This project accepts contributions from anyone interested in improving it. To do so, follow these steps:
- Fork it
- Improve it, respecting the coding standards and using proper commit messages
- Submit a pull request
Your work will then be reviewed as soon as possible (suggestions about some changes, improvements or alternatives may be given).
Do not forget to verify that all tests pass, adding new ones if necessary. Also, do not forget to update the documentation if relevant.
- Code must work in MATLAB (>= 2013a) and Octave (>= 4.0.0)
- MATLAB-style documentation and comments
- Indentation: four spaces, no tabs
- Encoding: UTF-8
- Line size limit: 80 chars
- Newlines: Unix style, i.e. LF or \n
- Function names: lower_case_with_underscores_allowed_butnotrequired
This document is partially adapted from the TempoSimple contributing guidelines.