We have 5 years of experience and successfully running a software house name as Learn2Earn (Professional Institute of Computer Sciences) and have a team of 20+ people. We are working on Hybrid App Development (Android, iOS, PWA's and Desktop). Our team has build a lot of apps for our clients and 15+ running apps of our own. We will provide you best services according to your given requierments.
For support, email constact@learn2earntech.com
For support, email support@learn2earntech.com
Visit Our Portfolio. learn2earn Portfolio
Client: Angular, Ionic, React, ReactNative, WordPress, TailwindCSS, HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, TypeScript
Server: Node, XAMPP, WAMP
Contact us at contact@learn2earntech.com
Hybrid App Development
What is Hybrid App Development? Hybrid apps are a blend of both native and web solutions. Where the core of the application is written using web technologies. It also Includes Android, IOS, Desktop and PWA ( Progressive Web APP ).
Ionic Framework
Ionic framework is an open-source UI toolkit for building performant, high-quality mobile apps, desktop apps, and progressive web apps using web technologies. We are working on Ionic Framework since Ionic v2 with Angular.