Roll20 API for Automatically Wild Shaping using the Roll20 D&D 5th Edition OGL Sheet.
NOTE: This API has not been updated in over a year. There is no guarantee it will still work.
I am a dedicated 5th Edition D&D player and GM. As such I wanted to craft the perfect tool for Wild Shape, one that required minimum effort from the user.
This API automatically populates its options with Beasts from the Journal. When you transform using this API, it creates you a unique sheet that follows all the D&D rules (as per D&D Beyond's Basic Rules) thereby allowing players to take both their own skill proficiencies, and those of the beast form. When you choose to revert from Wild Shape, the sheet that was created for you is deleted.
This system allows every beast to only be added once, and then every Druid or NPC can use the API to take that beast's form. The beast sheets are not affected by the API, and so they can still be used by the GM as NPCs or Monsters.
- You must have a Roll20 Pro subscription to use the Roll20 API.
- Navigate to your Roll20 game page. This should be the screen with the big game header and title.
- Go to Settings > API Scripts.
- Click "New Script".
- Name the script anything appropriate, and paste the contents of the AutomaticWildShape.js file into that script.
- Scroll down and select "Save Script".
- When a GM joins the campaign all macros will be automatically created.
All required commands are created in macros automatically when the API is installed. One command, "~EndWildShape", is an Ability created in the sheet of any creature currently in wild shape. These are the macros and abilities:
This command is for transforming the selected token. It produces a list of appropriate CR beasts in chat that the user can click to transform into, or if submitted with a beast's name it will attempt to transform the selected token into the detailed beast (presuming all capitals and spellings are correct).
A creature in wild shape has this Ability. When their token is selected, check the top-left of the screen for this button. Clicking it or entering the command reverts the selected creature to their normal form (if they have one).
If a wild-shape token has negative health when this command is run, the excess damage will carry over to the reverted token.
Adds the selected token(s) to the wild shape list if they each represent a character.
Removes the selected token(s) from the wild shape list if they each represent a character, or removes beasts from the list by name if all capitals and spelling are correct.
Lists all creatures in the wild shape list, and allows the GM to remove creatures from that list by clicking the appropriate X button.
Automatically populates the wild shape list, adding every Beast type NPC sheet that has a default token.
- Make sure the beast has a player-uploaded default token.
- Make sure you're using a filled out Roll20 D&D 5e Character Sheet.
If its not working with a default SRD monster sheet & blank player-uploaded default token then something has gone wrong. Hit me up in the API thread or at the link below. If you're sure the issue isn't something you're doing, open an issue on this GitHub Repository.
- Create an attribute on the NPC or PC sheet.
- Name the attribute "aws_override".
- Set the attribute value to "1".
If a PC is using the "aws_override" attribute the GM will be notified.
Automatic Wild Shape written by Layton Burchell: