Releases: Lennster1/Hypixel-Skyblock-Utilities
Adds EXE to run program file.
Uses pyinstaller, one file to create an executable for searching bazaar prices. You don't need to have python installed to run this program. Report bugs in issues, or DM me through Discord, username in my bio.
A release because someone had a good idea
This release adds new features, including displaying amount of items insta bought/sold this week, and the difference between buy and sell price.
Thanks to @neyi780 for doing this.
Minor QOL. changes.
This change cleans up the code, makes it so you don't have to add underscore in multi-worded items, adds commas for different units (e.g; OLD [500000 coins] | NEW [500,000 coins] ), auto-installs the requests module if not present, and finally, added difflib to check close strings in case you spell it wrong. (idea by @Megiryuu)
Thanks to @outsparkled and @Megiryuu for contributing to this project!
First one baby!
v1.0 Update