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This package contains helpers and common functionality that can be employed when using Http requests and responses.


The ApiGateway and interface provide the basic functionality of calling an external Api GET endpoint to retrieve a single entity - a simple Get by Id request. It is packaged up here so that developers do not have to write the same boiler-plate code each time this common functionality is required.


DI Registration

Use the extension method to add the IApiGateway interface into the DI container on startup.

using Hackney.Core.Http;

namespace SomeApi
    public class Startup
        public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

            // Also register the actual Gateway(s) that use IApiGateway            
            services.AddScoped<ISomeEntityApi, SomeEntityApi>();


Create a "Gateway" class as normal to encapsulate calling the required external Api. The class should inject an instance of the IApiGateway into and should initialise it with the required name, and configuration keys for the uri and token. Optionally, you can also add custom headers and toggle the use of API Keys in this initialisation method.

This class should implement a single async Get method, but internally delegate the actual call to the instance of the IApiGateway injected into the class. This method will return either the requested entity, null, or throw a GetFromApiException exception for any other response from the Api call.

It is assumed that the Api's base uri and token are set in the application configuration or as environment variables. This would be standard practice so that the appropriate uri/token can be injected into the application container depending on the environment. The container tests should ensure that these environment variables are set appropriately.

The uri and token are both required - the ApiGateway will throw an exception if either is not found at runtime.

using Hackney.Core.Http;
using Hackney.Core.Logging;
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using SomeApi.Domain.SomeEntity;
using SomeApi.Gateway.Interfaces;

namespace SomeApi.Gateway
    public class SomeEntitytApi : ISomeEntityApi
        private const string ApiName = "SomeEntity";
        private const string ApiUrl = "SomeEntityApiUrl";
        private const string ApiToken = "SomeEntityApiToken";

        private readonly IApiGateway _apiGateway;

        public SomeEntityApi(IApiGateway apiGateway)
            _apiGateway = apiGateway;
            _apiGateway.Initialise(ApiName, ApiUrl, ApiToken);

        public async Task<SomeEntityResponseObject> GetSomeEntityByIdAsync(Guid id, Guid correlationId)
            var route = $"{_apiGateway.ApiRoute}/someentity/{id}";
            return await _apiGateway.GetByIdAsync<SomeEntityResponseObject>(route, id, correlationId);


To test gateway classes that use IApiGateway, unit tests can be written as normal.

E2E tests that expect the external Api to be available should make use of the BaseApiFixture class in the Hackney.Core.Testing.Shared package.


The IHttpContextWrapper interface provides a helper method to easily get at the headers dictionary of the current Http request. It can be registered within the DI container inthe applicaiton startup using the IServiceCollection extension method AddHttpContextWrapper().


The static JsonOptions class contains a single Create() method to create a standard JsonSerializerOptions object to be used in entity serialisation and deserialisation. The options object created has the following pre-configured:

  • Camel case naming
  • Indents each line
  • Uses the JsonStringEnumConverter for enum values