diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 3c53ed81d..b2385a1b2 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,8 +1,166 @@
-# Bilberry Hugo Theme
+## Bilberry Hugo Theme
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+This is a premium theme for [HUGO](https://gohugo.io), inspired by the [Lingonberry WordPress](http://www.andersnoren.se/teman/lingonberry-wordpress-theme/) theme from Anders Norén.
-Option `noSummary: true`, ``
+Bilberry is an adaption that comes with different optimizations and little features as listed below.
Click here for a [DEMO / PREVIEW](https://lednerb.github.io/bilberry-hugo-theme).
+If you like this theme and/or use it for commercial purposes, please support me!
+## Table of Contents
+- [Quick Start](#quick-start)
+- [Configuration](#configuration)
+- [Features](#features)
+ - [Algolia Search](#algolia-search)
+ - [Keyboard Shortcuts](#keyboard-shortcuts)
+ - [Post Types](#post-types)
+ - [Pages and External Links](#pages-and-external-links)
+ - [Manual Summary Breaks](#manual-summary-breaks)
+ - [Disqus Comments](#disqus-comments)
+ - [Responsive Design](#responsive-design)
+- [About the Author](#about-the-author)
+- [Credits](#credits)
+- [License](#license)
+- [Support Me and this Theme](#support-me-and-this-theme)
+## Quick Start
+- Create a new hugo site
+hugo new site my-new-blog
+- Install this theme
+cd my-new-blog/themes
+git clone https://github.com/Lednerb/bilberry-hugo-theme.git
+# If you don't use git, you can download and extract this theme
+# manually into the themes folder.
+# Please ensure that the folder is renamed to "bilberry-hugo-theme"
+- Copy example content and default config file for a quick start
+cp -r bilberry-hugo-theme/exampleSite/* ../
+- Delete the `default.md` file in the `archetypes` folder
+- Test and configure your site
+cd ../
+hugo server -D
+## Configuration
+To configure your site according to your needs, just open the `config.toml` file in your project folder and adjust the settings.
+All options you can and should customize are commented so it should be no problem for you to get it done.
+## Features
+### Algolia Search
+Bilberry includes a convenient search functionality for your site.
+You can test it at the demo site.
+Just click on the navigation bar at the top right of the header.
+#### Setup
+If you do not want to use the search functionality set `algolia_search = false` in your `config.toml` file.
+If you want to include the algolia search for your site, you have to follow these steps:
+1. Register for a free Algolia Search account at https://www.algolia.com/
+2. Add a `New Application`. You can choose the `COMMUNITY` plan.
+3. Switch over to `Indices` and create a new one.
+4. Switch over to `API Keys` and copy your `Application ID`, `Search-Only API Key` and chosen `Index name` to your `config.toml` file.
+5. Ensure that `algolia_search = true` is set.
+#### Update the search index
+You have to repeat this step every time you change a post or publish a new one to update the search index.
+1. Publish your changes via the `hugo` command.
+2. Head over to `http://your-site.com/index.json` and copy everything in there
+3. Login to your algolia account, open your index and click at `Add records manually`
+4. Paste the copied text from the `index.json` file.
+5. Done.
+### Keyboard Shortcuts
+If you want to start a search on your blog simply type `s` and the search menu will open.
+To close it again you can enter `esc` at any time.
+### Post Types
+Bilberry comes with a bunch of predefined post types.
+Available post types are `article`, `audio`, `code`, `gallery`, `link`, `page`, `quote` and `video`.
+To use a post type, just create new content via the hugo command.
+For example:
+hugo new quote/edward-snowden-about-privacy.md
+`article` is the default post type if you want to use another type of content as the predefined.
+Just discover the entries from the exampleSite to get an overview over the great possibilities, Bilberry gives you ;-)
+### Pages and External Links
+The post type `page` is the only one that appears in the top navigation (when you click on the navigation button on the top right).
+A `page` can be a static page (about me or impress site) or a link to another page as it is used in the demo to link to the Bilberry GitHub repository.
+The post type `link` always links to an external site and can be used with or without a background image.
+### Manual Summary Breaks
+You can influence the summary outpot on the listing pages (such as the home page or the category or tag pages) in three ways:
+- You don't set a manual summary break.
+Hugo will care for you and generates a summary as well as a _Continue reading_ link.
+- You set a manual break via ``
+Just write your content and if you want to break use the code snippet to tell Hugo to break here.
+- You want to display the full article without a _Continue reading_ link
+In this case, set the option `noSummary: true` in the header area (Front Matter) of your `.md` file.
+### Disqus comments
+If you want to enable the functionality for your users to write comments below your articles, you can register for a free [Disqus](https://disqus.com) account.
+Just create a new site and copy your site's short name to the `config.toml` file at `disqusShortname`.
+You can manage and moderate the comments either on your website or at the disqus management panel.
+### Responsive Design
+Bilberry is optimized for desktop and mobile devices (tablets and smartphones).
+## Credits
+Bilberry is inspired by the [WordPress theme Lingonberry](http://www.andersnoren.se/teman/lingonberry-wordpress-theme/), created by Anders Norén.
+Bilberry is a theme for the great [HUGO static site generator](https://gohugo.io).
+A big thank you goes to [@Ipstenu](https://github.com/Ipstenu) for his help in [this thread](https://discourse.gohugo.io/t/search-index-json-file-for-lunr-js/6286/5?u=lednerb) that helped me to create the `index.json` for the algolia file.
+## License
+The Bilberry Theme for HUGO is licensed under the MIT license.
+## Support Me and This Theme
+If you enjoy this theme (and especially if you make money with your blog) and want to use it for your site, please consider a small or generous monthly support towards me so I can keep up supporting and maintaining this theme in the future.
+You don’t want to use Patreon?
+Just write me a short mail and we’ll find a solution: code@lednerb.de