All the supplementary informations from Bedrat et al. NAR 2016.
Supplementary Data can be also downloaded from here.
The file ReferenceDataset.txt contains the reference dataset used in the manuscript. It contains the sequences and conclusion G4 or not for each sequence.
The Biophysical Data.pdf file corresponds to characterisation of the 209 sequences from the mitochondrial dataset. Methods used are: UV-melting, TDS, CD, IDS, Thioflavine T fluorescence and NMR.
The EF184640.1.fa file contains the human mitochondial DNA sequence used in the manuscript.
The G4HunterSupInfo.pdf file corresponds supplementary informations of the paper. It contains the legends for the supplementary figures as well as Table S4 and S5.
The G4HunterSupFigure.pdf file corresponds supplementary figure of the paper.
The TableS1, S2, S3, S6, S7, S8, S9a and b correspond to the supplementary tables not present in the main PDF file G4HunterSupInfo.pdf.
The script function_G4Hunter.r contains the functions created for the manuscript.
The script ScriptG4Hunter.r contains examples illustratig the usage of the G4Hunter functions.
The files G4H_hg19_1.75_ref.RData, G4H_sc3_1.2_ref.bed, G4H_sc3_1.2_ref.bigwig, G4H_sc3_1.2_ref.txt, MitoRef.txt, RefSetCalc.txt contains the output of the examples presented in the script ScriptG4Hunter.r.
The script hg19annotation.r allowed the generation of annotation of the hg19 genome used in the GenoFeatScript.r. The file hg19Anno.RData contains these annotations.
This project is independent of the G4-Hunter python repository even if both project are related to the same publication.