LCBB_Sibling_Alarm.pdf This is the Sibling Detector Alarm Workshop PDF Handout (aka build doc) that contains step by step build directions and references to sensor recipes (in the cookbook (below).
LCBB Arduino Cookbook This is the cookbook with all the build and coding recipies needed for this build. If you want to save on paper, recommend only printing the pages:
- Arduino reference sheet (pg 4-5)
- "Breadboard recipe" (pg 11-12)
- "OUTPUT: Buzzer Alarms" recipe (pg 30-31)
- "INPUT: People Motion Sensor" recipe (pg 41-42)
- "INPUT/OUTPUT: The LCD/Keypad Shield" recipe (pg 44-50).
Not requires, but nice to have (on line) to help with class time. If students/helpers get stuck, helpers can copy/paste code for each of the steps to help get student back on track.
Step-2 Example Code - step-2_buzzer-alarm.ino If you have problems with the passive buzzer code, feel free to copy/paste this code for this step.
Step-3 Example Code - step-3_PIR-motion.ino If you have problems with the PIR (Passive Infra Red/motion detector) code, feel free to copy/paste this code for this step.
Setp-4 Example Code - step-4_PIR_buzzer.ino If you have problems with merging the PIR and buzzer code, feel free to copy/paste this code for this step.
Step-5 Example Code - step-5_complete_PIR_LCD-keypad_buzzer_sibling_alarm.ino Merging the LCD code along with the PIR and buzzer coad can be a challenge. See how your code differs from this.
Other example code from our cookbook recipeis can be found here:
- PIR Motion Sensor - https://github.com/LetsCodeBlacksburg/arduino-recipes/tree/master/PIR_sensor_blink
- LCD-keypad Shield - https://github.com/LetsCodeBlacksburg/arduino-recipes/tree/master/shields/lcd_keypad
- Master LCBB Arduino Cookbook - https://github.com/LetsCodeBlacksburg/arduino-recipes/blob/master/LCBB_Arduino_Cookbook.pdf
- Generic ARduino ~$10
- HC-SR501 PIR Passive Infrared sensor ~$2ea
- Passive peizo buzzer <$1ea
- LCD Button Shield ~$15 (NOTE: Requires pin headers be soldered on, or you need to use a breadboard instead)
- Dupont 12" connector wires ~$8
- Small breadboard ~$2ea
All LCBB code and related materials are copy left (open sourced) under the Creative Commons (CC)(BY)(SA)[1] License.
[1] - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creative_Commons_license#Types_of_licenses