This application is a basic Django app in which an user can log in via GitHub. When the user firstly enters the app, it asks to create a personal info profile with name, surname and some other personal data.
After the creation, the user can update the provided information. Whenever the user wants, data can be deleted and then created once again.
- Clone the repository.
- Create a virtual enviroment with Python 3.8.
- Install the requirements from requirements.txt.
- Create interviewproject/interviewproject/ with the following content:
GITHUB_KEY = <your_app_key>
GITHUB_SECRET = <your_app_secret>
- Create the application's migration files using the following command:
cd interviewproject
python makemigrations personalinfo
- Apply the migrations with the following command:
python migrate
- Run the server and enjoy the application ;)
python runserver
python test
To check the project tests coverage, run:
coverage run --source="." test personalinfo ; coverage report
This is the current coverage report:
Name Stmts Miss Cover Missing
personalinfo/ 3 0 100%
personalinfo/ 4 0 100%
personalinfo/ 15 0 100%
personalinfo/ 25 0 100%
personalinfo/ 4 0 100%
personalinfo/ 40 0 100%
TOTAL 91 0 100%