A Simple Pokedex using only Vanilla JS
The App is accessible → here.
make build start
You can then access the app via 'http://localhost' or 'https://localhost'
all - Execute the start rule.
- start - Start Pokedex's container. The container must be built before using the 'build' rule.
- build - Build the latest image for Pokedex and create a container.
- stop - Stop the container.
- clean - Remove the container.
- install - Install all the nodes dev dependencies.
- test - Run the test suite. (DevDependencies Requiered)
- lint - Run the linter. (DevDependencies Requiered)
- fix - Run the linter and auto-fix what can be fixed. (DevDependencies Requiered)
- ngrok - Start a secure http tunnel.
- restart - Stop the container and start it again.
- rebuild - Remove the container, build the latest image for Pokedex and create a container.
- reload - Stop the container, remove it, build the latest image for Pokedex, create a container and start a the newly created container.