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Repository for the Tweet2Story framework for the extraction of narratives from tweets.

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Tweet2Story is a framework to automatically extract narratives from sets of Tweets. Despite the focus on tweets, it can also be used to extract narratives from regular texts. The tool performs a set of Natural Language Processing tasks, in order to transform the texts it receives into brat style annotations.

The tool was tested on a certain set of tweets retrieved from the Signal1M-tweetir dataset. This dataset consists on sets of tweets about an event linked to a news article about the same event. The tests consisted on empirical evaluation and on comparing the narrative from the tweets - extracted with Tweet2Story - with the narrative from the news article - annotated by an expert linguist.

To add some consistency to the evaluation, we tested its performance as an OpenIE (Open Information Extraction) tool. We perform this evaluation using CaRB and test the Tweet2Story framework against state-of-the-art OpenIE tools.

🚀 The demo of the Tweet2Story app is deployed (with some limitations) using heroku on the domain - For more information about the demo and the conditions in which it was deployed visit our demo repository.

Table of contents

  1. How to use Tweet2Story
  2. Evaluation as OpenIE tool
  3. Gold annotations dataset
  4. Acknowledgements
  5. Contact

👨‍💻 How to use Tweet2Story

  1. Tweet2Story structure
  2. Usage
    1. Input file format
    2. Known bug
  3. Narrative Visualization

This framework extracts the narrative of any document in a text file (.txt) from the directory "Data/input_files" into an annotation file (.ann) to the "Data/auto_ann" directory.

🛠️ Tweet2Story structure

This framework follows a structure developed together with Pedro Mota ( for the Text2Story project.

|   env.yml
│   requirements.txt
        │   │ (META-annotator)
        │   │ (ActorEntity, TimexEntity and EventEntity classes)
        │   | (Exceptions raised by the package)
        │   | (TemporalLink, AspectualLink, SubordinationLink, SemanticRoleLink and ObjectalLink classes)
        │   | (Narrative class)
        │   | (Utility functions)
        └───annotators (tools supported by the package to do the extractions)
        |   |   ALLENNLP
        |   |   NLTK
        |   │   PY_HEIDELTIME
        |   |   SPACY
        |   |   SPARKNLP
    └── Data
          └──auto_ann (Directory where the narratives are extracted to)
          |  |  GraceStormNarrative.ann (example annotation file)
          └───input_files (Directory where the input files for Tweet2Story need to be)
          |  |  GraceStormTweets.txt (example tweets text file)
	|  tweetIDs_by_nnewsID.csv
	└──CaRB (Code for the CaRB evaluation framework)
	| (Runs the Tweet2Story tool on the CaRB benchmark dataset)

👨‍💻 Usage

Create a virtual environment to run the tool.

git clone
cd Tweet2Story
conda env create -f env.yml
conda activate t2s
pip install --user -r requirements.txt

Basic usage of Tweet2Story:

  1. Store a .txt file with the tweets on the "Data/input_files/" directory;
  2.  cd Tweet2Story
     python -m text2story "GraceStormTweets.txt" -o "GraceStormNarrative.ann"

The framework is computationally intensive to use locally, but using our deployed version makes the extraction process very fast (5-7 seconds).
The file with the narrative in the form of annotation (.ann) is stored in the "Data/auto_ann/" directory.

Input File Format

The input file must be stored in the "Data/input_files/" directory. Each tweet must be separated by a new line.

The lines below are an example of an input file, which is stored in the input_files directory with the name GraceStormTweets.txt:

grace is likely to weaken to a tropical rainstorm prior to reaching the lesser antilles.
tropical storm grace packing wind gusts of 58 mph.
tropical storm grace will likely dissipate east of the lesser antilles.

🚨 Known bug

In this release, the program does not exit after finishing extracting and exporting the narrative. So when you see this after running the program:

It means Tweet2Story has finished its job, and you can manually terminate the process (using CTRL+C for example). If more than 7-8 minutes have passed after the execution of the program, it most likely already finish. You can check the "Data/auto_ann/" directory to confirm if the narrative has already been extracted.

Do not be alarmed by the large amount of command line output, the program is functioning normally.

📺 Narrative Visualization

At this point, the narrative visualization through knowledge graphs is not implemented in this framework automatically. However, you can check some knowledge graphs of narratives extracted from Tweet2Story on the Brat2Viz page.

The full integration of the Brat2Viz knowledge graphs are a future direction for this tools. An example of how the knowledge graph for the example in this repository turned out is shown below.

📊 Evaluation as OpenIE tool

  1. Usage
  2. Results

To perform an evaluation against other state-of-the art tools, we took advantage of a pre-existing benchmark framework to evaluate OpenIE tools - CaRB.

First, we ran Tweet2Story over the CaRB data, which created the results of the tool on this benchmark (extracted the triples from the CaRB gold dataset). They are stored in "CaRB/system_outputs/test/tweet2story_output.txt". Using this output, we can run the CaRB evaluator released under an MIT license.

In this repository, we use the CaRB tool stored in the "evaluation/" directory to calculate the precision and recall of Tweet2Story as an OpenIE tool and plot a PR-curve that shows that performance.

👨‍💻 Usage

If you want to run Tweet2Story on the CaRB data you can follow these steps, but be warned that it takes around 7~10 minutes to run:

  1. Make sure you have the virtual environment required to use Tweet2Story.
  2. Go to evaluation directory - cd evaluation
  3. python
  4. The output is stored in evaluation/CaRB/system_outputs/test/tweet2story_output.txt.

If you want you can skip the previous step, we already provide the output file. We suggest using the virtual environment created to run the Tweet2Story framework to run the previous script.

To run the CaRB evaluator, we suggest you create a new python virtual environment. Some packages have conflicting dependencies with Tweet2Story and can cause errors with the CaRB evaluator.

Follow these steps to evaluate Tweet2Story:

  1. Go to the CaRB directory - cd evaluation/CaRB

  2. Create new virtual environment:

    conda env create -f env.yml
    conda activate CaRB
  3. python --gold=data/gold/test.tsv --out=dump/Tweet2Story.dat --tabbed=system_outputs/test/tweet2story_output.txt

This evaluates Tweet2Story against the gold dataset of CaRB and stores the results in Tweet2Story.dat.

Lastly, we create a PR-curve that showcases the results against other tools. The results for each tool are stored in the dump/ directory. Follow these steps to create the curve:

  1. Follow the previous steps to create the Tweet2Story.dat file.
  2. From the CaRB/ directory run:
python --in=dump/ --out=graphs/Tweet2Story.png

📈 Results

In case you can't, or you do not want to create a new environment and run the CaRB evaluation tool, this repository already contains the results produced by it.

The Tweet2Story results file is stored in evaluation/CaRB/dump/Tweet2Story.dat. The PR-curve can be is stored in evaluation/CaRB/graphs/Tweet2Story.png and looks like this:

For more information on the CaRB tool you can check out the author's README, as well as their paper and repository.

📦 Gold annotations dataset

  1. Definition
  2. Dataset Structure
  3. Why should you use it
  4. How to reproduce the dataset


The gold annotations dataset contains a set of 48 news articles and 564 tweets retrieved from the Signal1M-tweetir dataset. The articles are exclusively in English and as stated by Signal, they are collected from a variety of news sources. Each article was curated by a pre-processing pipeline that removed unnecessary parts of the text, such as links. Finally, the texts were annotated by an expert linguist using the brat style annotations.

🛠️ Dataset Structure

The gold annotations dataset, we named it NE-Twitter (NE for Narrative Extraction) for simplicity, has a simple structure. It contains a folder with the brat style annotated narratives from each article and a csv file with the tweets IDs linked to their respective news article ID, both about the same event.

Why should you use it

There are no other dataset that we know of (as of August 25, 2021) that provide annotated news articles by an expert linguist in the brat format.

The automatic extraction of narratives is a current task where you can use this dataset. The annotations could be used as input and training data for models, or their structure can be used to make new custom annotations adapted to your needs. On another hand, the comparison of the narrative of news articles about an event with social media posts about the same event is also an interesting study and one can use these annotations to compare the narratives from both sides.

How to reproduce the dataset

The dataset is created through the Signal1M dataset where we get the news articles and by the Twitter API where we get the tweets. To retrieve the data from the Signal1M dataset, it is best to follow the steps in this tutorial, which uses Elasticsearch to collect the news articles (since the original dataset is quite large in size).

The tweets can be collected by hydrating them from the Twitter API. Simply install the Twarc utility using pip and run the following command, where the "tweetIDs.txt" contains a list of the list of tweet IDs in the dataset. This command will extract the JSON response from the Twitter API.

!twarc hydrate tweetIDs.txt > tweets.jsonl

Note: You will need to have a Twitter API token and a Twitter API secret to be able to use the Twitter API and twarc.

✅ Acknowledgements

Special thanks to both my master thesis supervisors: professor Ricardo Campos and professor Alípio Jorge.

A big thanks to my colleague Pedro Mota for helping with the structure of the framework. And a word of thanks and appreciation to Inês Cantante for providing the annotations of the news articles in the gold annotations dataset.

A special thanks to Dyaa Albakour from Signal AI for making their dataset available to us and for readily answering our questions accurately.

Finally, thanks to the Text2Story project that allowed me to create this framework and make it open source.

📞 Contact

For further information related to the contents of this repository (dataset or framework) please contact me (Vasco Campos) using the e-mail address


Repository for the Tweet2Story framework for the extraction of narratives from tweets.







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