As a student of software engineering at Aalborg University Copenhagen, I'm enthusiastic about creating inventive and user-friendly software solutions using the latest technologies.
- 🔭 I’m currently studying Software Engineering on 6th Semester
- 🌱 I've released a real time chat app with 1000+ monthly users -
- 💬 Connect with me on LinkedIn
- 📫 Reach me by mail
- Languages: Assembly, C, C#, HTML & CSS, Java, JavaScript & TypeScript, Latex, Ocaml, Python
- Tools: Azure, ChatGPT, Docker, Express.js, Flask, Git/GitHub, GitHub Actions, GitHub Copilot, Godot, JUnit, Menhir, NextAuth.js, Node.js, Ocamllex, Prisma, PostgreSQL Postman, Pug, Pygame, React, Redux, Render, RESTful, Socket.IO, Spring Boot, Supabase, Tailwind CSS, Unity, Vite, VS Code, WebRTC, Wireshark, Zustand