This library will export a series of files from a Unity3D project into a Unity Package (.unitypackage). This is very useful for automated builds of packages using app voyer. I use this myself on my Discord Rich Presence library so I dont have to rebuild the package every time.
Now with the improved CLI provided by System.CommandLine, simply run the --help to get options.
-$ dotnet ../tools/UnityPackageExporter.dll --help
Packs the assets in a Unity Project
UnityPackageExporter <source> <output> [options]
<source> Unity Project Direcotry.
<output> Output .unitypackage file
-a, --assets <assets> Adds an asset to the pack. Supports glob matching. [default: **.*]
-e, --exclude <exclude> Excludes an asset from the pack. Supports glob matching. [default:
--skip-dependecy-check Skips dependency analysis. Disabling this feature may result in missing
assets in your packages. [default: False]
-r, --asset-root <asset-root> Sets the root directory for the assets. Used in dependency analysis to only
check files that could be potentially included. [default: Assets]
-v, --log-level, --verbose <log-level> Sets the logging level [default: Info]
--version Show version information
-?, -h, --help Show help and usage information
Below is a GitHub action for packaging a Unity Package styled project (no Assets folder).
package_path: "~/lachee-utilities.unitypackage"
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# Checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your job can access it
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v2
# Install the packager. We are putting it outside the working directory so we dont include it by mistake
- name: Install Unity Packager
run: |
git clone "../tools/unity-package-exporter"
dotnet publish -c Release -o ../tools "../tools/unity-package-exporter/UnityPackageExporter"
# Pack the assets
- name: Package Project
run: |
echo "Creating package ${{env.package_path}}"
dotnet ../tools/UnityPackageExporter.dll --project ./ --output package.unitypackage --exclude ".*" --exclude "Documentation"
# Upload artifact
- name: Upload Artifact
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3.0.0
name: Unity Package
path: ${{env.package_path}}
We are doing a publish then running the dll to avoid .NET bugs involving running projects.
This package builder requires the .meta
files unity generates to properly pack the assets. If you are ignoring them in the .gitignore, this may cause issues such as incorrect import settings and broken links after the build. Please make sure you allow .meta files in your repository.
This tool will automatically scan selected assets for dependecies. This is slow and can be inefficient if you are including everything within the glob pattern.
Use the --skip-dependecy-check
flag to skip this check if you're including everything with the package anyways and/or don't mind if the package contains missing assets.
The --asset-root
flag determines from which folder to start scanning dependencies from. By default this is the Assets folder (so packages are automatically excluded, speeding up the process), but if you have a larger project (or a Package project), it is benificial to be more precise to limit the number of scripts and assets that need to be scanned for dependency.
The exclusion rule will still work on assets found with the dependency analysis.
This is a project I am using personally. I made it soley for this project. If you have any issues please make a new github issue, but I might not respond. I dont plan to actively maintain this as much as I do with my other library.