This is Pong game
which is one of the most famous DRL example.
I write this code with pygame.
- Red bar: Agent / Blue bar: Enemy
- Actions: Up, Down, Stay (3 actions)
- Enemy never lose the game!
- If agent hit the ball, get +1 reward / If agent lose, get -1 reward
- If agent hit the ball 10 times then game is finished
This is Break out
which is one of the most famous DRL example.
I write this code with pygame.
Red bar: Agent / Blue bar: Enemy
Actions: left slow, left fast, Stay, right slow, right fast (5 actions)
If ball breaks one block, get +1 reward
If ball get to the ground, get -1 reward
If agent breaks all of the blocks get +11 points!! (total 60 points)
Original tetris game code is from invent with pygame
Wrapped version of game code is from github of asrivat1
Simple tetris rule!
Actions: right, left, down, down to bottom, rotate 90 degree, rotate -90 degree (6 actions)
If make one complete line then get +1 reward / Setting - reward is still in progress
Original tetris game code is from invent with pygame
I made DQN version of game code my own
Simple wormy rule!
Actions: right, left, forward (3 actions)
If worm eat apple(red square) then gets +1 reward.
If worm hit the wall or eat himself gets -1 reward
This is my own version of dodge which is made by pygame
- Blue circle is agent and little red dots are enemy
- Actions: up, down, left, right, stay (5 actions)
- If red dot hits blue circle then gets -1 reward.
- If blue circle stays alive, gets +0.01 reward.
Dodge the red dot and stay alive!! 😄
I made this game to evaluate my DQN code.
Rule is very simple. Blue square is agent, Red square is enemy(- reward), Green diamond is food(+ reward)
So blue square needs to evade red square and get the green diamond.
You can change the difficulty and maps in the code.
This is simple version of Dot.