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This is our Webmap template, which should be used to create webmaps for Hackney. Various functionalities can be added to the map as options, such as filters, address search, list views, statistics tables and other charts in the future. Examples of maps created with this webmap template can be found in the Hackney index of maps and geographical apps. Please contact Marta Villalobos (, Cliff Chavhundura ( or Sandrine Balley ( if you have any questions or suggestions.


Setting Up

Open terminal / bash and run the following:

git clone ``

You need a few helpers:

  • A file called osdata.js in src/js/helpers. This file contains the Ordnance Survey API key for the OS basemaps. For more information, visit the Ordnance Survey Data Hub.
  • A file called mapbox.js in src/js/helpers. This file contains the Mapbox key for the Mapbox basemaps. For more information, visit the Mapbox website.
  • A file called addressesProxy.js in src/js/helpers. This file contains the proxy URL for the Hackney addresses API.
  • A file called hackneyGeoserver.js in src/js/helpers. This file contains the WFS/WMS URLs for the internal/external services. For more information, please see the prerequisites and the hackneyGeoserver_template.js file.
  • A file called .npmrc in the root of the project. This will give you access to the Font Awesome Pro packages. For more information, see the Installing the Pro version of Font Awesome instructions.

You can find the templates in the helpers folder. Do not forget to remove the "_template" from the file names after updating them. After renaming the files, these will be ignored by git. You can change this by updating the .gitignore file.

Create your data file, name it map-definition.json and add it to data/YOUR_MAP_NAME_GOES_HERE/.

Go back to terminal and run the following commands:

cd lbh-webmap-template
npm install
npm start

When you see the text "Listening on port 9000..." (this could take a minute or so), open your web browser and go to http://localhost:9000/YOUR_MAP_NAME_GOES_HERE/index.html for the whole page version (with header), or http://localhost:9000/YOUR_MAP_NAME_GOES_HERE/embed.html for the embed version, or http://localhost:9000/YOUR_MAP_NAME_GOES_HERE/fullscreen.html for the fullscreen version.

Data file options

The options for the data file are as follows:

Option Type Required Description
layers Array required An array of layers to be added to the map. Layer options defined below.
layerDownloads Object optional An Object with the following keys layersand downloadSectionTitle.Layer Downloads options defined below
baseStyle String required style to use for the base map. Possible values:
OSlight: OS Light style.
OSoutdoor: OS Outdoor style.
OSroad: OS Road style.
We removed the MapBox option in Sept 2021.
CRS: EPSG:27700 - British National Grid by default. EPSG3857 - WGS 84 when we use vector tile layers
title String optional Title of the map that displays in the title box and the metadata box
showTitleInMetadataBoxOnMobile Boolean optional If true, the title will be added on the info box on mobile.
summary String optional Summary of the map. If title and summary are present, an information icon will appear next to the title and the text added in summary will appear as a tooltip when you hover on the icon (desktop only)
showGeoServerMetadata Boolean optional If true the code will try to read the metadata (from metadata.public_metadata) via geoserver and add it to the infoBox that appears when you click on "About the data of this map" on desktop or on the information icon on mobile. This is a view on Earthlight metadata. This includes the name of the layer, the abstract, source and last update date of each layer of the map.
about String optional If showGeoServerMetadata is set to false, about can be used to populate the text in the infoBox described above.
aboutTitle String optional aboutTitle can be used to populate the title of the infoBox described above (e.g: About the data/About the map)
showMask Boolean optional If true a semi-opaque Hackney white mask will be added to all areas that fall outside of Hackney. Hackney mask is the default mask. If true and a maskGeoserverName is added, the mask displayed will be the custom one instead.
maskGeoserverName String optional If the maskGeoserverName is not empty and showMask is true, the semi-opaque white mask will be the custom one instead of Hackney mask.
showBoundary Boolean optional If true the Hackney boundary will be added to the map. The Hackney boundary is the default boundary. If true and a boundaryGeoserverName is added, the boundary displayed will be the custom one instead.
boundaryGeoserverName String optional If the boundaryGeoserverName is not empty and showBoundary is true, the custom boundary will be added instead.
showLegend Boolean optional If true a legend will show on the map.
hideLegendOnLoad Boolean optional If true a legend will be hidden from the map by default.
showLayersOnLoad Boolean optional If true all the layers will appear on the map. If false or omitted, no layer will appear. Default is false
showFirstLayerOnLoad Boolean optional If true the layer with sortOrder = 1 will appear on the map, and only this one. If false or omitted, the behaviour reverts to showLayersOnLoad. Default is false
controlsText Object optional If showLegend is true, you can optionally set custom values for the text that will get displayed to show and hide the legend and to clear the map, otherwise defaults will display. Control options defined below
hideNumberOfItems Boolean optional If true The number of items is hidden on the legend. If false, the number of items is shown on the layer. This is valid for all layers of the map. A similar property can be set a layer level. The default value is false.
zoomToMasterMap Boolean optional If true the map will allow to zoom to the detailed view (OS MasterMap).
zoomToMasterMapBW Boolean optional If true the map will allow to zoom to the black and white detailed view (OS MasterMap BW).
blockZoomToMasterMap Boolean optional If true the map will block the zoom to the detailed view (OS MasterMap).
minMapZoom Number optional It allows you to specify what is the min map zoom level.The map will block the zoom when zooming out beyond that level.
blockInteractiveLegend Boolean optional If true the legend of the map won't be clickeable
showLocateButton Boolean optional If true a button with geolocation function will be added to the map.
showFullScreenButton Boolean optional If true a button with fullscreen function will be added to the map.
showResetZoomButton Boolean optional If true a button resetting the zoom to show the full extent of Hackney will be added to the map. (Non mobile devices only)
showPickCoordinatesButton Boolean optional If true a button to pick coordinates (latitude and longitude) and copy them into clipboard will be added to the map.
showToggleLabelsButton Boolean optional If true a button to toggle permanent labels' visibility will be added to the map.
performDrillDown Boolean optional If true a combined/drill down popUp window will be switched on. If false, the single default popUp window will be used instead. The default value is false.
personas Array optional An array of objects that defines any "personas" to be added to the map. Each object will produce a button at the top of the map, which when clicked will turn on a group of layers. Persona options defined below
showAddressSearch Object optional A collapsible search bar to be displayed at the top of the map to navigate to an address. Uses Hackney addresses API though a proxy. Can search for postcodes and free-text address elements (e.g. Maurice bishop, 210 Mare Street, E8 1HH.) You can set this to true to use the defaults. Address search options defined below
filtersSection Object optional An object with a filters object with one or more keys, where the key is the name of the property in the GeoServer database, and the value is an object with a heading (the heading text that will appear at the top of the filter), and options (an array of possible values for that filter). Note that if a layer doesn't contain the property named 'key', it is unaffected by the filter. A filtersSectionTitle can be added to customise the filter section heading. By default, it is Filter. An option filtersSectionState can be added and set to open or closed. The default is 'closed'
search Object optional A collapsible search bar to be displayed at the top of the map. The search bar will search every layer that is set as 'searchable' and has a specific attribute. For instance, you can search within differents layers showing different types of touristic places. These layers can have different structures, but all must have an attribute called 'place_name' that will be used for the search. If several places have exactly the same name, they are all highlighted (not just the first one). Search options defined below
list Object optional An accordion panel dispalyed under the map. Each accordion section lists all features of one layer. To be in the panel, ths layer must have a 'listView' configured (see layer options). Options: sectionHeader is the label shown on top of the accordion (e.g. 'List of all organisations'). If showIcons is set to true, every accordion section will display the legend icon of the layer after the layer title. If expandAll is set to true, all accordion sections are expanded when the page loads. List view options defined below

Persona Options

Object properties:

Option Type Required Description
id String required Id of the persona, used as a key in layers to specify whether a layer belongs to the persona.
icon String required Relative url of the default icon for the persona button.
iconActive String required Relative url of the active state icon for the persona button.
text String required (User-friendly) text for the persona button.

Layer Download Options

Object properties:

Option Type Required Description
layers String required An array of layer titles from the above data file layers array to be be made available for download.
downloadSectionTitle String Optional The title header which will appear on te webpage for the download section, defaults to Downloads.

Controls Options

Object properties:

Option Type Required Description
showLegendText String optional Text shown on the legend control. Default is "Show list"
hideLegendText String optional Text shown on the legend control. Default is "Hide list"
clearMapText String optional Text shown on the clear map control. Default is "Clear map"

Search Options

Object properties:

Option Type Required Description
searchSectionTitle String required Label of the search tool. Clicking on the label expands the search bar.
searchField String required Name of the data attribute that will be searched against. All searchable layers must have this comon attribute.
searchPlaceholderText String required Hint text displayed in grey inside the search bar. Example: 'type postcode or block name'.
notFoundText String required Message appearing under the search box if no result is found.
clearMapAfterSearch Boolean required If true, the map is cleared before displaying the retrieved object(s), so only the result is shown. If false, the result is highlighted but all other objects will remain on the map.
searchSectionState String optional The search can be set to be expanded or collapsed by default. The values are open or closed. The default is 'closed'

Address search Options

Object properties:

Option Type Required Description
addressSearchLabel String optional The text above the search bar. Default is "Go to an address"
addressSearchClue String optional The greyed text clue inside search bar. Default is "Enter a Hackney postcode or address"
addressSearchState String optional The address search can be set to be expanded or collapsed by default. The values are open or closed. The default is 'closed'
openPopUpWindow Boolean optional If true, the popUp window of the selected address is open by default.
addressSearchIcon String optional FontAwesome icon name of the address search marker. If it is not specified, the default icon is displayed.

Layer Options

Option Type Required Description
title String required Title of the layer. This is how it will be shown on the legend (if there is a legend on the map). It may also be used as a header in popups depending on how the popups are configured.
geoserverLayerName String required Name (not title) of the layer in geoserver which usually follows the following structure [Schema_name]:[table_name] (e.g. planning:conversation_area). The geoserver name does not need to be the same as the table name in the database, but will be by default.
personas Array optional An array of persona ids for the personas that should turn this layer on.
sortOrder Number optional This value is used to order layers in the legend (if there is a legend). If empty, the legend will be sorted alphabetically.
excludeFromLegend Boolean optional If true, the layer will be excluded from the legend.
hideNumberOfItems Boolean optional If true The number of items is hidden on the legend, even if the layer is on. If false, the number of items is shown. This is valid for this layer only. The default value is false.
countLabel String optional By default, a count line is shown under the layer name in the legend when the layer is on (e.g. "45 items shown"). Use this property to replace the default term "items" with another custom term, for instance "locations".
excludeFromFilter Boolean optional If true, the layer will be ignored from the filter, if there are filters configured for this map.
displayScaleRange Object optional This range is used to control the visibility of the layers. By default, the layers are displayed at all the zoom levels. If the range is added, the layers will be displayed from minScale to maxScale. If one of the values is not specified, the min map scale or the max map scale will be used instead
loadToBack Boolean optional If true and the layer is added on load, it is sent to the background. If more than one layer has this option, you cannot control which one will be at the back. This only affects the initial load.
highlightFeatureOnHoverOrSelect Boolean optional If true, polygon and polyline features will be highlighted on mouse hover and on popup opening. Used in conjonction with the search, this option enables to highlight features retrieved by a search (if they have a popup).
zoomToFeatureOnClick Boolean optional If true, clicking on a polygon features will zoom to its extent.
followLinkOnClick String optional Set to the name of the field containing a hyperlink. If set, clicking on a feature will follow the link. Links starting with http open in a blank tab, others are just moving to different sections of the page.
openPopupClosestToMapCentre Boolean optional If true, the feature closest to the map center will have its popup open on load. Use if you're planning to use coordinates in the URL. If the closest feature is in a markerCluster, its popup won't open.
pointStyle Object required Configures marker style in point layers. Leave empty if the layer is not a point layer. See Point Style Options for details
linePolygonStyle Object optional Used to configure style for lines or polygons. Leave empty if the layer is a point layer or if rangeStyle is defined. See Line Polygon Options for details
rangeStyle Object optional Used to configure colour range style for points, lines or polygons. See Range Styling Options details
categoryStyle Object optional Used to configure colour category style for points, lines or polygons. See Category Styling Options details
popup Object optional Used to configure the popups for the layer. See Popup Options for details
tooltip Object optional Used to configure the tooltips for the layer. See Tooltip Options for details
searchable Boolean optional If true, and if there is a search object defined for this map, the layer will be included in the search. The layer must have an attribute with the name specified in searchField in the search object.
listView Object optional If listView is configured, and if there is a list defined for this map, the features of this layer will be listed in an accordion below the map. This object describe which fields are displayed in the list entry. See ListView Options for details
h3HexLayer Object optional If h3HaxLayer is configured is defined for this layer, the features of this layer will be aggregated into hex bins and A hex grid will be plotted on the map. See H3HexLayer Options for details
spatialEnrichments Array optional This layer's features will be enriched with extra attributes using spatial joins (point on area only) as defined in the objects in this list. Where :
geographyLayer = Source of new attribute, must be the title of a layer in the Layers' Array
sourceAttribute = Attribute to be copied from enriching layer
targetAttribute = Attribute name being added as enrichment to this layer
placeholder = Attribute value to be added to layer when there's no spatial match while enriching each feature.
              "geographyLayer": "enriching_layer_title",
              "sourceAttribute": "enriching_layer_target_attribute",
              "targetAttribute": "attribute_name_to_add_to_this_layer",
              "placeholder":"attribute_value when no spatial match found"

Only available for enriching a points layer only

Point Style Options

Option Type Required Description
markerType String optional Possible values:
"AwesomeMarker": uses font awesome and the icon element below,
"CircleMarker": 6m circle with semi-transparent fill,
Empty or anything else: the default Leaflet blue marker.
circleMarkerRadius Integer optional This is only used if the markerType is "CircleMarker". If not defined in this parameter, the radius is automatically set to 6.
icon String optional FontAwesome icon name of the marker when markerType is set to "AwesomeMarker".
icon2 String optional A second FontAwesome icon can be used when an advanced style is required (e.g: an outline and a filled colour with different colours). Both icons will be stacked using the FontAwesome data-fa transformations.
markerColor String optional Colour of the marker when markerType is set to "AwesomeMarker" or "CircleMarker". See variable MARKER_COLORS in src/js/map/consts.js to get the list of colours.
iconColor String optional Colour of the marker's icon when markerType is set to "AwesomeMarker" and using Categorical Styles .This can take any arbitrary color string e.g "black" or "rgb(255, 165, 0)" or "#hexColor" . Defaults to "white"
markerIcon2 String optional Colour of the second marker when there is a second icon icon2 is required. See variable MARKER_COLORS in src/js/map/consts.js to get the list of colours.
cluster Boolean optional If true, Leaflet will use the ClusterMarker plugin up to zoom 12 (default), or up to the value specified in the next option. Beyond this zoom threshold, the individual markers will be used as defined above. The clusters are styled using the markerColor option.
disableClusteringAtZoom Number optional This value is the zoom level at which the clustering will be disabled. It can only be used if the cluster is true. If the cluster is true and the zoom is empty, the clustering will be disabled at the zoom level 12.
enableSpiderfy Boolean optional If true, Leaflet will use the spiderfyOnMaxZoom option, which means that a cluster might get spiderfied (all markers individual shown) when clicked on. The spiderfy only occurs if all items within the cluster are still clustered at the maximum zoom level or at the zoom level specified by disableClusteringAtZoom option.

Line Polygon Options

Option Type Required Description
styleName String Required The styleName will be used to identify the style of the layer. The following options are available:
"default" - The default style can be used with lines and polygons. In this style, you choose the colour and properties of the fill and stroke (see other style properties for more details).
"random polygons" - This option can be chosen for lines and polygons which need to be styled with one colour per object. We do not need to specify the fillcolor since this is done by the function.
"ranges" - This option is for polygons which need to be styled by colour ranges based on numeric values. If chosen, Range Styling Options must also be defined.
stroke Boolean Required Indicates whether polygons have borders.
strokeColor Text Required Color of the stroke. See variable MARKER_COLORS in src/js/map/consts.js to get the list of colours, or enter a hex code string.
Not required when using range/categorical styles with LineString layers!
opacity Number Required A number between 0 and 1 defining the layer opacity.
fillColor String Required Fill color for polygons. MARKER_COLORS in src/js/map/consts.js to get the list of colours.
fillOpacity Number Required Opacity of the fill between 0 and 1.
layerLineDash Number Optional The line dash style.
weight Number Required Weight of the stroke in pixels.

Range Styling Options

  • Layer styling option which heavily depends on d3 functions.
  • Complements the basic Line Polygon Style Options and Point Style Options with extra options to represent data by ranges. Line Polygon Style Options and/or Point Style Options must still be defined seperately.

palette Options

________________________Sequential (Single-Hue) Scales
  • "interpolateBlues
  • "interpolateGreens
  • "interpolateGreys
  • "interpolateOranges
  • "interpolatePurples
  • "interpolateReds
________________________Sequential (Multi-Hue) Scales
  • "interpolateBuGn"
  • "interpolateBuPu"
  • "interpolateGnBu"
  • "interpolateOrRd"
  • "interpolatePuBuGn"
  • "interpolatePuBu"
  • "interpolatePuRd"
  • "interpolateRdPu"
  • "interpolateYlGnBu"
  • "interpolateYlGn"
  • "interpolateYlOrBr"
  • "interpolateYlOrRd"
_________________________Diverging Scales
  • "interpolateBrBG"
  • "interpolatePRGn"
  • "interpolatePiYG"
  • "interpolatePuOr"
  • "interpolateRdBu"
  • "interpolateRdGy"
  • "interpolateRdYlBu"
  • "interpolateRdYlGn"
  • "interpolateSpectral"
_________________________Cyclical Scales
  • "interpolateRainbow"
  • "interpolateSinebow"
                    "property":"e.g. field_name_count",
                    "legendTitle":"e.g count",
Option Type Required Description
property String Required Layer's property/field value to be used for caluculating color, the propety must be of number type.
palette String Required d3's interpolates colors e.g. interpolateRdYlGn.
threshold Integer Optional Number of bins d3 should try to use to group data
legendTitle String Optional Legend Title - small text tht gove above the color legend
gradientLegendBorder Boolean Optional Enable to add a gradient active border to the legend entry based on the color palette
spacing Number Required A number of pixels to define the width of each range legend colour block. Defaults to 30px.

Categorical Styling Options

  • Layer styling option which heavily depends on d3 functions
  • If defined, Line Polygon Options and Point Style Options must still be defined seperately. Polygon Options -||- Point Style Options .
  • Note for when using Point Styles, for best results, please only define either markerColor or iconColor(glyph). The ommitted option will automatically use the categorical pallete for the style. If marker color is ommitted, pallete must be defined using a colors strings array (available colors defined in consts.js)

Pallete Options

  • schemeCategory10
  • schemeAccent
  • schemeDark2
  • schemePaired
  • schemePastel1
  • schemePastel2
  • schemeSet1
  • schemeSet2
  • schemeSet3
                    "property":"e.g. field_name_count",
                    "pallete":"schemeSet1 or ['list','of','colors']",
Option Type Required Description
property String Required Layer's property/field value to be used for calculating color, the field must be of categorical values.
pallete Optional Required d3's categorical color sets colors e.g. schemeSet1 or you can give your own list of color strings as defined in the consts.js file defaults to schemePastel1.
spacing Optional Required A number of pixels to define the width of each categorical legend color circle and text entry; defaults to 14 + (label length x 10) px, which allows for short labels to display inline. To force only one label per line, try 240 px.

H3HexLayer Options

                "partitionCountProperty":"e.g. description",
Option Type Required Description
resolution Integer required The resolution for the h3 hexagons to be used.Must be number between 8-12. Higher resoltuion means fine grained detail and will therefore take longer to proccess. Defaults to 9
partitionCountProperty String optional An optional string for the field/property_name of the layer for which to perform partitioned counts. This is useful when the user needs these values available in the tooltips / popups. Please use fields/properties with categorical values only.

[ℹ] This option takes the Points geojson input and converts into hexagons geojson, where each hexagon has the property count of the number of points which it overlaps/contains.

Popup Options

Option Type Required Description
title String optional The name of the field to use as the title of the popup window for each record on the map. If omitted the name of the layer will be added (e.g. Parking zones). To remove all titles enter "notitle".
afterTitle String optional An optional string to appear beneath the title in the popup.
fields Array optional A list of field objects to show in the popup with the following properties:
label (String): a label shown in bold before the field value
name (String): geoserver field name (matches the table column name)
afterFields String optional Text to display after the final field.

Tooltip Options

Option Type Required Description
orientation String optional Position of the tooltip. See details in Leaflet documentation. Recommendation: for areas, set to 'center'. For point markers, set to 'top'. Default is 'auto'.
offset Point optional Offset of the anchor of the tooltip. Default is [0,0]. Recommendation: for standard point markers, set to [0,-40].
title String optional The name of the field to use as the title of the tooltip window for each record on the map. If omitted the name of the layer will be added (e.g. Parking zones). To remove all titles enter "notitle".
afterTitle String optional An optional string to appear beneath the title in the tooltip.
fields Array optional A list of field objects to show in the tooltip with the following properties:
label (String): a label shown in bold before the field value
name (String): geoserver field name (matches the table column name)
afterFields String optional Text to display after the final field.
permanent Bool optional Option to turn tooltips into layer labels.

ListView Options

Option Type Required Description
title String required The name of the field to use as the title of the list entry.
fields Array optional A list of field objects to show in the list entry with the following properties:
label (String): a label shown in bold before the field value
name (String): geoserver field name (matches the table column name)

Statistics Options

Option Type Required Description Default
sectionHeader String optional The name of the field to use as the title of the Tables section. "Tables"
accordionStatus String Optional If string "allExplanded" is entered, this will expand all Statistic Accordions on load. false
statisticsTables Array required A list of Statistic tables to be shown

Statistics Table Options

  • To avoid errors, please ommit any options NOT being used in your Tables.

These option can be written in any order however they will be proccessed in the following order when creating a table:

  1. filters
  2. dtypes
  3. groupBy + aggregations | OR | functions
  4. labels
  5. fillNa
  6. round
  7. sortBy
  8. replacers

Option Type Required Description Default
tableTitle String required The String to use as the Title of the Statistic Table.
scope Array required A list of map layers' titles from the layers for whose data should be referenced in this table creation. Note These layers must all have the same data schema for the fields beings referenced
filters Array optional A list of object data filters to be applied to all the data in the scope for this table. false
            "attribute": "Name of attribute/column  | String",
            "operator": "condition to check e.g '==='  | String",             
            "value": "value to compare with i.e. check against | String / Number"

operator options:

  • "==="    --> Equals to value and type (String/Number/Boolean),
  • ">"     --> Greater than value,
  • "<"     --> Less than value,
  • "!=="    --> Not equal to value and type (String/Number/Boolean),
  • ">="     --> Greater or equal to value,
  • "<="     --> Less than or equal to value,
  • "contains"  --> If attribute contains the value substring
Option Type Required Description Default
dtypes Object required An object with "int32","float32" Number data types as keys and array of attributes to be cast into each corresponding data type key as values. Any column/attribute that needs an arithmetic operation performed on it will need to be of Number type. false
Option Type Required Description Default
groupBy Array optional A list of attribute/columns to group the data. The order of the attributes is important to the output. false
aggregations Object conditional Required with a groupBy clause!
An Object with the attribute/column names as the keys and an Array of arithmetic operations as the values.
Option Type Required Description Default
functions Object conditional Cannot be used in conjuction with groupBy and aggregations.
An object where the name of an operation is the key and an array of attributes as values. Useful for when you need to perform the same operation on different attributes and or perform different operations on different attributes but displayed on the same table.
        "sum": ["A"],
        "count": ["B"]

functions key options:

  • "sum", "count","count_distinct", "median" , "mean", "mode", "max",
  • "var" --> variance , "std" --> standard deviation

functions; flag if used will always result into a table like below:


Option Type Required Description Default
labels Object conditional Use this option to replace column headers in the resultant Table with friendly names. An object where the the default attribute/column title after aggregations or applied functions is the key, and the renaming String as the value.

If using groupBy and aggregations.

  • The attribute/column name + _operation become column titles (keys). These can be replaced with user friendly String values.
    "attribute_name_1_count":"Number of A",
    "attribute_name_1_mean":"Average Number of A",
    "attribute_name_2_count":"Number of B"              

If using functions

{"value" : " "}  // white-space String will make the table [ "value" ] column label appear hidden.
  • The table columns default to two labels: "column" & "value". Since the first table column is always hidden by default. The "value" column title can be replaced with any non-empty String.
  • Trying to overwrite the default label with the empty string ("") will generate an error.

Note This option affects the table header. The table content will need to be replaced by replacers (see below).

Option Type Required Description Default
replacers Array optional Use this option to change/replace entries (left most element of a line) in the resultant Table with friendly names. Mostly useful when using functions. This option is formatted as a list of replacement operations. Each object entry will need an attribute, a value, and a replacerValue. false
            "attribute"    : "attribute/column name from resulting table | String", 
            "value"        : "target value_to_replace |  String / Number", 
            "replacerValue": "Value to replace with   |  String"

Notes Table attribute/column names from using functions will default to column and value
This option is used to replace values in the resultant Table. To replace null values in the source table, use fillNa (see below).

Option Type Required Description Default
sortBy Object Optional An object of resulting Table's attribute/column names as keys and sort order as values. Sorting will be handled in the order of the given keys and sort direction. Defaults to false. false
  • The final Table will result in data sorted by first column_A ascending, then by column_B descending.

Note If any columns have been renamed/replaced, please use the new names.

Option Type Required Description Default
round Object optional An object of resulting Table's attribute/column names as keys and the Number of decimal places to round the column data to:
e.g. {"column_A":2} will round column_A to 2 decimal places.
fillNa Object optional An object of resulting Table's attribute/column names as keys and the value to fill the data with as value:
e.g. {"column_A":0} will fill the resulting table with 0 in column_A where the values are NaN.
tableTotals Object Optional An object with column and or row as keys. The values object keys are title, labels and or round. false
        "row":{ //sum the elements of a row and display results in a new column on the right end of the table
            "title":"Title of the Total column e.g. 'Total (AB)' ", // String defaults to 'Total'
            "boldText": true, // Enable bold text in table cell data
            "labels":["A","B"] // Labels of the columns to include in the total. if not stated, all columns of number type will be summed up.
            "round": 2, // number of decimal places for the totals || Integer 0=< x >=4
        "column":{ //sum the elements of a column and display results in a new row at the bottom of the table
                "title":"Title of the Total row e.g. 'Total (All)' ", // String defaults to 'Total (All)'
                "boldText": false, // Disable bold text in table cell data.
                "round": 2, // number of decimal places for the totals || Integer 0=< x >=4
                "labels":["A","C","Total(AB)"] // Labels of the columns for which we want to calculate the sum. If not stated, all columns will have their sum in the Total (All) row. 
                //if labels are used please,specify all required table columns including any defaults if needed.
Y124--------> y1243
Total (All)31014


If you have a javascript error and you require more information than what is available in the console, you should set isDist = false in tasks/gulp/compile-assets.js (line 34) and then stop (CTRL+C) and re-run npm start. Please remember to set this back to true when you are ready to build and deploy to production.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.




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