an agent changes teams.
  • Sends the agent whose team changed. TeamSwitchedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Disable<public>():void = external {}
  • Changes the Agent's class. ChangeClass<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Changes the Agent's team. ChangeTeam<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Changes the Agent's team and class. ChangeTeamAndClass<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Changes the selecting team. ChangeSelectorTeam<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}


capture_item_spawner_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Spawns and tracks a single item as a game objective (e.g. flag).
  • Signaled when spawned item is captured.
  • Sends the agent that captured the item. ItemCapturedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when spawned item is picked up.
  • Sends the agent that picked up the item. ItemPickedUpEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when spawned item is dropped.
  • Sends the agent that dropped the item. ItemDroppedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when spawned item is returned.
  • Sends the agent that returned the item. ItemReturnedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Disable<public>():void = external {}


capture_area_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to create a zone that can trigger effects once players enter it. Can be set up to be capturable by a team, to provide a score while held, or to require a specific item as a drop-off.
  • Signaled when an agent enters this device area.
  • Sends the agent that entered this device area. AgentEntersEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when an agent exits this device area.
  • Sends the agent that exited this device area. AgentExitsEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when the first agent enters this device area.
  • Sends the agent that entered this device area. FirstAgentEntersEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when the last agent exits this device area.
  • Sends the agent that exited this device area. LastAgentExitsEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when this device is contested.
  • Sends the agent that is contesting this device. AreaIsContestedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when this device is scored.
  • Sends the agent that scored this device. AreaIsScoredEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when this device control change starts.
  • Sends the agent that is triggering this device control change. ControlChangeStartsEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when this device control changes.
  • Sends the agent that triggered this device control change. ControlChangeEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when an item is consumed by this device.
  • Sends the agent that provided the item to this device. ItemIsConsumedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when an item is delivered to this device.
  • Sends the agent that delivered the item to this device. ItemIsDeliveredEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Disable<public>():void = external {}
  • Toggles between Enable and Disable. ToggleEnabled<public>():void = external {}
  • Allows this device to be captured. AllowCapture<public>():void = external {}
  • Disallows this device from being captured. DisallowCapture<public>():void = external {}
  • Toggles between AllowCapture and DisallowCapture. ToggleCaptureAllowed<public>():void = external {}
  • Resets control of this device for all teams. Reset<public>():void = external {}
  • Gives control of this device to the capturing agent's team. GiveControl<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Clears control of this device for all teams. Neutralize<public>():void = external {}
  • Activates the objective pulse for this device. ActivateObjectivePulse<public>():void = external {}
  • Deactivates the objective pulse for this device. DeactivateObjectivePulse<public>():void = external {}
  • Sets the Capture Height (in meters) of the capture area. SetHeight<public>(Height:float):void = external {}
  • Returns the Capture Height (in meters) of the capture area. GetHeight<public>()<varies>:float = external {}
  • Sets the Capture Radius (in meters) of the capture area. SetRadius<public>(Radius:float):void = external {}
  • Returns the Capture Radius (in meters) of the capture area. GetRadius<public>()<varies>:float = external {}


button_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to create a button which can trigger other devices when an agent interacts with it.
  • Signaled when an agent successfully interacts with the button for GetInteractionTime seconds.
  • Sends the agent that interacted with the button. InteractedWithEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Disable<public>():void = external {}
  • Sets the text that displays when an agent is close to this button and looks at it. Text is limited to 64 characters. SetInteractionText<public>(Text:message):void = external {}
  • Sets the duration of the interaction required to activate this device (in seconds). SetInteractionTime<public>(Time:float):void = external {}
  • Returns the duration of the interaction required to activate this device (in seconds). GetInteractionTime<public>()<transacts>:float = external {}
  • Sets the maximum amount of times this button can be interacted with before it will be disabled.
  • MaxCount must be between 0 and 10.
  • 0 indicates no limit on trigger count. SetMaxTriggerCount<public>(MaxCount:int):void = external {}
  • Returns the maximum amount of times this button can be interacted with before it will be disabled.
  • GetTriggerMaxCount will be between 0 and 10.
  • 0 indicates no limit on trigger count. GetMaxTriggerCount<public>()<transacts>:int = external {}
  • Returns the number of times that this button can still be interacted with before it will be disabled. Will return 0 if GetMaxTriggerCount is unlimited. GetTriggerCountRemaining<public>()<transacts>:int = external {}


billboard_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to display custom text messages on a billboard.
  • Shows the billboard text. ShowText<public>():void = external {}
  • Hides the billboard text. HideText<public>():void = external {}
  • Updates the device display to show the current Text. UpdateDisplay<public>():void = external {}
  • Sets the visibility of the device border mesh. This also determines whether the device collision is enabled. SetShowBorder<public>(Show:logic):void = external {}
  • Returns true if the device border is enabled. GetShowBorder<public>()<transacts>:logic = external {}
  • Sets the device Text. SetText<public>(Text:message):void = external {}
  • Sets the Text Size of the device Text. Clamped to range [8, 24]. SetTextSize<public>(Size:int):void = external {}
  • Returns the Text Size of the device Text. GetTextSize<public>()<transacts>:int = external {}


beacon_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to show an in world visual effect and/or a HUD marker at the desired location.
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Disable<public>():void = external {}
  • Adds the specified agent to a list of agents that the Beacon will be shown to. This list of agents is maintained separately from the Team Visibility set of agents. AddToShowList<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Removes the specified agent from the show list. The agent will still see the Beacon if they meet the Team Visibility check. RemoveFromShowList<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Removes all agents from the show list. Agents will still see the Beacon if they meet the Team Visibility check. RemoveAllFromShowList<public>():void = external {}


basic_storm_controller_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(storm_controller_device):

  • A simplified storm device that provides a way to create a single-phase storm and control its basic behaviors.
  • To control multiple phases of the storm see advanced_storm_controller_device.


base_item_spawner_device<public> := class<abstract><epic_internal>(creative_device_base):

  • Base class for devices that spawn items.
  • Signaled when an agent picks up the spawned item.
  • Sends the agent that picked up the item. ItemPickedUpEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Disable<public>():void = external {}


ball_spawner_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to spawn various types of balls. Can be used to control HUD elements related to the spawned balls.
  • Shows the floating HUD Icons to players, if these have been configured by the device. ShowHUD<public>():void = external {}
  • Hides the floating HUD Icons from players, if these have been configured by the device. HideHUD<public>():void = external {}


attribute_evaluator_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(trigger_base_device):

  • Evaluates attributes for agent when signaled from other devices. Acts as branching logic, checking whether the agent associated with the signal passes all of the tests setup in this device, then sends a signal on either PassEvent or FailEvent.
  • Signaled when the agent from EvaluateAgent passes the requirements specified by this device.
  • Sends the agent originally passed to this device in EvaluateAgent. PassEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when the agent from EvaluateAgent fails the requirements specified by this device.
  • Sends the agent originally passed to this device in EvaluateAgent. FailEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Tests whether the specified agent satisfies the required conditions specified on the device (e.g. eliminations/score), and fires either the PassEvent or FailEvent accordingly. EvaluateAgent<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}


air_vent_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to boost agents, vehicles, and other objects upwards into the air.
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Disable<public>():void = external {}
  • Activates this device. Activate<public>():void = external {}


advanced_storm_controller_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(storm_controller_device):

  • Storm with custom phases


advanced_storm_beacon_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Use with advanced_storm_controller_device to customize storm phases
  • Teleports the advanced_storm_beacon_device to the specified Position and Rotation.
  • Existing storms will not target the new location, but newly generated storms will. TeleportTo<override>(Position:vector3, Rotation:rotation)<transacts><decides>:void = external {}
  • Teleports the advanced_storm_beacon_device to the specified location defined by Transform, also applies rotation and scale accordingly.
  • Existing storms will not target the new location, but newly generated storms will. TeleportTo<override>(Transform:transform)<transacts><decides>:void = external {}
  • Moves the advanced_storm_beacon_device to the specified Position and Rotation over the specified time, in seconds.
  • Existing storms will not target the new location, but newly generated storms will. MoveTo<override>(Position:vector3, Rotation:rotation, OverTime:float)<suspends>:move_to_result = external {}
  • Moves the advanced_storm_beacon_device to the specified Transform over the specified time, in seconds.
  • Existing storms will not target the new location, but newly generated storms will. MoveTo<override>(Transform:transform, OverTime:float)<suspends>:move_to_result = external {}


chair_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Creates a chair where Agents can sit.
  • Signaled when an agent sits on the Chair.
  • Sends the sitting agent. SeatedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when an agent stops sitting on the Chair.
  • Sends the standing Agent. ExitedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Enables the Chair. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables the Chair. Disable<public>():void = external {}
  • Allows any seated agent to leave the chair manually. EnableExit<public>():void = external {}
  • Prevents any seated agent from leaving the Chair manually.
  • While Exit is disabled, call Eject to force them out. DisableExit<public>():void = external {}
  • Makes Agent sit on this chair if they meet the requirements. Seat<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Ejects any agent currently in the chair. Eject<public>():void = external {}
  • Makes Agent exit this chair if they are currently in the chair. Eject<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Succeeds if Agent is currently in the chair . IsSeated<public>(Agent:agent)<transacts><decides>:void = external {}
  • Succeeds if the chair is currently occupied. IsOccupied<public>()<transacts><decides>:void = external {}
  • Returns the agent currently occupying the chair. GetSeatedAgent<public>():?agent = external {}


popup_dialog_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to create HUD text boxes that give players information, and allows responses to be customized to player choices.
  • Signaled when Button on this device is pushed by an agent.
  • Sends the agent that pushed the button.
  • Sends the int index of the button that was clicked. RespondingButtonEvent<public>:listenable(tuple(agent, int)) = external {}
  • Signaled when this device is shown to an agent.
  • Sends the agent looking at the popup. ShownEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when this device is dismissed by an agent.
  • Sends the agent who dismissed the popup. DismissedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when this device times out while an agent is looking at it.
  • Sends the agent who was looking at the popup. TimeOutEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Disable<public>():void = external {}
  • Shows the popup to Agent. Show<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Shows the popup to all agents in the experience. Show<public>():void = external {}
  • Hides the popup from Agent. Hide<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Hides the popup from all agents in the experience. Hide<public>():void = external {}
  • Sets the number of buttons this popup has.
  • Button Count is not updated on active Popups. SetButtonCount<public>(Count:int):void = external {}
  • Returns the Button Text for this popup at a specified index. GetButtonText<public>(Index:int)<transacts>:string = external {}
  • Sets the Button Text for a button at a specific index on this popup.
  • Text should be no more than 24 characters.
  • If Text is empty the button will show OK instead.
  • Button 1 uses Index 0. SetButtonText<public>(Text:message, Index:int):void = external {}
  • Sets the Description text for this popup. Text should be no more than 350 characters. SetDescriptionText<public>(Text:message):void = external {}
  • Returns the Description text for this popup. GetDescriptionText<public>()<transacts>:string = external {}
  • Sets the Title text for this popup. Text should be no more than 32 characters. SetTitleText<public>(Text:message):void = external {}
  • Returns the Title text for this popup. GetTitleText<public>()<transacts>:string = external {}


physics_tree_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(physics_object_base_device):

  • Physics tree that can be chopped down, and damage players, vehicles, creatures, and structures.
  • Signaled when a tree is spawned. TreeSpawnedEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
  • Signaled when the log created by a tree is destroyed. LogDestroyedEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
  • Signaled when the stump created by a tree is destroyed. StumpDestroyedEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
  • Signaled when a tree has taken enough damage to be knocked down. TreeKnockedDownEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
  • Releases the log from the tree, if there is one. ReleaseLog<public>():void = external {}
  • Destroys the current log. DestroyLog<public>():void = external {}
  • Destroys the current stump. DestroyStump<public>():void = external {}


physics_object_base_device<public> := class<abstract><epic_internal>(prop_spawner_base_device):

  • Base class for various physics-based gameplay elements (e.g. boulders/trees).


physics_boulder_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(physics_object_base_device):

  • Physics boulder that can be dislodged and damage agents, vehicles, creatures, and structures.
  • Signaled when the balanced boulder is spawned on the base. BalancedBoulderSpawnedEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
  • Signaled when the balanced boulder is destroyed. BalancedBoulderDestroyedEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
  • Signaled when the base of the boulder is destroyed. BaseDestroyedEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
  • Signaled when the rolling boulder is destroyed. RollingBoulderDestroyedEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
  • Destroys the boulder's base. DestroyBase<public>():void = external {}
  • Releases the boulder sitting on the base, if there is one. ReleaseRollingBoulder<public>():void = external {}
  • Destroys the current rolling boulder. DestroyRollingBoulder<public>():void = external {}


health_powerup_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(powerup_device):

  • Used to regenerate an agent's health and/or shields.
  • Sets the Magnitude for this powerup, clamped to the Min and Max defined in the device.
  • Will not apply to any currently applied effects.
  • For the Health Powerup, this is the amount of health or shield that the powerup will add or remove, SetMagnitude<public>(Magnitude:float):void = external {}
  • Returns the current Magnitude for the powerup.
  • For the Health Powerup, this is the amount of health or shield that the powerup will add or remove, GetMagnitude<public>()<transacts>:float = external {}


guard_spawner_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to spawn guards that can patrol and attack other agents.
  • Signaled when a guard is spawned.
  • Sends the agent guard who was spawned. SpawnedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when a guard has identified an opponent.
  • Source is the guard who is aware.
  • Target is the agent who alerted the guard. AlertedEvent<public>:listenable(device_ai_interaction_result) = external {}
  • Signaled when a guard has lost track of a target.
  • Source is the guard that lost track of a target.
  • Target is the agent no longer targeted by the guard. TargetLostEvent<public>:listenable(device_ai_interaction_result) = external {}
  • Signaled when a guard becomes suspicious.
  • Sends the agent guard who is suspicious. SuspiciousEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when a guard becomes unaware.
  • Sends the agent guard who is unaware. UnawareEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when guard is damaged.
  • Source is the agent that damaged the guard. If the guard was damaged by a non-agent then false is returned.
  • Target is the guard that was damaged. DamagedEvent<public>:listenable(device_ai_interaction_result) = external {}
  • Signaled when a guard is eliminated.
  • Source is the agent that eliminated the guard. If the guard was eliminated by a non-agent then Source is 'false'.
  • Target is the guard that was eliminated. EliminatedEvent<public>:listenable(device_ai_interaction_result) = external {}
  • Signaled when a guard eliminates an agent.
  • Source is the guard that eliminated the agent.
  • Target is the agent that was eliminated. EliminatingEvent<public>:listenable(device_ai_interaction_result) = external {}
  • Signaled when a guard is hired by a player.
  • Source is the agent who hired the guard.
  • Target is the guard that was hired. HiredEvent<public>:listenable(device_ai_interaction_result) = external {}
  • Signaled when a guard is dismissed by a player.
  • Source is the agent who dismissed the guard.
  • Target is the guard that was dismissed. DismissedEvent<public>:listenable(device_ai_interaction_result) = external {}
  • Enables this device. Guards will start to spawn. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Guards will despawn if Despawn Guards When Disabled is set. Disable<public>():void = external {}
  • Resets the spawn count allowing spawning of a new batch of guards. Reset<public>():void = external {}
  • Tries to spawn a guard. Spawn<public>():void = external {}
  • Tries to spawn a guard. If Auto Hire When Spawned is set to Triggering Player the guard will be hired by Instigator. Spawn<public>(Instigator:agent):void = external {}
  • Despawns guards. Despawn<public>():void = external {}
  • Despawns guards. Instigator will be considered as the eliminator of those guards. Despawn<public>(Instigator:agent):void = external {}
  • Hires guards to Instigator's team. Hire<public>(Instigator:agent):void = external {}
  • Dismisses all hired guards. DismissAllHiredGuards<public>():void = external {}
  • Dismisses all hired guards that were recruited by Instigator. DismissAgentHiredGuards<public>(Instigator:agent):void = external {}
  • Forces guards to attack Target, bypassing perception checks.
  • 'ForgetTime' ranges from 0.0 to 600.0 (in seconds, default is 600.0), it is the time after which the target will be ignored if not found.
  • 'ForgetDistance' ranges from 0.0 to 100000.0 (in centimeters, default is 100000.0), it is the distance at which the target will be ignored if not found. ForceAttackTarget<public>(Target:agent, ?ForgetTime:float = external {}, ?ForgetDistance:float = external {}):void = external {}
  • Allows guards to be hired. SetGuardsHireable<public>():void = external {}
  • Prevents guards from being hired. SetGuardsNotHireable<public>():void = external {}
  • Returns the spawn limit of the device. GetSpawnLimit<public>()<transacts>:int = external {}


wilds_plant_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to create plants with explosive pods that players can detonate and launch.
  • Triggers whenever the plant grows. GrowEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
  • Triggers whenever the plant or launched projectile explodes.
  • Sends the agent that initially launched the projectile or triggered an immediate explosion.
  • Sends false if no agent is found. ExplodeEvent<public>:listenable(?agent) = external {}
  • Triggers whenever the plant launches a projectile.
  • Sends the agent that triggered this event.
  • Sends false if no agent is found. LaunchEvent<public>:listenable(?agent) = external {}
  • Enables the device to allow interaction and let it grow. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables the device to prevent interaction and growth. Disable<public>():void = external {}
  • Grows the plant if the device is enabled. If Infinite Regrowths is false, this is limited by Maximum Regrowths. Grow<public>():void = external {}
  • Detonates the plant if the device is enabled. Explode<public>():void = external {}
  • Sets whether the plant can always regrow after launching a projectile or being destroyed. SetInfiniteRegrowths<public>(InfiniteRegrowths:logic):void = external {}
  • Sets how many times the plant can regrow after launching a projectile or being destroyed.
  • This applies across the device’s entire lifetime and is unaffected by Enable and Disable.
  • This value is clamped. SetMaximumRegrowths<public>(MaximumRegrowths:int):void = external {}


vine_rail_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

using {/}

  • Used to create a customizable vine version of the Grind Rails.
  • Enables this device, letting players grind on the vines. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device, preventing players from grinding on the vines. Disable<public>():void = external {}
  • Hides the track. Players can still grind on the track if it is enabled. Hide<public>():void = external {}
  • Make this track visible. Show<public>():void = external {}
  • Signaled when an agent starts grinding on this vine_rail_device. StartedGrindingEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when an agent starts grinding on this vine_rail_device. EndedGrindingEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}


grind_rail_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to create customizable Grind Rails.
  • Enables this device, letting players grind on the rail. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device, preventing players from grinding on the rail. Disable<public>():void = external {}
  • Sets the color of the Grind Rail. SetRailColor<public>(Color:color):void = external {}
  • Hides the track. Players can still grind on the track if it is enabled. Hide<public>():void = external {}
  • Make this track visible. Show<public>():void = external {}
  • Signaled when an agent starts grinding on this grind_rail_device. StartedGrindingEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when an agent starts grinding on this grind_rail_device. EndedGrindingEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}


wildlife_spawner_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to spawn various wildlife that players can herd, hunt, or tame.
  • Signaled when this device spawns wildlife.
  • Sends the agent wildlife that was spawned. SpawnedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when wildlife is eliminated.
  • Source is the agent that eliminated the wildlife. If the wildlife was eliminated by a non-agent then Source is 'false'.
  • Target is the wildlife that was eliminated. EliminatedEvent<public>:listenable(device_ai_interaction_result) = external {}
  • Signaled when a wildlife eliminates an agent.
  • Source is the wildlife that eliminated the agent.
  • Target is the agent that was eliminated.

EliminatingEvent<public>:listenable(device_ai_interaction_result) = external {}

  • Signaled when wildlife is tamed.
  • Source is the agent that tamed the wildlife.
  • Target is the wildlife that was tamed. TamedEvent<public>:listenable(device_ai_interaction_result) = external {}
  • Signaled when wildlife is untamed.
  • Source is the agent that tamed the wildlife.
  • Target is the wildlife that was untamed. UntamedEvent<public>:listenable(device_ai_interaction_result) = external {}
  • Signaled when wildlife is force-spawned and causes the oldest wildlife to be eliminated.
  • Sends the agent wildlife that was spawned. ForceSpawnedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when wildlife is damaged.
  • Source is the agent that damaged the wildlife. If the wildlife was damaged by a non-agent then false is returned.
  • Target is the wildlife that was damaged. DamagedEvent<public>:listenable(device_ai_interaction_result) = external {}
  • Signaled when wildlife eats a pickup such as a Shroom or Meat.
  • Sends the wildlife that ate something. SomethingIsEatenEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when an agent rides wildlife.
  • Source is the agent that started riding the wildlife.
  • Target is the wildlife that was ridden. RiddenEvent<public>:listenable(device_ai_interaction_result) = external {}
  • Signaled when an agent dismounts wildlife.
  • Source is the agent that dismounted the wildlife.
  • Target is the wildlife that was dismounted. DismountedEvent<public>:listenable(device_ai_interaction_result) = external {}
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Disable<public>():void = external {}
  • Resets the count on the Total Spawn Count option. Reset<public>():void = external {}
  • Spawns wildlife from this device. Spawn<public>():void = external {}
  • Despawns wildlife. Agent is marked as the one who eliminated the wildlife. Despawn<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Destroys this device, marking Agent as the destroyer of the device. DestroySpawner<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Tames wildlife, making them AI partners of Agent. Tame<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Untames any tamed wildlife that belong to Agent. Untame<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Untames all wildlife. UntameAll<public>():void = external {}
  • Teleports Agent to the nearest wildlife, then Agent mounts that wildlife. Ride<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Dismounts Agent from wildlife. Dismount<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Dismounts all agents from wildlife. DismountAll<public>():void = external {}
  • Restores energy to wildlife belonging to Agent by Energy Restore Amount. RestoreEnergy<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Restores energy to wildlife by Energy Restore Amount. RestoreEnergyForAll<public>():void = external {}
  • Consumes energy from wildlife belonging to Agent by Energy Consume Amount. ConsumeEnergy<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Consumes energy from wildlife by Energy Consume Amount. ConsumeEnergyForAll<public>():void = external {}
  • Returns the spawn limit of the device. GetSpawnLimit<public>()<transacts>:int = external {}


npc_spawner_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):

  • Used to spawn NPCs made with Character Definition asset.
  • Signaled when a character is spawned.
  • Sends the agent character who was spawned. SpawnedEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when a character is eliminated.
  • Source is the agent that eliminated the character. If the character was eliminated by a non-agent then Source is 'false'.
  • Target is the character that was eliminated. EliminatedEvent<public>:listenable(device_ai_interaction_result) = external {}
  • Enables this device. Characters will start to spawn. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Characters will despawn if Despawn AIs When Disabled is set. Disable<public>():void = external {}
  • Resets the spawn count allowing spawning of a new batch of characters. `Reset():void = external {}
  • Tries to spawn a character. `Spawn():void = external {}
  • Despawns all characters. If set, Instigator will be considered as the eliminator of those characters. DespawnAll<public>(Instigator:?agent):void = external {}



using {/}

using {/}

using {/}

Vehicles<public> := module:

vehicle_spawner_device<public> := class<abstract><epic_internal>(creative_device_base):

  • Base class for various specialized vehicle spawners which allow specific vehicle types to be spawned and configured with specialized options.

vehicle_spawner_sports_car_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(vehicle_spawner_device):

  • Specialized vehicle_spawner_device that allows a Whiplash sports car to be configured and spawned.
  • Signaled when an agent enters the vehicle.
  • Sends the agent that entered the vehicle. AgentEntersVehicleEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when an agent exits the vehicle.
  • Sends the agent that exited the vehicle. AgentExitsVehicleEvent<public>:listenable(agent) = external {}
  • Signaled when a vehicle is spawned or respawned by this device.
  • Sends the fort_vehicle who was spawned. SpawnedEvent<public>:listenable(fort_vehicle) = external {}
  • Signaled when a vehicle is spawned or respawned by this device.
  • Deprecated, use SpawnedEvent instead. VehicleSpawnedEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
  • Signaled when a vehicle is destroyed.
  • Deprecated, use DestroyedEvent instead. VehicleDestroyedEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
  • Signaled when a vehicle is destroyed. DestroyedEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
  • Enables this device. Enable<public>():void = external {}
  • Disables this device. Disable<public>():void = external {}
  • Sets agent as the vehicle's driver. AssignDriver<public>(Agent:agent):void = external {}
  • Destroys the vehicle if it exists. DestroyVehicle<public>():void = external {}
  • Spawns a new vehicle. The previous vehicle will be destroyed before a new vehicle spawns. RespawnVehicle<public>():void = external {}


  • Specialized vehicle_spawner_device that allows a taxi to be configured and spawned. vehicle_spawner_taxi_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(vehicle_spawner_device):


  • Specialized vehicle_spawner_device that allows a surfboard to be configured and spawned. vehicle_spawner_surfboard_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(vehicle_spawner_device):


  • Specialized vehicle_spawner_device that allows a shopping cart to be configured and spawned. vehicle_spawner_shopping_cart_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(vehicle_spawner_device):


  • Specialized vehicle_spawner_device that allows a Quadcrasher to be configured and spawned. vehicle_spawner_quadcrasher_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(vehicle_spawner_device):


  • Specialized vehicle_spawner_device that allows a Prevalent sedan to be configured and spawned. vehicle_spawner_sedan_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(vehicle_spawner_device):


  • Specialized vehicle_spawner_device that allows a Mudflap semi truck to be configured and spawned. vehicle_spawner_big_rig_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(vehicle_spawner_device):


  • Specialized vehicle_spawner_device that allows a Driftboard to be configured and spawned. vehicle_spawner_driftboard_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(vehicle_spawner_device):


  • Specialized vehicle_spawner_device that allows a cannon to be configured and spawned. vehicle_spawner_cannon_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(vehicle_spawner_device):


  • Specialized vehicle_spawner_device that allows a boat to be configured and spawned. vehicle_spawner_boat_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(vehicle_spawner_device):


  • Specialized vehicle_spawner_device that allows a Stormwing biplane to be configured and spawned. vehicle_spawner_biplane_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(vehicle_spawner_device):


vehicle_spawner_baller_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(vehicle_spawner_device):

  • Specialized vehicle_spawner_device that allows a Baller vehicle to be configured and spawned.
  • Signaled when the vehicle runs out of energy. OutOfEnergyEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
  • Refills the vehicle's energy. RefillEnergy<public>():void = external {}


  • Specialized vehicle_spawner_device that allows an ATK (all terrain kart) to be configured and spawned. vehicle_spawner_atk_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(vehicle_spawner_device):


  • Spawns a lightweight vehicle made for defying gravity with its rocket boosting, jumping, and aerial maneuverability capabilities. vehicle_spawner_octane_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(vehicle_spawner_device):


  • Specialized vehicle_spawner_device that allows a helicopter to be configured and spawned. vehicle_spawner_helicopter_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(vehicle_spawner_device):

heavy turret

  • Specialized vehicle_spawner_device that allows an anti-vehicle turret to be configured and spawned. vehicle_spawner_heavy_turret_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(vehicle_spawner_device):


  • Specialized vehicle_spawner_device that allows a siege cannon to be configured and spawned. vehicle_spawner_siege_cannon_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(vehicle_spawner_device):


  • Specialized vehicle_spawner_device that allows a UFO to be configured and spawned. vehicle_spawner_ufo_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(vehicle_spawner_device):


  • Specialized vehicle_spawner_device that allows a tank to be configured and spawned. vehicle_spawner_tank_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(vehicle_spawner_device):


  • Specialized vehicle_spawner_device that allows an armored battle bus to be configured and spawned.

vehicle_spawner_armored_battle_bus_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(vehicle_spawner_device):


  • Specialized vehicle_spawner_device that allows a dirtbike to be configured and spawned.

vehicle_spawner_dirtbike_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(vehicle_spawner_device):


  • Specialized vehicle_spawner_device that allows a Nitro Drifter sedan to be configured and spawned.

vehicle_spawner_nitro_drifter_sedan_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(vehicle_spawner_device):


  • Specialized vehicle_spawner_device that allows a sportbike to be configured and spawned.

vehicle_spawner_sportbike_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(vehicle_spawner_device):


  • Specialized vehicle_spawner_device that allows a GetAway Car to be configured and spawned.

vehicle_spawner_getaway_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(vehicle_spawner_device):

  • Returns the fort_vehicle for InCharacter.
  • Fails if InCharacter is not associated with a fort_vehicle.


  • Main API implemented by Fortnite vehicles.

fort_vehicle<native><public> := interface<unique><epic_internal>(positional, healthful, damageable, game_action_causer):


  • Succeeds if this fort_vehicle is standing on ground. IsOnGround<public>()<transacts><decides>:void


  • Succeeds if this fort_vehicle is standing in air. IsInAir<public>()<transacts><decides>:void


  • Succeeds if this fort_vehicle is standing in water. IsInWater<public>()<transacts><decides>:void


  • Returns an array with all the passengers of the vehicle. GetPassengers<public>():[]fort_character


  • Module import path: /

Teams<public> := module:

  • A generic set of team attitudes. Use this enum to model relationship behavior between your experience's agents/teams.

team_attitude<native><public> := enum:

  • Agents/teams are friends. In Fortnite games two agents on the same team are friendly.
  • Use fort_playspace.GetTeamCollection() to get the team_collection for the active experience.


fort_team_collection<native><public> := interface<epic_internal>:

  • Collection used to manage teams and agents on those teams.


  • Returns an array of all the teams known to this fort_team_collection GetTeams<public>()<transacts>:[]team


  • Adds InAgent to InTeam.
  • Fails if InTeam is not part of the fort_team_collection.

AddToTeam<public>(InAgent:agent, InTeam:team)<transacts><decides>:void


  • Succeeds if InAgent is on InTeam.
  • Fails if:
  • InAgent is not on InTeam.
  • InTeam is not part of the fort_team_collection.

IsOnTeam<public>(InAgent:agent, InTeam:team)<transacts><decides>:void


  • Returns an array of all agents on InTeam.
  • Fails if InTeam is not part of the fort_team_collection.



  • Get the team that InAgent is on.
  • Fails if InAgent is not on a team in this fort_team_collection.



  • Returns the team_attitude between Team1 and Team2.
  • Fails if:
  • Team1 is not in this fort_team_collection.
  • Team2 is not in this fort_team_collection.

GetTeamAttitude<public>(Team1:team, Team2:team)<transacts><decides>:team_attitude

  • Returns the team_attitude between Agent1 and Agent2.
  • Fails if:
  • Agent1 is not on a team in this fort_team_collection.
  • Agent2 is not on a team in this fort_team_collection.

GetTeamAttitude<public>(Agent1:agent, Agent2:agent)<transacts><decides>:team_attitude


  • Module import path: /

Playspaces<public> := module:

  • A nested container that scopes objects, style, gameplay rules, visuals, etc.
  • All objects and players in an experience will belong to a fort_playspace. There is typically one fort_playspace for an entire experience, though this may change in the future as the platform evolves.
  • To access the fort_playspace for a creative_device use creative_device.GetPlayspace.

fort_playspace<native><public> := interface<epic_internal>:


  • Get an []players in the current fort_playspace.



  • Get the fort_team_collection for the current fort_playspace.



  • Signaled when a player joins the fort_playspace. Returns a subscribable with a payload of thefort_character that entered the fort_playspace.



  • Signaled when a player leaves the fort_playspace. Returns a subscribable with a payload of thefort_character that left the fort_playspace.



  • Module import path: /

Game<public> := module:


  • Result data for fort_character elimination events.

elimination_result<native><public> := struct<epic_internal>:


  • The fort_character eliminated from the match by EliminatingCharacter.



  • fort_character that eliminated EliminatedCharacter from the match. EliminatingCharacter will be false when EliminatedCharacter was eliminated through non-character actions, such as environmental damage.



  • Implemented by objects to allow reading position information.

positional<native><public> := interface<epic_internal>:


  • Returns the transform of the object.



  • Implemented by Fortnite objects that have health state and can be eliminated.

healthful<native><public> := interface<epic_internal>:


  • Returns the health state of the object. This value will between 0.0 and GetMaxHealth



  • Sets the health state of the object to Health.
  • Health state will be clamped between 1.0 and GetMaxHealth.
  • Health state cannot be directly set to 0.0. To eliminate healthful objects use the damageable.Damage functions instead.


  • Returns the maximum health of the object. This value will be between 1.0 and Inf. GetMaxHealth<public>()<transacts>:float
  • Sets the maximum health state of the object.
  • MaxHealth will be clamped between 1.0 and Inf.
  • Current health state will be scaled up or down based on the scale difference between the old and new MaxHealth state. SetMaxHealth<public>(MaxHealth:float)<transacts>:void
  • Implemented by Fortnite objects that have shields. A shield is a method of protection that can take incoming damage while leaving the health state unchanged.


shieldable<native><public> := interface<epic_internal>:


  • Returns the shield state of the object. This value will between 0.0 and MaxShield GetShield<public>()<transacts>:float


  • Sets the shield state of the object.
  • Shield state will be clamped between 0.0 and MaxShield. SetShield<public>(Shield:float)<transacts>:void


  • Returns the maximum shield state of the object. This value will be between 0.0 and Inf.



  • Sets the maximum shield state of the object.
  • MaxShield will be clamped between 0.0 and Inf.
  • Current shield state will be scaled up or down based on the scale difference between the old and new MaxShield state.



  • Signaled when the shield is damaged.



  • Signaled when the shield is healed.



  • Implemented by Fortnite objects that can be damaged.

damageable<native><public> := interface<epic_internal>:

  • Damage the damageable object anonymously by Amount. Setting Amount to less than 0 will cause no damage.
  • Use Damage(:damage_args):void when damage is being applied from a known instigator and source. Damage<public>(Amount:float):void
  • Damage the damageable object by Args.Amount. Setting Amount to less than 0 will cause no damage.



  • Signaled when damage is applied to the damageable object.


  • Implemented by Fortnite objects that can be healed.

healable<native><public> := interface<epic_internal>:

  • Heal the healable object anonymously by Amount. Setting Amount to less than 0 will cause no healing.
  • Use Heal(:healing_args):void when healing is being applied from a known instigator and source.


  • Cause Args.Amount damage to the damageable object. Setting Amount to less than 0 will cause no damage.


  • Signaled when healing is applied to the healable object.



  • Parameters for common damage functions on Fortnite objects.

damage_args<native><public> := struct:

  • Player, agent, etc. that instigated the damage to the object.

Instigator<native><public>:?game_action_instigator = external {}

  • Player, weapon, vehicle, etc. that damaged the object.

Source<native><public>:?game_action_causer = external {}

  • Amount of damage to apply to the object.


  • Results for damage events on Fortnite objects.

damage_result<native><public> := struct<epic_internal>:

  • Object that was damaged.


  • Amount of damage applied to Target.


  • Player, agent, etc. that instigated the damage to Target. Can be false when damage is instigated by code, the environment, etc.

Instigator<native><public>:?game_action_instigator = external {}

  • Player, weapon, vehicle, etc. that damaged Target. Can be false when damage is caused by code, the environment, etc.

Source<native><public>:?game_action_causer = external {}

  • Parameters for common healing functions on Fortnite objects.

healing_args<native><public> := struct:

  • Player, agents, etc. that instigated the healing of the object.

Instigator<native><public>:?game_action_instigator = external {}

  • Player, weapon, vehicle, etc. that healed the object.

Source<native><public>:?game_action_causer = external {}

  • Amount of healing to apply to the object.


  • Results for healing events on Fortnite objects.

healing_result<native><public> := struct<epic_internal>:

  • Object that was healed.


  • Amount of healing applied to Target.


  • Player, agent, etc. that instigated healing of the Target. Can be false when damage is instigated by code, the environment, etc.

Instigator<native><public>:?game_action_instigator = external {}

  • Player, weapon, vehicle, etc. that healed Target. Can be false when damage is caused by code, the environment, etc.

Source<native><public>:?game_action_causer = external {}

  • Implemented by Fortnite objects that initiate game actions, such as damage and heal. For example, player or agents.
  • Event listeners often use game_action_instigators to calculate player damage scores.

game_action_instigator<native><public> := interface<epic_internal>:

  • Implemented by Fortnite objects that can be passed through game action events, such as damage and heal.
  • For example: player, vehicle, or weapon.
  • Event Listeners often use game_action_causer to pass along additional information about what weapon caused the damage.
  • Systems will then use that information for completing quests or processing game specific event logic.

game_action_causer<native><public> := interface:


FortPlayerUtilities<public> := module:

  • Module import path: /
  • Sends InPlayer back to the main game lobby. (InPlayer:player).SendToLobby<native><public>()<transacts>:void
  • Succeeds if InPlayer is spectating the experience. Fails otherwise. (InPlayer:player).IsSpectator<native><public>()<transacts><decides>:void
  • Returns an []players currently spectating InPlayer. (InPlayer:player).GetPlayersSpectating<native><public>()<transacts>:[]player
  • Respawns the character for InAgent at the provided RespawnPosition and applies the yaw of RespawnRotation. (InAgent:agent).Respawn<native><public>(RespawnPosition:vector3, RespawnRotation:rotation)<transacts>:void


Characters<public> := module:

  • Module import path: /
  • Main API implemented by Fortnite characters.

fort_character<native><public> := interface<unique><epic_internal>(positional, healable, healthful, damageable, shieldable, game_action_instigator, game_action_causer):


  • Returns the agent associated with this fort_character. Use this when interacting with APIs that require an agent reference. GetAgent<public>()<transacts><decides>:agent


  • Signaled when this fort_character is eliminated from the match. EliminatedEvent<public>():listenable(elimination_result)


  • Returns the rotation where this fort_character is looking or aiming at. GetViewRotation<public>()<transacts>:rotation


  • Returns the location where this fort_character is looking or aiming from. GetViewLocation<public>()<transacts>:vector3


  • Signaled when this fort_character jumps. Returns a listenable with a payload of this fort_character. JumpedEvent<public>():listenable(fort_character)


  • Signaled when this fort_character changes crouch state.
  • Sends tuple payload:
    • 0: the fort_character that changed crouch states.
    • 1: true if the character is crouching. false if the character is not crouching.

CrouchedEvent<public>():listenable(tuple(fort_character, logic))


  • Signaled when this fort_character changes sprint state.
  • Sends tuple payload:
    • 0: the fort_character that changed sprint state.
    • 1: true if the character is sprinting. false if the character stopped sprinting. <public>():listenable(tuple(fort_character, logic))


  • Succeeds if this fort_character is in the world and has not been eliminated. Most fort_character actions will silently fail if this fails. Please test IsActive if you want to handle these failure cases rather than allow them to silently fail.



  • Succeeds if this fort_character is in the 'Down But Not Out' state. In this state the character is down but can still be revived by teammates for a period of time. IsDownButNotOut<public>()<transacts><decides>:void


  • Succeeds if this fort_character is crouching. IsCrouching<public>()<transacts><decides>:void


  • Succeeds if this fort_character is standing on the ground. IsOnGround<public>()<transacts><decides>:void


  • Succeeds if this fort_character is standing in the air. IsInAir<public>()<transacts><decides>:void


  • Succeeds if this fort_character is inside water volume. IsInWater<public>()<transacts><decides>:void


  • Succeeds if this fort_character is in falling locomotion state. IsFalling<public>()<transacts><decides>:void


  • Succeeds if this fort_character is in gliding locomotion state. IsGliding<public>()<transacts><decides>:void


  • Succeeds if this fort_character is in flying locomotion state. IsFlying<public>()<transacts><decides>:void


  • Parameters for fort_character.PutInStasis function:

       stasis_args<native><public> := struct:
       # Controls if `fort_character` can still turn while in stasis.
       AllowTurning<native><public>:logic = external {}
       # Controls if `fort_character` can still fall while in stasis.
       AllowFalling<native><public>:logic = external {}
       # Controls if `fort_character` can still perform emotes while in stasis.
       AllowEmotes<native><public>:logic = external {}
  • Puts this fort_character into stasis, preventing certain types of movement specified by Args. PutInStasis<public>(Args:stasis_args)<transacts>:void

  • Release this fort_character from stasis. ReleaseFromStasis<public>()<transacts>:void


  • Sets this fort_character visibility to visible. Show<public>():void


  • Sets this fort_character visibility to invisible. Hide<public>():void


  • Control if this fort_character can be damaged. SetVulnerability<public>(Vulnerable:logic)<transacts>:void


  • Succeeds if this fort_character can be damaged. Fails if this fort_character cannot be damaged. IsVulnerable<public>()<transacts><decides>:void


  • Teleports this fort_character to the provided Position and applies the yaw of Rotation. Will fail if the Position specified is e.g. outside of the playspace or specifies a place where the character cannot fit.

TeleportTo<public>(Position:vector3, Rotation:rotation)<transacts><decides>:void

  • Returns the fort_character for InAgent. Fails if InAgent is not a fort_character. (InAgent:agent).GetFortCharacter<native><public>()<transacts><decides>:fort_character
  • Returns a game_action_instigator interface for InAgent. (InAgent:agent).GetInstigator<native><public>()<transacts>:game_action_instigator
  • Returns the agent for InInstigator. Fails if InInstigator is not an agent. (InInstigator:game_action_instigator).GetInstigatorAgent<native><public>()<transacts><decides>:agent


  • Module import path: /

Building<public> := module:


  • Module import path: /

'Assets := module:'


  • Module import path: /
  • Module import path: /

Animation<public> := module:

PlayAnimation<public> := module:

play_animation_result<native><public> := enum:

  • The animation completed successfully. Completed
  • The animation was interrupted whilst playing. Interrupted
  • The animation encountered an error during initialization or whilst playing. Error
  • An interface for playing an animation on an object. play_animation_controller<native><public> := interface<epic_internal>:
  • Play an animation sequence. PlayAndAwait<public>(AnimationSequence:animation_sequence, ?PlayRate:float = external {}, ?StartPositionSeconds:float = external {}, ?BlendInTime:float = external {}, ?BlendOutTime:float = external {})<suspends>:play_animation_result
  • Start an animation sequence and obtain an instance to query and manipulate. Play<public>(AnimationSequence:animation_sequence, ?PlayRate:float = external {}, ?StartPositionSeconds:float = external {}, ?BlendInTime:float = external {}, ?BlendOutTime:float = external {}):play_animation_instance
  • An animation instance created from play_animation_controller.Play that can be queried and manipulated. play_animation_instance<native><public> := class<epic_internal>:
  • Returns the state of the animation playback. GetState<native><public>()<transacts>:play_animation_state
  • Stops the animation. Stop<native><public>():void
  • Event triggered when the animation is completed. CompletedEvent<native><public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
  • Event triggered when the animation is interrupted. InterruptedEvent<native><public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
  • Event triggered when the animation has finished to blend out. BlendedInEvent<native><public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
  • Event triggered when the animation is beginning to blend out. BlendingOutEvent<native><public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
  • Helper function that waits for the animation to complete or be interrupted. Await<public>()<suspends>:play_animation_result = external {}
  • Helper function that succeeds if the state is Playing, BlendingIn, or BlendingOut. IsPlaying<public>()<transacts><decides>:void = external {}
  • The potential states of a play animation instance. play_animation_state<native><public> := enum:
  • The animation is blending in.


  • The animation has blended in, is playing, and has not begun blending out.


  • The animation is playing and is blending out.


  • The animation completed successfully.


  • The animation was stopped internally.


  • The animation was interrupted externally.


  • An error occurred at creation or during playback.


  • Get the play_animation_controller for the specified character. (InCharacter:fort_character).GetPlayAnimationController<native><public>()<transacts><decides>:play_animation_controller


  • Module import path: /

AI<public> := module:

focus_interface<native><public> := interface<epic_internal>:

  • Look At specified location. Will never complete unless interrupted. MaintainFocus<public>(Location:vector3)<suspends>:void
  • Look At specified Agent. Will never complete unless interrupted. MaintainFocus<public>(Agent:agent)<suspends>:void
  • Get the focus_interface interface for the specified character. (InCharacter:fort_character).GetFocusInterface<native><public>()<transacts><decides>:focus_interface fort_leashable<native><public> := interface<epic_internal>:
  • Set custom leash position.
  • 'InnerRadius' ranges from 0.0 to 20000.0 (in centimeters).
  • 'OuterRadius' ranges from 0.0 to 20000.0 (in centimeters) and no less than 'InnerRadius'. SetLeashPosition<public>(Location:vector3, InnerRadius:float, OuterRadius:float):void
  • Set the agent to be the new center of the leash.
  • 'InnerRadius' ranges from 0.0 to 20000.0 (in centimeters).
  • 'OuterRadius' ranges from 0.0 to 20000.0 (in centimeters) and no less than 'InnerRadius'. SetLeashAgent<public>(Agent:agent, InnerRadius:float, OuterRadius:float):void
  • Removes the current leash. ClearLeash<public>():void
  • Get the current fort_leashable interface for the specified character. (InCharacter:fort_character).GetFortLeashable<native><public>()<transacts><decides>:fort_leashable

navigation_target<native><public> := class<epic_internal>:

  • Generate a navigation_target from any position MakeNavigationTarget<constructor><native><public>(Position:vector3):navigation_target

    Generate a navigation_target from an agent


    Result of a navigation request

    navigation_result := enum: # The destination has been reached Reached # The destination has been partially reached (AllowPartialPath was used) PartiallyReached # Navigation has been interrupted before completion Interrupted # The navigating agent is blocked Blocked # The destination cannot be reached Unreachable

    movement_type := class<epic_internal>:

    Module import path: /

    movement_types := module: Walking:movement_type = external {}

       Running<public>:movement_type = external {}

    navigatable := interface<epic_internal>: # Return the current destination of the character GetCurrentDestination():vector3

       # Navigate toward the specified target
       NavigateTo<public>(Target:navigation_target, ?MovementType:movement_type = external {}, ?ReachRadius:float = external {}, ?AllowPartialPath:logic = external {})<suspends>:navigation_result
       # Stop navigation
       # Wait for a specific duration
       Wait<public>(?Duration:float = external {})<suspends>:void
       # Apply a multiplier on the movement speed (Multiplier is clamped between 0.5 and 2)

    Get the navigatable interface for the specified character


    Inherit from this to create a custom NPC behavior.

    The npc_behavior can be defined for a character in a CharacterDefinition asset, or in a npc_spawner_device.

    npc_behavior := class: # This function is called when the NPC is added to the simulation. OnBegin<native_callable>():void = external {}

       # This function is called when the NPC is removed from the simulation.
       OnEnd<native_callable><public>():void = external {}
       # Returns the agent associated with this behavior.

    Returns the npc_behavior for InAgent.
