Package for working with SFTP in Julia. Built on Downloads.jl, but in my opinion much easier to use. Downloads.jl is in turn based on Curl.
The Julia SFTP client supports username/password as well as certificates for authentication.
The following methods are supported: readdir, download, upload, cd, rm, rmdir, mkdir, mv, sftpstat (like stat)
using SFTP
sftp = SFTP.Client("s", "demo", "password")
# On Windows, replace this with an appropriate path
download.(sftp, files, downloadDir=downloadDir)
statStructs = statscan(sftp)
#You can also use it like this
df=DataFrame(CSV.File(download(sftp, "/mydir/test.csv")))
# For certificates you can use this for setting it up
sftp = SFTP.Client("s", "myuser")
# Since 0.3.8 you can also do this
sftp = SFTP.Client("s", "myuser", "", "cert.pem") # Assumes and cert.pem is in your current path
# The cert.pem is your certificate (private key), and the can be obtained from the private key.
# ssh-keygen -y -f ./cert.pem. Save the output into "".