A MySQL/Erlang REST API skeleton built around :
- poolboy: used to implement a connexion pool
- mysql-otp: used as MySQL driver
- elli: used as web server
- hackney: used as HTTP client
- jsx: used to manipulate JSON
To build a release use rebar3
rebar3 as prod release
Docker image :
docker build -f docker/Dockerfile -t myerl .
Run tests with :
rebar3 eunit ct
In order to run Common Test you need a database, you have to configure connexion in
In config/sys.config.src
file :
[{kernel, [{logger_level, info}]},
{elli, [{min_acceptors, 20}, {port, 3000}]},
[{host, "db"},
{user, "root"},
{password, "${MYERL_DB_PASSWORD}"},
{database, "book_shop"},
{port, 3306}]},
{poolboy, [{size, 5}, {max_overflow, 10}]}].
To run the release :
MYERL_DB_PASSWORD=book_shop ./_build/prod/rel/myerl/bin/myerl foreground
Docker container :
MYERL_DB_PASSWORD=book_shop docker run -d myerl
You can run multi-container Docker application with :
docker-compose up -d --scale myerl=2
Test it with :
curl -s -H Host:myerl.docker.localhost -d '{"title":"The Hobbit","author":"J. R. R. Tolkien"}' http://localhost/books | jq
"id": 10
curl -s -H Host:myerl.docker.localhost http://localhost/books | jq
"list": [
"author": "J. R. R. Tolkien",
"id": 1,
"title": "The Hobbit"
"total": 1