GCRCatalogs v0.14.2
This release (v0.14.2) of GCRCatalogs includes updates to existing catalogs and readers and new add-on catalogs:
- update the mag errors (for photo-z) add-on for cosmoDC2 (#375, thanks to @morriscb)
- AGN add-on for cosmoDC2 (#374 #376 #377, thanks to @evevkovacs)
- update to the DC2 parquet object catalog reader (#370, thanks to @wmwv).
(Note that while this update does not affect catalog users, it is a backward incompatible change for catalog creators. In particular, this updated reader won't work on older version of parquet object catalogs that do not have theFLUXMAG0
This version will soon be available on DESC shared environments (as always, thanks @heather999 for helping with the installation).