OpenAI game.
- Deep-Q-Learning Networks based on Reinforcement-Learning
- Experiment with Recurrent Deterministic Policy Gradient Methods
- General research on reinforcement learning algorithms
- Actor-Critic Networks
- A2C Algorithms
In order to run both scripts you need to install openAI-gym lib.
For gym install follow the next steps:
$ pip install --upgrade pip
$ git clone
$ cd gym
$ pip install -e '.[box2d]'
# test that it worked
$ python >>> import gym >>> gym.make('BipedalWalker-v2')
# The above instructions are for linux systems.
# We do not use proprietary software so we do not have instructions for Windows or MacOS.
You can visit openAI gym in order to inspect various environments.
Other dependencies : Keras, matplotlib, numpy, random, tensorflow
Do not use any Python-IDE to run the code if you want to see the game-simulation (environment-render). Run the code in a console or a terminal by typping:
$ python