Version 1.22 release notes
- Added ball phantom calibration algorithm to leap_preprocessing_algorithms.py and added script d36_ball_phantom_calibration.py that provides a demo of this new function.
- Added detector shifts to parameter_sweep function to accommodate modular-beam geometries.
- Added torch tensor contiguous check to the verify_inputs function.
- Added C++ based tiff readers and writers that are faster than Python functions in the case where one needs to read only a subset of each tiff file in a sequence. This is useful when processing large files in smaller chunks. These tiff writers also store the slope and offset values in the header of the file when the data is saved as uint8 or uint16. The tiff readers also read in these slope and offset values (for when the data is saved as uint8 or uint16), so they can be retrieved later and the correct image scaling achieved.
- Minor bug fixes.