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A set of powershell commands for easily managing & switching between different factorio profiles, (sets of saves, mods, configurations, etc).


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Factorio-Profiles is a module designed to help manage multiple factorio profiles, by providing a set of simple and self-explanatory cmdlets to use inside of powershell.

This module is aimed at anyone who has multiple factorio instances they play with, but still wants to play the game through steam rather than manually keeping track of many portable factorio installations.

Table of Contents

  1. Getting Started
  2. Information & Features
  3. FAQ
  4. Build Instructions
  5. Support
  6. Contributing
  7. License

Getting Started


In order to get started with the latest version, simply download the module from the PSGallery, or install it from powershell by running:

Install-Module FactorioProfiles

Alternatively, download the .zip package from the Releases page, extract the contents, and copy over the FactorioProfiles folder to either:

  • ~\Documents\Powershell\Modules if you're using pwsh >= 6.0, or
  • ~\Documents\WindowsPowershell\Modules if you're using Windows Powershell 5.1


This module requires minimum Powershell 5.1.

This module works on Windows only, due to the windows-specific symbolic-link creation.

Creating a new Profile

To create a new profile, simply run:

New-FactorioProfile -Name <PROFILE_NAME>

This will create a new profile at the default location.

Editing the contents of a Profile

To copy over existing mod/save files, modify the profile's contents, or do anything else, run:

Open-FactorioProfileFolder -Name <PROFILE_NAME>

This will open explorer.exe at the profile folder.

Switching to a Profile

To active a profile, run:

Switch-FactorioProfile -Name <PROFILE_NAME>

This will switch to the specified profile. You can now launch the game through Steam or a standalone installation and this profile will be in use.

⚠It may be a good idea to disable the Steam Cloud Sync feature for the game if you are launching it through Steam.

Information & Features


For a detailed rundown and explanation of all the features in this module, view the help page by running:

Import-Module FactorioProfiles
Get-Help about_FactorioProfiles

For detailed help about a specific cmdlet, run:

Get-Help <COMMAND NAME> -Full

Extra features

Tab completion

The Name/Names parameter supports tab-completion of existing Profile names in the following cmdlets:

  • Get-FactorioProfile
  • Set-FactorioProfileOption
  • Remove-FactorioProfile
  • Switch-FactorioProfile
  • Open-FactorioProfileFolder

Prompt support

The cmdlets do not support the -WhatIf nor the -Confirm switches. However, if any ambiguous or dangerous operations arise, a prompt will be displayed asking for user input.


The Profile object within this module has custom formatting rules for all views. Simply pipe the output of the Get-FactorioProfile cmdlet to one of:

Cmdlet Alias
Format-List fl
Format-Table ft
Format-Custom fc
Format-Wide fw

The Format-Custom & Format-List views contain the largest amount of information regarding a Profile.


Q. Why not just have multiple independent portable factorio installations?

A. Portable factorio installations will not run through Steam. This is an issue if you like or rely on features Steam provides. Plus, even with portable installations, you would have to manually link files if you wanted to share "things" across multiple installations, such as sharing the config file.

Q. If running through Steam is so important, why not just modify the --config and --mod-directory launch parameters?

A. That requires manual editing each time you want to change the values, plus, there is no way to separate saves, scenarios, or other "things" in a factorio profile; only the configuration file and mods.

Build Instructions


Install the following:

  • Powershell 5.1+
  • dotnet 5.0+
  • Pester 4.10.1
  • PSScriptAnalyzer 1.18.0+

Clone the git repo

git clone

Run the build scripts

Navigate to the root repository folder and run the following commands:

& .\build\vsts-prerequisites.ps1
& .\build\vsts-validate.ps1
& .\build\vsts-build-prerequisites
& .\build\vsts-build.ps1 -WorkingDirectory .\ -SkipPublish

The built module will be located in the .\publish folder.


⚠If you need help regarding the usage of the module, please first see the help page by running:

Import-Module FactorioProfiles
Get-Help about_FactorioProfiles

If something is still unclear, or there is a bug or problem, please create a new Github Issue.


If you have a suggestion, create a new Github Issue detailing the idea.

Feel free to make pull requests if you have an improvement. Only submit a single feature at a time, and make sure that the code is cleanly formatted, readable, and well commented.


This project is licensed under the GPLv3 license - see .\LICENSE for details.


A set of powershell commands for easily managing & switching between different factorio profiles, (sets of saves, mods, configurations, etc).





