All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Implement user dashboard as AngularJS single page application #37
- Add change log #46
- Create tests for lessons API #55
- Automate deployment from development to production process #57
- Dynamically generate list of lessons under "Resume Learning" in user dashboard based on most recently viewed lessons #40
- Figure out best way to avoid needing to show start.html page when opening a lesson #53
- Refactor lessons router so that endpoints are appropriately PUT or POST requests #59
- Change /recent_lessons endpoint to return lesson name as well as the name of the first lesson module #60
- Use own promise library instead of mongoose's own default promise library #69
- Update package to latest versions #70
- Remove 'useMongoClient' option for mongoose #73
- Add 'useNewUrlParser' option for MongoClient.connect #74
- Pass option { useUnifiedTopology: true } to the MongoClient constructor #75
- Change response from /update_lesson_status to return status of request #82
- Change response from /update_lesson_notes to return status of request #83
- Change response from /update_lesson_time to return status of request #84
- Prevent lesson module functions from being called unless a user is logged in #58
- Remove dashes from lesson module name for Simple Harmonic Motion notes page #71
- Remove references to dashboard.js file #72
- Fix unit tests not closing because application server process is still running #76
- Each lesson module will have at least one interactive chart #11
- Able to save user notes from each lesson module that can also be viewed from the user dashboard #13
- Each module has an option to indicate if a module has been completed by the user #14
- Able to track total progress and see the most recently viewed lesson modules on the user dashboard #15
- Implemented workflow for processing source files for production deployment #4 #29
- Refactored API endpoints and added authentication for user-specific API requests #51 #56
- Started from the MEAN Stack Single Page Application Starter Kit.
- Built the home page and signin/signup pages, as well as a few other miscellaneous pages.
- Attempted to implement user authentication, but ultimately planning on completely restructuring the code, and starting from another template, passport-local-express4