Pawel S Krawczyk, Agnieszka Tudek, Seweryn Mroczek, Andrzej Dziembowski
Changes in mRNA poly(A) tail length affect mRNA stability, transport or translation initiation. Deadenylation is a crucial step of RNA decay and plays an important role in the adjustment of the transcriptome to changing growth conditions. There are multiple methods for studying deadenylation, either in vitro or in vivo, which allow for observation of either mRNA abundance or poly(A) tail dynamics. However, with direct RNA sequencing on Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) platform, it is possible to conduct transcriptome-wide analyses at the single-molecule level, without the PCR bias introduced by other methods. In this method chapter, we provide a protocol to measure both RNA levels and poly(A)-tail lengths in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae using ONT.
Steady-state and dynamic measurement of RNA levels and poly(A)-tail length are the two possible types of experiments in which DRS data can be used. In this protocol, we focus on dynamic profiles of mRNA abundance and poly(A)-tail lengths during the response to heat-stress in a wild-type strain (follow up of1, data resembling those from2, unpublished dataset).
This repository contains data required to proceed with the final part of the protocol (nanopolish polya3 output files with poly(A) lengths for each sample) . They were processed using S. cerevisiae and S. pombe transcriptomes available from Ensembl ( and, respectively). Basecalled reads were mapped to the transcriptomes using Minimap24.
It’s assumed that all steps of analysis are run in the Linux environment. Installation instructions can be found on the documentation websites for each of the program.
Required R packages:
- nanotail (
- tidyverse
- ggplot2
- (optional) tailfindr (
If they are not installed yet, use below commands:
# optional (if you're going to use tailfindr (not covered in this protocol)):
devtools::install_url('', type = "source", dependencies = TRUE)
Having all reads with called poly(A) lengths, it is possible to continue with statistical data analysis. As this is direct RNA sequencing, each read represents a single transcript present in the library. At this point there are multiple routes of analysis possible, depending on the experimental setup chosen at the beginning. Here we will cover only the basic analysis possible with obtained data.
This will load all software packages required for processing of data included in this dataset
# load libraries
Load the example metadata tables for both S. cerevisiae and S. pombe spike-in data into R session using:
metadata <- read.table("metadata_heat.csv",sep=",",header=T)
metadata_pombe <- read.table("metadata_heat_pombe.csv",sep=",",header=T)
Metadata for multiple samples can be stored in data.frame object, with the required columns:
- polya_path (containing the path to nanopolish output file)
- sample_name.
Additional columns may contain supplementary information describing experimental conditions and will be included in the analysis table loaded in the next step of the protocol.
Data are loaded into single data.frame using read_polya_multiple() function from the nanotail package, taking metadata table as an argument.
# load data
polya_data_table <- read_polya_multiple(metadata)
polya_data_table$group <- factor(polya_data_table$group,levels=c("t0","t2","t6","t10","t18"))
polya_data_table_pombe <- read_polya_multiple(metadata_pombe)
There is also read_polya_single() function, which loads data from the single experiment to the environment.
Basic QC can be done using functions included in the nanotail package. This will summarize data based on the content of qc_tag column of nanopolish output files.
Qc_tag column of nanopolish polya output summarizes the reliability of poly(A) lengths calculation for each read. Possible categories include:
- PASS – read with correct segmentation, reliable calculation of poly(A) length,
- ADAPTER – the read was stuck for too long at the adapter part, so the read rate estimation, and thus poly(A) length calculation may be unreliable,
- SUFFCLIP – 3’ terminal part of a read (before poly(A) tail) was not mapped to a reference, so the assignment to reference may be inaccurate,
- NOREGION – no poly(A) region was found in the raw signal,
- READ_FAILED_LOAD – there was an issue with reading raw data from fast5 file.
nanopolish_qc <- get_nanopolish_processing_info(polya_data=polya_data_table,grouping_factor = "sample_name")
#polya_data is the table loaded in point 4.
# grouping_factor can be any of the metadata columns in the metadata table. Setting to NA will produce a summary of the whole dataset
As we can see, a large proportion o reads are assigned to the SUFFCLIP category. This is due to the reference lacking UTR sequences. As this should not bias poly(A) length estimations, reads with such a category can be safely included in the further processed dataset. However, caution should be taken every time such QC plot shows a large proportion of categories other than PASS.
If there is a large proportion (>5%) of READ_FAILED_LOAD this means there were issues with raw data accessibility. After checking that all raw fast5 files are accessible nanopolish analysis should be re-run.
There should not be many NOREGION reads as the library preparation protocol selects poly(A)-containing RNAs. Such a category usually means that sequencing read was incorrectly processed by the sequencing software (MinKNOW) and should be discarded from the analysis.
A large proportion of ADAPTER reads means that there are problems with the sequencing itself and, even if such reads could be considered for further analysis it is advisable to rerun the sequencing of such samples.
In the next step, reads which failed internal nanopolish QC (assigned to categories NOREGION, READ_FAILED_PASS, or ADAPTER) can be removed. It can be done using dplyr package:
polya_data_filtered <- polya_data_table %>% dplyr::filter(qc_tag %in% c("PASS","SUFFCLIP"))
SUFFCLIP reads were included as we expect them based on the reference transcriptome. However, in most cases only PASS reads should be included in the filtered dataset.
Next, we can show global distribution of poly(A) tail lengths on a density plot using plot_polya_distribution() function:
plot_polya_distribution(polya_data=polya_data_filtered, groupingFactor="group",show_center_value="median")
If spike-ins were added to the library, their poly(A) distributions should also be examined to identify any technical issues that can bias the DRS output. Samples for which S. pombe (or other spike-in) poly(A)-tail lengths strongly diverge should be discarded.
For multiple samples, it is better to use a violin plot instead”
plot_polya_violin(polya_data = polya_data_filtered,groupingFactor = "group",add_boxplot=T,transcript_id=NULL)
Next, find transcripts with significant change in poly(A) lengths between conditions using kruskal_polya() function (from the nanotail package). It uses Kruskall-Wallis test for comparison between multiple groups.
Computation of statistics can take several minutes to finish
The result table can be reviewed with the command:
View(polya_data_stats %>% dplyr::filter(padj<0.05))
Number of transcripts showing a significant change in poly(A) lengths can be assessed with:
polya_data_stats %>% dplyr::filter(padj<0.05) %>% count()
n |
150 |
Poly(A) lengths for individual transcripts can be viewed using plot_polya_distribution() or plot_polya_violin() functions, similar to global distribution.
The transcript identifier can be specified with “transcript_id” argument and may contain multiple transcript ids in form of vector.
Example for YMR251W-A_mRNA transcript, which is the most significant hit from statistical analysis performed in a previous step:
plot_polya_violin(polya_data = polya_data_filtered,groupingFactor = "group",transcript_id="YMR251W-A_mRNA")
Next, calculate the per-transcript summary of poly(A) length distributions. This will produce mean, median, and quantile (0.03,0.05,0.95,0.97) values for each transcript at each condition. Such numeric values can nicely show changes in poly(A) length between analyzed conditions as they represent poly(A) length dynamics with better sensitivity than just looking at mean or median values.
polya_summary <- summarize_polya_per_transcript(polya_data = polya_data_filtered,groupBy="group",transcript_id="transcript",quantiles=c(0.03,0.05,0.95,0.97),summary_functions=c("mean","median"))
Most yeast cellular poly(A)-tail profiles are normal with the mean and median located between 20 and 40 adenosines. Since from other studies we know that the newly made poly(A)-tail length is around 50-60 adenosines with the upper adenylation limit of 2001,5, the mean and median values most likely represent RNAs deadenylated in the cytoplasm.
Distribution of yeast poly(A)-tail quantiles values will range between 50-60 for the upper quantiles (e.g. 75-99th), and as follows those values will represent newly-made mRNAs, which might be nuclear or freshly exported to the cytoplasm. The 50th and neighboring quantiles will be similar to the mean and median, while the lower quantiles 5-20th will represent old and strongly deadenylated mRNAs, for which the poly(A)-tail lengths will be close to the DRS detection limit (around 5-10 adenosines).
We routinely examine quantiles: 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.50, 0.75, 0.80, 0.85, 0.90, and 0.95.
Obtained values can be plotted to show changes in selected transcripts. Quantiles distribution can be plotted with function plot_quantiles()
plot_quantiles(summarized_data=polya_summary,transcript_id= "YMR251W-A_mRNA",groupBy="group")
To look at transcripts abundance it is necessary to normalize counts to sequencing depth (and to S. Pombe spike-in, if was used). For this purpose please use:
polya_summary_normalized <- normalize_counts_to_depth(summarized_data=polya_summary,raw_data=polya_data_table,spike_in_data=polya_data_table_pombe,groupBy="group")
# A tibble: 5 × 3
group n norm_factor
<fct> <int> <dbl>
1 t0 123083 3.92
2 t2 45217 1.44
3 t6 130211 4.15
4 t10 59062 1.88
5 t18 31365 1
This will produce a separate table containing norm_counts column with normalized expression values. Obtained data can be used to analyze the relationship between transcript abundance and poly(A) lengths, and their dynamics.
Another option is to use genome-mapped reads, counted with other tools (like featureCounts), import counts to R, and normalize using software packages devoided for expression analysis (like DESeq2 or EdgeR).
All obtained values can be useful for data interpretation but can only be used if the appropriate number of reads is provided for each transcript.
We propose that such a cut-off should be at least 10 reads for mean and median values and 20 reads for mode and quantile values.
Many solid conclusions can be driven when analyzing changes in mean and median values. The mean will be more sensitive to extremely long poly(A)-tails and can show more differences between strains or conditions, that are however more solid if also seen in median values. Budding yeast is an exceptional species that does not contain cytoplasmic adenylases. This means that the poly(A)-tail can only be shortened or remain stable. In principle, this allows for the modeling of deadenylation rates by comparing changes to either the mean/medians or the quantile values. As in the case of decay rates, this can be done by fitting function parameters into experimental data, as proposed for decay previously6,7.
The advantage of DRS is that this method simultaneously provides information about mRNA levels and poly(A)-tail lengths. We suggested the use of the S. pombe spike-in because it can be used at the step of RNA enrichment by oligo-dT to provide a normalization also for the DRS datasets. The spike-in will also be useful to control for substantial down- or up-regulation of certain transcripts. Simultaneous comparison of changes in mean/median poly(A)-tail lengths and fold-change in RNA abundance can help to interpret the data. For example, a strong decrease in poly(A)-tail length coupled with a decrease in mRNA abundance is indicative of transcript decay. Conversely increase in both factors could suggest increased RNA stability or de novo transcription.
1. Tudek, A. et al. Global view on the metabolism of RNA poly(A) tails in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Nature Communications 12, (2021).
2. Czarnocka-Cieciura, A. et al. mRNA decay can be uncoupled from deadenylation during stress response. bioRxiv (2023) doi:10.1101/2023.01.20.524924.
3. Workman, R. E. et al. Nanopore native RNA sequencing of a human poly(A) transcriptome. Nature Methods 16, 1297–1305 (2019).
4. Li, H. Minimap2: pairwise alignment for nucleotide sequences. Bioinformatics 34, 3094–3100 (2018).
5. Turtola, M. et al. Three-layered control of mRNA poly(A) tail synthesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Genes & Development 35, 1290–1303 (2021).
6. Miller, C. et al. Dynamic transcriptome analysis measures rates of mRNA synthesis and decay in yeast. Molecular Systems Biology 7, 458 (2011).
7. Alexander, R. D. et al. RiboSys, a high-resolution, quantitative approach to measure the in vivo kinetics of pre-mRNA splicing and 3’-end processing in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. RNA 16, 2570–2580 (2010).