To-do App is a web application made with:
Backend: Php, Symfony 5 and MySQL (also I used a Symfony library called Doctrine ORM)
Frontend: Vue.js and Axios
You can find this code in my github: LienaPuey.
Prerequisites: Symfony and Node installed
In a terminal, go to the main folder of the project and use the package manager npm to install all the packages needed, then do it on the vue_frontend folder.
npm install
Now you have to install Axios:
npm install axios
First you have to start MySQL (if you use Xampp or Wamp start it from there).
To run the servers open a terminal and first start Symfony in the main folder:
symfony server:start
Now, in another terminal go to the vue_frontend folder:
npm run serve
Now everything is set up!
Go to http://localhost:8080 in your preferred browser (Google Chrome is better regarding to the design of this app) and start adding To-dos!
You can filter them and you can mark them as "Done" or "Undone", also you can delete them.
I've been having a lot of problems with my computer (it seems that Windows 10 Home has some restrictions when developing) I've spent too much time trying to solve them and finally I managed to solve them by installing Linux. Also it has been very challenging because I had to learn php deepper and Symfony from 0 (and Vue.js almost from 0).
I would have liked to add some other features as editing existent to-dos and make everything more responsive but I run out of time (besides everything took me longer than expected due to the problems mentioned before).
It has been a learning journey in many aspects so I am proud of the final result although it's far from being perfect.