My name is Leandro Lima. I'm a developer at
I'm working mostly with Node.js.
I've been working as Backend Developer since 2017.
I love to learn!
- LeandroLS/VanityBTCAddressGenerator
- LeandroLS/bitburner-scripts
- LeandroLS/understanding-algorithms - Some algorithms write in Go
- Update on serverless/blog (2 years ago)
- typo on MarcoWorms/slaymoji (2 years ago)
- Refactor to use TypeScript on LeandroLS/SnakeGame (2 years ago)
- LeandroLS-archived/Mango (2 months ago)
- LeandroLS/VanityBTCAddressGenerator (2 months ago)
- LeandroLS-archived/MagicVilla_VillaAPI (3 months ago)