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TUI Examples

This folder contains scripts and examples for using the functionalities of the plugin in TUI mode.

List of examples:

  • Cantilever beam: modeled with solid elements. This is a simple example demonstrating the basic TUI usage for creating a structural model.
  • WIP Wind turbine blade: Advanced structural model of a wind turbine blade discretized with shell elements. Shows how to work with multiple meshes and submeshes.
  • WIP Tower: Structural Model of a tower, taken from the salome website. More complex structural model.
  • Flow around cylinder: Flow around a cylinder in 2D. Shows how to do mesh refinements and write multiple mdpa files.
  • WIP Flow over cross with chimera: Flow over a cross, modelled with overlappig domains using chimera. One domain is the background, the other is the patch containing the cross. The domains are overlapping.
  • Mok FSI: The Mok FSI benachmark as defined in the dissertation of Daniel Mok, chapter 7.3. This includes two domains, fluid and structure.
  • WIP Balls against barrier: Balls modeled with discrete elements interact with a rigid wall
  • WIP Rock falling into cablenet: Demonstrating the usage of using discrete elements together with finite elements

Executing the examples

As described in the README this example can be executed in two ways:

  • Loading the file with File/Load Script ... inside of Salome
  • Using execute_in_salome. E.g. python3 ../../ ~/software/SALOME/SALOME-9.3.0-UB16.04-SRC/salome