- Ubuntu, MX Linux, Xubuntu, Lubuntu, Linux Mint, Pop!OS, Kubuntu
- Fedora
- OpenSUSE
- NixOS
- Solus
- CentOS
- Debian, Kali
- Arch, Manjaro, BlackArch
- Gentoo, Funtoo
- Void Linux
- Slackware
- Parrot OS
- Tails
- Qubes OS
- Whonix
- BlackArch Linux
- elementary OS
- Red Hat
- Deepin
- ArcoLinux
- Trisquel GNU/Linux
- Parabola GNU/Linux
- Alpine Linux
- Linux From Scratch
See Also
- i3wm
- i3-gaps - i3 with more features
- sway - i3-compatible Wayland compositor
- dwm See Also suckless.org
- bspwm
- openbox
- awesome
- qtile
- xmonad
- herbstluftwm
- stumpwm
See Also The Obscure Window Manager Project(DistroTube)
- dmenu See Also dmenu-extended
- rofi
- albertlauncher
See Also terminal.sexy
- Vim, Neovim
- LaTeX
- Emacs - Nice little Operating System that can be installed inside another OS! :)
- tldr - alternative to man pages
- neofetch - System info script
- glances - System Monitor
- irssi - terminal irc client
- mutt - email client
- NeoMutt - highly configurable mail reader based on mutt
- neofetch - system info script
- zathura - document viewer
- pfetch - A pretty system information tool written in POSIX sh
- screenfetch - system info script
- mpv - Command line video player
- rtv(unmaintained) - reddit client
- Clam AV - antivirus
- lynx - web browser
- surf - web browser
- w3m - web browser
- Stow - symlink farm manager
- GNU Readline Library
- WireGuard - fast, modern, secure VPN tunnel
- Pass - The Standard Unix Password Manager
See Also:
- LibreOffice
- Transmission - BitTorrent client. See Also Transmission-cli
- qBittorrent
- Blender
- Audacity
- Inkscape
- Kdenlive
- VirtualBox
- KeePassXC
- Pycharm-CE
- IntelliJ IDEA-CE
- Calibre
- qutebrowser - browser with vim-like keybindings
- Luke Smith - Luke Smith
- DistroTube - Derek Taylor