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LiaScript - Interactive Markdown for Education & Documentation

This presentation illustrates the vision of Open Educational Ressources and its application on LiaScript. The document was used during a session of WeAreDevelopers in Berlin on 14th June 2022.

The sources of the presentation can be found at Link zu finden.

André Dietrich, Sebastian Zug

Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science

TU Bergakademie Freiberg



Question: Who already has experience in teaching (in school or university) OR writes tutorials for software?


Question: What was your hope before spending hours sifting through material, organizing and animating?


Developing learning content with other contributors

Version 1.0                            Version 1.1
+---------------------------+          +---------------------------+
| Course  German Literatur  |          | Course  German Literature |
| Authors John Muster       | "Error"  | Authors John Muster       |
|                           |------->  |         Angelika Maier    |------> ....
|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|          |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
| In 1756 Goethe visited    |---.      | In 1786 Goethe visited    |--.
| Italy ...                 |   |      | Italy ...                 |  |
                                |                                     |    Version 1.1
                                |                                     |    +----------------------------+
                                |                                     |    | Course  німецька література|
                                |                                     |    | Authors John Muster        |
                                |                                     .--> |         Angelika Maier     |
                                |                                          |         Стів Грей          |
                                |                                          |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
                                |                                          | У 1786 році Гете здійснив  |
                                |                                          | подорож до Італії ...      |
                                |       Version 1.0
                                |      +---------------------------+
                                |      | Course  Goethe & Schiller |
                                |      | Authors John Muster       |
                                .-->   |         Angelika Maier    |--+-->
                                       |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|  |
                                       | The correspondence during |  |
                                       | the Italian journey ...   |  |

Versions of the freely available teaching content of a course and its reuse in other courses.

Open Educational Resources

Open Courseware / Open Educational Resources ... teaching, learning and research materials in any medium, digital or otherwise,that reside in the public domain or have been released under an open license that permits no-cost access, use, adaptation and redistribution by others with no or 4 limited restrictions. Open licensing is built within the existing framework of intellectual property rights as defined by relevant international conventions and respects the authorship of the work

-- UNESCO 2002 Forum on the Impact of Open Courseware for Higher Education in Developing Countries (Link)

Challenges and opportunities of OER


General Misunderstanding of OER

Dateityp Anzahl
pdf 5242
jpg 1040
mkv 873
mp4 586
png 494
zip 443
html 387
docx 376
pptx 245
xlsx 191

Types of files labeled with "OER" on TU Bergakademie's servers


Specific problems

Requirement Meaning Challenges
storing/copying downloading, storing and copying closed learning management systems
use use in learning context different learning platforms
process transformation missing standards
adapting/mixing extraction and combination commercial software products, limited digital skills
disseminate / version management (digital) publication and version handling limited digital skills
identify find relevant materials bunches of OER data bases

Extended definition of OER according to 5V Modell described by Jöran Muuß-Merholz und Jörg Lohrer für open-educational-ressources

Surprise: A simple text document containing Markdown content and some training would solve the problems.


... but what about the content?

... no one will give you the teaching award for static web pages!

byte leds[] = {13, 12, 11, 10};

void setup() {
  Serial.print("Hello WeAreDevelopers!");
  for (byte i = 0; i < sizeof(leds); i++) {
    pinMode(leds[i], OUTPUT);

int i = 0;
void loop() {
  digitalWrite(leds[i], HIGH);
  digitalWrite(leds[i], LOW);
  i = (i + 1) % sizeof(leds);


Challenge: We have to bridge the gap between usability and interactive content.


LiaScript = free, open source,
            interactive learning materials,
            organized by a version control system,
            represented in a human readable manner,
            executed in a server-less infrastructure.                           .

Vision of LiaScript.

  Teacher's perspective                             Student's perspective

   GitHub, GitLab, ...
   NextCloud, Dropbox, ...

   | # Digital Systems V1|\
 +--------------------+  +-+
 | # Digital Systems  |\   |
+------------------+  +-+
| # Digital Systems|\   |                                  .-----------.
| (Summer 2021)    +-+                              ╔══════|  Website  |══════╗
|                    |  --------------------------> ║      '-----------'      ║
| ## Task 1          |                              ║ Digital Systems 2021    ║
|                    |                              ║                         ║
| + Implement ...    | --------------+              ║ TASK 1                  ║
|                    |    Trans-     |              ║ ...                     ║
|                    |    formation  |              ╚═════════════════════════╝
+--------------------+               v
                                .-,(   ),-.                .-----------.
License: ...                 .-(           )-.      ╔══════|   LMS  Y  |══════╗
Content: ...                (   Lia Exporter  )     ║      '-----------'      ║
Author: ...                  '-(           )-'  +-->║ Digital Systems 2021    ║
Versions: ...                   '-.(   ).-'     |   ║                         ║
                                     |          |
                                     +----------+          .-----------.
                                                |   ╔══════|  Webapp   |══════╗
                                                |   ║      '-----------'      ║
                                                +-->║ Digital Systems 2021    ║
                                                    ║                         ║

Transformation of OER materials for use in various LMSs.


Extensions to Links

Greek vase painting: seated young man writes on a wax tablet with a stylus

?Sappho: Ode to Aphrodite

!?Greek Art History from Goodbye-Art Academy

??Neck Amphora

??Capacitor simulation by Falstad

Animation & Articulation

1. Animations


Animations in LiaScript are associated with double braces {begin-end}.

I will begin at
animation-step 2 and end at step 5.

Inline animations work {4}{similar ;-)}.

2. Articulation


Add an number in double braces to the head of a block let it appear at a certain step.


Animations in LiaScript are associated with double braces {begin-end}.

I will begin at
animation-step 2 and end at step 3.

Tables will be presented in more detail in the next part.


Unpack the braces and define animations within a block.


Inline animations work {4}{similar ;-)}.

--{{4 Russian Female}}--

«Для торжества зла достаточно бездействия хороших людей».


1. Basics

Tables Are Cool
col 3 is right-aligned $1600
col 2 is centered $12
zebra stripes are neat $1

2. Tables can be more

Animal weight in kg Lifespan years Mitogen
Mouse 0.028 02 95
Flying squirrel 0.085 15 50
Brown bat 0.020 30 10
Sheep 90 12 95
Human 68 70 10

3. Smart Visualization

Music-Style 1994 Classic Country Reggae Hip-Hop Hard-Rock Samba
Student rating 50 50 100 200 350 250

4. Combination with animations

Music-Style {0-1}{1994} {1}{2014} Student rating
Classic {0-1}{50} {1}{20}
Country {0-1}{50} {1}{30}
Reggae 100
Hip-Hop {0-1}{200} {1}{220}
Hard-Rock {0-1}{350} {1}{400}
Samba {0-1}{250} {1}{230}

5. Customization

Seattle Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
0 40.7 41.5 43.6 46.6 51.4 56.0 60.5 61.2 57.0 50.1 44.1 39.6
2 40.2 40.7 42.7 45.3 50.0 54.4 58.5 59.2 55.4 49.2 43.5 39.3
4 39.7 40.0 41.9 44.4 48.9 53.2 57.0 57.7 54.2 48.6 43.1 38.9
6 39.6 39.5 41.3 44.2 49.5 54.2 57.8 57.4 53.6 48.2 42.8 38.7
8 39.6 39.9 42.9 47.1 52.7 57.3 61.3 61.1 56.7 49.5 43.1 38.7
10 41.3 42.7 46.4 50.7 56.4 60.9 65.2 65.4 60.9 52.8 45.5 40.4
12 43.8 46.0 49.5 53.8 59.6 64.3 69.4 69.8 65.1 56.0 47.8 42.6
14 45.1 47.7 51.3 55.9 61.9 66.9 72.6 73.2 67.7 57.8 48.8 43.6
16 44.5 47.5 51.4 55.9 62.3 67.5 73.9 74.3 68.2 57.4 47.8 42.6
18 42.6 44.7 48.7 53.8 60.3 65.9 72.3 72.2 64.6 53.9 46.0 41.2
20 42.0 43.3 46.4 50.2 56.0 61.4 66.9 66.6 60.7 52.3 45.2 40.7
22 41.4 42.5 45.0 48.3 53.5 58.2 63.2 63.5 58.7 51.1 44.5 40.1


Type 1

1.9 |
    |                 *
  y |               *   *
  - | r r r r r r r*r r r*r r r r r r r
  a |             *       *
  x |            *         *
  i | B B B B B * B B B B B * B B B B B
  s |         *               *
    | *  * *                     * *  *
 -1 +------------------------------------
    0              x-axis               1

Type 2

                                       Peer A
                                       Server-Reflexive    +---------+
                                       Transport Address   |         |
                                o         |
                                           |              /|         |
                         TURN              |             /^|  Peer A |
   Client's              Server            |            / ||         |
   Host Transport        Transport         |           /  ||         |
   Address               Address           |      ____/   |+---------+     |+-+  /      Peer A
           |               |               ||N| /       Host Transport
           |   +-+         |               ||A|/        Address
           |   | |         |               v|T|
           |   | |         |               /+-+
.---------.|   | |         |o---------o   /              #---------#
|         ||   |N|         ||         | _/               |         |
| TURN    |v   | |         v| TURN    |/                 |         |
| Client  |----|A|----------| Server  #------------------|  Peer B |
|         |    | |^         |         |^                ^|         |
|         |    |T||         |         ||                ||         |
'---------'    | ||         o---------o|                |#---------#
               | ||                    |                |
               | ||                    |                |
               +-+|                    |                |
                  |                    |                |
                  |                    |                |
            Client's                   |            Peer B
            Server-Reflexive    Relayed             Transport
            Transport Address   Transport Address   Address

Type LiaScript

😎                   👩

Bob                Alice
 |   "{1}{hello}"    |
 |                   |
 | "{2}{How r you?}" |
 |<- - - - - - - - - |
 |                   |
Bob                Alice

 😎                  👩


  • Task 1
  • Task 2


Can you define a quiz with less effort?

  • [[ ]] Empty means not checked
  • [[X]] Uppercase X means checked ...
  • [[x]] ... and lowercase x too ...
  • [[ ]] as defined in the first line ...

More Quizzes

If $ I = \int (3x^{2}+125x+64) dx $, then what is $\int_{0}^{1} I dx$ equal to?

[( )] $\frac{159}{2}$ [( )] $\frac{171}{2}$ [( )] $\frac{221}{2}$ [(X)] $\frac{225}{2}$ [[?]] Integrate and apply the limits.

Consider $I = \int_{0}^{1} (3x^{2}+125x+64) dx$


$$ I = \Bigg[ \frac{3x^2}{3} + \frac{125x^2}{2} + 64x \Bigg]_{0}^{1} $$


$$ \Bigg( 3x^2 + \frac{125x^2}{2} + 64x \Bigg)_{0}^{1} $$


$$ 1 + \frac{125}{2} + 64 $$


$$ \therefore I = \frac{225}{2} $$

German is weird

Guess the correct German article for:

[[male (der)] (female [die]) [neuter (das)]] [ [X] [ ] [ ] ] Mann - German for man [ ( ) (X) ( ) ] Frau - German for woman [ [X] [ ] [ ] ] Junge - German for boy [ ( ) ( ) (X) ] Mädchen - German for girl [ [X] [X] [ ] ] Paprika - German for bell pepper [ (X) (X) (X) ] Joghurt - German for yogurt


let who = data.first_name + " " + data.last_name;

if( {
  who + " is online"; }
else {
  who + " is NOT online"; }
  "first_name" :  "Sammy",
  "last_name"  :  "Shark",
  "online"     :  true
<script> // insert the JSON dataset into the local variable data let data = @input(1); // eval the script that uses this dataset eval(`@input(0)`); </script>

More examples at:

What is Coding?

Math ...

(3 * x - 5x)^3 * (x + x)







Music ...

% autoplay: true

X: 1
T: Cooley's
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: Emin
"Em"EBBA B2 EB|B2 AB defg|"D"afe^c dBAF|"Em"DEFD E2:|
|:gf|"Em"eB B2 efge|eB B2 gedB|"D"A2 FA DAFA|A2 FA defg|
"Em"eB B2 eBgB|eB B2 defg|"D"afe^c dBAF|"Em"DEFD E2:|




Thank you. It’s true, and these are the best and the
finest. When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending
their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending
you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and
they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing
drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some,
I assume, are good people.

But I speak to border guards and they tell us what we’re
getting. And it only makes common sense. It only makes
common sense. They’re sending us not the right people.



How to create a LiaScript Macros




The square of

<script input="range" default="0" output="x">@input</script>



A bit more complex (CO2 offsetting by trees)

It can be concluded that the annual CO2 offsetting rate varies from

<script input="range" output="minCO2" default="21.77" format="number" localeStyle="unit" unit="kilogram" > @input </script>

$\frac{\text{CO}_2}{\text{tree}}$ to

<script input="range" output="maxCO2" default="31.5" format="number" localeStyle="unit" unit="kilogram" > @input </script>

$\frac{\text{CO}_2}{\text{tree}}$. To compensate 1 tonne of CO2,

<script> Math.round(1000 / @input(`maxCO2`)) </script>


<script> Math.round(1000 / @input(`minCO2`)) </script>

trees are needed. In Europe, there are

<script input="range" output="minTrees" default="300" format="number" > @input </script>


<script input="range" output="maxTrees" default="500" format="number" > @input </script>

trees per hectare. For calculating the figures on the Encon website, we assume a rate of

<script output="averageCO2" format="number" localeStyle="unit" unit="kilogram" > Math.round((@input(`minCO2`) + @input(`maxCO2`))/2, 2) </script>

CO2/tree and an average of

<script output="averageTrees" format="number"> Math.round((@input(`minTrees`) + @input(`maxTrees`))/2, 2) </script>

trees per hectare. This means that 1 hectare of forest:


trees x

<script format="number" localeStyle="unit" unit="kilogram">@input(`averageCO2`)</script>

$\frac{\text{CO}_2}{\text{tree}}$ =

<script output="savings" format="number" localeStyle="unit" unit="kilogram">@input(`averageTrees`) * @input(`averageCO2`)</script>

of $\text{CO}_2$ offsets, i.e.

<script format="number">@input(`savings`) / 1000</script> tonnes $\frac{\text{CO}_2}{\text{hectare}}$.


Combining scripts with Markdown

Pos: <script run-once default="0" output="result" input="range" value="2" min="0" max="25" step="0.1" > @input </script> and amplitude:

<script run-once default="0" output="amp" input="range" value="1" min="0" max="2" step="0.1" > @input </script>
Header 1 <script>@input(result)</script>
1 @sin(1)
2 @sin(2)
3 @sin(3)
4 @sin(4)
5 @sin(5)
6 @sin(6)
7 @sin(7)
8 @sin(8)
9 @sin(9)

Scripts can output HTML and LiaScript too

The first value defines some kind of range:

<script input="range" value="2" output="range">@input</script>

, while the second can be interpreted as range

<script input="range" value="50" output="amplitude">@input</script>.

You can double-click on any gray element to inspect and edit its javascript code.

<script run-once style="display: inline-block; width: 100%"> function func(x) { x /= 10; return Math.sin(x) * Math.cos(x * @input(`range`) + 1) * Math.sin(x * 3 + 2) * @input(`amplitude`); } function generateData() { let data = []; for (let i = -200; i <= 200; i += 0.1) { data.push([i, func(i)]); } return data; } let option = { animation: false, grid: { top: 40, left: 50, right: 40, bottom: 50 }, xAxis: { name: 'x', minorTick: { show: true }, splitLine: { lineStyle: { color: '#999' } }, minorSplitLine: { show: true, lineStyle: { color: '#ddd' } } }, yAxis: { name: 'y', min: -100, max: 100, minorTick: { show: true }, splitLine: { lineStyle: { color: '#999' } }, minorSplitLine: { show: true, lineStyle: { color: '#ddd' } } }, dataZoom: [{ show: true, type: 'inside', filterMode: 'none', xAxisIndex: [0], startValue: -20, endValue: 20 }, { show: true, type: 'inside', filterMode: 'none', yAxisIndex: [0], startValue: -20, endValue: 20 }], series: [ { type: 'line', showSymbol: false, clip: true, data: generateData() } ] } "HTML: " </script>

How do you Share your content?




Did you like the presentation so far?

[(1)] no way, could not find a way out
[(2)] not that bad actually
[(3)] I don't care, was here to get faster to the lunch
[(4)] was quite convincing
[(5)] yes of course, LUA is the best ;-)

Will you use LiaScript in the future?

[(yes)] Definitely, I will try it out
[(maybe)] I am not sure at the moment
[(no)]  No, I am not convinced

Which features will you use?

[[TTS]]       The text-to-speech and animations
[[Coding]]    The coding with the editor
[[ASCII]]     The ASCII-art feature
[[Tables]]    Tables to visualize data
[[Quizzes]]   Interactive quizzes
[[Scripting]] The JavaScript features and macros

Additional resources

How to contact us: