This class was written to be a super simple 1hr hardware + software build, where students get to make an eerie, light based, Theremin musical instrument. Here's a diagram of the completed "Light Theremin".
The first document below is a one page class handout. The front side is the breadboard build and sample code. The back side shows how to run the code and go from just sampling light data, to making music! The second document is a "parts info & resources" handout on where to get your own Arduino kit to make this and many other projects and useful resources:
- Class Handout/Build Doc - LCBB_Arduino-Music-w-Light_2021.pdf
- More info, take home flyer - LCBB_arduino-music-w-light_parts-n-resources.pdf
The hardware in this project is super simple, though you will need to reference an on line guide on how breadboards work:
1 – Arduino board ([this $27 kit[( has it all)
1 – Speaker (4-8 ohm, 3W max) OR Passive Buzzer- ex:
1 - 1kΩ resistors (for MP3 serial lines) - ex:
1 - CdS Light Sensor photo resistor-
5 – Male/Male dupont connecting wires, 2 M/F -
1 - Breadboard - ex:
OR, this $25 kit from Amazon has everything you need, and then some.
All LCBB code and related materials are copy left (open sourced) under the Creative Commons (CC)(BY)(SA)[1] License.
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