"Seamless Interaction” is a research project exploring open (no feedback) and closed (feedback) loop breathing guidance.
Breathing guidance is a popular way for users to relax, meditate, and be generally mindful of their breath. Breathing guidance could be needed at any time, therefore making a smartwatch, which is always-available and body-worn, well-suited for directing breathing exercises. Current breathing guidance tools are one-size-fits-all and do not allow for any customization based on the user. However, in many situations, such as after a workout or during a stressful event, users may want to be provided with breathing guidance that is customized to their current ability.
Android Studio installed on the computer
- Tutorial on how to install Android Studio
Wear OS app installed on the phone
- Follow instructions found at this link
- In the Wear OS app, under “Advanced settings”, ensure that the “Debugging over Bluetooth” option is enabled
Select the middle side button to open the app selection screen, open the “Settings” app, scroll to the bottom and select “Developer options”, ensure that both the “ADB debugging” and “Debug over Bluetooth” options are enabled
Open the “Settings” app, select “Connectivity”, select “Bluetooth”, and ensure that “Bluetooth” is enabled and that the phone is connected
Android Studio
You will need to use “adb” commands to install the app on the watch
To use the “adb” commands you must be in the correct directory, so make sure to navigate to that directory in the command line shell or set the path of “adb” into Environment Variables before running the commands
adb is found in “platform-tools” and the default directory for that is:
Enter the adb commands
The adb commands in the order they should be executed are
adb forward tcp:4444 localabstract:/adb-hub
adb connect
Note: “4444” is the port number and can be any number from 0 to 65536
Note: is the localhost IP address
After you run the commands, the watch should appear in the list of available devices in Android Studio
You will then be able to install the app on the watch
Tutorial video (watch until ~1:00)
Helpful resource for Python programming with sensor
README for sensor functions is found in
Sensor lights
Checkmark light (located in bottom left corner):
Shines GREEN if there is an adequate amount of force being applied
Shines RED if there is too much force being applied
Bluetooth light (located above power button):
Blinks RED when Bluetooth is on
Blinks GREEN when Bluetooth is connected
Charging light (located below power button):
- Shines ORANGE when charging
Press the power button to turn on the sensor’s Bluetooth functionality (Bluetooth light should begin blinking red)
- Change the IP address located in “server.py” within the main() function to the IP address of the network you are connected to
Note: You don’t need to change the port, but if you do make sure the same port is used for the server and the clients (watch and sensor)
- To start the server, run the “server.py” file
- Change the IP address in “MainActivity2.java” in the “Seamless Interaction” project to match the IP address of the network you are connected to
Note: You don’t need to change the port, but if you do make sure the same port is used for the server and the clients (watch and sensor)
Once the IP address is changed, install the application onto the watch
The app should automatically connect to the server any time it is opened if the server is currently running, but if it is not connecting to the server try reinstalling the app onto the watch (will need to run adb commands)
- Change the IP address in “client.py” to match the IP address of the network you are connected to
Note: You don’t need to change the port, but if you do make sure the same port is used for the server and the clients (watch and sensor)
Once the IP address is changed, the sensor’s Bluetooth light is blinking red, and the server is running, run the “client.py” file
The sensor will connect to the server if the server is currently running
Note: Data will begin to be collected once both the watch and sensor are connected to the server
Data is stored in a separate csv file for each participant (i.e., Participant 1 and Participant 2 will both have their own separate csv files)
The saved csv files are located in the same directory as the “server.py” file