This package is developed to identify mutations on SARS-CoV-2 receptor binding domain (RBD).
severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is responsible for the outbreak of COVID-19, which began in China in December 2019. The SARS-CoV-2 RBD plays the most important roles in viral attachment, fusion and entry, and serves as a target for development of antibodies, entry inhibitors and vaccines (Tai W, et al. 2020).
The user may submit nucleotide sequences of any species to this package and perform mutational analysis.
- developed by MATLAB R2020a.
- To run the code, we recommend that the user make sure the Bioinformatics toolbox is installed on MATLAB (read more).
- All the nucleotide sequences must be submmited in the FASTA format.
- The user must prepare the input to this package according to their objectives.
- Download nucleotide sequences for any species, such as SARS-COV-2 patient samples, available on the GISAID database.
- Copy the dataset to the COVID_19_Mutations\Input directory.
- Download a standard nucleotide sequence from NCBI and copy it to the COVID_19_Mutations\Input directory. (As a default, SARS-CoV-2 sequence is provided in this directory)
- Should the user seek to map mutations’ location to the protein structure, a FASTA file of the PDB structure must be provided in the COVID_19_Mutations\Input directory. (As a default, the PDF file for SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is provided in this directory).
- Open MATLAB and add COVID_19_Mutations\CODE\Functions to the path.
- Run COVID_19_Mutations\CODE\main.m script.
- Input sequences are refined to remove any duplicate eneteries, and animal samples.
- Meta data (Country and date) of submited sequences is mined and stored.
- This package will generate a database of submitted nucleotide sequences along with their three reading frames (This step can take up to two days for large input files on PC)
- This database is then saved in the COVID_19_Mutation/Output/database directory.
- The main reading frame of the standard sequence will also be generated.
- Nucleotide sequences and Three reading frames are locally aligned to the standard sequences.(This step can take up to three days for large input files on personal PC)
- Sequences that do not show any mutations are then removed. Also a reading frame that matches the standard amino acid sequence is selected.
- Mutated Sequences are then saved in the COVID_19_Mutation/Output directory.
- Data is also stored in several tables of an Excel file that can be access in the COVID_19_Mutation/Output directory.
The generated Excel file comprises several sheets, discribed below:
- Nucleotid Seq Sheet: Comprises identified Mutations on submitted nucleotide sequences.
- Amino Acid Seq Sheet: Comprises identified Mutations on amino acid sequences.
- Nucleotide Frequency Sheet: Comprises the frequency of Nucleotide mutations across the submitted dataset.
- Amino Acid Frequency Sheet: Comprises the frequency of Amino Acid mutations across the submitted dataset.
- NT Location Frequency Sheet: Comprises the frequency of mutations' location across the nucleotide sequences.
- AA Location Frequency Sheet: Comprises the frequency of mutations' location across the nucleotide sequences.
- Country Frequency Sheet: the frequency of Amino Acid mutations per each country.
Should you face any question, please do not hesitate to contact me via
- Email:
- Tel: +1 (437) 236 6459