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License: MIT fpm test codecov

A modern Fortran abstraction layer for OpenCL

Focal is a module library which wraps calls to the OpenCL runtime API (using clfortran) with a higher abstraction level appropriate to the Fortran language.

The goal of Focal is to provide a concise and accessible Fortran interface to the OpenCL API while retaining the full functionality thereof. This is desirable in Fortran which as a language provides a higher level of abstraction than C; importantly this allows scientists and engineers to focus on their domain specific problem rather than details of low-level implementation.

Key features:

  • Removes use of c pointers to call OpenCL API
  • Provides a level of type safety using typed buffer objects
  • Decreases verbosity of OpenCL API calls while still providing the same functionality
  • Abstracts away low level details, such as size in bytes
  • Contains built-in customisable error handling for all OpenCL API calls
  • Contains built-in 'debug' mode for checking program correctness
  • Contains build-in routines for collecting and presented profiling information

Project status: v1.0.1 stable release


License: MIT


Getting started

Quick example

The following fortran program calculates the sum of two large arrays using an OpenCL kernel.

program sum
!! Focal example program: calculate the sum of two arrays on an OpenCL device

use Focal
implicit none

integer, parameter :: Nelem = 1E6           ! No. of array elements
real, parameter :: sumVal = 10.0            ! Target value for array sum

integer :: i                                ! Counter variable
character(:), allocatable :: kernelSrc      ! Kernel source string
type(fclDevice) :: device                   ! Device object
type(fclProgram) :: prog                    ! Focal program object
type(fclKernel) :: sumKernel                ! Focal kernel object
real :: array1(Nelem)                       ! Host array 1
real :: array2(Nelem)                       ! Host array 2
type(fclDeviceFloat) :: array1_d            ! Device array 1
type(fclDeviceFloat) :: array2_d            ! Device array 2

! Select device with most cores and create command queue
device = fclInit(vendor='nvidia',sortBy='cores')
call fclSetDefaultCommandQ(fclCreateCommandQ(device,enableProfiling=.true.))

! Load kernel from file and compile
call fclSourceFromFile('examples/',kernelSrc)
prog = fclCompileProgram(kernelSrc)
sumKernel = fclGetProgramKernel(prog,'sum')

! Initialise device arrays
call fclInitBuffer(array1_d,Nelem)
call fclInitBuffer(array2_d,Nelem)

! Initialise host array data
do i=1,Nelem
  array1(i) = i
end do
array2 = sumVal - array1

! Copy data to device
array1_d = array1
array2_d = array2

! Set global work size equal to array length and launch kernel
sumKernel%global_work_size(1) = Nelem
call sumKernel%launch(Nelem,array1_d,array2_d)

! Copy result back to host and print out to check
array2 = array2_d
write(*,*) array2(1), array2(size(array2,1))

end program sum

Where contains the following openCL kernel:

__kernel void sum(const int nElem, const __global float * v1, __global float * v2){
  int i = get_global_id(0);
  if(i < nElem) v2[i] += v1[i];

Bundled third-party sources

The following open source libraries are used as dependencies and bundled in the repository (./external):


This work was funded by the MENtOR project, a UKVLN project supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) of the UK. Grant reference number EP/S010378/1.