Supporting codes of the paper: Nonlinear programming reformulation of dynamic flux balance analysis models.
The paper describes a nonlinear programming formulation for solving dynamic Flux Balance Analysis models. The methodology consists of incorporating a KKT reformulation of a parsimonious FBA problem and applying a collocation technique to the ODE system. Please refer to the paper for further information.
The files here are organized by the case studies solved on the paper with different metabolic networks models:
- E. coli core
- E. coli iJR904
- E. coli iJO1366
- S. cerevisiae iND750
- Yeast 8.3
- main.jl: main file that defines all the parameters and initial conditions for the problem.
- pFBA_KKT_flux.jl: solves the DC_dFBA optimization problem in JuMP.
- plotar.jl: creates figures in PDF from the output.
- julia 1.5.3
- JuMP v0.21.4
- Ipopt v0.7.0
- HSL MA27