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Placement Rules

Lach01298 edited this page Mar 8, 2023 · 2 revisions

Certain multiblock parts like accelerator coolers, particle chamber detectors and vacuum chamber heaters must be placed in a certain location inside their respective multiblock order to work properly. These placement rules can be found on the tool tip of each block. The default placement rules for accelerator coolers and vacuum chamber heaters can also be changed in the config. Custom multiblock parts also have placement rules defined when they are registered. This page gives the details of what rules are available and how they work.

String Placement Rules

String Placement rules are very similar to Nuclearcrafts Placement rules. They are a string that consist of an amount, a optional amount modifier, a part and a optional special condition. They can also be combined together with Boolean operators to make more complex rules. Here is an example : one water cooler && exactly two axial magnet. any and two are amounts, exactly is an amount modifier, cooler and magnet are parts axial is a special condition and && is a Boolean operator.

Amounts include:

  • zero
  • one
  • two
  • three
  • four
  • five
  • six

Amounts modifiers include:

  • or at least
  • exactly
  • at most

Parts depend on the multiblock so there are no general ones.

Special conditions include:

  • axial or axially
  • vertex or at vertex or at a vertex

Boolean operators include:

  • && and
  • || or

Accelerator Cooler Rules

Parts include:

  • beam
  • magnet
  • yoke
  • cavity
  • x cooler where x is the type this includes any

Special conditions include:

  • different this means the types of the specified adjacent parts must be different. This only works for cavities and magnets.


  • three tin coolers
  • two different cavity
  • one yoke || one cavity
  • at most one magnet
  • exactly two lapis coolers

Vacuum Chamber Heater Rules

Parts include:

  • casing
  • beam
  • glass
  • nozzle
  • x heater where x is the type this includes any


  • one beam && one nozzle
  • two casing || one iron heater
  • exactly one redstone heater && two iron heaters
  • two axial obsidian heaters


Particle Chamber Detector Rules

The default particle chambers detectors rules can't be changed but custom detectors can. Custom detector rules are they must be placed within (less than or equal to) the taxi distance to a particle chamber block or outside (greater than or equal to) that distance. This is specified in their registration.