Fastly's API is designed to work in the following manner:
- Create (or clone) a new configuration version for the service
- Make any changes to the version
- Validate the version
- Activate the version
This flow using the Golang client looks like this:
package main
import (
func main() {
// Create a client object. The client has no state, so it can be persisted
// and re-used. It is also safe to use concurrently due to its lack of state.
// There is also a DefaultClient() method that reads an environment variable.
// Please see the documentation for more information and details.
client, err := fastly.NewClient(os.Getenv("FASTLY_API_KEY"))
if err != nil {
// You can find the service ID in the Fastly web console.
var serviceID = "SERVICE_ID"
// We'll get the latest 'active' version by inspecting the service metadata and
// then finding which available version is the 'active' version.
service, err := client.GetService(&fastly.GetServiceInput{
ServiceID: serviceID,
if err != nil {
// Let's acquire a service version to clone from. We'll start by searching for
// the latest 'active' version available, and if there are no active versions,
// then we'll clone from whatever is the latest version.
latest := service.Versions[len(service.Versions)-1]
for _, version := range service.Versions {
if *version.Active {
latest = version
// Clone the latest version so we can make changes without affecting the
// active configuration.
version, err := client.CloneVersion(&fastly.CloneVersionInput{
ServiceID: serviceID,
ServiceVersion: *latest.Number,
if err != nil {
// Now you can make any changes to the new version. In this example, we will add
// a new domain.
domain, err := client.CreateDomain(&fastly.CreateDomainInput{
ServiceID: serviceID,
ServiceVersion: *version.Number,
Name: fastly.ToPointer(""),
if err != nil {
// Output: ""
fmt.Println("domain.Name:", domain.Name)
// And we will also add a new backend.
backend, err := client.CreateBackend(&fastly.CreateBackendInput{
ServiceID: serviceID,
ServiceVersion: *version.Number,
Name: fastly.ToPointer("example-backend"),
Address: fastly.ToPointer(""),
Port: fastly.ToPointer(80),
if err != nil {
// Output: "example-backend"
fmt.Println("backend.Name:", backend.Name)
// Now we can validate that our version is valid.
valid, _, err := client.ValidateVersion(&fastly.ValidateVersionInput{
ServiceID: serviceID,
ServiceVersion: *version.Number,
if err != nil {
if !valid {
log.Fatal("not valid version")
// Finally, activate this new version.
activeVersion, err := client.ActivateVersion(&fastly.ActivateVersionInput{
ServiceID: serviceID,
ServiceVersion: *version.Number,
if err != nil {
// Output: true
fmt.Println("activeVersion.Locked:", activeVersion.Locked)